Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

kid....ILL SHOW YOU KID!!!'' He points both palms towards sonic, knowing he wasn't normal now. ''AQUA CANNON!'' In both palms two blue shockwaves grow and grow and grow, until they where the size of basketballs, and shoots both balls of blue shockwave energy, towards the demonic sonic creating a pinpoint explosion on him. ''hah....I...I must of got him''
when all the water and smoke clears, it is standing right in the middle of it. "Maybe you aren't as fun as I thought you were, maybe you're just a bore." It says with a disappointing tone. Then it's smile stretched to unnatural lengths. "Let's play hide and seek, read, set, go!"
hm...'' He sat down, and remained completely calm. ''hm.......'' his side fins started to glow purple. '' creatures have a weakness....'' He waits still. ''what is...wait....all this thing just sonic gone crazy...meaning water should work...but then he didn't avoid my bubbles....soo'' He kept waiting, his body perfectly motionless, almost looks like hes dead sitting down.
the creature looking like sonic just stares at his dissapointed. "You aren't gonna play? Then I'll just drag you down into my world, where I can play with you forever!" He says again smiling demonically.
''hmhm....'' He stood up slowly, tail moving side to side. ''ive figured you out....'' He takes a step to the creature, which made no sense. ''you class your self as if your something scary, your a nightmare made real...but that's all...a nightmare....'' He points smiling. ''you aint a real person, your just a creature from another realm right!!''
"I am God." The creature says. "That's all I have to say, if you don't believe I'm real, then watch this." The creature rips a piece of molten rock from under the Earth. He then shoves it in Brutos's face. "Do you feel this?!" He says laughing.
He moves aside with his speed from the emerald avoiding the molten rock piece all together, then gave a smile. ''ya know....I enjoy talking to you...'' He smiles again, the first creature that isn't completely terrified was him. ''ill be and me are alike...where from different worlds....we each are treated as monsters...and yet....we still smile'' He looks and sits down. ''so...the ''realm'' your from...whats it called''
"It has no name. It's much like this world, only much more sinister." The creature explains. "You can call me Sonic.exe, or Exe." Exe tells Brutos.
''ahh pleasure to meet you exe.'' He smiles softly. ''so...whats your true form...or have you been like that even you don't know...'' He smiled again.

(wow....brutos and exe conversing :o )
"I use to have no form at all, until I discovered this world. You could call me a fan of this "Sonic the Hedgehog" character. So I assumed his shape and molded my realm after his world." Exe explains.
''wow...hehe....that does make you a god huh....'' He gives out a soft laugh. ''if you must know about an ancient of the first actualy'' He smiled again, his smiles seemed to give off a warm attitude, like he didn't care if this exe was a monster, he was glad he could find a friend.
"I see. Anyways, I'm currently tormenting one Shadow the Hedgehog. He's so mysterious and disturbed, it's fun to mess with his mind." Exe says smiling wickedly.
''rrr shadow huh....'' He stands up. ''hay...does your world have items called chaos emeralds..'' He thought if he acquired those, then he could achieve power faster, without the echidna or shadow knowing the emeralds where being absorbed by him.
"I'm afraid those are one of a kind." Exe tells Brutos. "Why are you collecting them?" Exe asks him.
''damn...and yes...see...much like you...the planet I used to live on, was seriously ancient, like barley any land ancient....I want the turn this world into that world again...and maybe....ill be able to rule that world forever again'' He looks at the his hand. ''but...they set me up and trapped me in a ball of chrystilized im kinda ticked as you could guess'
Exe laughs, it sounds demonically distorted and unrecognizable. "Yea, I can see why you would be upset about something like that. Could you do me a favor?" Exe asks with a wicked smile stretched across his face.
hmm...'' He raised an eyebrow, wondering. ''ofcoarse anything for a friend...ofcoarse...if I scratch your back, you scratch the saying goes'' He smiled again and streached his arms.
Exe forms a disk in his hand, he hands to Brutos. "Install this into the Freedom Fighters computer system. Then I can have a little bit of fun!" Exe says widening his smile.
''very well...but if I do this, then could you find the remaining emeralds, the ones not in possestion, cause I wanna get them back personally'' He smiles. ''see ya soon buddy'' He turns and began swimming through the air towards the freedom fighters base, hiding in a lake.
Exe sinks into the floor. "I'll uphold my end, just be ready for what happens once you have all that power." Exe mumbles to himself and vanishes.
''keh....'' He looked around, for any guards, then using his speed he appears by the door. ''hmm'' He again using his speed he tries every code until it unlocks the door. ''heh...'' He walks over to the computer and looks around. ''hmm...'' He insirts the disc into the slot and smiled. ''there we buddy...''
Exe appears. "Thank you very much! Soon I'll actually be a part of this world." Exe fades into the disk drive. "This'll be fun, I hope you're here to witness the fun!"
He smiled and ate the red emerald, power grows as red circles form around both his arms and a red triangle on his shark nose. ''ahhhh yessss, thank you buuddy' He gave a wider smile.

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