Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

Robotnik pushed a button and his little ship appeared, and Robotnik flew away. However something neither Robotnik, Sonic, or Brutos knew, Metal Sonic was there, copying ever little piece of data
Sonic smiled "Bigger blast radius hm how bout we test it out!" Sonic said blurring our and appearing behind attempting to kick him directly at where he fired the bubbles at "With you of course!" Sonic said chuckling and then turning.
He hits all the bubbles and soon saw they gloop around me. ''no NO!!'' when one explodes they all do at once, creating an explosion that sonic would think nothing could survive no matter what. ''ahhh!'' all that remained was the remains of robotniks ship
Sonic flew outta the ship highly damaged he smirked bleeding "Well...heh guess he was right ughh!" Sonic hit the ocean outside Eggman's base sinking slowly, Sonic realizing he had hit the water tried running but it was useless he sank and sank slowly losing consciousness.
Metal Sonic reformed. "~Data, successfully copied.~" It says, it then flew off to find more data to copy.
knuckles was on his way to Mobius after having that dreadful nightmare about robotic Brotus. when arriving at Mobius he remembers about his search for shadow then that reminded him about sonic, he remembers how he was supposed to look into the whole end of the world thing... knuckles grabed something to eat then decides to find sonic to see how he was doing...
Sonic slowly woke up and coughed, he thought that he was done for...but somehow he made it to some....wait where was he anyway?!? Sonic looked around trying to figure out where he was appeared to had been some temple, "Hello anybody here?!" Sonic called out, at first there was no answer but suddenly a chao came outta the darkness and flew toward Sonic "Oh well at least this place isn't abandoned.." Sonic said petting the Chao.
"OK, Rouge, as much as I love having this conversation, I have to go." Shadow said, he ran off, allowing his jet boosters to kick in, he grabbed his Chaos Emerald. "Chaos Control!" Shadow used the power of the emerald to teleport him to Sonic.
Sonic heard the sound of what seemed like a person warping here in his general area he turned and was greeted by Shadow "Well look who's here hey buddy!" Sonic said smirking attempting to walk but took a kneel in pain remembering his wound from fighting Fish head. "Heh I guess you warped here with a choas emerald huh?" Sonic said looking up keeping his signature smile.
Shadow revealed the Chaos Emerald to Sonic, confirming his thoughts. "Where are we?" Shadow asked Sonic looking around, this wasn't any place he had ever been before. Shadow approached Sonic revealing another Chaos Emerald to him, he tossed to emerald to Sonic. "Just in case." Shadow told him.
Sonic smirked pulling out the emerald he had kept from Fish head back at the base and caught the one Shadow tossed him "Great now I have two!" Sonic said smirking,"And that is a good question I have never been here before but something tells me this little guy can give us that answer." Sonic said patting the Chao's head as it smiled going "Chao Chao!" at Shadow.
"I have this Chaos Emerald, so that makes three. But I have a weird feeling." Shadow told him. He looked at the Chao. "Can it even talk?" Shadow asked Sonic.
Sonic looked at the Chao and then suddenly heard a voice...but not from the his head "Do not fear hedgehogs...welcome to my temple I am the great Chao Morgan" (Just came up with that on the top of my head) Sonic blinked and looked at the white Chao it nodded answering Sonic's question that he was not crazy, Sonic then looked at Shadow to see if he heard what he just heard.
Shadow was a little surprised, Sonic could tell by the fact he widened his eyes for a split second. He then looked at the chao. "So why is Sonic here?" Shadow asked the chao.

(I'm thinking of a way ti insert a certain Sonic entity called Sonic.exe)
(Hm sounds cool)

The Chao paused floating around the two and then spoke in their heads yet again "I have come to warn you both of a grave and dark future ahead of you and all of your loved ones.." the Chao began as it finally stopped circling and stared at the two with a more stern and serious look on it's face. "The evil you all will come to face shall be far worse than any of you two can imagine...the futures that I have seen for this planet have very different endings...but the one we are heading to will be far your friend Knuckles said..I gave the Echidna those dreams." the Chao said closing it's eyes pausing again. Sonic tappped his foot and then spoke "Well what can we do to stop it!?"Sonic said to the Chao.
Shadow closed his eyes and crossed his arms. However he found himself unable to open his eyes for the longest time. While his eyes were closed he starting to see horrifying images of Sonic the Hedgehog, but it wasn't Sonic, it was something else, it had pitch black eyes, and had red glowing dots for eyes, and it spoke to Shadow in his mind. "Coming... For you... Listen to my words... The world will soon turn against you... And then I will come for you..."
The Chao looked down and shook his head "I am sorry Hedgehogs but I cannot telly you how you may fix this for if I did that would cause many other problems in the future..I am breaking many laws giving you just this info..all I may say is...good luck and prepare for anything!" The Chao spoke to the two before turning to depart "I see all of the future's of many souls that live among this planet...but you two...I cannot say how your futures will play out..but I shall say there will be violence." The Chao said lastly before vanishing into nothingness.
Shadows eyes started to bleed, he however, was completely unaware, he was too focused on the demonic Sonic in his head, not realizing he was slowly dying. "Soon, you'll be in my realm, you'll be my toy for eternity. Very soon, no one will be able to save you."
Sonic's eye's darted toward Shadow and he saw that his eyes were bleeding "S-Shadow!!" Sonic yelled running toward his aid "Hey come on buddy wake up wake up!!" Sonic said shaking him a little.
Shadows eyes shot open. Looking at Sonic he didn't think, he just saw the demonic Sonic, he jumped and did a back flip away from Sonic. Giving Sonic another look, he realized it was just Sonic. He wiped his eyes and saw it was bleeding. "Whoa! My eyes are bleeding!"
Sonic blinked and tilted his head in confusion...just that second..did Sonic see fear in Shadow's eyes? He shook the thought off and then walk toward him "What just happened there are you hurt?" Sonic asked tensing up a little too hard and falling to his knee again from his injuries from earlier.
"Sonic relax. You still need to heal your wounds, actually, here. Chaos Control!" Shadows emerald glows and it heals Sonic's wounds. "I saw something truly evil in my head, and it was talking to me." Shadow explained to Sonic.
Sonic stood perfectly fine he smirked and then looked at Shadow as he explained what happened, Sonic rubbed his chin and then spoke"Maybe the thing that you saw was what Chao Morgan was speaking of." Sonic said scratching his head "Was there anything else besides that?" Sonic asked.
"It looked like you." Shadow told him. It really did, it looked almost exactly like him. "Except that it had pitch black eyes as dark as a black hole, and it had red glowing dots for eyes. Also, it's eyes were bleeding, and it had a demonic smile stretched all across its face." Shadow continued explaining.
Sonic's eyes widened after Shadow explained that it looked like him he could not believe something like that could exist, "Heh another faker Shadow" Sonic joked smirking..but it soon fell once he saw how serious Shadow was "Well if it is out there...or quite then we will deal with it properly!" Sonic said smashing his fists together.

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