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he could hear voices and see movement by the shifting "I swear Samuel and Thanatos were here" a female voice stated."you're crazy to think he had return after being gone for so long" a deeper voice stated as they came closer Samuel paid less attention to making the portal "it can't be" he stated
Amia looked in the directions of the voices as she moved closer to Samuel. "W-what are you talking about? Who is that?" She asked as the voiced got louder and they could eventually see two figures walking slowly towards them. Amia stood frozen in place unsure of what to do. It didn't seem like the figures had noticed them yet but she couldn't be sure.
"there some old friends don't worry they won't hurt you" he stated immediately after he said that Samuel was kicked in the chest and punched in the face "what the hell are you guys doing" he yelled "that for leaving without saying goodbye jerk" the girl screamed at him Samuel patted he head "missed you too then" "so what's my insane friend up to" he stated "getting married" he stated and smiled only to be smacked by the girl again "you always rush in to things" she yelled he took Amia's hand "this is the bride to be" he stated.

(i don't know what to name them)
(for the sake of names they could be our characters from Hackerz)

Amia jumped a bit in surprize when the girl hit Samuel, then laughed when she realized they were friends. She noticed Samuel take her hand and blushed when he introduced her as the bride to be. She noticed the boy smirk at her then ignored it and properly introduced herself. "I'm Amia Cyr." She said in a polite tone as she waved with her free hand and smiled.
"i am Ryuu and the beauty standing next to me is Janine "the silver hair boy stated and wrapped his arm around the dark blue hair girl next to him "so what brings you back" Janine asked "it quite a long story but we have to go back" Samuel stated "but you just got here don't you want to see your family" Ryuu said "we have to leave right Amia" he asked hoping she would agree with him
Amia smiled "Family? I didn't know you had a family? I want to meet them." She said with the most innocent tone she could manage.
letting out a huge sigh "why" he mumbled as the four began walking out of the sunflower field they saw a small town and a large manor at the end of the town "that's my home" he groaned and pointed to the manor "i wonder what your family will do when they see you" Janine stated "i know what his sister will do" Ryuu added and they continued forward.
Amia giggled and leaned slightly on Samuel's shoulder as they walk. "It can't be that bad right? I mean my family tried to kill you." She reminded him with a smile.

//man, I was reading through our hackerz posts and I realize how much I miss that RP. It was really great.//
//we can continue on a one on one if you want//

"my family freaked out when i came home after defeating Thanatos not because i fought against a god because my hair and eyes changed to the same as Thanatos had when he was human" he stated "so imagine them seeing me after about 9 months after disappearing with a girl i'm going to marry that's from another world" he stated "they treat me like i'm a kid so they usually try deny everything i do that changes now" he stated
Amia smiled "Well, I can't wait to meet them." She said as they walked up the steps to a large manor. She leaned over to him and kissed his cheek before the door to the manor opened. and someone began speaking.
"welcome Ryuu and Janine and..... Lord Harbinger you've returned come in come in" the man stated and Samuel rolled his eyes "you don't have to call me that I'm just Samuel" he told the man but was ignored "everyone Lord Harbinger has returned" the man yelled out and as soon as he did a door flung open and a girl dashed out tackling him "brother you're home" she stated hugging him Samuel managed to get up "it's good to see you too sis" he stated chuckling then his parents began walking down the stairs to them "Samuel it's been so long" his mother stated and gave him a hug and his father stepped forward "come on Veronica don't baby him while his mate is with him" his father stepped in "it's a pleasure to meet you i am Beelzebub, Samuel's father" he stated bowing "and i am Lilith Samuel's mother it's a pleasure to meet you" she also bowed "and i am Abigail nice to meet you" sher stated continuing to hug her brother "can you let go sis" he asked and she shook her head "you left for a long time i thought i was never going to see you again" she stated "this is Amia Cyr my fiancee" Samuel stated
//those names are very familiar//

Amia smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She stated. His Parents looked at her like they could see into her very soul. She smiled nervously and looked over to Samuel for some help.
he looked over to her and realized she was very uncomfortable about his parents "ahem so mother father what's been going on since i've been gone" he stated trying to get their attention off her "it's been semi-normal" his father answered "weren't we going to have dinner "Abigail stated "ah yes Samuel, Amia would you like to join us" his mother asked
Amia hesitated since she now realized this was not your average family. She smiled "It would be our pleasure." She said for both of them. She glanced over to Samuel and caught him giving her an 'are you insane?' look. but she just smiled and kissed him quickly.
he smiled and rolled his eyes as they all left to go to the dinning room he stopped her "let me just tell you i inherit my element powers from my father my mother was Adam first wife before Eve and my sister was in your world thinking her brother was Andrew and you already know the reason why my hair and eye color don't match my family one more thing be careful of my father and mother they tend to get over protective" he dinished
Amia nodded "Alright, don't worry I'll be fine." She said just as Samuels mom called to them from the dining room. She smiled and took his hand as they walked into the dining room. His father motioned for them to sit in specific places that were nowhere near each other and Amia was beginning to understand just how overprotective they were. She sat down across from his sister and tried to avoid eye contact since she was staring at her quite intently now.
"sis it's impolite to stare" he stated making Abigail break eye contact "so what this about you being my son's Fiancee" his mother asked
Amia smiled "Well it all happened pretty fast actually.....I met Samuel on my way home from school, he kinda fell from the sky so I wanted to make sure he was ok. It was Love at first sight, after that things were kind of rocky." She blushed lightly "Then he asked me to marry him and by that time, how could I say anything but yes. My love for him escalated even more after he saved me, endangering his own life so mine could be safe." She looked to were Samuel was and smiled, hoping she hadn't said anything wrong.
"so you're from the other world Samuel i disapprove of this wedding" his father stated "you have no say father" he stated "excuse me please repeat what you just said" his father stated "i said you have no say in our marriage father" his eyes turned gold yes he glared at his father "we'll be leaving now" he stated getting out of his seat and taking her hand and started to walk away from the table until "but what if she is just like Andrew what if she is just looking for lust" Abigail stated "she is nothing like Andrew she is my dream girl" he stated as they left the room.
Amia quickly and silently followed Samuel for a time "So I guess I mentioned something I wasn't supposed to huh." She said as he practically dragged her through the huge manor. "Ummm Where exactly are we going? Pretty sure we didn't pass any of this when we came in." She said.
"we need something from my father before we leave" he stated as he opened a room and walked in he grabbed a small chest and opened it "my father's halo" he stated taking the gold ring out "he was originally a angel anyways want to leave now" he asked starting to open a portal.
"it's for you" he stated putting it on her it floated above her head "just imagine yourself flying and well you'll see" he stated continuing to create the portal.

"it has limitations so because your human you wouldn't have long until you would have to let the halo regain power" he stated
Amia smiled "cool" She said. When the portal was fully open she closed her eyes and imagined herself flying. When she opened her eyes, white feathery wings appeared on her back and she could fly. She smiled out of excitement and kissed Samuel before going through the portal and waiting for him.
he walked through the portal and took her hands "remember don't over use it it will need sometime to charge" he stated lightly kissing her "I love you" he stated and smiled "king you know you can just do this" Thanatos stated in his head and these jet black bat like wings appeared from his back "how long have you had these" he questioned "since i was a reaper so..... forever" Amia couldn't hear Thanatos so she looked puzzled at first he lifted off the ground a bit "and smirked "race you to black market" he stated

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