Skyscrapers!-The super hero RP

"How do you know what I need?"

Despite his reckless plunge, he found himself losing his nerve as soon as she addressed the implication. He rubbed his head frantically, trying to figure out what to say. "I didn't till just now," he finally said evasively.

This wasn't helping him towards anything. If he told her what he could do, it was only a step away from telling her what he really did for money, and he couldn't do that. There was a difference between being born one way and choosing a particular craft that required killing people. Granted he hadn't chosen to be taught how to do that, but he did it nonetheless.

"I take it you're not so okay then," he said neutrally, hands hanging limply at his side now.
Bonnie was still skeptical of Kemp's bandage comment, but if he really had just guessed and tricked her into telling him she needed a huge bandage then he really didn't know anything, right? Maybe she could get away with this after all. "I guess not..." she admitted to her roommate. She kept the door closed and locked, and had no intentions of opening it and letting her roommate see what had happened to her. She didn't want to have to explain it if he didn't already know.

"It's not bad" she lied again "I'll be okay. You should go look for Alya." she suggested. She was still worried about Alya. She still wasn't home, and Bonnie was worried that she hadn't made it out of the building in time. If that was true, then Alya was in much worse shape than her. Maybe some help with her leg would be nice, but when she was trying to keep what had happened a secret from the person that was trying to help her, it didn't work out as well.

"...Maybe you should check the hospital." So she was letting on that maybe she knew a little more than she was telling her roommate, and he was bound to notice, but she could probably come up with another lie to cover it up, and right now she really wanted to find Alya and make sure she was okay.
Alarm spiked through Kemp and he was caught off guard, striding closer to the bathroom door again and trying the doorknob instinctively. Of course she locked that door. "Why am I checking the hospitals for Alya?" He thought back to when he had grabbed her wrist before and stroked the door knob absent minded-ly. She had been at the bank that Bonnie had been injured at. He understood now. "Did something happen this morning, Bonnie? No."

Kemp ran a hand through his hair. "Nevermind, I'll just call the hospitals downtown and uptown." He pulled out his cellphone and went into the kitchen. Under the sink was a phone book they almost never used and he looked up the hospitals that were nearest of the four in the city. He spent longer on hold than talking to the receptionist, who both told him boredly that there was no one by the name of Alya Serafim registered.

"Do you think I need to call East Corridor or the charity hospital?" he called out to Bonnie after hanging up.
Kemp was worried, and asked Bonnie about this morning. Luckily, she hadn't had to answer. Unluckily, he was just going to call the hospitals. Bonnie hadn't even thought of that. She got back on the floor and picked up the mess she had made, putting everything back in the first aid kit and placing it back under the sink.

She picked up Alya's clothes, and her pants, and started to clean everything up. Just about when she finished, she heard Kemp call out to her. She put on her pants, despite not having taken care of her wound, and finally opened the bathroom door, taking Alya's clothes with her, and tossing them into her room by the duffel as she passed by it on her way to the kitchen.

"It couldn't hurt." she answered his question. "I don't think they would have taken her too far though. If she was unconscious, they might not know who she is." she told her roommate. She had taken Alya's bag, and maybe she didn't have any identification on her. Maybe it was all in her bag.

Instead of going to the kitchen, though, she ended up in the living room, and she turned on the television. It was a long shot, but maybe there was something on the news about it. Maybe she could figure out which hospital the injured had been taken to. When she turned it on, however, the station that had been left on was buzzing with talk about some 'hero meeting.' She watch it for a minute, a little curious. It would be close to the apartment, maybe she would check it out. But first she wanted to find Alya. She flipped through the news channels and saw a few little blurbs about the bank, she was even mentioned once or twice, but nothing that would tell her where Alya was.

Once she gave up on getting any information from the news, she clicked the television off, and sat down on the couch while she waited to see what Kemp found out.
Kemp agreed that they wouldn't have taken her far, especially not to the charity hospital, they didn't have ambulances, but also likewise it couldn't hurt. Still, no one at either hospital had had an Alya check in. Gripping his cell phone in his fist he pressed his knuckles to his temple.

"If she wasn't going to come home, where would she go?" he mused, not caring if she answered or not. Focusing on Alya kept him from thinking about how ashamed he felt for backing down from being honest with Bonnie.

He let his thoughts drift, frowning absently at the TV as Bonnie flipped through the limited channels, mostly only pausing on news, but everyone was talking about some meeting. "What is that about?" he asked her curiously. "Is there a festival at the City Square? I didn't know about that." Thinking about families and children enjoying a festival gave him an idea. "Maybe she went to see her parents? She has off today, I know, she was telling me yesterday."

Kemp flipped open his phone to see if he had her parents' number in his phone but it began ringing a moment later. A twisted knot of relief and discomfort settled in his chest. "Bonnie, could you call them? I have to take this." He ducked into his small room before she could answer and accepted the call. "Yeah."

"There's a job for you at the usual place. Are you available this time?"

"Yes. Last time was an exception." Kemp answered coldly. Once upon a time he received calls like this as much as twice a day and it was as natural as breathing to accept the offers. In the past few years, though, it'd become less simple.

"It had better be. Next time you might be the job."

"Don't threaten me. I know who you are."

"...fine. Get it done." The line went dead.

Frowning angrily, Kemp almost threw the phone at the wall but pocketed it instead. After a few moments wherein he regained his calm he went back into the main room of the apartment. "Any luck?" he asked Bonnie blandly.
Bonnie would have stopped on the channel Kemp had asked about, but it must have given him an idea, because he had another idea where Alya could be. The television was off by the time Kemp started to dial the number for Alya's parents' house, and Bonnie waited to find out if she was there. Only, his phone started ringing before he could send the call, and it was a call he needed to take, so he'd told her to call over to see if Alya was there.

The only problem was that her phone was long gone, and she didn't have the number memorized. The only number she did have memorized was Brian's, and thank goodness for that. She didn't know what she would have done if she hadn't been able to call him earlier.

She could have found the number in the phone book, but she had no way to call over anyway. They didn't even have a house phone. It was cheaper for them to just use their cell phones. Kemp returned and Bonnie hadn't even gotten up.

"Any Luck?"

She gave him a slight smile before admitting that she didn't have her phone "I lost my phone earlier."
Kemp gave her a measuring look but said nothing right away. That would be inconvenient very quickly. "That sucks." He scrolled through his contacts quickly and then sighed in frustration. "I only have Alya's cell but cripes, did either of us think of that?" He lifted his cell to his ear, listening to Alya's ringback, a nice Tchaikovsky piece.


He grinned in relief, relaxing a little. "Hey, where've you been?"

On the other end Alya raised an eyebrow but smirked slightly in amusement. "Out and about, dad. I take it Bonnie got home safe?"

Kemp gave Bonnie a thumb up to indicate that Alya was okay. "Yeah, she did, we were just trying to find out where you were. We called all the hospitals before we remembered your cell phone."

She laughed. "I didn't mean to worry you, just wanted to see my family. Which, we're in the middle of something, so can I call you back?"

"No, it's fine, we just wanted to make sure you were okay. Are you coming home tonight?"

"Um, yeah, probably, but feel free to eat without me." It was something of a joke between them, as they almost always ate when they were hungry, which was rarely at the same time as each other. "See ya later."

"Bye." He closed the phone. "She's okay, she said she'll be home later." He paused for a moment, always surprised and grateful to think, yes, this was home. "I gotta go, I got a call for an audition. Are you going to be okay?"

He picked up his violin and hurried towards his bedroom the door open but blocking his actions as he waited for her answer. It was a simple matter of swapping his violin case for another stored under his bed, only instead of containing a Stradivarius a sniper's rifle was folded inside. Out in the main room he gave Bonnie a wave before heading out. "Don't forget to lock it if you leave!" he admonished affectionately.
Yeah, not having a phone would be a pain in the ass pretty quick, but she didn't plan on going too long without one. She would probably go get a new one tomorrow, maybe even later today. She needed a phone to keep track of her roommates, to get calls from her agency and of course for emergencies like earlier.

When she got a thumbs up, she felt a sudden wave of relief wash over her. Alya was okay, so she must have escaped the explosion somehow. It didn't really matter how, though, all that really mattered was that she was okay. And now that she didn't have to worry about her roommate anymore, she smirked absentmindedly at what had happened earlier. That close encounter with the police had been fun.

Kemp hung up and Alya was supposed to be home later. "I told you, I'll be okay." she called while he fiddled around in his room [[Pun 8'DD]], sticking to her guns. Maybe she would go out to find some ginormous bandages later. It was sweet that he worried about her, but when she didn't want him to see her injury, so that she wouldn't have to tell him what had happened, it was sort of a pain.

"You just go knock 'em dead at your audition." she encouraged her roommate. He was quickly out the door, reminding her to lock the door if she left. She smiled softly and watched the door close, then lied down on the couch, wincing lightly as she picked her leg up and set it on the couch. Now she planned to relax for a while, maybe take a nap. She then clicked the TV on to watch more about the meeting the news had been covering earlier.
((time skip is happening in this post, so please read.))

It was almost time, time for the meeting to begin and for all the heroes to gather at the city square. Normally it's brightly lit place teeming with life, but not to night some how D and manged to have all the lights shut of in this area with the only one that was shining was the street light that D was under. It was quite, it almost seemed as if the lights being out were a warning for anyone planing to jump any of the heroes that are to attend this meeting.

It was 11:55:26 PM, "won't be much longer." D said as the first person arrived.

The Paladin walked on to the sight of the meeting not really needing to step into the light that the street light was admitting, his own armor was producing all the light he needed.

"So am I the only one who is going to be showing up?" The Paladin asked crossing his arms.

"Your rather early." D said with the normal electronically disguised voice that The Paladin had grown to know. "There is still 4 minutes and 35 second left before the meeting begins." D was looking at a cloak that was inside the mask that people consider to be D's face. "Just relax until they get here..." D said as he made hand gestures at The Paladin.

@Esme and anyone in the alleyway (Yay a person)

Brianna ran into the alley way knowing her pursuers were quick moving now. She turned in one spot and noticed a girl walking in her direction. "Shit, not now!!" she didn't want to deal with 'innocent' people right now "The person over there might get caught up in this anyways you know, just get her to stay there, the weapon systems are working at approx. 80% efficiency."

The men and women following her prepared their guns, ready for if she came back around the corner. "HEY!!! Come out here, we need to have a word with you" one of the followers said. Brianna wasn't ready, they knew that and were going to use this to their advantage.

"Fine!!" She yelled back towards them then looked towards the girl "Mind waiting here for me to get shot and them to leave??" Without waiting for an answer she walked into the alley way the others were in "You do realize I can't predict whether they'll continue forward or go back but the probability goes towards them going forward... if we lose that is" She added a cute tone towards the ending bugging Brianna as always "Damn you Starr"
(Ranmyakki, Read Okaminu's Post. ^_^ He skipped it to the meeting mate,)

Seeing the sole light up ahead, Sixx-killer adjusted her mask as she moved silently down the ally she had checked out earlier. Securing it perfectly in place, she rested a hand on her green blade as she walked towards the ring of light where this mister D person was, along with the one called Paladin. Stopping a few feet outside the ring of light, Sixx-killer put her free hand on her hip, while tilting her head. One of the parts of her hat fell across her mask, making it seem like there was a large, but colourful crack in it. Other than the small movements she made from time to time, she stayed silent, waiting.

(Note I'll Edit after)

In my post before that one I mentioned it was approx. 30mins before that stuff would start, it would have made sense taking nearly that much time to get across a huge crowd of 'heroes'

So I thought of continuing that stuff anyways since it still worked... I'm planning on continuing this anyways whether you stick with it yourself or not, I never stated it was you so all my previous posts still work.

(It's minor and doesn't ruin your RP, or at least shouldn't so don't worry Oka... Brianna will be there. I mean 5 minutes (approx.) to kick the ass of the mafia is more then enough time for an iron man suit xD )
Things looked like they were about to get underway to Grimm as he glanced at the clock on the wall of his hideout. Soon, very soon, things would get interesting, so he prepared to set off his chain reaction of explosions, still too weak to go and watch personally, so he would watch through a camera he had previously set up at the park.
As Glace Sheppard awoke in his bed, he remembered yesterday's events with a grimace.

He remembered estientially getting his ass handed to him by a teleporter.... Glace cracked his knuckles. He'd get that prick if it was the last thing he did.

He got up out of bed, and pulled on some loose clothing, brushing the black hair out of his ice-blue eyes.

He decided not to go to the D's big 'Super-Hero' meeting. It would just be a waste of time anyways.

He used his powers over ice to create an ice-track out his window, and slid down the side of his apartment building. He landed in a pool he created out of water, and ice to hold the water in place.

He got out, and shook himself semi-dry. He walked out onto the street, still kinda wet. He wasn't being very stealthy, so people gave him odd looks.

He walked over to a park bench out in front of the apartment building and sat down.

Just chllin', he thought, chuckling over his own bad pun. You know, powers over ice, just chilling..... Yeah.
Jason watched from below as Glace iced out the window and into a pool. Normally he would of said something but instead he decided to watch. He was kind of jealous. He himself could not control his electricity. He walked calmly with his hands in his jacket over to the bench Glace was sitting at and sat down, waiting for James to show up.
Looking out his window, which was one floor above glace's, he saw the ice slide that glace had made.

"This is going to be awesome!" James yelled as he leaped out of his window.

Landing on the slide, he felt his balance starting to give way. Falling down on his butt, James slid all the way down towards the water. As James approached the water, he concentrated his hardest on freezing the top of the water. As the water froze, James slid all the way and fell off the other end.

"OOF." James muttered as he hit the ground.

Standing up and brushing himself off, he looked towards the others that were sitting on the bench.

"That was close."
James said as he walked over to the men on the bench.

"How are you guys tonight?" James asked as he stood in front of the two guys.


Brian thought for a moment on what he should do.

{Should i go to the meeting? If i go, i wonder if Bonnie is going to be there?} Brian thought as he started to smile.

Teleporting into the sky, Brian saw the city square. As he fell through the air, Brian focused on the empty square.

{Here we go. Lets teleport to one of the roof tops and scout out the place before actually getting there.} Brian thought as he teleported.

Appearing on the rooftop to the north, looking down towards the two light sources.

{There is only two people here right now?} Brian thought to himself.

Disappearing from the rooftop, Brian teleported to the top of the light post above D.

"So what is this meeting about anyway?" Brian asked as he stood on top of the light post.

"I'm fine. But we need to hurry or we are so gonna be late to that D's guy meeting. We should totally go make a blizzard."

He spoke with great anticipation. Jason really hoped that James liked his idea. He stood up and faced him, waiting for a swift reply.
Joe ran - no, no, he was walking, but he was walking at a fast pace. More of a jog, really.

He was jogging because he was late. He was late because - well, he was late. Why didn't matter anymore, in the grand scheme of things, he decided.

In his head he quickly analyzed the reasoning and realized that he had no good reason for deciding this, but decided it was better to decide that way, because, well, it didn't really matter, he told himself.

He was looking for a bench, although what sort of bench or where eluded him. A bench...

Before even he, the great Joe Nicole (Joseph Nikahd, but who wanted to bother with that?) was ready to deduce where they probably meant when his friends had said the bench, which is where they were to meet, he spotted Jason, James, and Glace. Sitting by a bench. Perfect.

"Hey!" Joe yelled, hoping to catch their attention. There wasn't any necessity to saying it, but it was a friendly gesture, his more logical side whispered to itself, discontent.

[OOC: Well, I'm not 100% certain of what's going on, so please forgive me while I'm still in the process of assimilating myself into this story.]
Truly a out of body experience.... Trey stepped out of his body in a well hidden building it was near the meeting so Trey planned to slip back into it as soon as he was done. Trey floated down the street. He saw two men in front of him he raised an eye brow as his ghostly figure picked up speed.

Trey smiled.
“Mackenzie, someone’s bailed you out!” the jailer yelled

Cameron was quick to jump to his feet, rushing through the cell and sticking his head through the bars. There was Parker, looking awfully weird without his camera on his shoulder, walking towards him. The newsman was excited to leave the dingy cell they stuck him in; not co-operating with the police wasn’t his best idea.

“Parker, I got the tape” he told his cameraman

“It’s fine…Kathy did an ad-lib and we managed to get it out there first” Parker explained

He wasn’t sure if he should be angry or relieved, so he settled on both

“That’s good, but that means I get her story tonight” he noted, devilish…

“About that…” Parker started

“What now?” he asked.

“Kathy’s still got the story, along with me” The other explained.

Glaring at him, Cameron exited the cell and they both made their way down the hall and out of the building.

“Cyah” Parker noted

He didn’t answer him and decided to make his way to the meeting using his own methods, he eventually got there. Standing far enough that he could still hear them, but they would probably wouldn't see him unless looking.

Blending into the crowd, no matter how small it was, was Cameron's specialty...
Turning around and looking to see who was talking, he saw one of his friends.

"Hey there Joe." James said as he looked at Joe.

Turning back around, he looked towards the other two.

"What you mean, lets make a blizzard?" James said towards Jason.

"Lets head towards the meeting, cuz we are going to be late." james said as he turned in the direction of the meeting place.
"Oh hey Joe." Jason waved over at their friend.

"Dude a freakin' blizzard! You can make snow or sleet or what ever it is that you actually do. I figure i could arc electricity behind everyone's back and make thunder. It would totally make it just like a movie!"

Jason jumped up and got all giddy. It was time to go have an awesome time. Besides with all that serious stuff D had talked about. They didn't care about any of that. Well, deep inside, Jason actually did. He just wanted to see if other people had powers like them.
James and Jason's powers weren't anything like Joe had imagined. Joe's power was a bit...mediocre in comparison to the ones they wielded.

Speaking of that, Joe's power wasn't happy. Why? it said, lurching around in the back of his stomach like some sort of parasite. Why would he do that? What's the point?

Joe wanted to tell that side of his head to shut up. Of course, it never did.

Joe imagined weather machines in his head, and realizing he didn't have that sort of expertise, stopped.

"Do we have time? Because that actually would be kind of awesome. I don't think I've ever seen you do anything, James." Joe said, curious.
((To all villains and all wishing to be villains, Michi has withdrawn from the RP. She is busy with other stuff so the villains' meeting will not be taking place yet. However, I will have a new Super villain coming in soon to take over the villains. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but you'll get your chance to fight the heroes soon.))

"Ah it seems like another hero has arrived!" D said as he raised his arm up and looking up.

The Paladin turned his head skyward a bit to see who had arrived. He wasn't to sure as to who the other hero was. He was hoping for someone more like him, and not like D. Ends gained through D's means are not the right way to do things.

"Ah, that will be explained in do time my friend. Now come, come down on to the ground so we don't have to jolt our heads around to talk to people. No one person is more importent then the others, we are all equals so we should all be on equal ground." D turned his head back to the Paladin.

The Paladin looked back a D. He wasn't quite sure how this was like his grandfather and The Rogues situation. D was a person who seemed to crave attention and wanted to be in the spot light with people looking at him. All the Rogue wanted back then was some shiny stones so he didn't have to work the rest on his life.

"Will wait a few more minutes before we start. It shouldn't take them to long." D stood motionless in the only street light for blocks.

"Of course i can do that. I do not really know if i will do it to that magnitude." James said as he looked back at Joe.

Looking down at his hands, he thought about how large he should make the blizzard.

"I'm not really sure how to get a blizzard effect out of this." James said as he raised his hands into the air.

As he focused on his palms, the air around it started to swirl around and started to turn into snow flakes.

"I think this should be a good start." James said as looked over at Jason.

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