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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Katelle & Damion Smith

Damion slowly made his way back up to his adoptive sister. He reached over and put a hand on her shoulder.

Kat shrugged it off. She was trying to get control. She couldn't blame the Corporal for this. Chances were that he had no idea about this either.

Sighing, she put a hand on her forehead. She reopened her eyes to see the wall emerging. "Come on" she said, speeding her horse up. "Catch up Kierschtein"

Pat laid down on a bed with a wet rag over his head "I'm so thirsty he said as he gulped down water." He felt like he was being burnt alive then he saw smoke coming from his skin and then he felt like someone had threw him into a vat of molten iron. He started thrashing in the bed taking off his under shirt to try and escape the heat "Hold him down!!!" one of the senior medics yelled but as one of them touched his skin one of the medics yelped and drew his hand back in shock his hand was burned.
Ymir Her joke was indeed lame, and maybe it did bother Annie, but she wouldn't say so much. "Oh, come on. It is rare to see you smile. But keep in mind: it's a good thing, not something to hide away from everyone." she said with a smile. Not following her own advice herself. Or Krista's advice. It was very uncommon to see Ymir smile too, to be honest. She wouldn't be herself around anyone but Krista; it seems that she and Annie were more alike than they'd like to admit.

She remembered that Annie was, maybe, fully capable of wiping the floor with her, so she'd better try to stay quiet. But that's not in Ymir's nature. And she was a very proud individual. She liked to think she would be able to win a match against Annie; even if that didn't sync with reality at all.

"Oh, we are being sarcastic now?" she raised an eyebrow at Annie. But she shrugged it off, she'd let her have this one for now. Ymir then went to sit, while Annie started picking up documents. Ymir observed Annie, and while she picked up the documents; she seemed confused. What could it be? After some moments, the silence was broken and Annie spoke, fixing her sight on her.

"A traitor? Well, that wouldn't be surprising. But it'd would have to be one of your team. We didn't even know you rebels even existed until that meeting before. Although, I cannot assure you that there are no traitors in Kat's Regiment. They could very well know about this somehow. From before?" she said with a yawn. "What do you suggest we do?" she looked more serious now. She was tired of treachery and lies.

@Annie Leonhardt
Katelle and Damion

She continued to ride, but remembered something. She had to go to Ymir and the others.

She took a left, straying from their path. Damion objected, but followed nonetheless.

As she arrived at the H.Q and entered. She went over to Annie and Ymir.

"I'm back. And I brought Damion. And information that could be of help."

@Darkmaster006 @Annie Leonhardt
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Jean Jean's mind was in the clouds when he finally realized that he was following no one. Shit! Where did they go?

Figuring Kat was headed back to the others, he headed that way too.

He didn't know how long he had been on his own, and what time they had gotten there, but it mustn't have been that long for he saw them through the window.
Well this is going to be awkward, Jean thought as he hopped off his stallion and headed through the doorway. As he opened the door it made a long screeching, and all eyes were on him. Not knowing what to do, Jean involuntarily turned red and said an awkward, "Hi."


Annie Leonhardt

Annie listened to what the brunette had to say, pursing her lips slightly. There was a possibility of there being a traitor within Kat's regiment; after all, everything was perfectly fine until they got involved. However, now isn't the time to play the blame game.

She glanced up, seeing the other two enter the room. Information? Maybe they did have a bit of information, but what guaranteed that it was true? She wasn't about to question it at this point. It would only slow them down, and Annie wouldn't tolerate that. She wouldn't waste her time over petty things like this.

"Information? Spit it out. We haven't got all day." She spoke, having a bit of a sharp tone to it. But that was expected right? Annie had assumed a lot of responsibility by leading this group. She was put under quite a bit of pressure, but she was handling it better than she thought she would have. She figured that she would've beaten the hell out of one of the members in her group a long time ago, but she hadn't. Not yet.

She stopped messing with the documents, focusing her attention on Katelle and Damion. She honestly wondered why the girl brought her brother along. After all, nobody could truly be trusted, even if it was a sibling. She didn't say anything though, merely shifting her gaze between the two siblings. She briefly glanced at Ymir, a brief thought crossing her mind. What did Ymir think of this? I mean, it's not like Annie cared what she think, but she was slightly curious. Did Ymir see anything wrong with this? Perhaps Annie was just being a bit paranoid since she doesn't trust anybody really.

Katelle Smith

"First of all. Don't get snappy with me. I don't have to show you this."she said calmly.

She then handed the folder to Ymir. "
Personal records. You already know that I'm directly related to Commander, but look at who else I'm related to. They literally cannot kill me for treason."

She looked at Jean. "For certain reasons." Her connections to the prince.


@Annie Leonhardt

Jean Jean raised his left brow, wondering what Ymir would make of the documents. He still couldn't believe that Kat was related to humanity's strongest. It made sense though; Kat was one of the strongest soldiers he had ever met.

Everyone was just standing around at this point. He became irritated at this. But Jean had no ranking whatsoever, so he asked, "What's our next move?"

Judging by Annie's scowl, Ymir's furrowed eyebrows, and Kat's hard stare, Jean guessed that things weren't going to be easy.

@Brianna Ackerman

"You don't have to read this. Long story short, they can't call my father humanity's tallest."

It was obvious she wasn't happy about this. If everyone found out about this, her hell would grow. They'd always compare her to him.

Our moves now aren't up to me. I move the military, not the resistance."

She looked over at Jean


{shit tagged the wrong person. If you see this I'm so sorry DX}
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Pat walked out into the room with the rest of their forces "What's going on?" he asked in a groggy voice "Keep it short and sweet I'm not feeling great so spare me the long explanations." he said as he sat down on a chair and put his hand on his forehead.

"Short explanation? I can do that" She turned to him.

"Annie is our new leader, the Military Police soldier in the room is my adoptive brother, he is on our side, I was engaged to a prince, and my dad is Corporal Shorty, Humanity's Strongest"
She quickly finished up.

"There. I'm done. Short enough for you?"

Ymir "Well... well. This is, to say the least, unexpected. I don't see it as anything that would bother us; if anything, you should be cautios with that information, Kattie." she snickered. Then, she looked down to Annie. "What do you think, oh great leader of the resistance?". She knew Annie wouldn't take that in a funny way, probably. But to hell with it!

"But now, down to the most... urgent matters. Your brother... is a traitor." Well, she wasn't exactly sure he was; but, if he was indeed, she wanted to see his reaction; so she looked to face Kat's brother as menacing as she could. So did Annie.

((Sorry people, I was waiting for Annie to post that I forgot to even write a response! Let's hope she's back, tho.))

@Brianna Ackerman

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Katelle and Damion

Damion was just as calm as his sister usually was. "To the king, yes. I am. I am leaving the Military Police ranks. I'm tired of sitting under that asshole we have as a ruler's feet, taking his every command. I don't know what I saw in that pig."

Katelle smiled at her brother. "That's the spirit. You sure you're not an Ackerman?" She asked as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders.

Freezing, she let out a string of curses. Of course, they were in French. It makes sense, now.

Did I just really say that my last name was what I think I did?"

@ScoutHeather @Darkmaster006 @BusinessMan @Annie Leonhardt
Jean When Jean heard Ymir's accusation, his face contorted in distaste. A traitor? Damion, a traitor? Maybe..But, no, he's Kat's brother, and they seem to get along well. I trust her judgment, but maybe she could be blinded? An easy target, for sure.

While in thought, Jean paced around the room; he could never stay still while thinking. Rubbing his hand through his hair for like the millionth time, he heard Kat spew out a language he hadn't heard in a while. Where did she learn French? Jean wondered. I bet she could teach me some words, that would be cool. He smiled at his inner monologue.

Hearing the name Ackerman made his thoughts go to Mikasa. It was a weird coincidence that the last name was common among the toughest soldiers he knew. But that was just it - Jean didn't believe in coincidences. He knew of Kit-Kat's and Captain shorty's connection, but what about Mikasa?
This is the last thing I should be thinking about, Jean scolded himself for not thinking about the mission ahead of them.

@Brianna Ackerman

Ymir Ymir couldn't help but to smile. To be honest, she wasn't expecting such a clever and calm answer. It is for the better; now she can be, almost, sure that Damion is not a traitor. "Well said, comrade." She exclaimed with hate in her eyes.

Ymir wandered around the round for a little while, passing by Jean a few times and then said: "Well, Annie, what are your thoughts?".

Annie looked as glacy as always, but she had an air of self-sufficiency and a little happiness, or so it seemed; but she wouldn't show. "We need to warn the Cadets first. Then, we shall proceed with the plan."

"Awh, man, I'd would have surely joked about me wanting to meet Historia, were I Annie in that moment. Boring, Annie." she thought, and she then said: "I like that. Are we all good? Then we should get going!" Annie walked outside and waited for Ymir and the rest. Ymir liked this; maybe Annie could be a friend of hers too, just maybe, in a not-so-distant future.

@Brianna Ackerman



@Annie Leonhardt

"If you'll permit me, I'd like to go to base first. I'm pretty sure I can get the Corporal- I mean, my father- in on this. And my uncle And having two, maybe three Ackerman's in on this plan? It would stabilize this a whole lot more."

She looked around at the group, waiting for someone to respond.
"Great." He smirked "One big happy Ackerman family reunion ." he chuckled as he said "Maybe we can even get the entire scout regiment." he said sarcasticly.

@Brianna Ackerman


"You get my uncle and father, you pretty have the whole scout regiment. You don't know our history. If you did, you'd be very on board with this plan."
Jean "Now hold on, the whole scout regiment? I agree on having the Commander and Captain along, and sure the scouts for some back up; but the more people, the more likely a mistake will be made." Jean spoke up.

He was thinking aloud,
"Obviously the more people who want the king dead the better, but this resistance needs to stay small. It's easier to control a small mass of people rather than let everyone riot about what's going on."

Ymir Ymir turned around and winced at what Kat said. She wanted to warn Krista as soon as possible. But, Levi would be very helpful. So would Erwin. So she had to accept. "It is a good idea." she muttered. Annie agreed. She shrugged off Pat's sarcastic comments now, as the situation was serious, more like she wanted to seem serious.

Jean then spoke his mind and Ymir said: "Annie said warning. Still, the more, the better. But in this operation we need to stay low and little in number indeed."

@Brianna Ackerman


"He's right. The more people, the more likely something is going to get screwed up." She sighed.

"If we get caught, I'm going to die. It's either that or go back to the asshole I was once engaged to. Id rather die than go through that living hell again."
Jean "Great, now that we have that settled, I think Ymir and I should go warn the other cadets. They would listen to what we have to say, plus," he turned towards Kat, "Sounds like you need to have a little family reunion."

Jean didn't really want to make the trip with Ymir; she was okay, but he knew they would get into small fights. But Kat has to go see her father and uncle, and he knew that Ymir was itching to see Krista. He didn't know what the others would do, but he had already made up his mind.

Ymir "Well, that's... a very good idea." she said with a a smirk. Though don't pretend you don't wanna see Marco, she thought. Annie was alright with it; she wouldnt admit it, but she wanted to check up on someone. Mikasa followed them too, she didn't seem to like meeting Levi.

Ymir was about to part, but she turned back to Kat and said: "DragonFire, shall we meet here again?". Annie was already up a building. So was Mikasa.

She nodded. "Yeah. I shouldn't take too long. Three hours tops. I go over that, send a rescue team."

She looked over to Jean. "And I wouldn't call it a a family reunion. The only family I've ever really had is my mother. And she's dead, so."
Pat was still sitting at the table when he saw someone walking suspiciously quick to another chamber in the complex he motioned stood up and motioned to Jean "You see that guy did he look suspicious or what?" He asked in a hushed voice.


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