Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

knuckles repets again... "the end of our world." knuckles hated the thought and quickly tried to remember the next peice of the puzzle it was fuzzy but..."SHADOW!!" knuckles quickly runs to the hedghog and hits the communicator out of his hands...
"Hello? Is someone there?"

"Ah! Wait...Are you Rouge`s friend Shadow? YOUR ALIVE?" Lily was ecstatic! Shadow was alive somewhere and was talking through the thing. She stopped walking catching the attention or Rouge who was several feet in front of her. Lily`s happiness was short lived however as the sound of shufflings came through instead of a voice.

"Shadow? Uh, Are you there? What`s going on?"
"What the hell Knuckles?" Shadow asked really annoyed. He picked up the communicator. "Who's there? This is Shadow. Sorry Knuckles knocked the communicator out of my hand. Who is this?" Shadow asked into the communicator.
"Lily! It`s me Lily! The girl from the temple and big rock? Where are you? Rouge`s going nuts over here over looking for you!"
"I'm at G.U.N. base, I just got done helping Sonic, and Espio take down Brutos, he's gone nuts, I'll be there in a minute." Shadow ran towards the mystic ruins, his jet boosters kicking in allowing him to move faster, he quickly arrived at the Mystic Ruins and started looking for Rouge.
knuckles was too late but he had to follow shadow and tell him more if he could, he hopes shadow beleives him then knuckles quickly follows shadow and arrives at the mystic ruins which reminded him about the master emerald but their were bigger things to worry about. unless it has somthing to do with rouge cause i just know it does... he staggers up to shadow.

"Is this whare the voice on the communicator told you to go or somthing, cause i hope you think twice about being here somthing bad might happen." knuckles didint know for sure but he even hoped not
"I'm looking for Rouge, she's here looking for me, she may think I'm dead right now." Shadow explained to Knuckles. While he looked around, he asked Knuckles, "So what creature causes the end of the world?"
"In a Minute? How?" His voice stopped coming from the object. Thinking it broken she gave it to Niff who proceeded to toy with it in his tiny paws. So cute~ Rouge however finally heard Lily talking to someone. Was she crazy or something?

"Lily who were you talking to just now?"

"Oh! Shadow," Replied Lily happily. Rouge stopped walking her ears perking up. "He said he`s coming over here now."

"What?!" That day would forever be known as the Screeching Bat by the woodland animals.
Shadow heard Rouge yell. "Hold that thought Knuckles." Shadow rushed in that direction, he saw Lily and Rouge sitting on a tree stump. Shadow approached her quickly. "Hey Rouge." 
Sonic rushed to the Mystic Ruins looking for Knuckles, he needed to know more about this end of the world thing Knuckles was talking about. Sonic found Knuckles alone. "Hey! Knux! Come here!" Sonic said waving.
"its not just the creature. its everybody you shouldint trust anybody except the people you know best..

but yes a creature is part of the..." knuckles didint know what to call it so he just called it...

"the end" its eggman, chaos, and like i said people. in my dream... me and you were on a rooftop looking over station square it was total anarky eggman had a ship in the air there was chaos in the water shooting stuff at the buildings wile people... just regular people threw cocktails at buildings and other people... they were killing people who werent doing anything wrong... shadow i think we need to do somthing before this plays out. he waited for shadow to think about what he just herd, and was anxious to get back his master emerald which at this point he thought is in better hands with rouge than with him 
what is sonic doing here too. "whats up sonic" knuckles rushes over to sonic wile thinking about all the missing peices
"Knuckles, tell me more about the end of the world." Sonic requested, he needed to know if he could stop it.
"huf-Shad-huff-dow?" Rouge turned to see a unharmed Shadow looking at her. She quickly straightened up and walked towards the dark hedgehog, lightly knocking him on the head.

"That was for making me worried you hedgehog." She then suddenly through herself at him with tears in her eyes in a tight hug. lily, looked at the couple`s reunion with a sweet smile on her lips while Niff sat on her head with the same expression. Were they a couple? She would have to ask them later after the happy moment. However she was distracted by a red form coming at them. It was the same one from the beach this time with a blue friend.

"And who are you guys?" She asked.
"I'm sorry Rouge, I was occupied. I didn't mean to worry you." Shadow wrapped his arms around her in a hug. This was the first time she showed this much kindness to him, the first time she had even hugged him. "It's alright, I'm here now." Shadow said closing his eyes.
knuckles didint like to talk about it but knew he should tell sonic of all people... "soinc its eggman, chaos, and just regular people. in my dream... me and shadow were on a rooftop looking over station square it was total anarky eggman had a ship in the air chaos was taking down buildings wile people... just regular people threw cocktails at other people... they were killing people who werent doing anything wrong... sonic i think we need to do somthing before this plays out." he waited for sonic to think about what he just herd, and was anxious to get back to shadow to get his master emerald back from the theif which at this point he thought is in better hands than with him ...
"You're right Knuckles, we need to stop this before this happens." Sonic told him. "See you later, I'm gonna see what I can do to stop this." Sonic rushed off to go find some answers.
"Shadow You idiot." She mumbled through his fur. "You scared me half to death. What happened? There was a big explosion and when you didn't come back I-" Sh just hugged Shadow tighter as she began to slowly cry.
"I got into a fight with that giant shark Brutos as you know, he fired an explosive bubble at us, I used Chaos Control to warp you back home, and I got caught in the explosion, I was bleeding horribly, then Espio found me. Then I used my Chaos Emerald in order too heal myself. Then I went to G.U.N. base because it was under attack, then I fought Brutos with Sonic and Espio, then this happened." Shadow explained to her, hewas surprised that she was refusing to let go. "Rouge... You ok?" Shadow asked concerned for his friend, well, more than a friend to him at least.
knuckles was releived that sonic was on his side but now... "Rouge!" knuckles ran in the direction that shadow had gone after hearing he was going to meet her there.
"No, I`m not." Rouge reluctantly let go of Shadow before looking at him in the eyes.

'This is getting interesting' Thought Lily and Niff. Rouge continued to tell Shadow off trying to look cool.

"I was looking for you with Lily all over the place for an hour you know? When I saw you blood-Do you know what that did to me? Why didn't you contact me if you were alright?" Rouge crossed her arms and looked aways from Shadow but looking at him softly from the corner of her eye.
knuckles showed up to see rouge glaring at shadow with her arms crossed.

"Rouge! i dont want to fight, so just give back the emerald and everything will be ok... literally" knuckles thought about his dream and wondered if rouge gave back his emerald and... "she does!?" Shadow and her get in a fight about it and i get it back. knuckles thinks twice about it... "Never mind rouge i want you to keep the emerald... for now" knuckles looks up to see three shocked faces looking right at him
"Emerald? Was that yours?" Lily asked. "OH WAIT THAT WAS YOURS? Oh man, oh man, oh man, I just stole something from someone! I`m a thief! NOOOO'" Niff began to comfort Lily the only way a tiny mole could. Rub his cold wet nose on her cheek.
"Like I said I was busy fighting, if I tried the communicator could'v fallen into the water, and been destroyed, then I never would'v contacted you at all." Shadow explained, she was acting really different. This wasn't like her at all.
"its ok lily is it? i want rouge to keep it for awile i think she can exept that...

knuckles turns to see shadow and rouge still talking i think ill just leave knuckles thought... but does shadow know how much danger he might be in? ah what ever he can handle himself knuckles walked away leaving the drama behind. love... its a mysterious thing "be kind you two..."

( ya im gonna watch a michael jackson concert on youtube then head to bed as well)

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