Skyscrapers!-The super hero RP

Glace sighed.

Why was he stuck with the bunch of kids? He thought rather angrily.

Well, he wasn't too far off from a kid himself, so it was fitting. And he didn't really mind these guys. They were friends.

And partners, he thought fiercely, thinking of all the good they could do the city.

He realized that he had drifted off. The kids were all goofing off.....

"Hey! Guys!" He yelled at Jason, James and Joe.

"Listen up." He said with an authoritative tone to the three boys standing around him.
Jason perked up when he heard Glace yell at him. He came to attention, crossing him arms and blurting out.

"So we gonna leave to the meeting now?"
[[sorry, Oka. I didn't see that we weren't supposed to be posting right now until after I posted ono]]

As midnight approached, Bonnie had made up her mind to go to D's meeting. She wasn't totally sure what to expect there, but if a bunch of superheroes were all going to meet up, hiding her identity could turn out to be important. She had been a notorious bank robber a few years back, and had attempted another robbery today. And if it was a superhero's job to throw the bad guy in jail, and they thought she was a bad guy, then she would need to be able to disappear. Hiding her real identity was a great way to be able to do that.

This was where she ran into problems however, since her costume hadn't really made it through all the excitement at the bank. Luckily, by the time she'd realized this, she still had enough time, and spandex, to make a new one. Well, almost enough spandex anyway. She'd gotten out her trusty scissors and a box of white chalk to mark where she would make her cuts. She just had this little bit of black spandex left, and she had to make sure not to cut it too small, because she only had one shot at this. She supposed that if this went horribly wrong she could wash her other costume real quick and stitch up the holes, but she was pretty confident in herself. She wanted to be a fashion designer, after all.

The end result turned out fine. She was pleased with it, anyway. Due to the shortage of fabric, she'd ended up cutting the legs short, and to make it more aesthetically pleasing she'd cut them very short. But the coverage on the top, she figured, made up for the skin on the bottom. With long sleeves and a turtle-esque type neck, it left her legs(most of them at least), hands and head exposed, and that was it. Getting up from the sewing machine in her room, though, she was reminded of the gash in her thigh. She needed to get it taken care of, but she didn't have time to run to the store right now since it was almost midnight, and she wanted to go to D's meeting.

It hit her that she had some superglue in with some of her junk, she could superglue her wound closed. But after searching around for it for a few minutes, she gave up. She didn't have time to turn her room upside down looking for it. She would have to improvise for now. What she did have was some duct tape, and there were a few gauze pads in the first aid kit. She fashioned them into a huge makeshift band aid, then realized that it had been a bad idea to squeeze into a pair of skinny jeans before the blood had all dried up. But in the end, she had a big bandage covering her wound. It would probably hurt when she had to take it off, but for now it would have to do.

Once that was taken care of, Bonnie slipped into her new costume, wearing tights underneath for more coverage, though they were only made of thin nylon, so they were still slightly see-through. She fished her mask out of Alya's duffel before stuffing Alya's clothes and her torn up costume into the bag, zipping it up and hiding it in the back of her closet, where she figured no one would be snooping. Her mask was still in great shape, not even a speck of blood on it. She tied her hair up in a ponytail to keep it out of the way and grabbed her mask and a pair of heeled, ankle-boots. Not exactly easy on the legs or feet, but she was used to them, and she wanted to keep up appearances in public. Her limp wouldn't help her, but there wasn't much she could do about it right now.

Bonnie turned off the lights in the apartment and remembered to lock the door, as Kemp had told her to if she left. She put on her mask and became The Bandit, and The Bandit slipped her boots on and climbed down the fire escape. The front of the apartment building tended to have a lot of traffic, but the back -where the fire escape was- was in an alley that people traveled down, but not much. It was much easier to sneak out the back than the front, and she couldn't have people narrowing her identity by seeing where she lived. She'd made sure that nobody would see her before descending into the alley, and slowly and carefully climbed down, gritting through the pain in her leg until she was on the ground.

Once down, The Bandit looked around. The alley was empty, and she adjusted her clothing, and checked her tights for snags. Not that a snag in her tights was all that important, but this was the only pair she had that didn't have any and she figured she'd check. Then, when she established that she was snag-free, she started walking towards City Square, where everyone was supposed to meet. It was only a couple of blocks away, and when she arrived, the entire area was dark except for one street light. It looked like that was where people were starting to gather, so she started to cautiously make her way over, still limping a little, unable to identify whoever was on top of the street light from this distance and darkness.


[[PS. Sorry for this monster of a post, guys. If you
really don't want to read it, then at least read the last paragraph so you know where she is.]]

Joe was a bit annoyed to be interrupted, but lord knew he didn't want to mess with their...leader? Wasn't sure what that was, but he didn't especially feel like mucking about with the order.

"Yes?" He asked, with a wry smile, not quite keeping the attitude to a minimum.
Glace sighed, a common thing for him.

"Do you guys really wanna go to this meeting? I think it's just plain stupid." He asked his 'team'.

"I mean, it's just a little too convinient, you know? And not for a good guy." He concluded with a scowl.
"Who cares if it is too convenient. I want to go." James said as he started to walk.

Walking off from the group, he placed his hands in his pockets.

"Anyone who wants to go, lets go to the meeting." James said as he continued to walk.
"Sorry guys, i really want to see this too." He said nervously. His hands now back in his pockets. Surely at times he had to think for himself, even if they're his friends. He raced a few paces to catch up to James.

"So we gonna make snow and see what others do?" He asked curiously.
"Look, we better at least see what's happening. We should be seeing these people around anyways, right? Better see what we're dealing with." Joe said, pacing thoughtfully. He did want to see these people. He needed to learn more about them.

"Well...vigilantes haven't been seen for ages. I don't know what made them any of you?"

Joe's eyes began darting around, his speech quickening.

"And a roll call happening just when superheroes start to come up again...we'd better be careful. But, probably nothing. I think. Right?"

"On the off chance this is some sort of trap, then we should keep our guard up. We shouldn't trust anybody. We shouldn't-" Joe stopped, eyes suddenly wide, realizing he was in every sense thinking aloud - Lord, he probably sounded so stupid!

"Sorry. Anyways, I think it's better if we go. You coming, Glace?" Joe said, concerned. If they were a "team" they probably needed their leader on board.
James took his hands out of his pockets and looked back at Jason.

"No, we are not going to just make snow." James replied to Jason.

Taking in a deep breath, James placed his hands out in front of himself. Creating an ice slide in front him and Jason.

"We should just take this, and head for the meeting." James said as he started to skate across the ice slide.
Jason tried his best but he knew it would not work as good as someone who normally did it. As he jumped on the ice, he slid about 5 feet before he fell of and ate pavement on the sidewalk.


However, he jumped back up and started to jog at a steady pace to keep up with James. They were about to be late and he really wanted to see what would happen.
Glace glanced around, seeing people walking around. He saw Jason and James being........ Jason and James.

He sighed, and turned to face Joe.

"I'll go, but I don't have to like it." He said with a scowl, crossing his arms.

"It's just too perfect, you know? And I don't exactly trust D. He's too much of a wild card, and if Paladin is gonna be there, we already know exactly what's gonna happen." He explained, rolling his eyes at the mention of Paladin.
Joe stared at the ice bridge the pair had made, and quickly calculated. At an angle of....predicted changes....patterns.... trajectory...but realizing that there was absolutely no way to communicate the correct way to walk across the bridge in time to stop Jason from dying a horrible death, he faltered.

Knowing Jason, of course, he might get a bit beat up but he'd be fine. It was only really Joe who took all of those unnecessary steps.

Joe blinked, and looked back to Glace, relieved they hadn't had to deal with him leaving. Might have been a problem, there.

"D makes me a bit nervous, but...well, like I said, we'll be careful." Joe said, possibilities piling in the back of his head.

"I assume we're not travelling by ice bridge, so we'd better hurry if we wanna catch up to them....unless?"

Joe wasn't sure if Glace was as eager as the other two to start throwing his powers around. He figured Jason and James needed to let loose every so often to vent their powers, but Glace had some self-control...or did he?

Well, Joe figured he more or less was about to find out.
@NPC Girl in the Alley Way and People at the park will hear a couple of small explosions (Like person through brick wall explosion)

Brianna didn't wait long for an answer, turning out from behind a wall. "So... Whaddya want then f..k off." The mafia members were all surprised she actually came out "Well" They all raised their weapons and started firing shots, that were doing damage to her suit. Brianna cursed multiple times as she saw a metal dumpster and moved it into the way stopping the more powerful guns then charged them jumping over the dumpster and landing foot first onto a Mafia guys face crushing it into the ground when she landed.

While jumping over the dumpster she grabbed a part of debris inside and shoved it into the Item Launcher. She quickly told the AI to choose the next biggest problem Mafia member and fire the Item full power into their stomach while she close lined a member that was staying still. The garbage shot through the persons stomach and out the back crippling them. The other 3 were easier to pick off as they began retreating giving her better time to gather more items.

Brianna looked down at the crippled and most likely to die soon member still not lifting the metal mask. "So how'd you know about my suit and why are you here." The Mafia member smirked, she was a tough one. "How do you think, mafia is everywhere remember. You pose a threat to us." She laid back onto the broken cement. Brianna yelled back at the girl to take a different way if she wanted her mind to stay sane... she continued through anyways screaming at the sight of 6 dead people in suits. "I didn't account for that." Starr wasn't joking this time.

Brianna had enough of this but to get her cash she decided to rejoin the giant group of heroes for a minute with maybe a minute to spare before the exact time that D had mentioned. "So what are we here for??" She had been wondering for hours now and she could finally ask.
It was almost time, Grimm could feel it, hanging in the air, the disgusting "Justice" that these things spoke of, that left people like him, lying in the dirt. So, propelled by his never-ending lust for destruction, and his own twisted logic, Grimm started the countdown for the explosion, the warning for these "Heroes" as they called themselves.

"Ten, Nine..."

And upon the number zero, the buildings Grimm had prepared specifically for this event, toppled, their foundations or support beams, blasted to smithereens by the blood he had spent the day spreading, beyond his regular cycle.

Over the six years Grimm had spent active throughout the city, he spread his blood onto main supports in buildings, so far having prepared nearly half the city, but the chaos would need to be complete... aside from tonight, it was a special occasion and all.

(Hope you don't mind my making Grimm the big bad guy in this rp Oka, but like you said, Michi quit ^^')
After her fifth pencil snapped, Harper decided to give herself a break, maybe taking her mind off the paper is what she needed. It had been a long day for her at the diner and she was in a bad mood when she first started writing. College just didn’t seem worth the money anymore, but she wanted to become a writer since she was seven.

Looking at her paper again, she put a new pencil in her mouth and started chewing, unconsciously. Harper sighed, it seemed she was suffering from a bad case of writer’s block and it annoyed her. Thoughts of outside and the city’s inspiration tangled with those of the paper’s due date and length. Finally putting the pencil down, noticing her teeth marks, she got ready to go to the city pocketing some pepper spray before anything else.

It was the bus ride to the city that made her semi-remember something, the announcement of a hero’s meeting to be more exact. After thinking on it for a bit, she shook her head…there was no way it would be close to her brother’s apartment. So as Harper took the only bus route she knew to the city, she was surprised when they finally got to the city square.

“Guess it was near his apartment” she noted

A strange feeling over took Harper, although used to it by now, the girl simply looked to where the crowd was. Most of the people standing there had the strange aura coming off of them and she could feel it, practically from a mile away. They all had powers; powers like hers but much greater, some able to create bombs or bend elements as easily as they breathed. Then she turned as she noticed one outside of the group, and her eyes landed on a restaurant where on a high perch she saw a weird glint.


Her sentence was cut short when the building behind her, exploded

{{Uhm, I can always edit Oka 8D}}

Brianna was walking back as though nothing had happened even though blood was very evident on her suit. "Maybe you should walk through a shower of something??" Starr saw from her visual sensors the people staring at Brianna. "Nah, plus this thing is starting now." She couldn't help but smile at defeating her AI at it's own logic. "Quiet" the AI added in a over sad but playful tone. "Well whad--" Suddenly the buildings exploded all around the park.

"WHAT THE FK NOW!!!" She had enough with all the crap that was going on this week... she never had to deal with it before and suddenly it's a mass spree of explosions and pompous 'heroes' running around trying to play good guy. "Shut up" she said sternly knowing her AI was about to speak again. She started looking around calculating the trajectory of what was heading towards her and found a spot that would be safe for the most part and stayed there for most of the falling buildings.

"Now what..." She turned to the man who called himself D and the other man who called himself Paladin. "Your little gathering ended very prematurely ." She sighed and was very obviously angered by all this... Was that a migraine sprouting from her headache... yes... yes it was. She cursed to herself multiple times making sure to have shut off the voice emition unit before hand.

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