Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

Brutos looked around side to side. ''huh who what did...wait..chaos control....YOU CONTROL CHAOS EMERALDS!!'' He looks super shocked, his jaw dropped down low, he gazed at the green chaos emerald with his big blue-cartoon eyes.
"When I was created, I has infused with the blood of Black Doom, giving me easy access to Chaos Emeralds and their power." Shadow explained to him. He found the cartoon eyes very amusing,
Shadow glared at Brutos, he had no right to speak to the Ultimate Life Form like that. Shadow croosed his arms and turned around, he then ran off into the forest, the heat beneath his feet almost leaving behind a trail of fire as his jet boosters kicked in and excelled his speed beyond the limits of most, except for Sonic the Hedgehog.
''hmm...not bad'' He shrugs softly, yawning loudly. ''he cant swim though...heheh'' He laughs abit to himself, as he walks away, noticing the chalice. ''ooo shiny~'' He takes it and runs off.
Shadow returned to G.U.N. and walked around the base. He had nothing to do anymore, he could look for Rouge, but he didn't feel like it, so he got on the couch and took a nap.
knuckles was protecting the master emerald and is bored out of his mind. but he heard a sound... " what the hell is that" knuckles said. " i better go check it out... but I...I cant leave the master emerald aw the hell with it..." knuckles goes into the forest of the mystic ruins to see what the noise was...
The footsteps of a large creature waled by, as brutos walked slowly. 'hmm....' looks side to sidem his fin waves side to side as he walks. He suddenly saw a red creature. ''what in the blood heck are you supposed to be'' He looked at the oversized rodent.
brutos the shark, im the same...'' He waves arm. ''but much better and rarer then someone of your pathetic blood'' He yawns softly, as he attempted to shoe the rodent away, his tail waving side to side. ''yawn~ echidna's are nothing but vermin towards me''
Brutos was punched in the face, but just looked abit. ''im sorry....where you punching or tickling me'' He uses his tail to bat knuckles away with ease, he was easily the size of big the cat, but was more built like vector. ''keh..see youll never harm me...''
(Pain your characters too tough, remember Knuckles is insanely strong.)

G.UN. Awoke Shadow after witnessing a red echidna punched a large shark in the face. "Shadow, we have a disturbance in the mystic ruins" GUN tells him. Shadow immediately jumps off the couch and runs full speed at the mystic ruins His jet boosters kicked in increasing his speed. Finally he arrives ans witnesses Knuckles pig headedness

The mighty treehouse shook greatly, several items falling off shelves and tables. The little bird in her hands had started to chirp crazily as her pet mole hid in her dark colored hair. Her monochrome fur stood on edge as she held onto a nailed down table with wide scared eyes. As quick as it came it was gone.

Slowly letting go of the table, Lilly stumbled over to the window, wondering what had caused the shaking. It wasn't strong enough to be an earthquake she thought but it was strong enough to shake this old tree. Looking out the window, she could see a giant spray of water falling from the sky.

"What the what?" She squinted her eyes and leaned her head closer to the window's edge before a cold, wet nose touched her neck. Nif, her pet mole, sniffled and gave a short grunt turning his head towards the yellow bird still in her hands.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I sorta forgot you were there. Hehe..he" The yellow bird still shaking in her hand gave her a slight glare before sneezing. Lily remembered about it's cold and quickly set the little guy down on the table before snatching a berry from a hanging jar. She gave the little bird the berry and told him to eat it after drinking some water.

As the bird flew away, chirping it's thanks, Lilly scrambled to the rope ladder of the tree house and made her way down to the ground. Niff held tightly to her shoulder as she ran, jumped, and dodged through the forest greenery before emerging to a scene of scrapped metal on a beach. A large tailed Mobian(?) was fighting a small red gloved opponent.

((Wow that was long))
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"Oh you don't like to be tickeled then eat this!!!!"

Knuckles turns into a giant ball and flys at brutos and slams him

To the ground wile hitting his face a whole lot...
(relax im not invincible to fists, I just have a dence skin''

He is rapeaditly punches over and over and over, soon starting to bleed starting to breath heavy he seases his chance, and bites knuckles hand with his shark like teeth. ''hehe'' The standing up slowly he lifts knuckles using his jaw, and throws him up and batters him away with his tail. ''ya know...haa...haa...your starting to tick me off!' He soon summons a special lance shaped object made of water. '''' He stops hearing something in the distance. ''hmm..whats that'' He spits out the remaining blood as a tooth falls out, but regrows in seconds.
Shadow used his speed to his advantage, using his momentum, he rushed back and forth past Brutos, then, after about 12 clean hits, he stopped right in front of Brutos, and he snapped his fingers, chaos energy whacked Brutos down to the ground. "Short tempered as always, eh knuckles?"
"Eep!" Lily quickly hid behind a bush as his sharp eyes went in her direction. The sight of blood didn't help calm her. Niff gave a quick squeal however and went deeper into her hair.
brutos skidded back breathing heavily. ''he started it, HE PUNCHED ME FIRSY THE OVER GROWN RED RODENT!!!'' He gave a sharp and dark glare to knuckles evily, then disperces his lands, lightly clapping his hands together softrly
"I was dispatched by G.U.N. to stop this pointless fight, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do." Shadow said glaring at Brutos. "By any means necessary." Shadow added glaring with his arms crossed.
Brutos looked. ''hah...I don't believe serious'' He turns arund and leaves the wooded area slowly, then is gone from the forest in a flash. He walked slowly trying to calm himself, but it didn't work each step he saw that red rodent, knuckles just mock him over and over by punching him.
Shadow approached Knuckles who was still on the ground bleeding. He held out his hand to help him up. "Need a hand?" Shadow asked Knuckles waiting for him to take it.
Shadow pulls Knuckles to his feet. He then let go and crossed his arms over his chest. Shadow looked at Knuckle, "How did you grt into a fight with Brutos?" Shadow asked him curious. He knew Knuckles had a short fuse, but he didn't attack for no reason
"I herd a noise in the forest and took it as a threat

Toward the master emerald and then that f***er showed up

And disrespected me" knuckles didn't want to get in another fight

After he had just got his a** kicked but he would if he had to...

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