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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Annie Leonhardt

((Um, this is my first time using this site, so sorry if I mess up xD Oh, and I won't be able to type out much since I don't fully understand this rp. I'll eventually be able to add more detail in my rp replies.))

Annie had followed after them silently, her icy gaze was kept forward as her dark, cold aura seemed to consume herself. Though, that was natural. After all, she was Annie Leonhardt; she was known to be a cold hearted bitch at times. She didn't care about any of that though, only the promise she gave to her father when she had left him behind. She pushed away the bitter, resentful memories, keeping up her guard as usual. She always wore that stone cold expression to hide away her feelings.

She briefly glanced back at the others, her lips pursing slightly. If only they knew her real intentions... This society in general is falling apart, slowly slipping away from everyone's grasp. Annie had come to realize this while she was a young girl. She understood what needed to be done, so she formed this '
rebellion' of some kind to strike back. All they had to do was kill the king, send him away to greet death's cold, icy grasp. Though even then, there would still be corruption and misfortune amongst society. She would have to push onward and deal with this on her own. She knew very well that she didn't have to do any of this; she could possibly watch as society came tumbling down, but that seemed a bit cruel. Then again, Annie was a cruel person, but was she evil? No. She was a mere honest and brutal person, knowing what needed to be done with society. However, her efforts might prove to be futile. This society would come crashing down, and humanity would reach its bitter end. This wouldn't be the Titans fault; this would be humanity's own fault. We are all to blame for this chaos that will soon erupt.

She looked forward again, deciding that it was best that she kept her distance from them, and that she shouldn't become too attached to them. That's what made people weak..
It's what makes her so weak and pathetic. She hated being weak; she despised it so much. It was one of the reasons she was always so cold and distant towards others.

Annie made sure to stick with Ymir at first, mainly because Annie's admin still isn't completely sure what's going on, and Ymir seemed to had been assuming Annie's role earlier.

Ymir Annie seemed stactic. Lost in her thoughts. Now again, Ymir did well to hide her worrying for Christa in a veil of sassyness that borders clumsyness. She sure missed Christa already. She would try to reunite with her as soon as possible, after she gets out of this mess, that is. But for now, she had to keep focused on the matter at hand. "Come on, Annie!" she punched her lightly on the arm, "we need to get to wherever this leads us, now."

Woah, Ymir, I hope you know what you're doing, she thought to herself. Ymir knew how cold Annie could be, and how good at combat. Making her angry wouldn't be wise. She still wonders who'd win a match between Annie and Mikasa, that'll make for something later.

The dark cave seemed endless. Her knees were hurting and the dust was everywhere. She couldn't see a thing apart from the blurry figure of Annie trying to crawl ahead, calmly. Coldly. After a very long while, a very dim light appeared right in front of them. It was a fine line. Annie didn't waste time and opened a square wooden gate which screeched very loudly as it was moved up by Annie's hand. Annie got out and stood at the side, gazing coldly at Ymir. Ymir didn't seem to care and got out.

And now, once again, they were in another house. How many houses did these people have? This one was neat, though. There was a table in the center, surrounded with some chairs. In front of Ymir, across the table; there was the main door. At her right, another door. At her left, a board placed in the wall, along with two windows at the sides.

"What's this supposed to be? Headquarters two?" Ymir said smugly while she faced Annie.

@Brianna Ackerman


((It's good!! :D . You can read the OOC chat, where we kinda planned the plot, and add some commentary if you want too!))
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Katelle Smith

Upon hearing Jean's question, she sighed. She looked over at the blonde male, a fine eyebrow raised. "Quite frankly, I'd prefer it if you only call me Kat, as i am not one for nicknames. And even then, that's only for if we're ever alone."

As she walked through the interior, she made a point to keep her head down low. Even with her stance, it was odd to see the future commander of the Survey Corps in this part of the walls.

Everyone knew she hated coming here. If anyone saw her, it would be obvious that something odd was going on.

At one point, she waved Jean over. "
Chances are you've never been to the interior before. So here, try this."she tossed him a fruit.

"It's a fruit that is only grown here. Nobody else can get it unless they're of extremely high standing, such as Commander Pixis or my uncle. Tastes like heaven itself."

She let out a laugh, a very rare occurrence. It was tinkling and high, and full of emotion. She only saved these laughs for those she really liked.

As she stood in the sun, she stripped off her trench coat. Unfortunately, she was forced to keep the bolo tie and sash on.


Hearing Kat laugh made Jean smile, he had never heard such a beautiful sound. She should do that more often, Jean thought. He almost told her what he was thinking, but decided against it.

Jean's first bite of the mysterious fruit made his taste buds dance; he munched on the fruit as if it were his last meal on earth. Its flavor was indescribable and the juiciness dripped from his lips making him look like a hot mess. "Hey Kat, we should definitely get more of this before we leave." Jean said this with a mouth full.

Jean would have kept talking if it weren't for a man lurking around in an alley way. He got Kat's attention and pointed toward the man, wondering whether he would be a threat or not.

@Brianna Ackerman

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Katelle Smith

She laughed again. "I'll see if I can pull the rank and regiment card on the merchants." She said. "Don't eat too much of it, though. You'll regret it later."

As he pointed to the suspicious man, she glanced over, not lingering on him too much. The last thing they needed was him knowing they saw him.

Yeah, or course" she said, acting like nothing happened. She took his hand and intertwined their fingers. Just go with it." She hissed to him quietly.

Annie Leonhardt

She had kept moving forward as she continued to lose herself in her thoughts, her lips sealed until Ymir lightly punched her arm. She merely glared at Ymir, still having that cold aura surrounding her completely. She knew the girl had merely just been messing around like she usually did, but Annie couldn't help but to give her such a cold look. She didn't say anything and looked forward once more.

She kept ahead of Ymir, until she saw a dim light slightly fill the dark area. She pursed her lips, not hesitating to open up the wooden gate, her eyes slightly narrowing as it screeched a bit upon opening. She then climbed out, glancing back coldly at Ymir as she climbed out as well.

Upon hearing her comment, she snickered slightly, leaning against the desk slightly as she crossed her arms. "Mm... Perhaps. This place is used for different things, but I guess you could consider it that." She shrugged slightly, looking away. She wasn't much of a talker to begin with. Besides, there wasn't much to say anyway. The only thing these two girls had in common was their desire to kill the king. Nothing more and nothing less.

The sudden physical contact surprised Jean; it made his cheeks rise up with heat. Upon hearing her say 'just go with it', he realized this was just a part of her plan. Although he was slightly disappointed that this was just a cover, that didn't keep him from enjoying it. "Oh Kit-Kat I didn't realize you were in love with me," Jean teased trying to suppress his blush.

Jean became self-conscious as he felt his hands becoming sweaty, he wasn't sure if Kat was making him nervous or the man they were about to pass by. The man's appearance was strange, he didn't look like he belonged; but neither did Kat or Jean, so why was this bothering him so much? Jean looked down to Kat to see if he could see what she was thinking, but her face was frozen like ice. Her face was a bit red but Jean figured she felt uncomfortable in this situation.

Katelle Smith

Putting up her act as she passed the man, she responded to his line. "Of course I do! What makes you think I wasn't?" She wrapped her arm around his and leaned against him, giving off the aura that she was in love. It was completely fake, though.

Or was it?

Still playing her part, she leaned up and hissed his cheek, laughing at his face. "
Oh come on, love. We've done worse."

she mumbled as they passed the man. "No wonder he's focusing on us. I know him. That was the king's son. The prince. Also, the person I was previously engaged to."

She sighed as she explained that last line. "I was pressured into that."

She then noticed that the man was following them. "You know I love you, right?" She looked up at him lovingly.

That's when she did it. She then pulled him by the shirt to her, kissing him, blending in with the crowd.


The kiss definitely shocked him, he didn't expect her to do it at all. Jean quickly remembered that they had an audience and kissed back with no hesitation. What a weirdo, what is this? A show? Jean caressed her cheek and drew back away from her to gain his breath back. "Let's go, Kit-Kat."

Jean hoped that the kiss would stop the man from following them, and thankfully, it did. When they got deep into the crowd Jean finally spoke up, "What the hell Kat. A Prince? You were engaged to royalty?!" Jean hissed still holding her hand.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Katelle Smith

She pulled away, dazed. Wow. I'm an idiot she thought as he pulled her away.

Upon hearing him talk about her previous engagement, she sighed.
"Apparently, my mother was of incredibly high standing. She was in line to marry the eldest prince, but she met my dad and ran off. At least, that's what I was told. I never really met either of my parents. I knew my mom for about two years, and she died. Never knew my dad." She sighed.

I guess they figured that I was the next best thing. I was pressured into it. They took my uncle, and the only way to get him back was to marry the prince. I was willing to do anything for the good of Commander and the rest of our regiment."

As they walked, she released his hand, and held it in her other hand. She sighed, and began thinking.

She fell silent, and said nothing else.

Ymir Ymir was astonished. She couldn't help but stare into Annie's eyes for a very long time, or so it seemed. Ymir's eyes were widening. She had never seen Annie laugh before. Was that even possible?

"Annie, are you sure you're okay?" was what first got out of her mouth. Not that she didn't like smiling Annie, though. But hey, Ymir would never show her true face, would she? Not if it doesn't concern Christa, of course. She would be better off without many friends. Maybe? She was confused. But Annie was a very confliced individual. And she wouldn't mind for the cold gaze to be gone at all.

@Annie Leonhardt

Rubbing his hands through his hair, Jean let out a sigh. He wasn't sure what to say. She had just told him a part of her life and yet he couldn't form a simple sentence around her. He decided it was best to not say anything; he was known for saying stupid things at the wrong time and didn't want to push his luck.

He continued to walk with his hands in his pockets, thinking about this day. Man, a lot has happened. I kind of wish Marco was here, he'd definitely know what to say - or he'd talk our ears off. Yeah, probably the latter. Jean smiled to himself thinking of Marco and their unique friendship.

@Brianna Ackerman
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Katelle Smith

She led him through the town, letting him sightsee for a while before she led him somewhere else to await nightfall.

When the sun finally set, she fixed her trench coat and put her hair in a ponytail. "Let's go. Damion is waiting for us."

With that, she walked off, going to their rendezvous point. She saw her brother standing outside a shop, his things gathered....and a file in his hand? What?

She guided Jean forward, to the red-head's side. "You two both ready to go?"

Jean Jean followed Kat until he saw the familiar redhead. Hm, what's in that? Jean wondered. He pushed the thought aside and nodded, "I'm ready to go."

Jean walked a little behind the two, he felt out of place and thought the siblings needed time to catch up. So instead Jean looked up towards the buildings. The interior, this was supposed to be Jean's new refuge but his plans got jumbled. He wondered what else life would throw at him.

@Brianna Ackerman
Katelle Smith

"We ran those DNA and lineage tests you requested, Kat. And the results? You might want to look at these." He handed the file to his sister, sighing. She knew she wouldn't like the outcome.

Kat took the file hesitantly and opened it. So many family records at her fingertips. She went straight to the part that was on her parents.

As she read the information, her eyes gradually widened, and she went pale, not believing her eyes. "
That asshole. I can't believe he didn't tell me that I was literally working with my father for the past few years at incredibly close quarters!"

Her astonishment went directly to anger. Damion took a step away from her, not wanting to be the unlucky one that got hit should she elect to do it.

Hurry your asses up. We're getting back to base as fast as we can so I can think on this less."

She handed Damion the file, who sighed as she sped up. "At least we know where the French accent came from."

Jean His thoughts were cut short when he heard Kat's sudden anger. He rushed to catch up with the both of them but didn't dare try talking to her or calming her down.

Damn, I wish I heard what was in that file. She was really mad...she's kind of hot mad. Wait, what. No, bad Jean.

Jean sighed and tried to keep up with her pace. How such a small woman could walk so fast was beyond his comprehension. They wouldn't be back to base until tomorrow, this made Jean internally groan, he really liked his sleep.

@Brianna Ackerman
Katelle Smith

It took a while, but she managed to get out of the walls, and getting some of the fruit for Jean. "Here." She tossed it to him.

She got out of the wall, and the horses were luckily obedient enough to wait for them. She climbed up on her horse, which made her nearly 6 foot frame look small.

Let's go" she said and rode off.

Damion looked at Jean. "
I know you're curious. So, here's a hint. Who is the only tiny French guy you know?"


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Jean Jean was ecstatic when he saw that he had caught the mystery fruit, "Thanks Kit-Kat."

While mounting his horse, he heard Damion ask the question before riding off. Jean followed and pondered what that meant. Tiny. French. Guy. It then hit Jean like a freight train. Levi Ackerman, a tiny French man. But because Jean wasn't paying attention to the earlier interaction with the file, he had no idea why Damion wanted him to think about Levi. Jean had only heard rumors about Levi, he had never seen him before because he had just graduated his training camp.

It was during this time, while riding his horse, did Jean think about Damion. He hadn't had much of an opinion about him earlier, but it seemed like he could work well with him.

@Brianna Ackerman
Katelle & Damion Smith

Katelle was rising ahead of them, her aura dark and rather frightening. Her brother didn't want to get too close to her. She was pissed, and it was obvious.

Damion sighed. He shook his head slowly. "Wow. You really are clueless" he sighed"Corporal Levi, or captain hardass as you will soon come to know. You know of him. Takes down Titans like they're nothing. He's Katelle's biological father."

He glanced at the black-haired, gray-eyed beauty that was his adoptive sister. If anyone found out, she'd have some big shoes to fill. Not that she'd have any problem, considering what her current standing was at only 16 years old.

Jean This news only made Jean furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "Why the hell has he been absent all these years then?" Jean asked to Damion, but it was a stupid question. It's not like Damion would know the answer to that.

He watched Kat, who was ahead of them, he wondered how similar she was to her father and what she would do when she saw him.

Base was in the distance, and this only made Jean want to get there even quicker. He was getting a headache from all of this and just wanted to be on stable ground.

@Brianna Ackerman
Katelle & Damion Smith

Damion shrugged, signaling that he didn't know. "Don't know. But what I do know is that she is going to rip Commander a new one when we get back. I hope you're strong enough to hold her back. Because I'm sure not."

Kat scoffed at the two. "A lot of people aren't strong enough to hold me. In fact, most people can't. Don't be upset."

This was full of fake sympathy and sarcasm, something that only really came from Kat if she was really mad.


Annie Leonhardt

That's all it took for Annie's cold aura to reel back in, making its presence known once more. She had briefly thought about flipping the brunette over, but she decided against it. She wouldn't necessarily call Ymir a friend, but she sure as hell didn't need another enemy to deal with. After all, she kept up her shitty attitude, she'd only keep adding on to the list of enemies she had.

She tucked a bit of her blonde hair behind her ear, looking away. "I'm perfectly fine, but I can't say the same for you if you keep asking stupid questions." She muttered, her voice having a hint of venom in it. Honestly, Annie needed to keep herself in check. She needed to remember that she couldn't be herself around these people, even if they were from the same trainee squad. This was only a bitter reminder of why she required herself to be distant.

Have any other stupid questions that you'd like to ask? I'm sure we have the time for it after all." She spoke, having a bit of sarcasm. Annie's mood had merely distinguished, leaving it bitter and resentful for now. She then went behind the desk, picking up a few documents that had been left out on it. She pursed her lips, scanning her icy blue orbs over it, checking to see if it had been anything important. She didn't remember leaving any of this out, and it's unlike her to leave things out.

Had someone been in here...?" She mumbled to herself, hoping that wasn't the case at all. Surely she made a mistake. Maybe she did leave out this crucial documents.. No, she wouldn't be that foolish. Had an outsider somehow infiltrated the place and viewed their plans..? No, there's no way. That would be too difficult to find, and even if they did find it, they'd have to get passed the members of the rebellion. Unless.. Perhaps, they had a traitor; now that's something Annie could believe. The sly fucking bitches must have deceived everyone.

She briefly glanced at Ymir before putting the papers away, deciding not to say anything quite yet. After all, what if Ymir was in on it? What if she was just another person there to infiltrate the rebellion? She didn't know, but she had to be certain. However, if she was a mere enemy, she'd play along with this little game of theirs.

It would seem that we had an unexpected visitor here..." She met Ymir's gaze once more as she spoke, and honestly, she didn't know who to trust anymore. Then again, deep down she knew that she couldn't trust anyone. She wouldn't allow herself to be foolishly deceived.
Jean Jean cursed silently at himself, if Kat was anything like the girls back at training camp, he knew he wouldn't be able to hold her back. If her own brother couldn't stop what was about to happen, then he wouldn't be able to either. Just make sure no one dies, that's the plan. Good plan, Jean. But because Jean couldn't let her sass him he decided to speak up against her for his own amusement, "Alright Miss Sarcasm, we get it, you're sooo strong and we should worship the ground you walk on and..."

Damion's face was filled with horror as he tried to stop Jean from continuing, but did it work? No. Jean being Jean just kept going.

@Brianna Ackerman
Katelle Smith

"Jean, will you please do me the favor of being quiet? Both of you. You may not know it, but you're giving me a terrible migraine that is bound to make our situation even worse. And I doubt you want me to go off on you instead. Am I correct?"

As she rode, she fixed her tie and trench coat, making them look neat for their return. She'd need to convince everyone of why she'd brought an MP soldier into the compound anyways.

Jean Jean huffed but didn't say a word. Shit, she's way too calm. If she was mad she would have already exploded, no this was way worse; a calm before the storm.

He rode in silence, not bothering to look at her or Damion again. He set his site for the small town. Running a hand through his hair, he felt presentable.

It wasn't until a few minutes later and the distance closing in that Jean thought about what was going to go down. Damion worked right under the king; would he be seen as unreliable? Or would he be a traitor to us? These thoughts worried Jean and unfortunately for him, his facial expressions always shown what he was thinking.

@Brianna Ackerman

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