Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

Espio soon came out of the shadows as the two hedgehogs arrived.

"It's about time you two showed up. I've been looking for you everywhere, we've been getting strange reports from the G.U.N. computers. Something very weird is going on..."

He looked over the two, seeing the few scuff marks and figuring the two had been dueling over their foolish rivalry. However now was not the time, his senses told him something was very a miss. Never mind the fact who knows where that shark thing was.
Shadow crossed his arms over his chest. "I guess I'll help, what exactly is the problem?" Shadow asked looking at Espio curiously. He knew the Freedom Fighters had enemies, but who could do this?
Brutos walked down the road softly singing. ''under pressure...pushing down on me~'' He had his hands behind his head and thinks to himself. ''I hope exe will be okay''. He walks with a waddle of his head side to side and stretches.
"They are not sure, they are something is wrong with the computers. Many of their systems are down and more are failing by the minute, anything they try just shuts down. It either means someone is destroying the computers or some sort of virus has infected the system. Also before the system shut down they were getting very weird readings and indications of an attack or something."

Espio closed his eyes thinking, the information was scarce and unrevealing.

"We need to find out for ourselves just what is going."
"I'll check it out. Turn the computers on. I'll take a look." Shadow says walking over to the computer waiting for it to be turned on.
Espio walked over and clicked one button when already it sparked and singed as smoke started rising. Espio covered his eyes as it sparked.

"See, something is wrong... We can barely access any of the systems anymore. Technology is not speciality, Vector knows it better. We need someone like Tails..."
"Just turn it on, I'll figure it out." Shadow said going to the controls, stabilizing the system.
Sonic watched the two at work and scratched his head "Man talk about not being here on time Tails.."Sonic said folding his arms and leaning on the wall as the two worked.
Shadow managed to stabilize the system and started viewing the files. "Sonic, this file says Sonic on it." Shadow says moving the arrow to the file.
he warched the window on one arm he now didnt only have purple lines but the red rimgs on his arms and triangle on his nose, as well as the out lining of his gills and ribs where green. "keh" shadow could feel a large amount of chaos behind him, as the sharks tail waved side to side
Shadow feels an extreme amount of Chaos Energy behind him. He turns around to see Brutos jacked up with red, and purple Chaos Energy. "Well well, if it isn't fish face. What're you doing here?" Shadow said crossing his arms over his chest.
came to see the show and kill somthing maybe that female bat...hmm wat was it blue....aqua. rouge wernt it" he smiles again. "ironic shell be red right shadow" he smirks wider
Shadow stares blankly at Brutos. "Are you trying to threaten me?" Shadow asked. "What on Earth do you think Rouge means to me?" Shadow asked.
please dont try and deny it...once im done with you ill kill everything on this planet and sink this whole island under the sea, then all will follow me ahaha!" he smiled seeing he dont carevstarts getting angry. "shadow...i just want revenge mostly ill kill you this time damn it!!"
"Hmph. I'll end you. Sonic and the Freedom Fighters may vow to never kill, but I am under no such oath, you're going down! Permanently!" Shadow said glaring evily. "This time only one of us will walk away from this battle, and it won't be you!"
hah prove it NERO BUBBLE!" breathing in then out summons a massive bubble infront of him. " heh i do like this new move, come and get me if your not too scared, the bubble floated around me slowly it made a jiggly like noise like it was made of jelly.
Shadow poses for battle. "Bring it, come at me with everything you've got, I want you to know who was stronger when you die." Shadow said with a smirk. He rushed at Brutos, keeping an eye on the jelly.
the jelly went in the way it just scrapds and he felt super slowed down. "heh shark rush" he punches oover thirty times, as shadow didnt feel anything at first. brutos gave a wickid smile snapping his fingers and all the punches happen at once. "thats this bubbles power brief slow down of time"

(ironic and the bubble is gone if its touched and ur back to normal speed)
Shadow is sent hurling towards the wall, he smashes into it. "Ugh... Well, my turn. Chaos Control!" Time slowed down for everyone except Shadow, he ran up to Brutos and did his classic finger snap technique, and then he hit him with a Chaos Spear, he then allowed time to resume. "Eat this." The attacks kick in.
he. is sent skidding back soon he stands. "this....proves nothing!!" he glares angrilly soon he charges. "eat this" he swings his side fin with purple energy sending a purple shockwave towards shadow as it eats its way through the earth
Shadow jumps out of the way, he then activates his spin dash power. He rolls into a ball and flies right at Brutos, knocking him into a wall.
huh rrr" uses spin dash too but goes flying. "whaasst!!" crashes into the ground hard. "ahh m-my head" tries standing sees blood poring from my stomich. "ahh ack!" coughs blood getting angry and charges his spear. "AQUA SPEAR!!!" he throws it towards shadow at great speed.
Shadow jumps back, he raises his arm and charges for his attack. "Chaos Spear!" He tosses it and the attacks collide, causing an explosion.
rrr why do you fight YOUR JUST A CREATION YOUR NOT FLESH AND BLOOD!!" he glares at shadow, clenching his fists and teth, he starts trembling not of fear of shadow, fear he may die if not too careful. he snared glaring again.
"I am of flesh and blood, I am a living creature in this world. Who are you to judge me!? My life has been nothing but hell!" Shadow pulled out his special pistol. "And now, I am the one who killed you."

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