Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

"Thank you, that means a lot. Now hold on tight, I'm gonna run to Angel Island in the Mystic Ruins." Shadow said waiting for her to grab on. Shadow reached out and lifted her up. "Ready?" Shadow asked her.
"Ready for that beautiful gem? Always." She held on tight to Shadows shoulders, blushing lightly at being carried.
after a couple of minutes knuckles arrived at mobius... "huh isint this where sonic is from?" knuckles says. "and worst of all that slick slimy bat wrenching theif Rouge ill tell ya if she ever!... ever!!!... gets near MY emerald ill put a stop to her. and ill do it without warning." knuckles was very protective of that emerald well of coarse that was his job. out of the distance he hears laphter and desides to go check it out...
"Heh, you never change." Shadow said smiling, but deep down he was a little disappointed, he knew he could never tear her away from gems and over to him. 'If only I could turn myself into a rare and valuable gem. Then she'd at least treasure me... For a minute.' Shadow ran top speed towards Angel Island, gripping her tight making sure she didn't fall, he was happy when they spent time together, but he always masked the joy he got from it. Finally they arrived at Angel Island, and Shadow was forced to let her go. He allowed her to admire the Master Emerald.
It was glorious, just sitting there in the open. That annoying echidna wasn't even here! Using her wings, she quickly made her way towards to the magnificent gem. Her eyes where wide as she eagerly reached for the gem. Before she could however, a gloved hand and paw intercepted hers. She looked at them, her eyes traveling up the arms to meet two faces she had never seen before.

"Shadow?" She called "Who`s this kid?"

Said kid, Lily looked a bit startled at the bat. and looked over her shoulder to see the familiar red and black fur.

((I gotta go to sleep now kay?))
"haha!!! ha! hahahha!!!!" a group of thugs were sitting around a littil burning barrel fire laphing there a**es off "whats going on?" knuckles said, "and have any of you seen shadow!!!" "whos shadow man ha ha ha!" knuckles was growing very impatient and took action. knuckles grabs the biggist thug and slams him into a wall. "dont tempt me i need to find shadow the hedghog ,NOW!!!" "I...I sware man i dont know who your talking about."

knuckles lets go of the thug and he falls to the ground wimpering. "which one of you have seen a black hedghog with red streaks in his hair?" "we didint we sware man..." knuckles didint belive him. he grabs him a slams him into the wall this time cracking it. "dont lie to me im not in the mood!" "ok...ok i saw some black colored guy with that rouge girl earlier... i dont know what they were doing..." knuckles lets go of him and wonders what he would be doing with that witch... "i need to find him fast or this nightmare might all play out..."
"I don't know who that is, but I'll take care of her for you, you just take the emerald." Shadow said posing for a battle. He wanted Rouge to be happy, nothing was going to get in his way.
Brutos just watched the chaos, then shook his head as he shoots down to the ground creating a crack in the earth. He stretches his arms summoning a pair of aqua blades on his elbows and walks towards the chaos, looking around. ''lets see....shall I have to deal with these idiots...shame, I thought they where nice but guess I was wrong.......THERE ALL THE SAME!!!''
"...THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!!!" Shadow heard a familiar voice shout those words. He looked in the direction of the noise to see Brutos. "So it's you again. What are you yelling about?" Shadow asked him. Shadow jumped off the tower holding the Master Emerald, landing gracefully on his feet. He approached Brutos slowly.
he points his palm to a g.u.n transmitter and shoots a powerdul wave of blue energy destroying it. "...evil ...yes...YOUR ALL EVIL!! " points his palm to shadow firing it again. "Heh!!"
"W-what? No please, I`m sorry. Is this yours? I didn't mean to touch it! It was just so pretty" Lily scrambled away from the bat lady and held tightly to Niff who gave out a squeal. Rouge looked at the girl amusingly before turning to look at Shadow.

"Thanks but I think I can handle this." She turned to face the young panda, who still had a face of fear and gave her a smile. "Say, You like Gems?"

"Uh, yes?!"

Rouge smirked and placed her hand on the girl`s head ruffling up her dark locks. "I think we`ll get along just fine kid." Lily looked up at the lady with wide eyes through her tousled hair while Niff just sniffled in her hands.


"Shadow? What`s going on?"

Shadow dodges it with ease. "What the hell has gotten into you? This isn't like you." Shadow said, he was very confused right now, but all he could do right now was try to reason. "Listen, I don't want to fight you, so don't force me too." Shadow warned. Shadow then looked up at Rouge, "Just take the emerald and go, I can handle this guy. Besides, I know how much you hate losing your precious gems." Shadow said with a smirk. He focused his attention back to Brutos.
Fionna hear a noise far off, so instead of rearing right she turned left away from the cop with the tazer. She ran toward the noise only to duck behind a tree, so she could dodge from a miss fire. " Trigger happy fellow huh." Her ears perked up when she saw the cop haller. "YOU THERE STOP."
good, your evil will be easier to extinguish'' He glares and charges, literally swimming in the air, and leans his fist back punching shadow as fast and hard as he could, he seemed to be able to fly just as fast as he could swim. ''rrrr!!''
"Eee!" Rouge looked at the frightened girl who pointed down at something, or rather someone. A large blue shark was attacking them with balls of powerful energy. He had just destroyed a transmitter and was now directing his hand towards her and the panda girl.*Rouge hasn't notice Niff by the way*

"Damn." Using her wings she flew up to the Master Emerald and proceeded to take it off it`s pedestal while Lily looked in awe. Looking back at the shark, she noticed it was the same one as before from the beach. He punched 'Shadow', the name of the red and black mobian, and was now going all out. She stood there observing as rouge succeeded to remove the Master Emerald.
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"OOF!" Shadow was sent flying into the wall. He got up, and glared at him. "Fine, I'll show you my real power!" Shadow rolled into a ball, and used the spin dash attack on Brutos, knocking him flat on his back. Shadow then crossed his arms. "Just walk away. This can be as easy, or as hard as you make it."
brutos went back and glared. ''rrr, your evil will not continue!, to think when I met you shadow I thought you where kind...but even your team is called dark, no good person could join a team call team dark!, so your a villain and your so called ''friends'' are carrying weapons'' He glares sharply. ''they are even the same species as that weird mustached moron, and I WILL NOT ALLOW YOUR INJUSTICE TO CONTINUE!!'' He puts his palms together to create a small ball of water, creating a bubble within a bubble.
Fionna had crossed her arms in amusement as she admired the shark looking thing. She laughed as she thought about using him , but was hit by Christie who was beside her. "NO..we need to leave I cant keep him back forever.

" The cop managed to get past the trap and through ha net toward them but she rolled away dodging it. She was up on her fours as she hissed. " back off."
"Fine, I'll end this right now." Shadow removed his wrist wrings, and power emitted from his body, he started glowing a bright white color. "Let me show you the power of The Ultimate Life Form!" Shadow rushed at hid full speed, laying him out with one powerful punch to the face, sending Brutos all the way from the Mystic Ruins to Station Square. Shadow then put his rings back on. "Let's go Rouge, before he comes back."
Just before the punch he floats the bubble over gently, actually creating a small explosion before the blast and punch sends him to station square, he doesn't move for the few seconds. He slowly breaths in and out and soon raised up. ''hehe...atleast my bubble went off..i wont see those villains again'' He grabs a long cloak and wraps it around his bdy which only shows his face and feet, as he runs off, then bursts out flying in mid air
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"Right." Rouge readjusted Her emerald on her shoulders so that`s it`s heavy weight could be easier to carry. Lily turned to look at Rouge after seeing the two fighting below. 'Evil? Dark? Who were these people?' She stood up and launched her self at the large emerald and it`s carrier. Rouge stumbled.

((I`ll come back in 4 hours....srry party today))
"Uh oh." Shadow noticed the bubble about to explode. "Chaos Control!" Shadow yelled out, he used the power of the emeralds to teleport Rouge and Lily to club Rouge. Then the bubble exploded with Shadow still there.
heh...that takes of those guys'' He floats off, then standing on a massively tall sky scraper he searches for the emeralds. ''shadow says those emeralds are to be found...there must be...a lot huh'' he sthinks sitting down. ''how many...was had 7...yea...7 emeralds'' He soon stands and down a drop down the sky scraper and lands with a crashing thud.
Shadow layed there on the floor after the explosion, he wasn't dead, but he was pretty close. That explosion had done a number on him. There was blood pouring out of his mouth, as he coughed up more of it. He slowly stood up, he limped out of the Mystic Ruins. There wasn't a part of him anywhere on his body that didn't ache with extreme pain. He continued limping, 'At least Rouge got what she wanted. I'm expendable now.' Shadow thought to himself. He continued limping until he passed out on the floor out of the forest.
Espio soon appeared over Shadow.

"It seems G.U.N's intel was right on where to find Shadow. Looks like he has been having problems. I see why they decided to hire the Chaotix Detective Agency to aid him in his current mission. Though it figures those lazy fools Vector and Charmy decided to do an easier job for more money and just leave this one to me. Either way a job is a job."

Espio picked up Shadow and used his Ninjutsu to get him to a safer place, he would have to find somewhere where Shadow could get medical assistance.

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