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Jenny saw Samuel as he walked and jumped at him, pinning him to the ground and kissing him. She broke the kiss and smiled with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So if it isn't dream boy." She said. "You owe me, so how about taking a walk to the downtown hotel~" She suggested with a sly smirk as she leaned down on him.
"I suppose it's the least I could do for you" he stated as he brushed her hair away from her face "are you sure you would want to do this I mean your dating Andrew" he stated as he was able to get up and he was following Jenny

She was slightly shocked that he agreed but got up before him and head him ask her a question. She watched as he got up and began following her before answering. "I could say the same for you." She said "Aren't you dating that Amia girl?" She said as they approached the street of the hotel.
He was about to answer then he heard the voices again "yes but I owe you don't I so doesn't that mean I do whatever you want" he asked.

She simply smirked and walked in the establishment with him. They walked to the front desk and rented a room then walked upstairs. While they where walking Jenny thought about this boy, how strange. he claimed to love That girl but was it really love? or was it lust, infatuation mistaken for something more?


Amia awoke to a painful headache as she tried to stand. She leaned against the tree for support before continuing to walk in the direction of her house. I wonder where Sam is.... She thought as she approached her neighborhood.
//how about we use the toxic wonderland characters as Samuel's friend if you Want to mind if I make the introduction// (Samuel)

"We're just sleeping together I mean it's not like we're doing anything else" he stated as he had no idea what was about to happen.

"Well look who it is" he stated "relax I'm not going to hurt you I just want to show you something" he stated showing pictures of jenny and Samuel kissing
//sounds cool, go ahead.//


She had to stop herself from laughing as she opened the door to their room. He was definitely strange based from what he had just said. She stepped in the room and closed the door behind them, locking it. She walked over to Samuel who was standing beside the bed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a heated French kiss. This would be an interesting time.


Amia was on the doorstep on her house when Andrew ran up to her waving some pictures around. She froze as ran up to her and told her not to be afraid. HE showed her the pictures and she was to shocked to speak at first but then she began to get angry. "And he said he loved me." She said bitterly. "I should have known not to trust him." She said angrily as she thought for a moment about killing him. She sighed in frustration and grabbed Andrews arm, pulling him in the house. Andrew smirked as ideas drifted through his head before Amia brought him to the kitchen and offered him a drink. He gladly accepted and she turned away from him to pour it. She added some candy gin and quickly hid the vile before handing him the drink. He took a sip and immediately passed out. She smirked and grabbed some kitchen knives before hiding them in a purse. She smiled a twisted smile as she walked outside and locked the door so Andrew couldn't leave if he woke up before he was back. No one would cheat on her and get away with it, especially after he claimed love for her.

He broke the kiss "I thought we were just sharing a room" he stated shocked as he finally understood what was going to happen "I can't do this" he stated as he tried to leave but the door was locked

A girl landed softly on her feet a few feet from Amia and a few seconds later a boy crashed into the ground and whined "stop being a baby" she yelled at him "you landed as if you had wings" he yelled back "you know I'm a rabbit Alexander I can land with elegance and by the way aren't cats suppose to always land on there feet" she yelled at him "don't mock me Alicia" he stated the girl had a top hat and the boy had cat ears Alex removed her hat showing her rabbit ears then they notice Amia "ugh hello" Alicia stated.

Jenny pulled him Away from the door and pinned him on the bed "stop" he stated and struggled to get her off knocking over there only light source "stop Jenny" he stated unable to see.
//that was an amazing intro//


She ignored his please for her to stop and when the light was knocked over she smirked and straddled him, leaning down and running her hand down to his belt.


Amia watched the couple fall from the sky and stopped walking to watch them argue. She smiled at their Antics and watched at the boy with cat ears snatched her hat. SHe was about to grab the hat back when she noticed Amia for the first time. "Ugh hello." the girl with rabbit ears said. Amia forgot all about Samuel for the moment as the girl glared at the boy for taking her hat. "Who are you guys?" Amia asked curiously. What are the chances that she would witness three people falling out of the sky in basically the same month. The by smiled and bowed with the girls hat still in his hands. "Alexander Thorn, Ace of Diamond." He said in introduction as he stood straight again and placed the hat on his head with a smirk. Alicia huffed and snatched her had back before introducing herself. "Alicia Kite, Ace of Hearts." She said. Amia nodded as The girl called Alicia dusted off her hat and glared at the boy named Alexander once more. "My name is Amia.....what are you guys doing here?" She asked. "We're here to-" The girl stopped Alex before he could go any further. "We're here to find Our friend, you may know him. His name is Samuel." She said. As soon as she heard his name the pictures flashed in her mind again and she frowned. "Something tells me you wish you didn't know him." Alexander said carefully when he saw her expression change. Amia sighed "Yes, I do know him and yes, I wish I didn't....well now anyways." She mumbled the last part. "Well, something here needs to be fixed to come along, we'll find him together." Alicia said as she began to walk away from Amia and Alex. Alex looked at Amia once more before running to walk next to Alicia. Well it's not like she had a better plan of finding him so she ran to catch up and find Samuel along with them.
"So do you have an idea where Samuel would be Amia" Alicia asked and Alexander stopped her are you sure we can trust her we already know he was suppose to be captured by few different organizations" Alexander asked whispering so Amia wouldn't hear.
Amia thought. "I'm not sure but i know he had to pay a debt to someone." She said. She waited for a response before stopping suddenly. Alex and Alicia turned to her "Why did you stop?" Alexander asked. "The soulbound." Amia said quietly. "The soulbound, he made a soulbound with me." She said louder so they could hear. She looked from one to the other "Do either of you know how i can make the chains appear?" She asked. Alex whispered something to Alicia and she nodded. Amia gave them a confused look as Alicia walked up to her and suddenly hit her. She stumbled back "Hey! What the-" Amia stopped when she saw a chain appear around her wrist and down the street. "In order for it to appear you need to feel endangered for a second." Amia nodded "Ok so now we can follow the chain." Alexander said as they walked along the chain, which shortened as Amia walked.

//A while after they did it//

"I didn't know this is what you wanted" Samuel stated pacing back in forth "Amia is going to kill me for this" he thought

Amia and the other two reached a hotel just as the chain began to disappear again. "What the- what would he be doing here?" She wondered. Alicia and Alex looked at each other nervously "Perhaps you should stay here." Alicia suggested to Amia. "No way I want to know what's going on!" She protested. Alex shifted nervously as Alicia looked at him to help her. "Well maybe she could come I mean Samuel trusted her enough to make a soulbound right?" He said. Alicia rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat. "Fine but you have to follow us and not go a step ahead." SHe said. Amia nodded as they walked into the hotel.


Jenny laid in the bed under the covers as she watched Samuel walk around the room. well more like heard his footsteps since it was still dark. "But I don't really hear you complaining about how it was." She said pointedly. "Besides you obviously don't really love Amia so I don't know why your so worried about it." She said.
"I do love her i was just paying my debt I thought we were just sharing a room for the night" he protested as he just kicked the door down he through on a robe walked down to the lobby and saw Amia and his face was priceless as soon as he saw her sadistic smile then he also saw Alexander and Alicia he gave them a wave as he ran for the back door.

"so any idea why he's terrified of you" Alexander asked seeming surprised as the Samuel he knew usually wasn't afraid of anyone. "that's not like him" Alicia stated
Amia didn't say anything but simply turned to show her sadistic smile and dark eyes. Alex jumped behind Alicia, startled. "Now I see." He whispered. Amia turned back and her eyes where dim but not dark. She couldn't keep this up much longer, she was furious but she still didn't want to exactly hurt him........to much. "Uh Amia I think it's best if you styed here." Alicia said. Amia was silent as she walked past them and out of the hotel. Now where would he be, she thought as She sensed Alex and Alicia following her.
Samuel ran from the back looking over his shoulder thinking she ran after him he ended up running into her and they rolled ending with Amia on top and Samuel on bottom "before you kill let me explain" he started
Amia was on top of him with a knife to his neck. "Better make it fast, but before you start. How the hell do you just follow a girl into a hotel room and not expect sex?! Are you that stupid!" She yelled. She was about to cry and her eyes began to water up, she couldn't take it anymore.
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"Yes I am stupid I thought we were just sharing a room and I paid a debt aren't you suppose to always pay debt" he stated "now do I owe you" he asked still in shocked by the knife to his neck "that's not Samuel" Alexander protested and Alicia agreed "his eyes aren't glowing and he would have bit off the blade" Alicia stated
Amia was to upset to really pay attention to what Alex and Alicia where saying but she did hear them speak. Now she was about to burst into tears so she quickly stood up and threw the knife, embedding it in a nearby tree. She turned and wiped her now flowing tears from her eyes with her hand "Bastard...." She mumbled.. She began walking away when she felt a hand on her shoulder. she spun around with a poisonous glare at whoever it was. It was Alicia. "What." Amia said bitterly. "Amia.....That isn't Samuel." Alicia said. Amia was confused it looked like him, acted like him, how could it not be him? Amia decided to ignore her and keep walking.
"Samuel come on we're going back" Alexander stated "what do you mean" he asked standing up "we need to go back to where we came from all of us you staying here is bad it's hurrying you" Alicia stated grabbing him and pulling him "no I need to stay and fix my mistakes I won't leave without I tell her I'm sorry" he yelled running in the direction she ran "Amia wait" he called out he began crying losing her is the biggest mistake he almost lost her once he won't again.
Amia heard him yell after her and she stopped she turned tears still dripping from her eyes. She walked up to him and smacked him. "You think an apology is going to fix this! you never loved me I mean seriously how stupid do you have to be! you hardly even tried to stop her am I right? if you're not strong enough to stop someone as week as her then you hardly deserve me!" She yelled bitterly as her anger rose. "In fact, you're just like everyone else Samuel! There's a difference between Love and Lust! Figure out which one you hold and then you can TRY! to get me back." She yelled
"Well would I let you kill me if I didn't love you I would give up everything for you I love you" he stated taking his knife from his boot opening it put it in her hand and forced it up to his neck. The point Peirce's his neck she could see little blood draining from the small cut in his neck "I made the soul bound because I love you and it's not gone so I what are you waiting for if I don't love you anymore then kill me" he stated
"You already proved you're stupid, this is just another step." She hissed as she grabbed his collar with one hand and pressed the knife a little deeper with the other. Her face was about an inch from his and she searched his eyes for fear. She found nothing, not a single emotion. suddenly she found herself pulling him into a kiss. Her eyes widened at her uncontiouse reaction. She mentally yelled at him and pushed him away. She took the knife and held it up. She brought it to her lips and put the tip in her mouth, tasting the blood. She smirked and brought the knife down to her side, her eyes where dark. "Don't test me Samuel." She said with a sadistic tone. This was it, she knew she had a limit but she never thought she'd reach it. Her demon finally snapped her chains, taking control of her was easy now.

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