Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning


Pandora slowly melted out of the shadows, eyeing Espio with a scowl of sorts "Did you do this?" She asked darkly, her piercing blue eyes dangerously narrowed. Her eyes moved to cast over her childhood friend and she made a snort, sighing as a silver hand rose to glide its way across one of her black ears.
Sonic speeding by the Icy regions of Mobius making his way back to HQ where he may of been needed at, Sonic speeding up blasted past the region making his way back toward HQ stopping the wind following him. He walked inside and was greeted by most of the members Tails especially but went to go and see Sally just in case there was any problems going on. "Hey just thought I drop by to see whats up?" Sonic said speeding inside where Sally was looking over some computer monitors, she then looked at Sonic and smiled seeing that he had arrived just in time, "Oh great your here! I just got intel that there was a HUGE ruckus over at G.U.N you might haft to check it out." She said to him. Sonic only shrugged and then got ready to leave "Might just be Egghead again.." He said before speeding off toward G.U.N and began looking around seeing the after effects, "Whoa talk about destruction this place is totaled.." Sonic said looking at a few smashed buildings.
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Brutos looked around, and threw cars all over the place. ''where is that god forsaken chaos emerald....'' He bats another cat with his tail towards a building. ''hmmm..huh'' He sees a bunch of coppers all pointing there guns. ''s-stop monster...or well shoot you'' Brutos lunged to them and grabbed there shotguns and with a pull he just yanks them out of there hands and batters them away. ''tsk....idiots'' 
(and yea :P )
Espio jumped back in defense as the appearance of the strange creature and it's unusual abilities. As a ninja he could usually notice anyone sneaking up on him but someone coming out of the shadows literally was something he was unprepared for. He had a few shuriken in between his fingers just in case.

He noticed the creature seemed to show concern for Shadow when she looked it over.

"No, I did not. I'm taking this individual for medical treatment. However if you get in my way and try to stop me I will be forced to prevent your intervention..."

Espio's eyes narrowed to show he was ready for anything. 
(Sock can you give me a chance to post and respond before you do that!? I'm glad you want to introduce yourself into the RP, but that doesn't mean you can ruin my way to integrate myself into the storyline.)
(Well, I didn't know that you would be on, I didn't entirely want to wait all day. I'll delete the post.)
Sonic's sensitive ears picked up what seemed to be the police trying to stop "Lets check this out!" Sonic said speeding up a building to get an birds eye view, Sonic's eyes widened seeing what seemed to be some kinda shark as he easily pushed by them..he didn't seem to injure them too bad but Sonic still had to investigate. Sonic jumped off the building and then stood on top of one of the cars before the guy, "Hey there I have not seen you around here before..newcomer?" Sonic asked smirking a little folding his arms.
"listen you speedy pin cushion..either help me find the emeralds or ill make sure your perminently asleep" he smiles widley, he knockd more and more cars away. then seeing one emerald in a store he headbutts through the glass, attempting to grab the emerald. "heh first of the puzz-huh" sees it gone in seconds. "w-where did it go!!"
Sonic holding on to the emerald still standing at the car he wast at tossed it in his hand, "Wow your in a awful mood today!" Sonic said before gripping the emerald and then looking back at the man. "Well I now understand two things now...kinda incredible since you only said one sentence." Sonic said holding out two fingers, "One you want the chaos emeralds...and two your causing so much noise to get it you might as well be yelling HEY I'M DESTROYING THE TOWN I HOPE NOBODY LIKE SONIC COMES TO STOP ME!" Sonic said making himself chuckle a little as he spoke then looking back at the guy getting serious. "So here I am you called and I serve if you want the emeralds...try and get it!" Sonic said folding his arms again tapping his foot impatiently.
RRRR IM GONNA BITE YOU IN TWO!" opens his jaw wide trying to bite sonic but simply bites a car hard. "w-what...rrr" tries to pull his jaw out opening as a large chunk of metal falls onto the ground he roars glaring at sonic. "ya know i hate you!!"
Shadow opened his eyes. His body still aching from the attack. "Espio... You... Saved me... Thanks..." Shadow mumbled out, each word causing him severe pain. "Chaos... Emerald... Give... I can heal myself... With it..."
Sonic swiftly avoided the biting attack and stood behind him smiling, "Alright then lets go!" Sonic said tossing the emerald in the air and then dashing toward the shark and kicking it in the chest, he then stood back where he was and caught the emerald looking back at him. "Your gonna haft to try a lot harder if you want this thing!" Sonic said smirking as he began tapping his foot again.
Espio looked as Shadow stirred awake. He raised his brow at the request.

"Sorry, I don't exactly keep a spare Chaos Emerald in my pocket. I'll have to find someone who knows where one is. Someone like Knuckles the keeper of the Master Emerald might know or even Rogue she always likes anything considered treasure. If I can find either of them, I'm sure I can locate a Chaos Emerald."

Espio looked to Pandora.

"Either stay out of my way or be of assistance. The choice is yours!"

He said harshly, he didn't have time for randoms. He was on the job.
very well" puts his hand on a wall and suddenly a strange rumbling sounds echoes as a pipe explodes shooting water all over the floor. "heh got you" steps on the water and moves at almost twice the speed trying to grab sonics head roaring. "stsy still you pest!" tried to get him again
Sonic's eyes widen at the sight of the incoming water he jumped on one of the cars as it began to flood the street. "Didn't see that coming..." Sonic said looking back at the Shark seeing him charging right at him, "Whoa!" Sonic yelled as he shot in the air and stepped off his head landing on another car. Sonic glared at the shark and prepared for him to attack again, "Alright think Sonic..I gotta find a way to subdue him for the time being.." He thought as he stared down the shark.
kept charging he ecaded one spot with no water, as if i couldnt go there, sped faster using momentum to bash cars out of his way. "GIMME THAT EMERALD NOW YA BLUE PEST!!" using his tail he flicks water int to the air the flicks each drop turning them into mini needle like missles.
Sonic smirked seeing as he kept charging "Bingo!" He thought he then jumped in the air in a ball and spined in circles at high speed's making a makeshift tornado catching the water missile and launching it back at the shark. He then capitalized on it by using his speed in the tornado to launch himself at him causing a high speed homing attack, he then landed on a nearby car and smirked "You remind me of a friend of mine...charging at things with so much power....heh good ol Knucklehead but for you I guess you'd be a Fin head...nah how about Fish head...yeah Fish head sounds nice." Sonic said smirking.
he turns being hit by the droplets glaring annoyed. "ill show you power" he goes to all fours blows on the water making thousands of bubbles that float around the area, one lands on a car and when it pops it literally makes nothing but the under carridge and tires. " echidna man what a loser...hes so pathetic, its so sad he didnt know im an ancient mobian 3000 years old ya know" he gave a wide fanged smile.
Shadow climbed to his feet, He limped over to the Chaos Emerald that he dropped. He picked it up. "Chaos... Control..." In a flash Shadow was healed. "G.U.N. Is under attack, I have to get over there." Shadow kicked in his jet boosters and headed for G.U.N. Base, he was going to protect his comrades.
Sonic looked around seeing the bubbles "Wow well that's new!" Sonic said smirking knowing that he was now put into a corner the only thing he could possibly do now is avoid the bubbles...and that shark. He then looked seeing that there was a bubble coming towards him, instantaneously he moved outta the way running on of the water jumping and dodging the dozens of bubbles floating around. "I gotta get close to him so I can land a blow..but these bubbles.." Sonic thought as he jumped on another car but moved again because of the bubbles.
Shadow arrived at the G.U.N. base, he observed the carnage around him, he noticed the place was surrounded with water, so Shadow jumped onto a car and took a look at what was going on, he hopped around a few cars and saw Sonic fighting Brutos. Knowing how much Sonic hates water, and how much Brutos loved it, he knew sonic was at a disadvantage. "Hey! Sonic!" Shadow yelled at the blue hedgehog. "Need some help?" Shadow asked crossing his arms.
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(Hey Sed Sonic and Brutos are fighting outside of the not indoor which is why Sonic is currently standing on cars cause of the water)
Espio shook his head noting that it was convenient Shadow has his own Chaos Emerald, that information would have been useful earlier on. At least now he was healed and he didn't have to carry him around, he was heavier than he looked.

Espio nodded about the comment about the base being under attack and used his Ninjutsu to follow Shadow, although he couldn't quite keep up due to Shadow's amazing speed thanks to those booster shoes. He still managed to follow Shadow's trail and arrive a few minutes after Shadow.

He stands on a railing just above Shadow, ready to assist. He looks forward to see Sonic fighting some a shark, but he could immediately see this individual was no ordinary fighter. He was strong, very strong. He pulled out some of explosive shuriken, ready to fight.

"I'm assuming he is the one G.U.N. is concerned about and the one has been causing all the trouble."

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