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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Daniel Almas he sighs when he sees them walk away "Do I go to the King now... or just wait for them. Hm..." he wonders "Ok I am going to tell him" he starts to walk "There is no need to use the gas or run. If they are really doing a secret meeting then they will take their time" he thinks out loud.

he looks at his hand "However if they hurt me they will know the truth about me... Come on I already chose! No looking back now!" he lowers his hand

Katelle Ackerman

Katelle made their meeting brief. "Now that everything major is covered, I believe we have a mole to uncover. Who, if I heard my soldiers say right, is probably outside."

She stood up. "Who's going to hold him down, and who punches?" She asked jokingly, cracking her knuckles.

@ScoutHeather @Darkmaster006
Jean A huge smirk appeared on Jean's face, "Now that's more like it. Let's kick this guy's ass!" He was joking, but at the same time he wouldn't mind getting his hands dirty.

Jean wrapped his arms over Kat's and Ymir's shoulder, since they were closest to him,
"What are we waiting for?" He asked rhetorically. He hoped the guy would be in close range, Jean didn't feel like making a trip just to see someone who he didn't care for. Plus, they didn't want him to go ahead and warn the king and his fellow men - that would lead to a mess.

@Brianna Ackerman

Ymir Ymir felt weirded out at first, when Jean wrapped his arms over them. She was almost going to throw him away, but then Krista wrapped her arm on Ymir's back, and she felt better; it was going to be a stupid thing to have done that, too. It was good to try and be a little gentle, at least.

"I wanna be the one doing the punching; unless you, my dear Kat..." she eyerolled "...wish to do that part." Havng said that, she started running towars the window in the end of the corridor.
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Katelle Ackerman

Katelle sighed. "I was joking!" She called after her, seeing her run down the corridor.

Sighing again, she turned to the others. "
Come on. Let's go. Last one out close the door." She began walking, following Ymir at a steady, calm pace.

She went outside, hands in her pockets, and looked around as she continued to walk.

"Alright I'm getting bored now anyone want to go do something else with me?" Pat asked looking around the room. "If you want we can make a bit of money for what I have in mind." he said as he walked toward the door.
Daniel Almas he looks around. It didn't look like anyone was following him. He sighs in relieve and walks slower. Too easy he though for himself. Well, if they follow him, he could always use his gear. He just needed to be careful to not waist his gas,.

Well, he still had the titan form, but he probably would die if he turned into one. Though he maybe would kill a group or two, more would come and they would be too many in numbers. He sighs once again. 20 more minutes and he would reach the gate

Ymir Ymir was just about to jump when she remembered something really, really important: her 3DMG equipment was broken. Woah, she was falling straight to death, more likely. She stopped in her tracks, and sighed in relief, then turned back to Kat who was walking towards her.
Ymir "Dragonfire... my gear is broken. Would you mind asking for a new one?" she sighed. This was really troublesome to do.

"Oh, and I think we need to the front gate as soon as possible; if he is escaping, then he will have to go through it, and we will be waiting. Although, if he has already surpassed it, I don't think we have much chance of finding him." she said before Krista started telling her that she could have died, and, well, she was right.
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Misuki hums to herself as she sits in a garden near her house,"I wonder how the ocean can cover vast amounts of the world!" She says excitedly just as her brother,Peter comes out of the house. "Stop reading and come on! You can't slack off training ya know!" He runs to the empty training ground we use to train for the Scouting Legion,Putting her book down she walks over and faces the fourteen year old boy. "Ready to lose baby sis?" Peter smirks,"May I remind you that I have one four fights while I let you win one." I say as I aim a punch at his stomach. He dodges and flips me over his shoulder "Ouch." I grumble as he waits for me to get up. A fatal mistake. I swipe his feet out from under him and pin him,"Look who lost now!" I say triumphantly as I help him up.
He flips me over his shoulder once again,I growl "God dammit Peter!" I get up and hit him in the stomach and this time I flip him over my shoulder. "Wow you've gotten stronger." He points out and swipes my feet out from under me so now we are both on the floor. I don't notice someone watching us from a distance,"Can I practice with the swords now!" I ask in excitement at handling my dads old gear,my brother shakes his head and tells me we should continue fighting. We do and I beat him yet again "5 to 1 Peter!" I smile as I help him up and then flip him. He sighs and gets up
"Fine have it your way." Pat said flatly walking toward the door he felt a little dejected that no one wanted to come with him. He walked out into the hall and saw Ymir and Katelle "Mind if I join ya'." He asked seeing some little blond girl scolding Ymir.

@Brianna Ackerman
@Misuki Tatsumi {please post a character sheet in the sign-up, and wait to be accepted before beginning to roleplay. We do have a gm system now, and other requirements you must fulfill before joining in, to prevent any further issues than we already have experienced}
Katelle Ackerman

She nodded. "Yes. I'll have one of my soldiers to get a new one for you. However, we have to go. We don't have much time until he gets to the gate. Can you catch up to us when you get it?"

She turned to the others, saying that they needed to go. She told them what to look for, and then took off towards the gate. Her gas tanks were full, and she carried spares.

Standing tall, she went towards the gate, surveying the area.
Daniel Almas

he was about 40 meters away from the gate What now? he thinks and looks around. Do I just walk in? No. The guards would think I am crazy. Do I climb the wall? Yes! I know I am fast enough to get away from the guards... however if a survey corps member comes and is a good one. I don't think I am fast enough... Tch!

He didn't notice Katelle. He was there staring at the gate. His cape with the survey corps symbol would probably make him stand out from the rest of the people

@Brianna Ackerman
Pat Smith Gotcha Pat thought as he jumped down and grappled to the ground and sprinted to the cloaked figure and decked him. "Not so tough now are you." he said to the man on the ground. Damn that felt good. He thought to himself, he hadn't hit someone like that since the pit. He spat to his side and wiped his mouth "Got him!!" He yelled to Katelle and Ymir.

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Katelle Ackerman

Kat shot down, practically tackling Daniel, pinning him to the ground, standing on top of him. She put her foot on his throat. "Ah yes. Daniel Alma's. I remember your file. I wanted to remove you from the corps but my father prevented me. A shame, really. And where were you going?" She asked. "I do hope you realize that you need written permission from Commander Smith or I to leave the gate, unless summoned by the king. If you're summoned, we are told. And we were not. So what was your plan?"
Daniel Almas he sighs and smiles at everyone "hi captain! I'm happy that you remember me! I wasnt going anywhere. I was just looking at the gate and thinking that nothing could broke it!"

He smiles once again. Of course he was lying, but they didnt know that. I have to get out of here... Quick!

@Brianna Ackerman @BusinessMan
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Katelle Ackerman

She yanked him up and restrained him with the help of one of her soldiers. "It's commander, captain is the title of Levi Ackerman. Not me. And I may be a woman, but I am not an idiot. There is a reason that I graduated at the top of a cadet class at only eleven years old."

" And a reason I was put at the head of a logistics division at 14. And granted a regiment of my own at 15. Because I'm smart. You may not believe that, Almas, but it's the truth."

She took out her sword and placed it on his neck.
"One cut. That's all I need to have you laying on the ground, dead. Do I really need to do it?"

Wow. This couldn't be the real Kat. Or was it? It was. The dangerous, scary side that she had hidden within her. It came from her father, and remained hidden until this moment. It was terrifying, to say the least.

"I'm not afraid to kill you. I've done so much worse. Things that have scarred me. I don't know you, so the guilt won't last long."
Daniel Almas Daniel was in real trouble. He knew that. This girl... her aura was way worst than fighting 5 titans alone. He smiles at her "So this is the true face of the Survey Corps? They don't fight for the humanity but instead, they kill them just because? Glad to know. Listen Miss Commander. All I want is to go outside of the walls. I don't know what I did wrong, no... I know I didn't do anything wrong. Now I am warning you." he starts to talk with a high voice so everyone around them could hear him "If you kill a man just because you want and you don't have a real reason then do it. Become someone worst than the Titans themselves!"

Everyone would start to look at them. They started mumbling things.

he looks at her eyes. He would still have the titan form. If she did just a little cut, she would die right there, he knew it. The problem was that he would have other 100 soldiers fighting him. He was pretty fast at transforming into a titan. But she didn't knew that. He keeps a smile. "So what is your decision commander?"

@Brianna Ackerman
Katelle Ackerman

Katelle was silent for a moment, observing her surroundings. She couldn't kill him here, that would be a terrible decision. And if she did kill him, she wouldn't be able to get any information out of him.

She put her blade away. "I may not kill you, I never said I would. I just said I could, if you disobeyed our orders. You know the law. But we do have enough evidence to convict you. Trying to get out of the walls without permission is illegal. Be glad it was me who caught you."

She smiled innocently. "
So, Daniel Alma's, from this point, you are under temporary rest under jurisdiction of Commander Katelle Ackerman of the Guardian Regiment, and Commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps."

She turned to her soldiers and nodded. Knowing what she meant, one took the blades from Daniel's 3DM gear, and another tied his hands together, and mouth shut, before picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder, tying his legs and beginning to walk.

Katelle said nothing. Her aura...anyone who could practically see it could see that it was slowly darkening, as were her eyes. Once a bright grey, they now seemed a charcoal color.

She simply followed in front of the group, towards headquarters. This was Kat at work. Serious, and driven. She had a take no shit attitude at times like this.
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Daniel Almas Tch he says as they grab him "You have no reason to do this! I wasnt going to cross th-" he starts screaming but the sound isnt high enough with his mouth covered. He looks at the normal people. Should he transform right now? he didnt think so. Even if he wanted, he couldn't do that now.

he starts to cry. He would never get out of the walls now.

@Brianna Ackerman
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JPTheWarrior said:
Daniel Almas Tch he says as they grab him "You have no reason to do this! I wasnt going to cross the gate! I was just looking at him! That isn't fair! I want to go outside! You understand right?! This walls are a cage! Don't lock me please!" he starts screaming and looks at the normal people. Should he transform right now? he didnt think so.
he starts to cry "I never did anything wrong! Why do you do this!"

@Brianna Ackerman
{they tied his mouth shut}
Steven Ali

A cart would be making it way down the road with speed, Driven by two horses the covered prisoner cart was making its way to the HQ of the survey corps. The driver at its head wearing the uniform of the MP a rife strapped behind him as he drives it his face covered by a hood trying not to let his face be seen, Why me.. why did I have to take this idiot out to a place like this.The driver would scoff a little as he pulled up outside the HQ clearly disgruntled at being there.

Once it comes to a stop there is a soft grunt from within before a man almost fly's out from the back of it. Landing on his feet he manages to keep his balance but stumbles forwards a few steps. His face covered in messy blond hair and a short bread was growing on his face, It has clearly been a month at lest since he had lasted shaved or cleaned himself up. As he turns to face the back of the cart be rises his cuffed hands up to the man now exiting, Another one in the MP uniform.

The man coming from the cart would have a smirk on his face as he spat on the blond haired man pulling a crate from the back and letting it fall to the ground with a thud. "Welcome to your new home Steven.. Looks like you will enjoy it here, Being such a great use the kings resources after all" He grabs the cuffs pulling Steven close whispering into his ear, more than likely about him now being one the waste of resources he hate so much. undoing his cuffs he pushes Steven back with a chuckle.

He keeps his gaze low to the ground going to pick up the crate, all of what he had left from his old luxurious life laid within such a small thing. He finally looks up to the HQ his darker looks now showing to any standing in front his face was mess of dirt and some dried blood but you could still clearly see the look of disgust on his face, Why me.. Why did they have to send me here?! of all places.. I would of rather been in there jail at lest I would get feed well there.

I gotta goto work so might be a few mess up in it sorry if there is!and im not sure who is around and where so Ill jump plop myself here))


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