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he sighed "i'll tell you in the morning now go to sleep"he stated giving her one more kiss before going into her parents room he laid on the bed and sighed looking at his hand "it didn't work" he stated.
Amia blushed before turning and going to her own room. What had she done........

(The next morning)

Amia woke up and stretched before changing into a dress and putting her hair in pigtails with pink ribbon. She looked childish but she liked it. It was Saturday today so she had no school, She was glad she could spend the day with Samuel, perhaps show him around town. She sighed as she fixed her ribbons a little before opening her door and walking down stairs to the kitchen. She yawed as she began to make a pancake mix from scratch. She never liked the ones people bought in stores, she always liked it better homemade and she hoped Samuel did to. I wonder if he'll tell me what happened last night? She thought.
"morning" Samuel stated coming down the stairs tired he walked over to thekitchen table and looked at Amia "what are you making" he asked
Amia turned around and smiled at him as she put a plate of pancakes in front of him. "Pancakes! so what was all that stuff about last night?" She asked as she sat down with her own plate.
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"well where i'm from it's called a soulbound pact sort of like a blood pact except the person drawing the symbol on the person's hand would be the master what was suppose to happen is the one circle would turn into chains that the master could break or not in case of an escape where i come from it was mostly used for lo" he stopped himself "so i basically tried to make a soulbound pact with you" he finished
Amia's eyes widened as she listened. He was going to say Love.......... Amia frowned "Why didn't it work then?" She asked as she stood up and went to a cabinet. She pulled out two small crystal glasses and a clear glass bottle filled with an equally clear liquid. "Do you drink?" She asked as she poured a glass.
"yes and i think it didn't work because your not from my world" he stated looking over his hand more "i don't understand it should have worked" he stated outloud he then stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear "i still love you even if it didn't work you're the girl of my dreams" he stated
Amia was surprised when he wrapped his arms around her and she almost dropped the glass of Vodka she had been holding. Luckily she didn't, She heard his next sentence and blushed. "B-but you don't know me.........." She said nervously. She set the glass down and turned to face him. "You don't know who I really am, you only know my childish profile." She said as she pushed him away. "Looks are deceiving Samuel." She said as she picked up her glass, downed the vodka, put down the glass, then turned and walked towards the front door. "Follow if you want but in case you're wondering I will know if you are behind me or not."

//at this point i'm deciding to disregard my characters character build and just develop her character along the way.//
"alright lead the way then" he stated with a light smile i wonder who she really is... "i will still like you" he stated

//alright sounds cool//
"We'll see." Amia said as she glanced behind her to see that he was following her. She looked forward again and looked for the entrance to her market. She turned into an Alley and waited for Samuel to catch up.
Samuel walked up to her "what is it what is there a nightclub in the back or a entire group of mafia " he asked jokingly
Amia glared at him "Shut up or they'll here you." She said abandoning her childish demeanor. She waited for a little bit then a man came from deep in the alley. "Amia." He said with a laugh. "What brings you hear? And who's your friend?" He asked. "I own the place dumbass, and he's just tagging along for the ride." She said simply. The man shrugged as he lit a cigarette and walked back into the alley. Amia followed and beckoned for Samuel to follow to. When he was next to her she whispered so only he could hear "Sorry for the change in personality I know I seemed really nice earlier but I've been on my own for three years so........I've learned a few things." She said with an innocent smile as they came to the back of the alley and went through a well hidden door. They walked a little ways through a tunnel until they came to the entrance to a huge room filled with underground vendors and animal traders. "Welcome to the black market, owned by yours truly. Or rather managed by me." she said.
"this is actually not as bad as i pictured you were bringing me" he stated and wrapped his arm around her "you can't change my mind" he stated.
Amia rolled her eyes and just walked away "You haven't seen everything yet." She said as she walked through the huge market. She came to another door at the vary back and walked through, coming to a huge stadium. "This is his Arena." She said, pointing to a guy with brown hair, sitting on a gold throne. "He's not royal the stupid thrones just a show." She said as she walked around the Arena and stopped next to the boy. Suddenly he leaned over and picked her up then put her on him with a smile "Amia!" He said happily. "I'm not a child Erinn!" She yelled "You're small enough to be one." He said with a smirk. "Oh you're lucky I didn't pick up a knife on the way here!" She yelled again. "Oh so I was taking a chance. He said with a laugh as Amia crossed her arms and looked over to Samuel.
"if you want" he stated reaching into his boot and taking out a flip knife and gave it to Amia "is that all" he stated still with a smile on his face.
Amia took the knife and looked up at Erinn with a frown. He laughed "Dreamboy's not as much of a dream as you thought, eh?" He said. "Don't even get me started." She said as she got off of him and began to walk into the Arena. "I always told you your real dream boy was right here all along!" He yelled after her. She sighed and waited for someone else to step into the Arena.
"Beat the newby" they screamed as Samuel was pushed from his entrance and it was blocked off so he couldn't go back in the turned and faced Amia "so alright this is happening" he stated
"What the-" Amia face-palmed as the crowd roared for blood and she saw Samuel. She looked back to Erinn with pleading eyes to let Samuel out of the ring but he just shrugged with a smile. She sighed and looked back to Samuel and began to walk towards him. Her pace quickened to cover the distance of the Arena and soon she was running. She reached him and quickly put the knife to his neck. She stopped and whispered to him so the crowd didn't hear. "You know I can't hurt you."
"same" he whispered he snapped back his wrist knocking the knife out of her hand then spun her around pinning her to the wall then he smiled as she closed her eyes in fright but instead of his fist he kissed her lips and they heard the crowd screaming boo at them "come on let's get out of here" he stated
"try the soulbound again the chain should be along enough that i can climb up and pull you out" he whispered examining the arena "can we get some weapons" he yelled out and swords were thrown in
"you'll see" he stated and the mark on his hand glowed and a chain appeared wrapping around his neck and her wrist he then took 2 swords throwing them into the wall then used them to get out of the ring then began pulling her up "come on" he stated
Amia smiled and began to climb up the chain. Soon they were over the wall and near an exit. "We'd better go before we have an angry mob after us, and by that, I mean the crowd!" SHe yelled as people began to rush at them.
"alright come on then" he stated picking her up and ran faster out the door then out of the market running back to her house "heh well we lost them" he stated

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