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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Great now I can't drink my rum oh the humanity of the situation. When I need to drown out my memory's of the past and the thing that put me in my hell has stopped me once again for forgetting the past. By the walls. *he walks around the cadet camp with his huge arms.*
Pat walked around the room looking for Levi cadets backed away as he aproched.
Fine I'm going back to my regiment and when my arms go to normal I. Going to get so drunk that I can't rember my childhood.*akwardly gets up and "walks" to the door and leaves* I will get my own training room with blackjack and hookers you know what foreget he training room. Ah screw that idea I'm just going to do whatever I do on any day that I am not working which is to drink the pain away.
Katelle Smith

"I thought I made it clear that you can do that on your own time." She said. "Somewhere else."

She felt a hand on her wrist. She reeled around, and threw a punch. Her wrist was caught. It was her uncle, the commander. He knew she was angry, and he nodded at her to tell her that she could fight him. She threw a punch at him, which he took with his hand, unfazed. He was used to her outbursts. Ah, she has her mothers temper alright.

[QUOTE="Caleb Williams](You know he left the training room and went to the bar to get wasted right)

{I didn't get you reply until after I sent mine}
"Ah commander Smith what a pleasure to meet you." He said his tone suddenly changed. "Master Sargent Smith at your service. Your niece passed our test I would like to formally invite you Katelle Smith to lead black ops division two.
Opens the door to the bar and sits at the counter*

Bartender: that should it be

The usual

Bartender: one fat man coming up

( a fat man consistent of cinnamon whiskey, vanilla vodka, Dr Pepper but we can use what ever in this universe to emulate that, and spiced rum)

Oh and give me a the biggest size you got I need to forget somethings.

Bartender: alright
Knowing that he will be getting a massive hangover tomorrow made him happy due to the fact he worked better in pain rather not in pain. Because the pain helped him drowned out the memories of his time with his family.
Katelle Smith

She swept his feet out from under him as he spoke, helping him up afterwards. "I'm flattered, really" she said. "But I already have my own division to lead. I doubt I'd have time to do both."

@BusinessMan @Darkmaster006
In a drunken stumble he heads his way to his regiment and starts playing with a peace of grass* look mr green I found you wife mis green. *He says in a deep muffled voice why thank you Caleb* no problem mr green love should be for everyone to enjoy.... Expect for a monster like my self.
Not knowing that some one is watching him talk to him self at his hq he keeps up with playing with the grass* (yes this is what he does when he is drunk he sits out and gives leafs of grass voices and play with it like they where figure.

"Plus, no one would like to join the "Black Ops" if they don't train and just drink alcohol, uh?" she told Pat.

Now turning to face Kat, she tells her, "Now I think we should start training, don't we? After all, Caleb and Pat only gave us trouble!".

Ymir was eager for fight, so she threw yet another punch at her face, but that was a distraction for the other punch coming at her, in the stomach.

@Brianna Ackerman
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*he goes to his room and passes out for the day due to being drunk.* ( I have to go to bed so night
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Katelle Smith

She grabbed Ymir's wrist, sidestepping her other one so that she could maneuver her arm so that it was wedged behind her shoulder-blades in a very painful position. While she couldn't move, she swiped her feet out from under her, sending the girl to the ground. She sighed. "Using my own tactics against me? Why, my dear, that would never work."

Strauss glared at the make shift dummy in front of him. He got into a sloppy stance and outstretched his hands. It had been almost an hour since he fought and he was getting restless.

He raced towards the dummy and assaulted it with quick lethal blows. The dummy exploded and flour landed everywhere. Strauss sighed and flopped on the ground.

He might as well take a nap.

"Not again!" she groaned from the ground, and then shouted "Now it's time for you to show me some new moves!"

She looked as Jean tried to hit Katelle, but failed miserably. Now she knows why Kat is on that weird Regiment; though she still believe Annie could face her with no problem. She was, after all, the best on hand-on-hand fighter she'd ever seen.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Katelle Smith

As Jean tried to hit her, she ducked as his fist went over her head, and kicked the back of his knees, sending him to the ground. She pinned him down. "Keep practicing, Kirstein" she laughed. Jean took qdvantage of her distraction and flipped her over so he was on top. She looked up at him, and tried to move. She couldn't move. "Uhhh. Jean?"

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"Well I think we should get down to business." Pat said. "Black ops assigned me to this regiment to assist with operations." He said as he moved toward Katelle. " What should we be focusing on as of late, seeing as we are about to receive fresh meat for the grinder. " He said smiling at the cadets.
Katelle Smith

"I appreciate the help, but Black Ops didn't assign you to help with the Guardian Regiment. You have to be invited to be a part of said regiment, and I didn't know you existed before today, so I couldn't have invited you." She spoke and glanced up at him. "The closest you could be is working alongside is. But if they say they're assigning you to us, they're probably bullshittinn you because they have no dictation of what goes on within our operation center."

"I'm sorry you feel that way but I had no choice in the matter. the king ordered my commander to place in the regiment probably to make sure no one was trying to over throw him, fuckin paranoid asshole." Patrick said in an apologetic tone.
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Katelle Smith

"The King didn't know about the guardians. And I intended on keeping him that way." She turned around. "Which one of our soldiers is a rat?" She asked herself, and turned to him. "You may be in the regiment for now, but you are not a permanent member. You will be treated as one of our lower classmen, a cadet, as you are only 16 and new to the force. Before I fully accept you, you have to prove yourself. I do still hold the jurisdiction to remove you if necessary. Do you understand?"

"Crystal, Lt. Smith what are your orders." He said in professional voice " I was also sent to inform you there had been a possible breach in one of the outlier districts what should we do?" He said a look of seriousness in his face " If you think I'm joking I'm not." He said with a stern look.
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Katelle Smith

"Go gather the guardians outside on the training field with the other half of the cadets. The rest went to the operations room, but you won't be able to get in there without the passcode, which only I and the official guardians know. Not even commander." She said. "Tell them to report to the stables in ten minutes. We're going to Garrison Headquarters."


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