Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

knuckles finds out where shadow is, he's with rouge and knuckles needed to find them right away... "where could i start?" knuckles said. "I have no idea where they could be." "I could check around here and i would eventually find them" "but the emerald..." knuckles knew he had been away from the precious jewl for far to long. "I better head back"
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(Don't say meanwhile, everyone is focusing on there own character, it isn't like a tv show where you can just switch scenes, everything happens in real time, so take out meanwhile."
Sonic turned seeing Shadow and smiled "Hey there I could use a- Gahhh!" As Sonic spoke an incoming bubble smashed into him making him fly into a building, "Ughh...if you want to help take care of those bubbles..I got Fish head there!" Sonic said now a little annoyed that he got his cause of him not paying attention. Sonic jumped down and landed on a car charging a light speed dash (Not that when he's charging a Light speed dash it is ALOT stronger than when he just does it instantly) as he finished he then got into a racing position "Espio make a clearing for me!" Sonic yelled about to dash directly at the Shark.
"Let's do it Espio!" Shadow jumped into the air, ready to fire a Chaos Spear at any incoming bubbles. "Chaos......" Shadow said charging his attack.
"Shadow? Shadow where are you?" Yelled Rouge. She was back in her club with the emerald but Shadow was nowhere to be found. She looked around to see if Shadow had wandered off only to find that panda girl fainted on the ground. Rogue was worried. She started to finger the beautiful red ruby that shadow had given her. Shadow wasn't in the club, which meant he had either stayed behind or gone somewhere else. The first one seemed more obvious. He was hurt...Rouge started to pace around scratching at her head angrily.

Shadow! Arg! He was hurt and he was probably still facing off that humongous shark! She couldn't be sure. There was a giant explosion. An explosion that he had save her from. Shadow...

There was a strong beating of blood going through lily`s head as she slowly stood up groaning. Niff was nudging at her cheek whining. "Aww Niff, I`m okay." Lily petted his head in reassurance. She looked up from petting and found herself in a very bright flashing place. It hurt her eyes. Lily shielded her eyes as they slowly adjusted to the lights. Looking around, she sees the same bat lady from the temple pacing around with a worried face. She didn't see Shadow. What exactly had happened. Her head still hurt slightly as she started to walk towards the bat and placed her hand on her wrist

"Miss? Is everything okay?"

Rouge stopped pacing as soon as she felt a hand on her wrist and looked down to see the girl awake.

"Hm? Oh, your awake. Yeah just fine." Rouge shook off her gloved hand before heading out towards the door. She was going back to look for Shadow. The Master Emerald would be safe here with the security systems. She wanted to worry solely on Shadow. Before she could even start out the door she was again grabbed by her wrist by the panda girl.

Lily wasn't familiar with the area and began to panic when she saw the bat lady leaving her behind. Something she didn't want happening. So she grabbed her again this time with pleading eyes. Rouge gave her a harsh look. She didn't want to be stopped. Lily gulped.

"Please, where are you going? Don`t leave me here."

"Back to the temple kid. I got to find someone important to me. He`s probably lost and hurt badly"

Lily then said something.

"Do you know your way around the place?"


"I can guide you through the forest to help track him down. If you take me with you."

'Persistent kid' Though Rouge. "Persistent and right'

"Fine "she said. Lily`s face shone brightly. "But," She continued "Don`t run off `kay?"

"Yes Mis-Mpph!?""

"Call me Rouge okay? No need for formalities."

"Okay Rouge! My name`s Lily. Call me Lee!"

They both then took off for the temple with Rouge`s skill of flight.
Espio nodded, he would have to examine the enemies abilities during the battle.

With that he jumped up and threw his exploding shuriken towards the bubbles to detonate them before they could get in Sonic's way. He then did a back flip in the air launching some more before landing and pulling out more shuriken for another attack should any more bubbles appear.
"Spear!" Shadow yelled out, a bunch of rays of light fired from Shadows fingertips over at Brutos, creating an opening for Sonic to take advantage of. "Now Sonic!"
Sonic smirked and then in an blink of an eye sped towards the shark "GO!" Sonic yelled as he dashed straight at him and collided with him causing a massive shock wave, adding extra effect Sonic's spines did extra damage as he spun into his chest. Sonic then flipped off him causing the shark to fly backwards,Sonic landed on a nearby car and shaded his eyes to see the results "That outta take him down!" Sonic said giving a slight smirk.
knuckles arrived at angel island "thank god im home but i still need to find shadow fast otherwise..."

knuckles sees the precious emerald gone. knuckles droped to the ground in disbeleif...

"no... it cant be... the master emerald missing how could... Rouge did it, i know she did it that theif, that ungrateful no good peice of..." knuckles couldint finish.

"Oh my, im gonna... hurt her so bad it's not even funny... but wait shadow was with her how could he have... No he couldint of, he couldint of helped her she." knuckles had to find shadow or otherwise it'll all play out, the dream it... it will happen. knuckles trying to hide his anger heads back to the G.U.N base to see if they have herd from shadow in the past hour. 
within a couple of minutes knuckles arrived at the G.U.N base.

"now i need to find the lutenet i had talked to earlier..."

knuckles notices the place is a wreck. he then notices sonic and shadow together looking over a knocked out body of brutos in a water filled room...
Shadow looked over at Sonic. "Looks like we won Sonic." Shadow did a front flip off the car and jet boosted away from the water filled area, over to an area with land rather than water.
(I guess we can just leave it at that ^^ I wanted to give him a second to come back)

Sonic not seeing a sign from him turned and watched the others run off, he then looked back at where he was and smirked "Better luck next time." Sonic said as he sped toward some land as well leaving the area. He then stood beside Espio and Shadow, "Nice job back there It's been a while since I had to fight something like that..he reminded me so much about this huge water creature...and a little of Knux." Sonic said folding his arms.
"Speaking of Knuckles, he's over there." Shadow points towards Knuckles. "What's he doing here?" Shadow asked Sonic hoping he knew.
"shadow!?" did... did you take the... master emerald!?" knuckles was still furious but hid it from shadow and sonic he was not looking to fight... at least not against all of them at once...
"Well that answers your question..Knuckles the emerald is gone again!?!" Sonic said his eyes widening from seeing him and also a little bit cautious, Knuckles seemed mad and he could possibly go rage mode and start fighting again...and nobody wanted that. "Well Knuckle head looks like you did it again.." Sonic said shrugging.
"No I didn't. I helped someone take it, but I didn't directly take it." Shadow explained to him, he wasn't going to give Rouge away even though he thought she would give him away in a heartbeat.
"Rouge then!!" he instantly got mad but not at shadow, although he needed to know why he helped.

"why did you help!?" knuckles had forgotten what he orriginaly came there for...
"Uh... That's none of your business." Shadow told him crossing his arms. He started to walk away from the three. "I'm leaving now." Shadow explained getting ready to run away from them.
knuckles still needed to get somthing off his chest...

" wait shadow!... theres somthing i need to tell you..." knuckles repeating what he's gonna say to shadow in his head...
"What is it Knuckles?" Shadow asked, Knuckles sounded concerned. "Sonic this seems bad, I can tell by Knuckles tone, you should stick around and listen to this." Shadow explained to Sonic, while they weren't friends, they did trust each other with their lives, Shadow and Sonic were more like brothers.
knuckles didint want sonic to know but he hesitantly let the words slip off his lips..."shadow, sonic... i think we..." knuckles repeting the words in his head again only this time he let them come out.

"i think we have a revolution on our hands... total anarky, chaos in station square, mobius, and angel island... and maby even the end of earth as we know it...
Shadows eyes widened. "How do you figure?" Shadow asked him. World destruction did not sound good at all. If it was that bad, Sonic definitely needed to know. But he still wanted to know how Knuckles assumed this.
"Rouge, the trail ends here. I don't see anymore tracks." Lily stood up from the ground and dusted herself off. The both of them had trekked through the forest for the past hour with no sign of Shadow. She had found a trail of blood which had scared the heck out of Rouge and followed it into the forest only to find it end suddenly like it had vanished. Rouge was extremely concerned. Where was Shadow? She sat on a fallen log just at the edge of the forest with her face in her hands. Lily sat next to the depressed bat.

"Maybe someone found him?"

"Who, this is the largest forest i`v ever seen."

"Hikers? I run into them sometimes where I live. Maybe one found him hurt and took him to a hospital. Come`on, cheer up?"

Rouge looked at Lily only to stand up and punch a nearby tree scaring the panda. She didn't notice it but something fell out of Rouge`s pocket as she destroyed the tree. Lily happen to see it fall and went to pick it up. Curious, she tinkered with it until suddenly a sound began to come out of it going unheard by Rouge despite her bat hearing.

"I`ll cheer up when I find him." She retrieved her fist from the shattered tree and proceeded to head back into the forest. She turned around "Until then I`m not giving up got that? Let`s get back to looking for him. I`m sure there`s another set of tracks somewhere."

"Okay then..." Lily heard voices coming out of the object.

((Shadow your cue. Make things awkward!))
"I...I had a dream" knuckles knew this sounded cheesy but had proof...

"in the dreams, everything that happend, has peiced together in the real world so far. G.U.N having the free day, the stealing of the master emerald, the fight at G.U.N base... even the fight between me and brutos. this has all happend in the dream i had and if we do not do somthing to stop it ...then it will happen." knuckles waited there hoping shadow and sonic would believe him, cuase it could be the end of all there lives, as they new it.
"What will happen?" Shadow asked him, then he heard static coming from his communicator, he took it out of his shoe and spoke into it. "Hello? Is someone there?" Shadow asked into the communicator.

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