Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

"You never change, you enjoy to fight. You know Sonic, we could have a practice round. Fine tune our skills." Shadow suggested. "One more thing, it spoke to me. It told me one day the world would turn against me. It also said I would soon belong to it, as it's toy." Shadow explained.
"You know i'm always up for any sparring match!" Sonic said smirking but then his smirk vanished hearing that the Evil Sonic spoke to him, "Well this Sonic sure does not know you friends well..I've known you long enough to where I could trust you with my know that I'd never betray you!" Sonic said nodding.
"I know you wouldn't." Shadow said, doubt in his heart. What the evil sonic had said sounded so true, so convincing. "Let's spar then, wanna do it here or elsewhere?"
"This place seem's fine enough might as well get started!" Sonic said jumping back and getting into fighting position "Gimme your best shot!" Sonic said wagging his finger chuckling.
Shadow ran at him, his jet boosters kicking in, he went half speed at Sonic, he jumped into the air. "Chaos Spear!" beams of light shot from Shadow at Sonic.
Sonic zipped to the side avoiding the incoming spear of light, Sonic then slid over to another position and spun into a ball at incredible speeds he then bounced up and a devastating blast of wind came rushing toward Shadow "Take this!"Sonic yelled as he stood awaiting the results of his attack.
Shadow proceeded to copy Sonic's spin dash, as he rushed at Sonic the two attacks collided forcing both of them back, they collided into the wall. "Oof!" Shadow said. He stood up.
Sonic hit the wall "Ugh" he quickly regained his footing and then stood up dashing at him in attempt to get some physical contact in, he threw a kick and some punches trying to finish with a roundhouse as well "How about this!?" Sonic yelled as he threw the kick.
Shadow caught the kick and spun around kicking Sonic in the back sending sonic face first into the wall. "How about that?" Shadow said smirking.
Sonic turned back and smirked "Not bad!" he then blurred out and appeared behind him kicking him in the spin and smirking "But I think this is more effective!" Sonic said smiling

(Had to throw in that post I gtg)
(On second thought I gotta continue xD I forgot there was something I had to stay up for)
Shadow goes face first into the wall. He stands up. "Not bad, but can you handle this? Chaos Control!" Toime slowed down. Shadow could do what ever. He walked up to Sonic, punched him a bunch in the torso, then kicked him in the back of the head, then allowed time to speed up to normal.
Sonic hit the ground again in feeling all the pain from his attacks at once he then chuckled holding up his emerald "Chaos Control!" Sonic yelled slowing time himself he then prepared a fully charged spin dash and hit him directly in the chest putting time back to normal "Your not the only one who can do that!" Sonic said smirking.
"Heh have your way!" Sonic said tossing his as well and getting into fighting position "Here I come!" He said as he dashed at him at blinding speeds appearing in the air for an axe kick.
Shadow dodged the kick and punched him hard in the stomach. "How's that Sonic?" Shadow asked with a smirk.
Sonic jumped back and held his stomach "Not bad at all!" Sonic said before dashing back again running circles around him causing a tornado engulfing Shadow, once he was certain he had him there Sonic dove in it kicking and punching him, he then finished with a high kick launching him outta the tornado.
Just before Sonic kicked him, Shadow snapped his fingers, causing a burst of Chaos Energy to hit Sonic, forcing him to hit the wall hard.
hmm haa" a hand shot out of the water a few miles away, as he crawls out a large portion of hid body was gone but thanks to the emerald it regenerated. "haaah...cursed hedgehog!!!" he stands roaring loudly the purple lines becoming more showable. "CURSE THEM TO HEEEEELL!!!!!!!"
From behind Brutos, a figure comes out of the water, it is shown to be Sonic with his eyes close. Slowly approaching Brutos, Sonic (or what is assumed to be Sonic) slowly gets closer and closer to Brutos.
HEADGEHOG!!!". thecfirst thing he does is shoot towards him, leaning his arm back and punches sonic not knowing what it really is. "ill destroy you hedgehog!!" he charges thousands of tiny bubbles into the air till tons of them floated around. "heh"

(sedrian why u have to include him :< he already creeps me the math out)
(well it's not that I'm doing it to you and you know it.)

Sonic opens his eyes, as they begin to bleed Brutos sees that the eyes are as black as a void with red glowing dots for eyes. "Try to keep this interesting Brutos, do it for me." The creature says in a voice so evil it could send chills down even Shadows spine (which it did.)
(I know, im just wondering why your including that, just in general)

the hell!...'' He starts laughing. ''well I guess your evil now huh'' He releases more bubbles and blows on one, then bounces away, as one taps another they all explode on contact with each other. ''hehehe'' He looked around, then landed to look again, he new that he was fast.
The creature flew up from the explosion, closing in rapidly on Brutos, a wickedly demonic smile stretched across his face. "You better keep this interesting kid!" He says grinning.

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