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"Amia i'm sorry i tried to hide the truth the real reason everyone thinks of me as a threat is because I am a monster" he stated his voice began to wobble back and forth as one of his eyes turned golden then went back to normal "please i wouldn't ever hurt you" he stated taking a step forward then Amia ears began to ring she looked at Samuel who had a bullet in his chest he held his chest she turned to see Erin holding a gun aimed at Samuel "that's far enough come any closer and i light you up" Erin stated and Samuel persisted moving forward he took another shot and hit his arm at that moment Erin dropped the gun as the metal began to melt Melody held her staff "amia run" Erin yelled taking off without her she began running and Samuel was close behind a large group of people with guns were in front of them with Amia's father in front her father didn't have any information about any humans in the area only the fictional characters when they both came into the line of fire Amia's father yelled "fire" immediately after Samuel was in front of Amia he pulled her to the ground and wrapped his good arm around her she felt his body begin to shift as she heard gunfire when the gunfire stopped she looked at him his eyes flickered yellow very dimly "i got you Amia i got ....you" he fell forwards Amia shifted out of the way before he was on top of her she looked at him his back was riddled with bullet holes and in his good hand was his ring and the soulbound mark fading.

Amia's father ran towards her "Amia what are you doing here" her father asked "so it was the guest" he stated "dirty, vile, evil creature" he stated.
Amia was shocked and she realized know how much she had messed up. she had pushed away the one who truly loved her. tears streamed down her face as she kneeled next to him and took the hand with the soulbound mark in her own. she reached into her pocket with her other hand and put her ring on as well as his. that's when her father realized what was going on. "Amia no, you were going to marry this evil creature!" HE yelled in a somewhat rage. Amia turned her head to look at him. "You saw what he did! He saved me! from you!" SHe yelled, unable to control her anger at her father for killing the only person who ever really loved her instead of used her. "If anything, you're the monster here." She said coldly before turning back to Samuell. Tears continued to stream down her face, slowly turning into blood. "I'm sorry........you gave your life for me, and the most i can give you now are my tears." She said rather silently.
her father turned away for second Neil rammed into him launching him away and Alexander was distracting the crowd Melody walked beside him and raised her staff and a bubble form around Samuel "get the girl" she told Neil and he picked her up and they retreated to a abandon building they all were talking in another room and Amia was with Samuel crying. she didn't realize it but parts of his body were being transformed including half his face "thy king is still alive but barely" the creature risen up and brought his hand to her face making a circle with his index finger and thumb she looked through the circle seeing Samuel sit from the other side of his body he was glowing he turned to her and put a fake smile on his face once the creature moved his hand away from her face he was gone "save thy king mate take part of our power and bring him back to his home to heal will you accept the offer" he asked

"this is the only way to save him do you accept" he asked while holding out his hand for her to grab.
Amia was slightly confused king? but understood enough to know he wanted her to take his hand in order to save Samuell. She held his hand and felt a shock that almost made her let go. a bright flash nearly blinded her and she closed her eyes to avoid further harm to her sight. All the while she kept holding his hand hoping she was doing the right thing.
the creature let go of her hand one of her eyes were now golden "you now share the power that we use so you are able to open a portal to our home i am to weak to do it right now even with the amount of energy you have you should be able to open a portal" the creature stated out of breath "and once king is back tell him to mark you, it's all up to you now" he stated before he reverted to normal and fell to the ground
Amia began to panic because he didn't tell her how to open the portal. she thought of a few ways she might be able to but gave up and ended up punching the stone wall. She jumped back and hissed in pain as she inspected her bloody hand. she looked back up and saw a big white circle. The portal... Amia glanced to Samuel then back through the portal

(Help me out I'm confused)
(alright since time doesn't move in their home they heal faster then they would in the real world because they are not bound to realism since they are no longer in the world so bring his body in to the portal then continue from there, and you'll learn the reason Thanatos aka the creature refers Samuel as king later on)

as Amia had opened the portal the authorities found the abandon building and breached it "they took our friend, the person who led us to this world once before we will not back down now defend this place make them pay" Neil yelled as him Alexander Melody and Alicia began fighting against them .
Amia jumped when she heard the police come in and the fighting going on. she knew she had to hurry now. She took his arm and put it around her shoulder as she lifted him as quickly as she could and stepped through the portal just as the authorities came through the door and the portal closed behind them. she looked around and noticed she was in a completely different place. she set Samuel down on the floor and looked around to see that she was currently in the middle of a field, overgrown by sunflowers.
AMia immediately looked down to him when he spoke and her heart beat faster as she saw him slowly open his eyes. "Samuell!" She exclaimed. "Oh my God are you ok?! No you're not dead but i thought you were! I'm so happy you're alive!" She exclaimed as she brought her face down to his and kissed him.
he melted into the kiss then broke it "ah my back still hurts" he stated chuckling "i told you i wouldn't hurt you even with Thanatos in control i love you" he stated smiling "so what happened when i was out" he asked
Amia began to explain when she suddenly stopped. "Wait, Thanatos? is that.....that's who told me to bring you here. it must have been. Well another thing that happened which i'm sure you noticed by now was that he gave me some of your power....." SHe wasn't sure if she should mention what he said about marking her but..........something told her she should probably listen to whoever this was so "Samuel.....He also told me to tell you to mark me." SHe said a bit hesitantly.
"just like him living in the past I'm not going to mark you" he stated and leaned up "Thanatos is somewhat of a demon/reaper his soul was broken so he became a monster his powers the artist made him basically a god of death until i defeated him anyways a mark is Thanatos's way of claiming a mate but I rather marry you then do it a more brutal way.
Amia smiled "Well, you know i trust you enough to do anything but when you're fully healed, how do we get out of here." She said looking around once more
"i'll use my powers to open it" he stated and heard a deep laugh "it has been a long time since we have been separate my king" Thanatos stated as a humanoid version of Samuel appeared Samuel stood up as best as he could "Amia you need to hide right now" he stated "take your weapon my king and defend your mate or i might just take her" Thanatos stated as Samuel's Katana appeared he took it into his hand and ran forward still weak from his wounds he was easily knocked by "you tire me my king perhaps i can mark your mate" he stated he snapped his fingers and reapers began bringing her to him "i am your husband" he stated and moved in to mark her Samuel ran at him punching Thanatos making him stumble back "there you go my king" Thanatos laughed
Amia was scared of Thanatos now but she was still restricted by the reapers whom she tried to hit and struggle to get away from. She would have been less frightened if she knew what exactly marking was, but she didn't. "Samuel!" She yelled. "If you mark me then he can't! whatever it is I don't care, if it really means the same as marriage in my world then I don't mind. Samuel,as long as I know I'm yours then it doesn't matter if it kills me, just do it......please." she pleaded. for some reason she didn't feel like herself all of the sudden.
" even though we are one he would need my power to do it mate" Thanatos explained and laughed "and it seems my king won't be able to" Thanatos laughed throwing Samuel back Samuel raised up and his violet eyes were now icy blue "enough of these games" he stated walking towards thanatos dragging his blade behind him ice froze over the ground "now Thanatos your mine" Samuel stated then charged at him Thanatos moved out off the way of the blade but Samuel smiled "well done .... king" Thanatos stated chuckling Amia could now see what happened a ice spike pierced his body Thanatos walked into Samuel disappearing samuel snaped his fingers and the two reapers disappeared he walked over to Amia "do you want me to still want me to mark you" he asked
Amia fell to the ground when the reapers dropped her but she quickly stood up and dusted herself off. She heard him ask her if she still wanted to be marked. "Yes, I do. Because I want you to be a part of my world but I also want to be a part of yours."
He moved his head down her neck and bit down create to punctures in the neck then leaned back up to see her " it is basically what your world would call it a vampire bite but here it means your claimed by me/Thanatos and don't worry you won't bleed here it heals up as if it had been weeks" he stated
"where would we go your dad killed me and he knows we were going to be together and the mark doesn't help either" he stated
//I'm thinking of a new Rp idea//

Amia nodded......"We could stay with Erinn at the market....." She suggested hesitantly.
"Right..I forgot about that.........We could just escape through the tunnels then I mean, it wouldn't take long to get away from town but we would have to go through the market."

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