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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Jean Jean hummed in response to Pat's comment; he did see the someone, and they were moving quite quickly. "I suggest we leave now," he announced to everyone still in the room. There was no point in staying any longer. And if there was someone suspicious, it's not like they could prove they did anything wrong. "Just watch your backs," he warned.

He walked towards the exit, passing Kat on the way,
"Good luck," he said with his signature smile. He walked off with Ymir.

Pat followed the figure to the hall where the figure was walking and followed him non discretely. Pat followed the figure until he entered an enclosed room "Found the mole." he thought to himself he waited until the figures back was turned and he lunged. He grabbed the figure and put her into a forearm choke "Don't fight it." He said to the woman.

@Brianna Ackerman

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She would smile as Jean passed her. "Thanks. You too." She picked up her file.

She walked outside and got on her horse, riding back to the survey corps headquarters. She tried to find her 'aunt' Hanji, who was apparently her godmother. She started doubting that as well, considering half of her life was a lie.

Hi aunt Hanji. Have you seen the Commander recently?"she asked sweetly as she entered her office. She never called him commander unless she was with the others, or if she was pissed off at him. Which was the current situation.

As her eyes was glued to the paper work which was placed beneath her, the sun shined bright through the window with the curtains halfway opened, her glasses are always on her face at all times, but in most occasions she takes them off for a breaf moment, hanji would push them back onto her face as they were beginning to slide slightly off to where it was originally placed.

A female figure would approch her office, this would be one of her relatives, hanji had looked over, and waved.​

"Well hello there katelle, and sorry but I'm not sure were ewrin is at the moment, is that all you needed?" She says with a concern look.

Katelle Smith (Ackerman) She smiled innocently at the woman. "Oh, yes. I just wanted to discuss something with uncle for a moment."

Her face then turned dark. "
And by that I mean totally freak the hell out at him. He'll definitely see the resemblance with my mother after I'm done."

She tapped the file in her hands and went to stand next to her. "Actually, I have one more question for you. Did my mother or uncle tell you about my parentage? More specifically, my father?" She raised an eyebrow.
Hanji begin to listen closely to whatever katelle had to say, regarding to erwin smith, it's true that she doesn't know, or remember where he went, maybe on the wall, or something. She began to take the glasses, and put them on her forehead, she then gulp after mentioning her childhood.

"Your father? what do you mean by that, if I may ask? are you wanting information on his background?

Katelle Ackerman

"No. I meant who he is. Surely you'd know his identity, seeing how close you were to my mother?"

She raised an eyebrow and put the file on her desk. "No? Well, maybe this will jog your memory."

After speaking, she turned and walked out of the office. The tension was evident. She knew something was up around this place. Surely they would've told her, unless they'd been told not to.

"Hmm if I have to dig deep into my noggin then I will"

Before she could say anything else, katelle would already leave out of hanji's office with a file report regarding to what she had asked for, hanji would began opening the folder, and scanned the words that was placed on the paper. She had realized what she had asked, the history, the past of her father. She did know much about her father, as his wife was right by her side serving the survey corps like hanji zoe.

Though she had admired hanji zoe like her niece father did, her father would have been in the military poilice branch. Hanji closed the folder, and leaned back in her chair.

"This will be one heck of a day" She says.​
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Katelle Ackerman

As soon as Katelle had left, Levi came in. "Oi, Shitty Glasses" he said. "Is there any particular reason I could tell Katelle wanted to punch someone after leaving here?"

He came to stand next to her desk. "What did you do? Or, what did Erwin do that she came to you in an attempt to fix?"

Maybe that was the problem. Maybe Katelle was never told about Levi, because not even Levi knew that she existed as his daughter. Wow.

A moment of resting came to an end as levi ackerman would appear right before her, the rude comment which she doesn't take offense of, had came out of his mouth.

"Oh levi, I'd knew you would come, I assume your concern for your family member, as she came to me with questions regarding to her father, I was going to tell her information about him, but then she would slip away"

Hanji put her glasses back on her face. "I will be 100 percent honest with you levi, I'm not entirly she what erwin do, maybe he was concern that her father may have a connection with the king, and wanted to know about it" She explained, as she gets up from her chair. "Come let's go find erwin"
Ymir "Now, come on Jean. We have to meet with K-- our comrades!" she managed to blurt out. She meant Krista, it's not like she had any other friend, though Krista was more than that, or so she wanted. She punched Jean slightly in the arm and got up to where Annie and Mikasa were standing, seemingly discussing, but they stopped just as Ymir and Jean arrived to the top of the building.

"We're good to go, Annie." And Annie had already started jumping through the houses as fast as she could, just met by Mikasa on her side. Ymir followed them, though she was a bit slower, and so was Jean, but this time she kept the pace with Jean.

"Horseface, it seems to me you're eager to meet someone, uh?" she inquired.

Jean Jean rolled his eyes as he heard Ymir start to say Krista but then fix her mistake. He rubbed his arm right after she punched him, "Geez woman, was that supposed to be gentle?" He mumbled to himself.

He kept up with Ymir as they ran, but they seemed to never be able to catch up with the other two. Upon hearing her remark, he growled,
"Hey! Quit calling me horseface!" He shouted to Ymir. "I don't even look like a horse," he mumbled to himself, still audible to Ymir. "And don't try to turn this around on me! You've been dying to see that blondie!" Jean wasn't too pleased that Ymir was taunting him with the thought of Marco. Of course he was eager to see him! He was great to be around and brightened his day.

"She was mumbling about a file" he said. "What is this file in concern about, exactly?" He asked.

"And she's not related to me. She is the niece of my superior, and nothing more." Oh yeah, he had no idea. "And if he's in the military, of course he has connections to the king. Hell, even I have connections to the king."

He held out his hand. "We'll go. After you give me file, as she mentioned something about an 'angry French midget.' Which I assume is me."

A short sighed left from her, as she picked the file up from her desk, and handed it to him.

"Now I wonder where to check first" She questioned.

Hanji would begin leaving her office, her main objective would ask one of the towns people where erwin would be, she assums that maybe he isn't in the shinganshina distrect, but maybe in the trost distrect. This would be her most busy day yet, noticing she has to track down erwin smith, this shouldn't be a problem to her, as she's always aware of erwin smith.​
Katelle Ackerman

He opened the file and read through it as he walked behind the brunette woman. "Oh. Now I see why she's pissed at Erwin. He is not in for a fun night. He'll have the girl all over him, and possibly me as well."

The file, he had taken rather well. He wasn't very surprised that Katelle was his daughter. She looked almost exactly like him, and had the name he had once told her mother he would name his daughter if he ever had one.

I honestly would be disagreeing with this, but it's an official document. My question is, why did Erwin not tell me that I had a daughter?"

He didn't realize he had spoken his thoughts out loud.
Ymir "It was a gentle punch, come on!!" she shouted.

"Blame Eren for that, though." she then heard him talk about Krista; and she blushed a bit, but she hid it really well. "Don't talk about her like that! Go and kiss Marco for all I care." she laughed. "I try for once to make conversation..." she mumbled. But indeed, she and Jean were quite the personality clash.

She followed Annie and Mikasa until they arrived to the place where the Cadets where supposed to be: the training grounds. But, they weren't there, there was only a mysterious man standing at the front door, looking down, with a huge old hat that covered his face. He stood there motionless.

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Hanji would walk out of her office disussing the matter with levi, surely erwin could have told someone about his daughter instead of keeping it a secret from him, she always thought that erwin was a trusted person, but her thoughts was wrong.

"I'm not sure myself, can't really give my own opinion on that one, since I've never had any problems with that, even though I never had any relatives to begin with" she says.​
"We both know that Amalia was a very secretive person. Chances are she freaked out when she learned of the pregnancy and ran, and told Erwin to take any measures necessary to keep her identity hidden." Levi said. "We can't blame the Commander until we know the whole story."

He looked over at the brunette. "The chances are that he's in his office. He's been in there a lot lately."

As soon as he spoke, there came yelling from the other end of the hallway, from a woman. Only, it was in French. "Found him"

It wasn't such a decent job to just sit, and watch over the walls, of wall rose, the wall was pretty high, one false move, and you're a goner, but on the bright side the 3DMG was in handy, the male who stood about 5 feet 9 inches tall, though sitting down with his fingers in his hair looking over the wall, the veiw was indeed nice, it would be nice to explore outside of the wall but it would put him at risk then being behind the wall. Being a garrison was a right, and wrong choice, he still had to deal with titans either way.

But he would rather chill, and be on watch duty then control abunch crazy people before the breach that happen months ago.

A male figure that seemed taller then him, walked up to him, and begin to start a conversation. "I see that you're bored christian, these titans sure do take there time" He says. Christian looked up to him, and layed flat on the ground. "You're right I am bored, all we're doing is just guarding these walls, as if it's not gonna get breached by that big titan like last time" Christian complained.


"Yeah know adays, everyone will keep secrets from one another, it's just how human beings are, some are honest, and some are secretive, only doing it for a purpose though" Hanji says, a few feet away from her office, a women her eyes was fixed at her. "Hey!!" she yelled, aiming to get her attention.

Jean Jean rolled his eyes at the mention of Eren's name - he really disliked that kid. His eyes about popped out of his head when he heard Ymir say that he should just go kiss Marco; a bright blush appeared on his face, why the hell am I blushing? Ugh, I can't let her see this. He tried to pull up the collar of his jacket to block his burning cheeks.

Jean slowed down as they got to the training grounds, and he saw the mysterious man.
Who the hell is that? No one else was around but him, and his face was covered so there was no knowing who he was. "Hey, who are you?" He shouted. Jean stayed a good distance away from the man just in case something went wrong. The man took off his hat, revealing who he was...

ScoutHeather said:
Jean Jean rolled his eyes at the mention of Eren's name - he really disliked that kid. His eyes about popped out of his head when he heard Ymir say that he should just go kiss Marco; a bright blush appeared on his face, why the hell am I blushing? Ugh, I can't let her see this. He tried to pull up the collar of his jacket to block his burning cheeks.
Jean slowed down as they got to the training grounds, and he saw the mysterious man.
Who the hell is that? No one else was around but him, and his face was covered so there was no knowing who he was. "Hey, who are you?" He shouted. Jean stayed a good distance away from the man just in case something went wrong. The man took off his hat, revealing who he was...

Character Location - On top of Wall Rose.

Christian Zoe His, and his comrades conversation about there future had came to a close, as Christian would began to jump up from the ground where he was laying on he began to have second thoughts about moving to the survey corps, so he would learn more about the titans, and what they came to be, he would assume that his twin sister knew more about the titans then he did. After all she had lived longer then he ever did, the first time he saw a titan was during the breach of wall rose a few months ago, it was quite devastating, he would question humanity once more, as he usually does. Christian began to walk to where the large mass of building were.

He would jump down, his graples as they would stay intach with the walls, chris would then push his feet giving him a boost, activating his gas tank from the 3DMG, and graples through the town.

New Location - Trost Distrct.
Katelle Ackerman

After she was finished yelling at Erwin in French for the time being, Katelle slipped back outside. She saw Jean and the others by the training field.

Running over, she jokingly pounced on Jean, clinging to his back. "Hello" she said casually, before she started slipping, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

Ow" Katelle said, rubbing her head and standing up. "That was a bad idea." She took her blade from its holster upon laying eyes on the man.

Who are you?" She asked, slipping on her commanding voice that could have rivaled Erwin's.
Jean The sudden weight on Jean's back scared the hell out of him; not knowing it was Kat, he purposely let the person slide off onto the ground. When he heard her voice, the sudden 'oh shit' echoed in his mind. He turned around to help her, but she was already up and ready to beat the mysterious man's ass.

The man held up his hands in surrender, "Whoa, hold on," he lifted the hat to reveal his freckled face.

"For fuck's sake Marco!" He went over to him and took the hat, "We thought some shit was going on. Where is everyone?"

Marco rubbed the back of his neck, he was embarrassed for causing such a scene. "They're all hiding; Eren told me to do this, l-like a prank." Hearing Eren's name made Jean's blood boil - he would deal with him later; he bro-hugged Marco and turned back Kat, "Alright, we're fine. This idiot is mine."

@Brianna Ackerman (JeanMarco is a must)

ScoutHeather said:
Jean The sudden weight on Jean's back scared the hell out of him; not knowing it was Kat, he purposely let the person slide off onto the ground. When he heard her voice, the sudden 'oh shit' echoed in his mind. He turned around to help her, but she was already up and ready to beat the mysterious man's ass.
The man held up his hands in surrender, "Whoa, hold on," he lifted the hat to reveal his freckled face.

"For fuck's sake Marco!" He went over to him and took the hat, "We thought some shit was going on. Where is everyone?"

Marco rubbed the back of his neck, he was embarrassed for causing such a scene. "They're all hiding; Eren told me to do this, l-like a prank." Hearing Eren's name made Jean's blood boil - he would deal with him later; he bro-hugged Marco and turned back Kat, "Alright, we're fine. This idiot is mine."

@Brianna Ackerman (JeanMarco is a must)

{*soft crying heard in the distance* }

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