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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Ymir The rebel group and the Lunar group, along with the cadets, kept of the yellow-haired woman easily. No one said a word in all the trip. Finally, they arrived at a house near the east side of the Wall. The young, blonde, cloaked woman fished a key from her pockets and opened the wooden door. It was a very old and rusty house. There was a table and some chairs; along with a map in the wall in front of the door, with many things on it.

Many messy papers were lying around everywhere. The other two walls had windows, which were open and left rays of sunlight all over the room. A very cold air enveloped the place.

When everyone had entered, she spoke. "My name is Annie. Some of you may know me..." and she looked over at where Ymir, Mikasa and Jean were. "This place is out headquarters. Some soldiers may be coming in the following hour to the meeting. We are going to plan how to kill the King."

@Brianna Ackerman
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Katelle Smith

The group nodded. She went over to Jean, and put a hand on his shoulder. "You're one of our best fighters. Be on alert for suspicious activity. If you feel anything out of place, tell me. Okay?"

With that, she walked to a chair and sat down, crossing her legs.

"I keep saying we need to make the assassination look like an accident. People will be more open to change if we make it look more believable." Pat said looking at Annie "we need someone on the inside like Kat's brother to get us the kings whereabouts and then we either hire someone to do the dirty work and let them take the fall, or do it ourselves." He said coolly looking at the masked figures " If we can dig up enough secrets about some governmental officials we can black mail them into agreeing with the council idea Ymir had. If we pull this off right no one will know and if anyone wants to back out now fine but if you even think about telling someone I will personally destroy you and your family." He said cruelly "I'f anyone wants to back out now do so before we do it and not in the middle of the assassination."
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Ymir "That's not a bad idea for once, Pat. An accident would be the most effective way of dealing with this." Ymir said, as weird as it was to agree with him. "And I agree, anyone who is not prepared to do this, step back. But no reason to be so harsh, Pat." she frowned. "Kat, do you think you can make your brother cooperate?"

The masked group started to unsuit their cloak and masks, finally revealing themselves. One headed to the a door which seemed to lead for the kitchen. Ymir knew no one besides Annie.

Annie was impatient. "So, will he cooperate?"

@Brianna Ackerman @BusinessMan
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Pat surveyed the room looking for clues to the organization "Black ops did something like this before." he said. "We took out a regent who became to power hungry for our liking." He said. "People don't even believe black ops exists." He said. "Just a threat the MP's tell civvies to keep em in line." He said with a frown. "Hey do you guys have any water here gettin kind of thirsty." He asked the figures.
Katelle Smith

"I'm sure I can get him to cooperate. But I beg of you, do not bring up the fact that he looks nothing like me or uncle. He's not my blood brother. Uncle found him on an expedition, and didn't want to bring him to the orphanage. He raised us as siblings. Okay?"

She stood up. "I'm going to the Center, where he is. I need someone to go with me. Preferably a male." Then it occurred to her. "Jean. You're coming with me."

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Ymir "We will not." said Annie. A man came from the kitchen holding a cup of coffee. "Go have some, if any of you wish," he said, and he proceeded to sit in a chair and drank his cup of coffee calmly. "I guess we'll wait for you here, Kat." Ymir said while she rushed to the kitchen.

"It-- it will be an honor, Commander!!" Jean muttered after hearing her calling.

@Brianna Ackerman
Katelle Smith

"Jean, I'm not the commander yet. And I'm younger than you. You can call me Kat. At least, when the others aren't around."

She walked by him, and patted his shoulder. "You should go back to base. Play it cool, and let nothing on. Jean and I will be gone for a few days, two at least. If you were to wait here until we got back, it would be a disaster when you finally went back. Tell commander I was called to the interior, and I brought Jean with me for experience points."

" Alright see you at base." Pat motioned to Ymir and made the Herat sign with his index fingers and thumbs and put Kat and Jean in the middle. "Do you really think she's actually likes that guy he asked" trying to control his chortling.
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Ymir Ymir came back from the kitchen with a cup of coffee just in time to laugh at the flustered Jean being corrected by Kat; Jean gave her a death glare, she didn't care, it was too funny. "Understood, Dragonfire! We will stay here for sometime and we'll go back to base as soon as possible." "That is, as soon as I finish my coffee, probably."

After she went out the door, she answered Pat, laughing. "Sure he brought him for "experience purposes"! And Jean does seem to admire her very much. Let's hope Jean does not behave like his whiny self in front of her."

@Brianna Ackerman @BusinessMan
"Jean can be an ass sometimes and a bit cocky but he means well." Pat said to Ymir. After finishing his sentence he caught a whiff of a putrid smell almost like sulfur "anyone else smell th..."Pat then realized what the smell was "Get down!!!" He yelled as he tackled Ymir as a fireball engulfed the front of the building.
Katelle Smith

Katelle walked with Jean back to their horses. "The interior should have the supplies we need. Don't worry about going back to the base for clothes."

She looked over at Jean, just looking at him. The two-toned hair, and the eyes? God. She shook these thoughts off as she looked back in front of her.

They approached the gate, and motioned for them to open it. They nodded and allowed them through. This was it. They were in the interior.

But it wasn't that easy.

@Darkmaster006 @BusinessMan
Ymir Ymir had just finished talking with Pat, cofee in hand; when suddenly, she was tackled by Pat, her head was dizzy, and her coffee spread all over the floor. "Ugh, just today I wanted some stilness!". But it wouldn't happen. The fireball, molotov, or whatever it was, engulfed the front part of the building and was coming for them. The fire was spreading fastly.

"Come", Annie said, and she walked through the kitchen door and the fire as fast as she could. Ymir and Pat got up and followed her, and so did the rest of the group. "There is a back door, but I suppose they may be there also. We could dynamite the other wall, but it'd nonsense." Ymir thought about what to do, and she was about to go to the back door when a smoke bomb passed through the window near the back door..

@Brianna Ackerman @BusinessMan
Pat felt his back hurt it hurt a lot he turned his head and saw his back torn open by shrapnel. "Shit." Was all he could say before he passed out from blood loss. But what he didn't know was the his mutation evolved into healing minor injuries but it would take time to heal.
Katelle Smith

"Come on Jean!" She called, riding faster. She slowed down a bit later and leapt off her horse. She reached in her saddlebag and pulled out a trench coat that had the guardian symbol on it. She stripped off her guardian jacket and tossed it to Jean. "Put this on."

She slipped on the coat and put on her bolo tie, and a thinner version of the sash Pixis wore. It was purple, just like the jewel in her bolo tie.

She went into the interior gracefully, and began looking around. He wasn't there. That could only mean that he was even farther in, with the king himself. Shit.

She began walking, until a voice rang out behind her.
"Katelle" a male's voice. "what are you doing here?" Kat turned around to meet the eyes of a red-haired boy with dark eyes, almost black.

"Damion!" She exclaimed, walking over to her brother. She embraced him. The girl who hated the Military Police, hugging one. An odd sight.

"I'm dead." Pat thought to himself "I'm actually dead, how could this have happened to me?" He thought. "I wanted to do so many things,well it is what it is." He thought " I really hope that there's an afterlife." he thought.
Katelle Smith

Luckily, Kat had sent a message to those like her. They all burst into the room. Luckily, there were medics among the group. One rushed to Pat.

Pat heard the sound of metal hiring the floor and he woke up to see a medic crouching next to him he looked at his back it was fully healed "what happened." He asked around the room.

The medic looked at him. "Don't move. You really don't need to do any more damage to your body than you already did."

"But my back is fully healed." He said to the medic standing up. He turned around and let the medic see his back.
Guardian Medic

"How the hell is that possible?" She asked him. "Wait. You were another living science experiment?"
Ymir Ymir looked at the scene unfold. How was it possible for Pat to heal. Was he a titan also? She would have known, wouldn't she?

"Pat... what are you?" she looked intrigued. Yet, this was a good thing. The fight against the monarchy would be way easier.

The rotten entrance wall was almost consumed by flames. The kitchen was filled with smoke. Death was on their way.

Suddenly, Annie gaze at them and started cutting the wooden floor with her blade. When he finished, everyone could see there was a secret passageway down. Without a word, she went down. Ymir followed first.

@Brianna Ackerman


((Very late, sorry haa))
Katelle Smith

Kat and Jean were brought to an office building, where she and her brother could talk.

It took a while, but she convinced him to join. Reluctantly, he agreed to join the cause, and to sneak out with them that night.

"It's settled then. Tonight, we meet up at the town square. Only bring what you need." Kat said her brother nodded.


"He's a product of science, if I've learned anything from the others. Enhanced abilities. It's easy to tell what's natural and what's not. If they're powerful, strong. Seemingly too good to be true..." She said.

Yet, Corporal Katelle Smith is an anomaly. Nobody knows what the hell she is. Some speculate that she was bred of the two greatest Survey Corps soldiers there ever were. Others claim that she too was given her powers artificially. Others even claim that she may not be human. But those are just speculations I've heard."

@Darkmaster006 @BusinessMan
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"I don't remember getting surgery this just happened now?" he said scratching his back. "I think I know what's going on ever since my parents died I've had inhuman speed and strength that helped me pass the black ops test." He said.

The town square was dark and deserted; Kat and Jean were walking among the shadows, making sure no one was around to see them. You would think that there would be better security in the interior, Jean thought. They walked around for what seemed like forever to Jean, but he was glad that he was alone with Kat; Ymir wasn't there to tease him. "So Kat...can I call you kit-kat?" Jean smirked at his joke, but seeing Kat's unamused face wiped it off quickly. Smooth one, Jean.

A figure in the distance disrupted Jean's thoughts. He saw the familiar redhead walk towards the center with purpose. He was wearing a cloak that hid a large weapon beneath its covers, and he carried a small bag with contents unknown. Kat quickly went to her brother's side, and Jean followed, but he did not let his guard down. Something doesn't feel right, Jean thought while placing his hands on the hilt of his blades.


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