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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Katelle Ackerman

Kat didn't say or do anything. She just kept walking, ignoring his sobbing. She only spoke once, to tell him to be quiet, and that she wouldn't warn him again.

As she reap preached HQ, she saw a wagon full of crates, and one rather unclean and beaten up human being, who was being un-handcuffed.

Telling the soldiers to bring Daniel to her uncle and father, she narrowed her eyes and walked over to the MP soldiers, putting her hands on her hips as she waited for them to say something.

"What do you MP pigs want now? Like I told you earlier today, we are not taking any more prisoners. So if that's what this is, you can take whoever the hell this is, and get your asses back inside wall Sina like the cowards you are. I do not have the time nor patience to deal with you lot -once more- today."

She looked at Steven, a stoic and harsh look on her face. Her steel grey eyes bored into his own eyes, inspecting him. Observation was a strong suit of hers. It was like Mike's nose. Her eyes were impeccable.

And who are you?" She asked, raising a fine eyebrow. Getting no immediate answer, she sighed.

"Remember. You're on our grounds so you follow our rules. And one of our rules is to answer an official's question truthfully and efficiently. So don't ignore me. A warning, you're under my jurisdiction from this point on. So, I repeat again. Who are you?"
Steven Ali

Stevens eyes would look back at her with a cold disregard, not her personally but the situation he was in. Dispite his time in prison he still had a toned form leaning on the leaner side, probably much faster than he was strong. He would open his mouth to reply only to be interrupted by the man next to him.

The MP looks at her with his nose lifted slightly giving him a looking down at her look his tone rather annoyed at the women "It isnt my fault if you dont know why we are here, Maybe they should of sent someone who does." Scoffing at her softly as he shoves Steven towards her

"He is your newest recruit Steven Ali dishonorable discharge from our ranks" in the our you could easily pick up how he thinks the MP are above her "and sent to yours.. you are lucky the nobles where so generous to send him here" Giving a soft snicker to her.

Stevens cold gaze would turn to the MP his stance would relax slightly as his eyes fix on his target, As his breathing becomes more controlled as he stands upright "Steven Ali ma'am, I have no rank it was stripped of me" no doubt kat would notice he was getting close to fighting the man

(( on my phone for now ill fix my mistakes up later))

@Brianna Ackerman
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Ymir Ymir had been given a new 3DMG gear already. She was with the others watching the scene unfold from the tall window from which she had been about to jump minutes ago. She was already impatient. Why was Kat talking with more and more people? And why where there crates and another unknown guy? And, ugh, the Military Police were there. She really did hate them.

Impulsively, she decided to throw herself off the window and land neatly on the floor near Kat, with the help of her gear, of course. She whispered to her ear: "What is this?"

Then she looked around and saw the guy who had insulted her later. She only looked at him despectively, and uttered no word.
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Katelle Ackerman

"Someone who knows stuff around here? Oh, you must not have recognized me. My name is Katelle Smith. COMMANDER of the Guardian Regiment. I'm fully qualified to be here. Also, I am in very good graces with our crown prince. After all, we were engaged to be married at one point, and are still very close. Don't antagonize me. And who said we had to take them? Just because you MP pigs don't want him, nowhere in or laws does it state we have to take him. Why not the Garrison?"

She raised a brow. It was true. She didn't have to take this man into their ranks. But she would have to ask her uncle. She wasn't in charge of the whole Survey Corps yet, only a large part of it.

She looked over at Ymir when she landed beside her. When the girl whispered in her ear, she sighed, speaking out loud.

"This is our new pending recruit to the Corps. And they're trying to force us to take him. We got no notice, nothing, from the king. His own rules say he must give us some type of warning, and he didn't. So why should we take him? Anyone have an idea?

@Darkmaster006 @samsan99
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Pat Smith "All people deserve second chances." Pat said looking down at his feet. he walked toward Steven, sizing him up "You look capable." Pat said unimpressed. He walked back toward Katelle "I think we should give him a chance commander." He whispered. "He could be a valuable asset for the op."

Pat thought about about his life as a kid and how about he had it rough and had to run with a street gang to barely make it. No more reminiscing. he thought No more looking back, The only easy day was no day. He chuckled to himself, Making fun of some motto he had heard some where. "So long term what should we do about that Almas character?"
Steven Ali

The officer seem somewhat surprised his eyes still looking at her with a light uncertainty clearing the tone from his voice as he speaks "We where simply told to take him to you, That is all" He stance had also changed seeming more alert.. more official now that he may be in front of some one so high ranking. The driver glances to the group clearly not wanting to be in all this his face still mostly covered by the hood of his coat "Hurry it up now.. we cant spend all day out here"

Steven would give a small nod to Pat "I hope I would be, I managed to beat the rest and get into the Military Police after all" His voice coming clear and deep but seeming a bit on edge as his eyes move back to Katelle slowly, avoiding her gaze if she was to look at him"If you really want to send me back.. do so but nothing but my execution wait me" His gaze seeming to unfocus as he is taken back a deep saddened sigh escaping him 'all this just for beating up one cheating merchant? so much for the 'friendship' and comradely i once knew, Than again any one else would of gotten worse than me' He thought to himself as a small chuckle escaped him

Katelle Ackerman

Kat looked at Steven, before walking up to him and pulling a sword from her side. Not the standard 3DMG gear sword, but a real sword. She pointed it at him, the point right under his chin.

"Fine" she said stiffly, through gritted teeth. "You will be placed at the very bottom of our ranks, just above trainees, for a trial period to determine your untimate fate. As I do have jurisdiction over the Corps as second in command. And my uncle trusts me. That's not the point, though. You will stay with an official at all times." She looked at him, her face hardening even more, if that was even possible, before she spoke again. She first gave a curt laugh.

"You Military Police all think you're all that because you got within the top ten at the age of 15? Oh how nice. Let me tell you something. I graduated at the top of my trainee class at the age of 9. With the three years of training, that means I was technically enlisted at age six. So, if you think you have anything above me, or any of my people, you can drop those thoughts right now. Because if you get on my bad side, I assure you that you'll be wishing to die. Do you understand me, cadet?"

She put emphasis on her final word to get her point across. She was very serious, and if he didn't believe her, he would find out and soon wish he had.

@Darkmaster006 @BusinessMan @samsan99
Steven Ali

He would lift his chin a little as she place the point right under it, Some of his hair moving backwards to show his face fully. His eyes look back into hers slightly narrowing. The darker cold features of his face showing, Looking much older than he really is.

"I understand commander" Moving the box to one hand as he presses the other over his chest in a salute to her "I will obey and keep to your good side, Thank you for not sending me back" the words almost being forced from his lips as he says them his eyes still looking into hers returning the cold look unmatching of his words now totally ignoring the Two MP and the others around him.

The officer snickers a little at Steves words a large smirk on his face as he mutters some thing under his breath to himself throwing the cuffs that once held Steve into the back of the covered wagon before starting to climb into it himself "I Hope you have fun out here" Giving a chuckle, both of his actions pointed to Steve as he climbs back into the wagon.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Jean Jean had basically been daydreaming this whole time; he can't believe no one called him out on it. But there was just so much going on that it was hard to pay attention to the small details.

All he knew was that there was some new guy. What was his name? Stan? No. Stephan..Steven! Jean made sure to get a good look of him. He looked strong, and he had a cocky attitude. Jean didn't like this guy. He screamed bad news. Jean always trusted his instincts, and today would be no different. He looked at Kat and Ymir to see if he could read their actions; seemed like they weren't too pleased either. Good. "So, Steven, what did you do to deserve being in those cuffs?" Jean crossed his arms awaiting a response.

@Brianna Ackerman @Darkmaster006
Ymir Ymir glanced at Jean, who had appeared out of nowhere. "Where the fuck have you been all this time!?" he murmured to his ear. "Well, I hope you have a good story to tell, Steven." Ymir knew the MP were shit, so she was kind of expecting some nonsense done by them. She crossed her arms and waited, bored.
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BusinessMan said:
(What kind?)
ScoutHeather said:
Dude, not the kind of question you just ask. It's probably personal.
{It's fine, really. It's just that there are a lot of different symptoms I have pointing to a disease that I can't spell, and doctors are worried I may have it. I'm usually really weak, and not well enough to get on here}
Katelle Ackerman

Kat sighed. "I don't know why, but the Commander is forcing me to spend time with the corporal. Something about" she made air quotes with her fingers. " 'Father-daughter bonding time is the best way you two are going to get to know each other on an emotional level'. As if. I highly doubt running laps with him for three hours or something like that is gonna make him hate me less than he already does."

She grabbed Steven and began walking back inside, practically dragging him to the cadet barracks before returning. "Anyone care to join me to assure that I don't murder a pipsqueak tonight?"

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