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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

"Got it." He said sprinting out the door into the training field "Hey!!! All the guardians report to the garrison barracks there's been a breach in one of the outlier districts the garrison will fill you in later!!" He yelled. "Get to the stables to Lt. Smith will meet you in 10 minutes !!"
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Katelle Smith

Katelle ran outside with the other guardians behind her, as well as a few of the more promising cadets. Jean, Mikasa, and Ymir. They all had their uniforms on, and went to the stables. Upon hearing what he said, she yelled it to him as she ran by. "It's captain, not lieutenant! I'm not that low ranking! They won't understand you if you say that I'm of the lieutenant rank!"

"Jesus H. Christ it is true with you Army brats." Pat thought " I meant Cpt.Smith, Cpt.Smith gave the order not Lt. Smith!!"
Katelle Smith

The group ran to the stables, and each grabbed their horses. Katelle's was the biggest of the group. It had a jet black mane and fur, with eyes that were a red color. It was huge, nearly seven feet tall from ground to tip of the ear. She expertly saddled and bridled up, and waited for everyone to get ready as wel. When they were ready, she sped off. She rode next to Pat. "The others will be joining us in a while. They had to deal with the cadets."
"Good, we shouldn't wait to long though peoples lives depend on us getting there fast." He said Quitley "I hope you know most of these cadets won't make it out alive or unscathed." He said grimly.
Katelle Smith "You think I don't know that?" She asked. "I've been in the corps for years. Since I was 12. I have seen countless people die. Best friends, significant others, even my own mother. I know pretty much more than anyone here that someone is going to die."


Ymir rode alongside Mikasa and Jean. Jean tried to make conversation every now and then, but Mikasa wasn't really very talkative; and she didn't seem to like Jean much. The most part of the trip was, then, silence. Some harsh and nescient words were said by Pat, but the talk quickly fell silent as Kat shut him off. Always. She didn't like to be meddled with ignorant comments. Ymir liked that.

Finally, they got to a great door that separated the Wall Rose from the Wall Maria. Kat was about to speak when ten cloaked and hooded strangers appeared out of the sides, with their heads down. No one could see their faces. They did not say a word while the group looked at them and stepped off their horses to prepare for an eventual quarrel. The air was freezing now. There was only calm.

Suddenly, a man, who seemed to be about 170 cm tall, lifted his head and spoke up. His face was covered with a mask. He said: "Why are you here? What lies had the King told now?". His voice was imperious, but it was only that of a very young man. Some faces were of surprise. Others, not so much. Ymir already liked this guy.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Katelle Smith

The whole journey there, Katelle was the only one who responded to Jean. She, accidentally, cracked a sarcastic one-liner that made him laugh rather hard. She smiled slightly.

As the group approached, Katelle jumped off of her horse, and bowed slightly to the man. "My name is Captain Katelle Smith. I'm the second in command to the Scouting Legion. I apologize for intruding, but we have been sent to investigate a possible breach in the wall."

She looks at the man. "May I inquire as to why you believe that his majesty had been hiding from you?" She asked. She didn't believe him. She believed the king was an asshole who didn't deserve his position

@Darkmaster006 @BusinessMan

"The King has lied to you, once again." He spoke with a more shaky voice now, almost as if pleading them for help.

"The people are hungry. They are dying. On the other hand he... he's rejoicing at the cost of the people; he is sitting on his throne doing nothing but giving orders." he shouted angrily. The other hooded strangers waved their hands at him, and he calmed down.

"Some of us know that." Ymir stated rapidly. Ymir didn't know such a strange group existed, and she was very excited about it. The time called for it. She'd have formed one eventually. "But what, what is wrong now?"

Another person talked this time. It was a woman. She had a harsh and depressed voice, one could feel the anger in her words. "This is a decoy. There is no breach. The King wants the best soldiers to be somewhere else now, because he's told the Military Police to start ransacking the people inside Wall Rose; food hasn't been getting his way, and he wants to find out what's behind this. The Military Police is full of corruption, and a little bribery can always make them do any sort of thing." After a little pause, she added, "but we believe we can trust you."

Ymir looked at the girl and she looked at her too. Ymir knew her from somewhere. "Well, at least, you can trust me. I hate the King. I want him dead." Ymir said impulsively while clenchin her fist furiously.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Pat looked at the cloaked men with masks he he noticed the symbols of the three walls on their clothes. He instantly knew what was about to happen " He rode his horse back to Ymir "These guys are wall cultists, Zealots by the sound and look of them... Get ready for a fight as soon as she mentions the walls being breached." Pat said, he knew what these people do to so called heretics by them. "Make sure you don't get to close they carry large daggers." He whispered to Ymir. "Keep the young cadets away from them."

Ymir looked at Pat when he moved to her side. After hearing what he said, she answered. "N-no. You cannot be right!" Ymir thought about it: They were indeed very strange, and they did cover themselves too much, but wasn't that also very risky and attention-calling? But then, she lashed out: "Maybe you are the traitor. How do we know you're not lying? You have shown to know little about us. And you told us to go to the supposed breach. If there is no breach, then how can we trust you?".

She quickly thought of something to settle it out. She turned to face the cloaked strangers and spoke up clearly. "We need to be able to know who you are, though. You need to show yourselves. I do not doubt the King does that, but I guess trusting strangers can be misleading."

But then, she used her 3DMG gear to go up the wall, and observed the whole of Wall Maria, and saw no breach. The strangers, at least, were right. Pat, was wrong. "There is no breach!" he shouted at Pat.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Katelle Smith

Katelle's eyes filled with fury. "Back to the base! Now!"she yelled out. "Protect our people at all costs! Do not let those bastards with the Military Police get away!"

The soldiers all complied, and began riding back to headquarters. On the way there, she looked up at the group. "They were right, the King used us as a decoy! Look!" Back inside their district, everything was chaos. People were yelling as the Military Police ran about, ransacking homes and shops.

"Stop them at all cost! Go!" She yelled, as they all rushed forward. One MP soldier, knowing who she was, and why she was there, took the gun from his back and pointed it at her.

She froze, not giving him a reason to shoot her. But then again, when did they ever need to have an actual reason? He fired off a round, startling her horse. The horse reared up, and knocked her off, right in the way of the incoming bullet.

She began yelling strings of profanities. However, they were in French. When had she learned French? Not even she knew.

@Darkmaster006 @BusinessMan
"What no,no,no that can't be right ." He said as he joined Ymir stammered and saw there was no breach."That's impossible my intel was... I honestly don't know what's going on here."
Pat took out his small machete and dove down on the MP soldier and stabbed him in the neck " MP bastard." He said with disdain " We have a mole in our forces." He said with anger.
Katelle Smith

Katelle was now gripping her leg, trying to stem the bleeding coming from the wound. "No. I had no idea. I thought this was just a coincidence!"she snapped. This was the side of Kat that anyone near when she was in pain saw. Sarcastic and an asshole.

She whistled, and her horse returned to her. She grabbed the reins and used them to hoist herself up, taking the daggers she kept with her from her belt loops.

She was going to finish this. Whether she died or not.

@Darkmaster006 @BusinessMan
Ymir Ymir rode as fast as her horse could. It was a black horse. He stepped off his horse and watched as the MP officer shoot Kat, and then Pat killing the officer.

"And I sure hope it's not you, Pat! If that's it, then you're gonna have to take us to the one who told you of the breach!".

"Kat, are you okay?? I can see your sarcasm is intact." she laughed but quickly rushed off to a MP soldier who tried to hit her and knocked him out, she turned around and saw another loading his pistol; she rapidly rolled on the floor and took cover inside a house.

"Woah, this is gonna be difficult, I wonder what Krista's doing right now." she thought. The people on the house looked scared, but she did not mutter any word, she was waiting.

@Brianna Ackerman

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"Whoa,whoa,whoa that's not gonna fly Katelle you'll bleed out if I don't bandage your wound and get that bullet out." Said wiping his machete on his sleeve "Someone get her something to bite down on... This is going to hurt."
Katelle Smith

"Of course I'm not not okay! I was just fucking shot!" She yelled. Upon hearing his words, she shook her head. She picked up one of her daggers and threw it, watching as it landed in the thigh of an MP soldier. She yelled out not to kill any of them unless necessary. They didn't need to get arrested. Then, she turned back to Pat.

I'm not sure about you, but I'm not too okay with the idea of practical field surgery unless it is absolutely necessary. Which it's not!"

@BusinessMan @Darkmaster006
Pat bolted to the MP soldier and broke his elbow the soldier let out a howl of pain and tried to punch soar with the other arm Pat broke the unfortunate soldiers other elbow Pat then picked up the soldiers pistol and shot him in the head blood and bed in matter getting all over Pat.
"Judging by the way blood is coming out you've got two minutes tops before you bleed out." He said tearing a piece of clothe from the dead soldiers shirt and picking up a stick. "Unless you have a death wish I'm gonna have to operate."
"And what let them fire on innocent people and cadets unless they either surrender or try and go hand to hand I'm going to kill them." Pat said condescendingly.
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Katelle Smith

She sighed, and looked down at her hand, which was grabbing her leg. It was drenched with blood. Her face visibly paled.

"At least help me out of the battle zone. We're even more susceptible to an attack out here."

She took one step, and collapsed. It just made the bleeding worse. She swore.

@Darkmaster006 @BusinessMan
"No time." he said picking her up and carrying her inside a house "bite down on this." he said holding out the stick "Without drugs your going to feel every bit of this." he said. "I'm going in on three... One!!!" He said as he stick the knife in her bullet wound digging out the bullet.

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