Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

Shadow looked at Knuckles. "Thank you..." Shadow said, he wanted to focus on this conversation right now. Rouge was the most important thing in his life, and she had just shown that she cared for him too, but just how much? "Don't worry Knuckles, I understand the danger here. I'll look into it later." Shadow assured him, he then shifted his attention back to Rouge.

(agreed, I'll just finish my shows then head off also. This story is getting interesting! Thank you everyone for making this possible, also check the sign up thread tomorrow for an update on the story!)
Pandora halted as Shadow was taken away and she frowned, well, it was the best thing for him, right? Pandora rubbed her foreheads, her black ears twitched before flattening against her head and she silently walked around the forest. Pandora had always liked Shadow, but she was needed elsewhere, so, she needed to leave. She was stupid to think that she could just come back and it would all be as it was, there was Rouge now. Her blood boiled at the very thought. Well, hey, maybe there's someone that I'll meet? Doubtful. She ran her finger quietly along the bark of the tree, leaning her head against it, her blue eyes casting up at the equally vibrant sky. She sighed and sat down, If hes happy, then, I'm happy, right? A bitter look cast over her face and she closed her eyes, settling into the ground below.
brutos melted after being knocked out, then seeping into the ground, he slithered away to another area breathing heavy. "arrrr , damn...i...i was in some trouble..." he leaned against a tree guzzling water from a lake. "i will have those emeralds...and no one will stop me" he leapt into the ocean swimming like a bullet, then leapt out away from the city.
Espio was a bit worried about just leaving that Shark creature behind after it's defeat, who knows if it was gone for good. It seemed foolish just to leave it behind. However he was hired to assist Shadow, so he was left with no choice but to keep silent and follow Shadow to Knuckles.

He also kept quiet about Knuckles prophecy, it seemed rather unbelievable that Knuckles had dreamed all this and foresaw the end of the world. However as a ninja he was trained never to ignore anything. He wondered what could cause this, and was that Shark guy really gone.

He knew he should stick around and see, but for now he would give Shadow some time and hide in the background. With that he camouflaged himself and waited for the group's next move.
knuckles made his way back where he sat and gaurded the emerald he still felt weary about letting rouge keep the emerald for the best, but knuckles needed to know somthing... so he bent down and laid where he usually did and fell asleep only to have just another nightmare about somthing he only wished might not be true... 
knuckles was in a fimiliar place, but he couldnt quit put his toung on it he looked out in the distance and saw a metal type figure it was in the shape of a shark, could it be brutos? no it couldint be... i saw him laying on the floor knocked out when i was with shadow...but it did have a striking resemblance to him... knuckles called out his name "Brutos!" but he didn't respond knuckles looked at him as he got closer and it was brutos only he was a...Robot!... knuckles woke up to a beutiful day. He looked behind him as if he was making sure his emerald was still there but he forgot that rouge had it... its been an interesting week so far lets try and have some fun...
Sonic bashed and beat past a bunch of robots making them explode upon impact he moved at mind blowing speeds having the robots second guess their attacks before they were teared in two by him. Sonic chuckled and laughed taunting eggman running backwards and avoiding the robots desperate attempts to subdue him, "Come on RoBUTTnik you gotta do better than that if you wanna stop me!" Sonic said causing mass mayhem as Robotnik watched from a monitor punching in a metal wall as he watched with pure hate,"Damn the pesky Hedgehog foiling me even when I did not have any plans!!" He barked as Sonic burst through a wall finally satisfied with beating down his "Toys", "Alright Egghead no more games I want answers and I want them now what are you planning that will cause the destruction of out planet!" Sonic demanded walking towards him only a foot away from him.
Dr. Ivon Robotnik just looked at Sonic confused. "Why do you even assume I'm planning something like that? I want to rule the world, not destroy it." Eggman explained clicking a button underneath his desk, releasing the latest version of Metal Sonic.
Sonic groaned looking at the prototype him once again the one he had defeated on several notes, "Your lying I dont haft to tell you this but I NEVER trust you Egghead..and I'm gonna bash through this hunk of junk and force you to talk!" Sonic said obviously tired of eggman's continued lies.
"I'm not lying, Sonic I think even you know that I'm telling you the truth." Robotnik told him. Metal Sonic grabbed Sonic and threw him right through the wall. "~Eliminate Sonic the Hedgehog. Mission engaged~" Metal Sonic says flying down to Sonic's location.
Sonic flew through the wall but landing up his feet anticipating Metal Sonic's pursuit on him, as he cam to sigh Sonic had prepared a light speed attack dashing at him and hitting him in all directions then finishing it with an axe kick to the head. "Bring it on!" Sonic yelled as it hit the ground making a large hole.
The hole Sonic made in Metal Sonic healed, and it looked as if it was never there. "~Damage calculation: zero. You are weak.~" Metal Sonic states firing missiles at Sonic from his hands.
Sonic saw how the the damage had heal dramatically at a high rate it seemed almost instantaneous, "Heh I see you got some new tricks but your still firing missiles? How cliche!" Sonic said avoiding the missiles but then kicking one at it's base and turning it targeting Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic explodes. "NO!!!" Robotnik yells angrily. "How dare you, you pesky blue hedgehog!" Robotk=nik yelled in extreme rage and anger.
Sonic dusted his hand's off and kicked the head of Metal Sonic across the room, "Now Eggman this is only the beginning if you don't start talking!" Sonic said giving a large smirk.
"I don't plan to destroy the bloody world! You just don't get it, if I destroy the world, there will be nowhere to build my empire you spiky blue nimrod!" Robotnik shouted, Sonic could be such an idiot sometimes.
Sonic blinked and then scratched his that he mentioned it he did have a really good point where in the world would he dominate at..? "Ah well then...this just got majorly awkward.." Sonic said now realizing he came her and got nothing outta it. "Well since you want to dominate the the world then you should know about any disturbances in the world that threatens out planet." Sonic said pointing at him.
Brutos just watched the chaos, smiling. ''well this is fun..i finally found one'' He pulls out a purple chaos emerald that brutos soon ingests and swallows whole. ''ahh...hehe'' His body gains purple lines that draw down from his eyes and a lot his gills. ''ahhhh~''
"Well I have been examining this planet, and I've detected a dark energy, however I haven't yet figured out where the source is, I thought it was in the Mystic Ruins, but then it just... Moved." Robotnik explained to Sonic.
suddenly alarms went off. ''WARNING WARNING, ENEMY INTRUDER AT DOOR!'' the screen comes on, revealing brutos at the door. ''hmm...looks like theres some energy here'' He punches down the door with an aqua covered fist, and speeds down the hall way. The robots begin running and point there guns starting to shoot them off. 
Soon brutos gets to the door near robotnik after destroying the guards, he knocks three times. ''knock knock~'' He kicks down the door and steps in. ''evening big butt...rememeber me'' He gives a massive toothy grin opening jaw, as on his report it said one of his submarines was destroyed by some water creature.
Sonic stepped off the sharks head and stood in front of Eggman and smirked "Hey there Fish head remember me?" Sonic said waving at him and smiling.
''hm...out of my way rodent...I have a score to settle with that so called ''super genius'' so move...or die'' His body seemed different, as he had purple lines from his eyes down to through his gills and to his ribs. ''eheheh...incase you havnt figured im a lot more strongar''
Sonic only smirked and tapped his foot impatiently, though he may be right he seemed a lot more different and those purple lines on his body were not there the last time he had brawled with him. "You've gotten stronger eh...well I guess your wanting a rematch then right show me what your made of Fish Head!" Sonic said getting into battle position and then turning to look at Robotnik "You better get outta her this might get ugly." He said before turning to face the Shark.
no sonic'' in seconds he was infront of him ready to punch him. ''I expect you to die!!'' He charges water around his fist ready to punch, but his fists and attacks are still slow as he still misses but even missing, the water pushes and pierces a massive hole in the side of eggmans base, that explodes on contact. ''rrrr''
Sonic seeing that he had gotten a lot faster but saw through his attack enough to avoid the attack "That's some speed you got there...but nothing close to me you better move faster if you want to take me down!" Sonic yelled attacking his directly in his spine getting multiple kicks his before he stepped back and awaited his next powerhousing attack.
He got kicked over and over. ''im sorry are you tickling me..'' He breaths in then puckers up his cheeks, and releases thousands of bubbles that slowly form, these ones where even smaller, almost the size of a pencil tip. ''heheh...see my bubbles are concentrated air pockets, so the smaller they are, the stronger the blast radius.'' He smiles widley.

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