Skyscrapers!-The super hero RP

It seemed like the police weren’t answering Cameron, but they weren’t shooting at the three of them either. Since he had the chance, he motioned for Parker to roll the film to try and catch something interesting. Surprisingly he did get two things, in the form of two men appearing out of no where, literally. He looked at the both of them, one who looked practically dead on the ground and the other who seemed unfazed.

“Where the hell did you come from?” he questioned, scared

Before guns could even begin to aim at the two new arrivals, other people joined the fray rushing around the building. Although they looked fairly important to him, the policemen did not know who they were, or it looked like they had no idea. The shots that rang out chilled Cameron’s bones and made him jumpy at the same time, how exciting it was. This feeling quickly switched when two shots were fired into their crowd, why would they fire at civilians?

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!!” he voiced his opinions

As the order rang out for no one to move, he noticed how one of the men was still standing, although bleeding from the throat. He looked at the two who seemingly teleported here, then back at the two guys who wanted to take on the 5 of them.

“Now what, you’re going to shoot us all?” Cameron asked, cocky
Leon lay there on his back, on the pavement in pieces as the police closed in. "What are you going to do? shoot us?", Leon said mockingly, mimicking Cameron to no one in particular, while waiving his arm as if it was nothing, although that arm was about the only limb left attached to his body. He forced himself upright -or about as upright as you can get with no legs- and looked though the clearing smoke at the wreckage going on around him, and found himself at gunpoint.

"Please don't, it might sting a little" Leon smirked, as if he was ignoring the other injuries he had at the moment
The Bandit had assumed that Alya was right behind her, but when she glanced back she didn't see her. As they were exiting the building, she'd heard a bunch of people enter. Apparently they'd kept Alya from getting out. Hopefully whoever had barged into the building had seen the blood and had been able to get everyone out. But she would be worried about her roommate until she saw her safe and sound.

She kept her hands up for the police, Alya's duffel bag still hanging over her shoulder. Her arms, legs and backside had all been torn up by the flying glass from the first explosion that crazy guy had created. Her spandex had been torn in some spots and she was bleeding, but the only real nasty injury she had obtained was from the larger piece of glass that she'd pulled out of her thigh. She could walk, but it was easier not to, and though she didn't act like anything was wrong, it was still bleeding and the blood soaked the black spandex.

Some more people found their way to the back of the bank and some confusion followed. Police aiming at other police? No wonder this town was in such bad shape, the local law enforcement couldn't even tell friend from foe. A shot was fired and The Bandit flinched, and as shocking as it was to see police shooting at each other, for some reason it didn't surprise her. What did surprise her was the fact that a bullet right in the throat didn't seem to bother the guy, or his partner.

One of the men had his eyes locked on her and she met his gaze with a smirk. He mouthed some words as he held onto his throat. He'd been affected, but not much. That shot to the neck had messed up his voice, and he was bleeding, but neither him nor his partner seemed too concerned over it. She was willing to bet money that he had some sort of healing ability, she didn't know how else he would still be standing.

The other had shouted at everyone not to move, and she complied. "You know," she told the two thoughtfully "I think this is the closest anyone's ever been to catching me." And they didn't have to worry about her trying to run off. She had seen Brian teleport here, and she was relived that he'd figured out the picture she'd sent him. Now he just needed to teleport her out of here.

The guy that had carried her out was getting cocky, but she didn't acknowledge it. When she heard someone mocking him, though, she looked over to see who it was, and what she saw was even more shocking than the guy who'd been shot in the neck. The guy talking was the straggler in the bank. He'd been caught in the first explosion and she was surprised he'd survived that considering how close he'd been to it. He had even landed in a planter. Now he looked like he'd been in the second explosion, and he looked like he was right about in the right spot to have been. The shocking part was that he was missing his legs and he was still talking, and giving smartypants remarks, as if he were perfectly fine. It was a gruesome sight and rather than trying to stomach it, she looked back to the police that were pointing guns at her.
Alya's scream was engulfed in the floor exploding, opening a gaping hole to the concrete foundations and pipes below the bank. One man was torn to pieces and she covered her ears instinctively though it did nothing to stop the data flowing through her brain. What did stop it was that the man was completely unconcerned, so the usual spike of pain and the white flash of death wasn't there.

Relieved at the small miracle, she angled her head nervously to watch the SWAT combing their way through the building. Two officers in casual clothes told them to sort through the remaining civilians and after they passed her to get to the back one law enforcers came closer to her slowly and though his gun was no aimed at her, she noticed his finger was still on the trigger.

"What's your name?" he asked uncertainly.

He wasn't trained for this, she realized, picking through the nervous, rapid pattern of his brain waves. They were shouting on the restricted wavelength and his radio was bringing it all in closer proximity to her. They lost the blood spraying manic. Disappointment bit her lightly but she was not surprised at the incompetency of of the law enforcement. "Alya," she answered quietly.

In the next moment there was shouting from the back door, a gun shot and scream and Alya sat up, panicked that her roommate was hurt. "B--!" She was cut off by the SWAT man grabbing the back of her neck and pushing her back down, cracking her head against the hard bank floor. In her dizzied state she knew that wasn't his intent but she was pissed.

"Stay down!" he yelled, and his fear was palpable to her.

"Asshole," she muttered, but let her head rest on the cold marble and she began to slip into unconscious. Sinking into the theta state, she felt someone reaching out across the city, an alluring, oily summons and jerking away from it she woke again to the splitting pain in her head. "Asshole," she muttered again, ignoring the man's continued questioning.
In the background of all the commotion. A few fire trucks, ambulances, and news crews had shown up. While SWAT had done their part, they now stood down. Regular law enforcement shuffled innocents out into the staging area, where medical checked those lightly to heavily injured.

A few of the medical crew, Trained more so for emergencies entered what seemed left of the bank. They checked on the girl who nearly passed out that the swat member had obviously abused in his inexperience. The medic yelled at the swat guy for being an imbecile then promptly checked the poor girl for injuries.


Most of the people out front had not heard the gun shots in the back. Between the commotion and the disarray, only the few in the rear of the building actually knew what was going on.

Sean held his neck tightly as the blood finally stopped flowing but the wound was still pretty deep. He tried to talk again, though it was in a low raspy voice and sounded like someone gurgling.

"You need to come with us... we need... to question you about a certain event."

Alex took two steps closer carefully. He knew something was off. He was a quick observer. While most the innocent people got down or tried to run. A few of them failed to do so. He shouted over Sean.

"Anyone not involved in the burglary, leave now." He aimed up and fired a round off. All the average civilians screamed or jumped and quickly left the area except for a few including the "Bandit". He looked down and noticed a man missing his legs, who seemed to be just fine. He aimed at him them over the others, observing them all. Who would make the first move.

Sean tried to speak again.

"Everyone needs to step away from the girl." He pointed his gun at the bandit, then waved it as if meaning for others to scoot away.

{{You guys can do as you please with the mindless amounts of npcs in the area. There are news crews, firefighters, paramedics, some swat who are NOT on guard, simply trying to help, and regular police. Set up a medic for you Midnight, if you want to use it as you see fit to get out of this. ANDREW YOU NEED TO POST NOW D:< }}
As Brian heard gun shots, he was relatively unaffected. Looking around to see i f he knew who sent the picture, he seen an old familiar face.

{So she sent the picture huh?} Brian thought as he crept closer and closer to the girl.

"Were are we going?" Brian whispered to the girl.

Looking back at the cop, Brian knew he could make his move before the cop could react. Flipping his phone up to where the cops could not see, he searched for a picture.

{There we go.} Brian thought as he placed his hand on the girl's thigh.

"Take a deep breath." Brian said to the girl as he teleported them to the place that they first met.
The Bandit waited patiently as the police pointed their guns at her, and tried to separate her from the bunch. She heard the teleporter ask her where they were going, but she didn't know, and really didn't care. She heard him click around on his phone, and she kept quiet and didn't acknowledge him to try to avoid suspicion.

She felt him put his hand on her thigh and tell her to take a deep breath, and she did as he told her. Then he teleported them to the bowling alley. Thank goodness. It wasn't lit well and she would probably be able to get changed and get out pretty easy. As soon as they got there, she took off her mask. He'd seen her face before, and she knew it would be easier to get out of here without it.

"Thanks, you're a life saver." she told Brian, opening Alya's duffel bag and stuffing her mask inside. She gave Brian a quick hug "It's been a while, nice to see you're still willing to help out an old friend." she would have loved to catch up, but she was getting anxious about getting out of here and she wanted to find out if Alya was okay. "Anyway, sorry to run off so soon, but I need to get home. Lay low and all that fun stuff. I'll call you later."

She felt rude asking for his help and then taking off, but that was exactly what she was doing. And she was quickly off, slipping into the bathroom and seeing what Alya had in her duffel. Just what she needed, and had expected, a change of clothes. Bonnie looked in the mirror and turned on the sink to wash up a little. The bowling alley was pretty slow right now, and nobody was in the bathroom. She changed but stuffed her torn up, bloodied costume into the duffel, she didn't want to leave anymore evidence behind than she already had. Her blood was there for sure, hopefully nobody would find the bag she'd hidden in the alley, though there was nothing in it they could use to identify her, except maybe some skin cells or a hair on her clothes.

Before putting on pants, though, she cleaned up the gash in her thigh "This better not leave a scar..." she thought aloud. A scar, after all, wouldn't help her book shows and photo shoots at all. It was still bleeding a little, but not as much as before. Once dressed, she slipped her boots back on and zipped them up, then pulled the hair tie out of her hair, her wavy brown hair falling out of her ponytail. She used her fingers to shake it out a little and then zipped the duffel back up.

After leaving the bathroom, she slipped out of the bowling alley, Alya's duffel hanging from her shoulder. Now she had to get home, and before her blood soaked through Alya's pants and caught anyone's attention. She just hoped that Alya would be home when she got there. If not, she would probably go check the hospital. She wanted to stay away from the scene and if Alya had been hurt to badly to come home, she would be there. Bonnie didn't even want to consider that Alya might have been blown to pieces.

[[They were supposed to go to the bowling alley, right?

And sorry I had to cut their meeting short, but Oka's gonna time jump to D's meeting and I probably won't be able to post again before then xP]]
Hearing the mocking tone Cameron merely looked over and blanched, not expecting to see the practically limbless man. He recognized him from the bank as the last straggler in and it looked like he barely survived both explosions.

As the police-ish men started talking again, Cameron looked back at them and didn’t leave when told to. Although; when he was told to move away from the bandit, he only did so when he saw the man behind her touch her thigh. Hearing her take a breath, he glanced at her…or he would have if she was still there, he immediately turned to Parker who nodded at him.

“We got to get this back to Channel 6, some other news crews are already here!” He noted, finally turning off the camera.

Cameron turned back the other way and was about to ask if they could leave, when a sudden feeling overcame him. It was like a grip; wrapping around him and pulling him in a certain direction, he choked on his words. Then he took a step down the alleyway, towards the men bearing arms and felt the feeling slip away. He was freaking out, and at the same time nervous at what they were going to do now.

{{Cameron feels the evil pull in some moods I still have yet to decide what he’s going for though}}
Alex changed his sights when he saw the man move, but he wasn't one to fire first and ask questions later. He knew the man was up to something but when they both disappeared before his eyes. He lounged forward and grabbed a man by his shoulder, jerking him around at gun point while he spouted stuff off about taking a tape to a news agency. He grabbed the tape and put it in his back pocket, then cuffed the man quickly, pulling him back behind the others.

Sean walked over, removing his hand from his neck. The skin was healed, and he wiped some of the blood away. Because of that others would of been able to see there was no wound. But the inside of his neck was still a little torn up so speaking was still a tad raspy. He also walked over to the group. He saw the man with no legs and knew he was special, no normal person would be that calm.

"You got that Alex?"

Alex looked up and replied.

"Yeah man, take the others 'round front, I'll finish up here."

Sean waved and escorted the rest of the people around to the front of the building. He wanted to keep everyone as non informed about "specials" as he could. It tended to be better for everyone. He took the tape from Alex before leaving then walked up to the man who he had seen Alex take it from.

"You and I are gonna hafta have a chat back at the precinct."


Alex looked back at the man, now alone with him.

"Your obviously not normal. Whats the key to your ability and what do you need help with if any?"

He holstered his gun back in the back of his pants. His arms leaning on his knees in a crouched position.
The one with the eye patch suddenly lunged at him, pointing a gun straight at him and throwing him around. Cameron cringed when the evil thoughts that involved this guy’s death, brought the chain hold back.

“C’mon M-man…we really have to g-get this tape back” he noted.

The guy then took the tape from him, stuffed it in his back pocket and handcuffed Cameron, some help that was. Then the rest left and he had to give Parker a reassuring nod to get him going.

Duo member number two approached him, and told him that they were going down to the precinct.

“Why?! You’re letting all the actual bad guys get away here, don’t you care about that?” Cameron yelled.

He stumbled along as he felt the hold try to pull him in another direction, he grit his teeth and kept walking.

"Who are you, anyways?" he asked, changing the topic.
@No one specific

Brianna arrived at this gathering that Starr had shown her "The link up set up good for you??" She asked her little AI "Well I am having a... a bit of la-ag. Then again, wirelessly linking me up into your suit and at home, that's a good job you did." Brianna was shocked, her AI actually complimented her "Thanks" She walked deep into the crowd that had gathered to see this D person, she couldn't careless but the gain from coming here was a great one indeed. Her suit was painted in the same paints used for cars, a dark blood red with black and silver all over the suit. The paint was obviously new to the suit but dried and covered in stuff to protect it from the environment. "Well I'm here, where's the party"

A couple of 'heroes' stared at her at first but realized she wasn't talking and answering herself. The crowd was already huge and it must have been at least an hour away from when the event should start. "29minutes 52seconds and 21miliseconds actually" Brianna would have jumped if she wasn't getting used to this. "Out loud again??" "Yup" She decided standing in the middle of a crowd wouldn't be safe, she still had some enemies after all, and in this city being in the center of a crowd of strangers was the place to be. She moved further to the side cursing herself for going early and not paying attention to the crown. "Crap, take a left then a right... go to that alley way" Starr had the voice emit only inside the suit.
Jackie had left the bank scene almost as soon as she had gotten there. It wasn't that interesting, and for the most part it was over with anyway. As she was walking away down the street and heard the gun shots, she nearly smiled. Nearly. Chucking out her mostly full coffee into a nearby garbage, she returned to work only to tell her boss that she could feel a fever coming down quick. Silently, she thanked the heavens that her boss was exceeding gullible as the fat looking man let her off work and went to make a few calls for a DJ.

Packing up her guitar, Jackie left the club giving the fake impression of being ill. As soon as she was outside of the place though, she was back to normal and just started waking around the city. Hmm, maybe I should just see the place this meeting is going to be at, try and find any good exits in case something goes wrong, formulate a couple plans as a back up. Jackie nodded to herself before walking a bit faster. A little while later, she had cut down an ally way that lead directly to the meeting place making a note that this would be a good place to run from if needed.

(OOC...Ran, if you want this to be the same ally Brianna is going in, go ahead haha.)
After leaving the bowling alley, Bonnie began her walk home, a limp in her step. People glanced at her, but didn't pay her much attention luckily. She didn't want anyone's attention right now, she just wanted to get home. Her leg hurt, and Alya's clothes didn't fit her right. She didn't know how she was going to explain this to Kemp. Maybe she could sneak past him and he wouldn't even notice. Then again, he would probably notice her limping around, even after she cleaned up and bandaged the gash in her leg.

While walking down the street she heard someone playing the violin, but her mind was off thinking about something else, and she didn't really think much about it. She continued on down the street, but once she got to the corner and glanced over at the violin player, she stopped to watch. She wasn't sure why the thought hadn't occurred to her before. She knew Kemp played, but she had been so far off in her own little world that she hadn't even thought that it might be him until she had actually seen him.

So he wasn't home right now. She would have been able to sneak right by him if she wasn't already standing right in front of him, staring at him like a deer in the headlights. "Hey, Kemp." she interrupted quietly, one hand fiddling with the strap on Alya's duffel while the other brushed her hair back and tucked it behind her ear.
Kemp smiled at his roommate, walking towards him obliviously and then appearing thoroughly shocked to realize he was there. "Good morning, Bonnie," he hummed, letting his violin rest from its perch on his shoulder. His green eyes narrowed quickly, though, looking her over critically. "You look rather...out of sorts..."

He knew who she had been, didn't much care, he'd done worse, but he thought she'd stopped. Still..."Have you seen Alya?"
So she looked 'out of sorts.' Bonnie looked herself over, and she could see what he meant. "It's been a long morning." she explained vaguely. She wasn't about to tell him that she'd tried to rob a bank, got herself hurt and almost arrested. And there was Alya too, she still didn't know what had happened to her.

She had no idea that Kemp knew about her past or her powers, which is why she hid them from him. Even if she knew that he knew, she probably wouldn't go around advertising it. She had been a criminal and she wasn't exactly proud of it, as fun as it had been, and as much money as she had gotten out of it. But it wasn't something that she was just going to tell someone, even a close friend, willy-nilly.

When Kemp asked about Alya, Bonnie remembered that she needed to get home to see if she was there. The last she had seen of Alya, she was in the bank, and shortly after there had been an explosion inside. "Oh! I need to get home!" she told her roommate urgently, neglecting to answer his question. She hadn't ignored his question on purpose, but she probably would have lied or skirted around it anyway.

She did feel like everything that had happened was her fault. She hadn't hurt anyone, but that crazy guy had, and it sure seemed like he'd only stopped by to blow everything up because she was already there. Even if that wasn't the case, she still felt like somehow she could have stopped anyone from getting hurt. She was a thief, not a murderer.
Seeing the distress overtaking Bonnie's narrow face, Kemp reached out to clasp her wrist supportively. Immediately data flooded into his brain and he couldn't stop a grimace which he hid in a frown as he sorted through what her skin cells were telling her. "That reminds me we need to get more orange juice," he muttered more to himself than her.

Bright green eyes met Bonnie's curiously. "Are you alright?" His roommates were the only people he'd ever had to care about, so knowing that Bonnie was nursing a wound and he couldn't do anything about it without her telling him--unless he told her what he could do--cramped his stomach with self loathing. Bonnie couldn't tell him because her power was identifiable with the Bandit and she couldn't know whether or not he would turn her in. There was a substantial bounty out for her and to the best of her knowledge he was only a little better than a starving musician. And Alya never told them because she didn't see it as a power, she thought she was sick.

He let go of Bonnie's arm before he tightened his grip in frustration, but didn't look away from her face.
(OoC: Long post gets a summary - Basically just Alya seeing her family and her brother telling her about D's announcement)

The morning was nearly afternoon by the time Alya escaped the medics who determined she didn’t have a concussion from her head smacking the floor, and the police who questioned her thoroughly about what had happened in the bank, being one of the few citizens they actually managed to keep their hands on. One officer offered her a ride home but she declined, slipping past the ring of rubberneckers and newscasters.

Instead of heading towards center city where her shared apartment was, she began walking towards the north section. She quickly found that she was unsteady on her feet, hungry, weary and injured, so she waited at a bus stop for one that could take her to where her parents lived. Her thoughts were hazy throughout the ride, which made it easy to ignore the usual distractions.

Alya still had to walk a block and a half to reach the brownstone her parents lived in, where she had been raised, and she made the trek with an unhappy scowl. There was an abundance of teenagers using the internet in the area and all those websites were invading her mind. Taking a deep breath she didn’t focus on it and went up to the green painted door, knocking lightly.

“Be right there!” Her mother’s voice came from within, muffled, but only a moment later it opened, a tall, lean man smiling down at her.

“Naji!” Alya exclaimed happily, jumping forward to hug her brother tightly. It didn’t matter that she had just seen him yesterday, after the morning’s events nothing could have made her feel safer.

“Good morning, little bird,” he greeted warmly. “I told them you’d be coming by. Mother made orange cups just for you.”

Alya was affectionately embraced by her parents and sat quietly at the kitchen table, listening to her mother chatter about all that she had missed while her taciturn father pretended not to listen, but the small smile on his lips betrayed him. “And how are you, little bird?” her mother asked when she had run out of steam.

“Good, mother,” she answered simply.

“Naji said something happened, though,” her mother still smiled but her eyes were narrowed with sharp concern. It had taken her daughter so long to adjust to what was relative normalcy that Rajiya couldn’t help worrying.

“He also said not to worry,” Alya’s father, Harith, remarked with his deep, resonating voice; it always reminded Alya of the sonorous lull of an upright bass and made her smile softly.

As her mother protested the scolding, Naji stood and beckoned to his sister. “Let me show you what father and I have done with the yard.” She followed wordlessly and their parents didn’t remark on the departure. Of course when they got to the back there wasn’t much interest in discussing the fresh grass seed or new patio in the small square yard with a high fence blocking it in, newly painted a dark red color that made Alya shiver unexpectedly. “Did you see the news this morning?”

She shook her head. “I fell asleep at the studio last night and then got held up at the bank.” She said it blandly, but her brother smiled like he understood the irony of the innocuous statement.

“Some vigilante named D invited all the ‘heroes’ in the city to meet at midnight in the City Square.”

Alya rolled her eyes. “Right next to my apartment, wonderful. I should probably spend the night here.” In the back of her mind she wondered what her wayward roommate Bonnie would think if she didn’t return home by tonight. “Why are you telling me, Naji? It doesn’t have anything to do with me.”

“You know that’s not true, little bird.” She grimaced and looked away. Naji sidled closer and looped an arm around her shoulder. “As long as you pretend you’re not what you are, you’re vulnerable to certain individuals who can manipulate you.”

“I’m not a anything, just a dancer. You’re the hero.” She nudged him slightly in the ribs. “Are you going tonight?”

“Of course not. I’m a parole officer, not a vigilante. It’s not just for your own happiness that you need to decide anymore, Alya. It’s for your safety, and your roommates, as well. I know you don’t want them hurt because you avoided what you really are.”

“Please stop, Naji. I don’t want to talk about this.”

After a tense silence he sighed and kissed her forehead. “Okay, little one. But you do have to go home tonight. Bonnie is worried about you.”

Wrinkling her nose, Alya nodded reluctantly. “Only because you said so.”

(OoC: Naji has a power, preternatural intuition, so that with just the slightest or even no indicators he just KNOWS things, but only when it comes to people. He's not going to be used very often, so don't worry about him being a deus ex for Alya)
Kemp grabbed Bonnie by the wrist and she figured he was trying to keep her from running off, because that was exactly what she had been about to do, but she didn't fight it. He wouldn't keep her from getting home for no reason, would he? He mumbled something about orange juice and she was utterly confused about what he wanted. It didn't really matter if they needed orange juice or not right now. And what even brought that up? She was about to yank her wrist out of his grip and head home, but then he asked if she was okay.

"I'm fine..." she lied hesitantly. She didn't want to have to explain to him where she had been today, and what she had been doing. Then again, maybe she could just tell him a little bit of the truth. The part about her an Alya being at the bank and it getting blown up by that crazy guy. It was too late now, though, she'd already lied and she didn't want him to think she was a compulsive liar, whether or not she was.

"Anyway," she changed the subject, turning around so that she could continue on towards their apartment "I need to get home to see if Alya's okay." and just after she had lied to him to keep him from figuring everything out, she'd let something slip. Luckily her back was facing him so he wouldn't be able to see the mortified look on her face "She never came home last night." she added quickly, after regaining her composure. Hopefully it would work, but her roommate wasn't an idiot either.

She turned around again "Are you going to keep playing?" she asked, curious to know if he would stay or go with her. She didn't really care either way. It would be easier to keep her secret if he stayed, but she could easily come up with another lie to tell if he came along and found out that she was hurt.
Kemp sighed, knowing he had to accept the lies. "I know she didn't, her algebra textbook is still sitting out." He wanted little more than to follow her back to the apartment and treat her leg, he had been taught how to tend such injuries, but he could tell she didn't want him following her back.

"I suppose I should stay," he answered reluctantly, fiddling with his bow idly. "If you need me my cell phone is on. Anything at all, okay?"
After escorting everyone to the front, other officers took the civilians to be looked at, while a few glared at Sean. Through the years, he had learned of many facial expressions. That one being one of jealousy and pride; not liking the methods of how Sean got stuff done.

An officer tried to take the two people who had made a tape, but sean rejected his offer and stuck both of them in the back of his camaro. Before shutting the door, he uncuffed both of them. Even though they were free, they where still locked in the back of his car. Sean got in the front and sighed loudly.

"So tell me, what's on this tape exactly?"

He held it up in view of them, though they could not reach it through the metal barrier separating the front seats from the rear.
Bonnie nodded at her roommate as he told her to call him if she needed anything. His cell was on, but hers was broken, though there were other phones she could use. The only reasons she could think of that she would make her call him though, was if anything had happened to Alya, or if she couldn't find her. "I'll see you at home later." she told him before turning to leave.

She was careful, trying her best not to limp in front of Kemp and worry him. She couldn't hide it completely, but at least she wasn't limping too bad now. Once she turned a corner and was out of his sight, however, she stopped trying to walk normally, and it was a heck of a lot easier not to fight the limp.


It didn't take her too long to get home, and once inside it was dead silent.

"Alya?" she called, closing the door behind her. She received no response, but Alya could still be here. Maybe she was sleeping or something. Bonnie could see that she wasn't in the living room or the kitchen, and she went to check her bedroom. Empty. It wasn't exactly what she had been hoping to find when she got home. She would have to go check the hospital, and if Alya wasn't there, then she wouldn't know where to look next.

Before she left though, she could clean up again and at least change into some flats. Maybe she could even keep Alya from finding out about her now, if she hadn't already anyway. She had a feeling that Alya had already figured it out, but she didn't want to take any chances if she hadn't.

She retreated to her own room, and dropped Alya's bag on the floor, planning to hide it once she changed ad had a chance to stuff Alya's bloodied clothes back into it. Quickly, she got out on outfit of her own and moved to the bathroom so that she wouldn't get any blood anywhere else. She stripped out of Alya's clothes and looked at her cuts in the mirror. The smaller cuts had all stopped bleeding, and it looked like the large gash in her thigh was just about done as well.

After cleaning the blood off of her skin, working quickly so that she could get to the hospital sooner, she slipped into her top. Then she wiped down the bathroom sink to assure any trace of her blood was gone, then moved to the kitchen to get the first aid kit out from under the sink. They had plenty of band aids in the bathroom, but none big enough for her cut. There were larger band aids and wrappings in the first aid kit and she sat on the ground and pulled it out from under the sink.

She leaned back on her arms for a moment and heaved a sigh. She was about ready for a nap, her body was aching and she felt like she needed to rest for a while, but she didn't really have the time for that. First she needed to find Alya and make sure she was okay. Alya's bloodied clothes were on the floor next to her, and a pair of pants she had to put on once she was patched up were next to them, but she'd been careful not to let them touch. There wasn't as much blood on Alya's clothes as there was on her costume, but she would rather be safe than sorry.

After her brief break, she opened up the first aid kit and started to pull everything out of it in search of a band aid big enough to cover up her gash, and maybe some Neosporin or something too.
Kemp was fooling himself when he thought he could go back to playing after talking to Bonnie. It just didn't sound right, didn't feel right when someone important to him needed him, even though she didn't say so, or even think so. He could help her with her leg, she was a model, she couldn't let something that obvious scar.

Sighing again and shaking his head he let the violin fall and then knelt down beside his open case. No more than ten or fifteen dollars in carelessly discarded quarters and couple dollar bills. He hadn't had a job in more than a month, and he'd only done a little better than this in just as long. He scooped the money out and pocketed it, replacing the instrument where it belonged. When he stood and turned towards home it was at a quick jog, determination making him clench his jaw, the muscles standing out on his lean cheeks.

The door wasn't locked when he returned to the apartment and he shook his head; it seemed like Bonnie always forgot. "Bonnie?" he called, extending his hand in the air. Her movement were still fresh but he didn't need the dust motes to tell him she was in the bathroom. That's where their first aid kit was, and he knew they wouldn't have big enough bandages.

Kemp knocked on the closed door. "Bonnie?"
Bonnie heard the door, and figured it was Alya since Kemp had told her he was staying to play. She started to get up to greet her roommate and make sure she was okay, but when she heard Kemp calling her, she stopped and sat back down on the floor. He must have changed his mind and come home early. Or maybe he wanted to help her look for Alya. Whatever it was, she continued searching through the first aid kit.

He knocked on the bathroom door and called her name again. She hesitated, but answered. He knew she was here, there was no point in trying to hide from him "Yeah?" she called back through the door. She'd completely emptied the first aid kit, and hadn't found what she was looking for. "You changed your mind?" she asked, leaning back against the wall.

She didn't plan on opening the door, and she would keep up her lies for as long as they would hold. As far as she knew, he didn't know anything, not about her or what had happened. He'd seemed worried about her earlier, but he'd seemed to believe her when she told him she was fine. Or at least he hadn't pestered her about it anymore. Maybe he was here to make sure she was okay, but she would have rather he go find Alya.
Kemp leaned against the door, chewing his lip indecisively. "Sort of," he answered quietly. He wanted to tell her what he knew so he could help her. He had a feeling the wound was deep, that she'd need stitches and they didn't have the right needle and thread in the first aid kit for that. It was for basic home injuries. He'd never forgive himself if she got an infection or worse because he could have helped and didn't.

Straightening and wiping his brow nervously he took a couple steps back so he could set his violin on the couch. "I was thinking, we don't have bandages big enough for what you need." There, that was it; she would make of it what she will.
What Kemp told her caught her attention. Bonnie was trying so hard to keep her injury a secret from him. Had he known all along? Maybe he'd just guessed because of how she'd been walking? Or had she left something out that he had seen? She wasn't sure, but she carefully got to her feet and tried to figure it out. She'd left Alya's bag in her room with her bloodied costume. Maybe he'd seen that?

"How do you know what I need?" she asked, curious to figure out what he knew. She wasn't going to just ask him if he knew about the bank or anything like that, but she could skirt around the topic and try to feel him out. Or at least she could figure out how he knew she was looking for a bandage. If she knew how he'd figured it out, she would have a better idea for what he knew.

She didn't want to drag her roommates into anything that could get them in trouble. There were reasons she kept secrets from her roommates. One was to protect them, another was to keep herself out of jail. Not to mention, she did feel bad about some of the things she had done. Whatever Kemp knew, she was going to figure it out. Hopefully she was just being paranoid, though.

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