Skyscrapers!-The super hero RP

"That is a nice ability you have there." Brian said as the man placed his hand on his shoulder.

Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out his cell phone and showed the man the picture on the screen.

"You know what that is?" Brian asked.

"That is a picture of the desert." Brian said as he grabbed the man's hand and teleported them into the middle of the sahara desert.
Glace knew it was too good to be true. He sighed as they got teleported to the desert, where it was EXCRUCIATINGLY hot.

Glace felt a drop of sweat on his brow the second they got to the desert. He knew this would have to be fast.

He spun the creep (Brian) with the hand he had placed on his shoulder, and nailed him across the jaw with a frozen right hook as he spun. From there, he grabbed the guy's neck with his left hand. Glace used the ice from his left arm to freeze his own hand onto the guy's neck, so he had a fixed position where the guy couldn't escape him by teleporting, because Glace was still touching him.

Glace had a serious look on his face as he swung his right elbow down towards this guy's face, his elbow already being in a perfect position from the right hook.
Brian flinched as he took the beating from the man.

"You will not kill me. Your ability is not very useful here." Brian said as he felt the ice around his neck slowly melt.

Raising his hands over the other mans arm, he braced the attack.

"you truly want me to go to jail, don't you." Brian said as he looked the man.

"If you take me in, you will be known as the only man that caught the teleporting bandit." Brian replied.
As the ice melted, and Glace handed out blow after blow, he could start to feel the fatigue.

He kept his hand on the man's neck even after his ice-wrapping melted, so he could pull the man in close to him. From there, Glace put his left leg in between this man's legs, Glace's foot tucked in behind the man's own right foot. Glace stepped forward, and fell onto the man, using his foot to trip the man so they could fall.

Glace kept his left hand on the man's neck as they fell, and when they landed, he brought his fist up, cocked-back and ready to punch.

"You're that teleporting bandit? Well, I'll be doing Silva City a favor bringing you in, won't I?" He said, breathing heavy while on top of the teleporter.
Alya watched Bonnie intently and said nothing more, only obeying and laying still. She was so focused on her roommate she didn't notice the new arrivals, thinking it was just passersby on the street, till a sound like squealing rusted steel alarmed her and she jerked her gaze towards the door. Insanity danced through her mind, beta waves twined with confused alpha and theta, wildly out of their own time. She held her head, trying not to draw attention to herself, but Bonnie had seen the madman, too and was rushing people away from the door and danger and it was all Alya could do to go along with it.

She grit her teeth and planted her feet as she pushed into the small crowd hurrying back from the door and then she heard the tell tale radio waves. "The police are here!" she exclaimed. She didn't know if she wanted her roommate to get caught, but she was pretty sure she didn't want her to get hurt. Bonnie was fun, and nice; how could she be the Bandit, too?


Kemp opened his eyes sluggishly and then heaved his slender body out of bed, rolling off the edge and hitting the floor. The impact didn't do much to penetrate the fog in his brain, but it kept him from falling back under its grip. Crawling over to his violin case, he fumbled with fingers that felt as thick as salami rolls to open it, gripping the bow and rosin cake and coating it with skill that didn't require him to be fully awake. When he was done he lifted the violin and again, the process of tuning it was an ingrained habit. The muscle memory slowly pulled him out of the drug-induced haze.

By the time he set the bow to the strings and began to play he could open his eyes, squinting in the bright sunshine drifting through his tiny window, highlighting the dust motes in the air. The morning ritual helped him fight off the hold of the sleeping pills he sometimes had no choice but to take if he wanted to avoid sleep deprivation. Having roommates had pros and cons, but having to constantly be bombarded by their personal information was worth not having to be alone and constantly afraid he was going to be hunted down again.

The strings fell silent and Kemp opened his green eyes all the way, rubbing the sleep gunk from them with the back of his wrist. Then he quickly went about cleaning the instrument and putting it away. "Bonnie, did Alya ever get home?" He called absently, opening his door and peeking out. The stale air quickly told him that neither of them were home. Bonnie was never very quiet for long, anyway. He opened the door beside his without even having to leave his room and peeked in Alya's closet of a bedroom. She hadn't been here since the night before. She didn't make a habit of staying out late.

Frowning he went in further, to her desk where he algebra had been left out like she'd only stepped out for a moment. Stroking the open text book, he found a strand of hair and closed his eyes. She'd been so distressed when she left last night. Unbeknownst to them, he did know about their powers and felt badly when Alya's got the best of her. She was a nice enough girl and wanted to be normal and simple. If he had been awake he would have played the violin for her and eased the tension, or tried to but...what was passed was passed.

He was moving quickly now, showering and dressing and then, out of habit, pulling out his guns and cleaning them, stowing them where the girls wouldn't stumble across them, but tucking a small revolver into a holster clipped to his belt, covered by vest. In his boot her carried a dagger and that was it. No giving into the ingrained paranoia more than that. Grabbing two slices of bread and his violin case he trotted out the door, pulling it shut with his foot and locking it clumsily before turning to face the world and try to find a job as a musician, not a killer.
Having by now set up, tuned, warmed up, and collected her paycheck for the week Jackie was getting ready to step out before the place actually opened. Folding up the white envelope and sticking into her breast pocket, she nodded to the bar tender who just grunted in response. The bell chimed as the guitar player stepped out, dark eyes were drawn to the sounds of a commotion happening somewhere nearby. Of course, from where she was, Jackie could see nothing of the sort, but then, living in Silva City you got use to things like that. Besides, it was probably just someone getting mugged in the ally. Again.

Something's always happening, something's always wrong. Does it even matter when there's still light in the sky? She asked herself silently. No. Not at all. Taking in a deep breath, Jackie stuck her hands in her pants pockets and started for the nearest place to get coffee, ignoring all the sounds of something being wrong. S-k only works at night, where no one can see clearly. You, Jackie, live in the day, away from that world. Far away. A grim smile set onto her face, as she reminded herself of her place.
(I'm Assuming nothing was directed to me)


Brianna awoke yet again with a hangover, though it was a rather weak one for her. She sat up and yawned looking out the window and seeing the damaged building in the short distance. She yawned again, got out of bed and took some Tylonal and went straight to work on making a way for Starr to contact her easier and vice-versa. "Hey, I see you're awake in the usual attire." Starr's Hologram popped out of the cieling her volume loud just to bug Brianna that much more "Would you STFU!!!" The headache wasn't gone and it sure wasn't going to leave now. "I'm doing something YOU asked me, now hold up the end of your bargain and shut up god damn you." Her anger was more then just apparent, and her clothing barely hanging on since she didn't bother getting dressed.

A sigh could be heard from Starr as she smirked "Well I have something you should go to" with that the TV's turned on and the volume just under giving pain to Brianna. "You go to this, and I'll do that one thing you asked even though I shouldn't" Brianna looked to the TV nearest her when Starr mentioned doing that 'one thing' she asked her before. "You want me to go to something for Heroes?? Why would I do th..." she thought about the money she could get from Starr if she did this one thing for her... Simple, go listen to the idiots about powers and saving the so called innocent freaks and she would get a large sum of cash stolen back from that mob. "Deal."

Brianna shut off the TV's, got dressed wiht her usual clothes and continued working on her Comm-Link. "I should just go in the suit so noone recognizes me." She sighed still pissed. "Well it's for that cash back garuntee" Starr laughed jokingly, "Get back to work, and yeah take the suit, that's a good idea."
"Well now, this just won't do!" Grimm cackled, spinning about to face the police officers, letting the blood running freely from his palm spray in their direction, no doubt lightly spattering the front row.

After the complete about face, the blood stains on the door flashed incandescent for a moment, exploding the entire door as if it were a brick of plastic explosives, leaving almost nothing left, and, as if in tandem, Grimm turned on his heel, marching inside, using wide, exaggerated movements so that his blood spattered over a wide circle in the room.

"On a night that should be so beautiful, why is there another here, ruining my fun!?" Grimm shouted at the masked robber, his mad grin growing wider still.
::the door exploded, showering Leon with razor sharp blades of glass, slicing his skin to bloody shreds, and tossing him back several feet from the explosion shockwave, and landing him on his head in one of the potted plants::

Leon: "Ugh... why do these things happen to me..."

::Still slightly dazed by the effects of the explosion, Leon groped blindly for his gun::
The Bandit started to back away from the door once everyone was safe behind the bulletproof glass, and pulled her cell phone out, beginning to dial an old friend for some help getting out of here, now that there was not only some crazy guy smearing blood over the door, but also the police surrounding the place.

As she was about to hit the call button, she glanced up and saw the blood on the door flash and noticed one straggler still in the bank. "Shit..." she uttered, but before she could do anything, the doors exploded. She had a split second to react when she saw it, and she turned away from the glass that was flying at her, and used her hands and arms to protect her neck and head. The force of the explosion knocked her over and some of the flying glass cut right through her spandex and into her skin.

She spotted her phone on the ground across the room, broken. It looked like she wasn't going to get teleported out of here. She sat up, and felt something jabbed into her leg, and rather than checking it out, she decided to just pull it out quick and easy, before she thought to much about it and couldn't do it. She winced as she yanked a piece of glass out of her thigh and tossed it away from her.

She picked herself up off of the ground and looked over at the crazy guy that'd just blown a huge hole in the front of the bank. Her leg hurt, but right now she didn't exactly feel like it was the time to whine over it. She looked over at the straggler. He looked like he was in bad shape, but he was still alive. The crazy guy was saying something about her ruining his night, and she already got the feeling that trying to say anything to him would be pointless, and decided not to even try, because it would probably just piss her off.

When the guy started to walk into the bank, she instinctively backed up, and then suddenly realized the people n the back. She glanced back over her shoulder and saw that the bulletproof glass had protected them from the flying glass and whatnot. And when she noticed the guy splattering his blood all over the place, she backed up to the tellers' station "Get out of here, use the back door." she told the people in the back, as if they had any other way to get out anyway. Honestly she wasn't thinking much of herself right now for whatever reason. It probably would have been a good idea. She wasn't much of a fighter after all, and she wasn't sure how she would defend herself against this guy that used his blood to blow things up.

Then again, people could only lose so much blood, and he'd already splattered quite a bit everywhere. Maybe he would pass out from blood loss before she had to defend herself. But just in case, she pulled the electrical energy above their heads, focusing it all to the spot just over the guy's head. The lights dimmed to the point that they appeared to be off. She watched the ceiling for a moment and then released the condensed energy, creating an explosion that caused the ceiling over the guy to collapse. The ceiling was thick enough and heavy enough to knock someone out if it fell right on their head, The Bandit just had to hope the guy didn't get away, but honestly, she wasn't confident in her plan at all.
Grimm dove away from where he had been standing as soon as the lights dimmed, his paranoia and psychosis getting the better of him, so the ceiling didn't hit him very hard, just some pebbles.

"Trying to crush me to death!? You'll find that rather difficult!" Grimm spouted, detonating what he could of the squad cars outside.

"Another time perhaps, but tonight I have other plans!" he shouted, sprinting out the front door amidst the chaos, leaving the floor to explode a few seconds later, perhaps to deter any pursuers.
“In a turn of events it seems that the villain is a hero in disguise. An unknown figure had approached the bank, smearing blood on the door freely and making the bandit switch sides. She ordered everyone to the back, and as suspected, the door has just blown up from his doings. The woman seemed to be able to save all but one of the hostages and…”

Cameron stopped and looked at Parker, who had just jabbed him in the side.

“What?” he questions

“I’m having technical difficulties…” Parker noted, pointing to the now-visible blinking red light

“Can’t you fix it?” he demands,

All Parker did was point up and the somewhat peeved man looked up to see the lights barely surviving.

“Where oh where did all the electricity go?” he noted, jokingly.

Just as he was done his little rhyme, the roof seemed to collapse from explosion and he lost sight of the man. Did he just make the roof explode even if it was no help to him? Cameron’s eyes drifted over to the now-hurt masked crusader. Or was it her?

Looking around again, first at the man who landed in a potted plant then at the empty terrain, noticing how destroyed it seemed. Then he caught sight of the blood on the floor, seemingly coating most of it and remembered the door exploding. Panicking, he turned to his co-worker

“Get out of here!” he yelled and Parker listened, running away with his camera in tow.

Then completely forgetting the other person in the bank, he grabbed the Bandit’s arm only to remember she had hurt herself. With a heave, he picked her up and ran out the back door, uncaring that he was saving someone who just threatened to kill him.

…He didn’t care right now, at least.
"You have not idea who you are dealing with sir." Brian said as he stared at the man.

"I am a teleporter! The only way i can do that is if i have the line of sight." Brain said as he pushed the man off of him.

Rolling over and getting up to his feet, Brian brushed the sand from his clothing.

"You ever wonder how i was able to rob those banks?" Brian asked as he looked at the man.

As Brian looked upon the man, he seen that he was not doing to well in the heat of the dessert.

"So this would be your weakness eh?" Brian said as he began to chuckle.

Looking around at all the sand, he peered back at the man with a sinister smile.

"This is going to be fun." Brian said as he glanced behind himself.

As Brian looked behind himself, he teleported back 20 feet.

"This should do nicely." Brian said as he looked back at Glace.
Alex and Sean finished preparation for their plan. Both had kevlar vests on and Sean with his Colts under his arms and Alex with a five-seven in the back of his pants. Swat had arrived and nearly 20 men unloaded from a helicopter and a van down below in full protective gear and armed to the teeth with weaponry; Mostly MP5s but 5 of them had HK 416s. Swat was on the roof and they were preparing to breech the front glass. They were nearly completely ready when blood splattered across the cars down below.

Alex looked fiercely at Sean and his eyes were met equally. Something was wrong. There was no screams or anything and for that much blood to be thrown that far, nearly 50 feet to the cars. It was time to go.

"Teams in place" Crackled across the radio.

At that time the cars in the front changed in color only fast enough for Alex to notice and a second later four of the patrol cars exploded violently. Police officers were blasted from cars. Alex and Sean ran up to the sides of the front door during the disruption. They were hidden well from the debris and the explosion and behind the stone pillars around the front doors. They had been blasted out at the same time they were both sure no one spotted them.

Sean looked at Alex with one revolver drawn. He pointed at his left eye then in towards the door. Alex flipped his eye patch up for only a split second, the violet iris became large almost like a dilated pupil and with it he could make out the heat signatures of one man standing nearly ten feet in front of them, a second was standing much farther away and she seemed to be ushering some hostages to the back. Why had they not been notified of the hostages? Sean signaled Alex that they went in on 5, then signaled the team on the roof to breach the windows in 7.

A surprise awaited them. As They were about to breach, an explosion happened again. This time the ceiling nearly came down on top of the man. He flipped his eye patch back down and on the mark both of them crossed each others path and rolled into the bank, through the smoke and emerged just on the sides windows. As they pulled their weapons up to aim at the man who had just rolled out of the way. At that same second of aim, 8 men broke through the windows of either side of the front of the bank as they repelled down, blasting the glass out across the room's floor. The remaining 4 came in through the front door in between Alex and Sean. Weapons scanned the room, landing on everyone in sight. They were not sure who was friend and who was foe. Some on the man in the middle, some on the girl in the back and a few on the stragglers in between.

Alex and Sean yelled at the same time.



{{Forewarning to anyone attempting to resist arrest. While i cannot kill your characters, nor do i want to. Should you endanger the lives of either my characters or any one they work with, AKA The swat team in with them, they will respond with deadly force. Likewise, whereas i cannot make a bullet hit, you better be damn ingenious to get out of this situation, and you may not auto hit my characters with blood, or energy balls of death. >_> }}
Despite being safe behind the bulletproof glass, Alya covered her head and ducked when the door exploded inwards. Fear and a spike of pain clouded her head for a moment but she pushed it back, shoving one panicked man aside to look out the window at her roommate. Bonnie had been knocked off her feet, was ripping a piece of glass out of her leg like it was nothing and Alya felt nausea claw at her throat.

"Get out of here, use the backdoor," Bonnie yelled at them and Alya knew for sure it was her. She was no villain.

About facing, Alya shoved the nearest couple towards the back where bank customers weren't supposed to go. "You!" she picked out the teller who had lied to the Bandit about pushing the panic button. "Show them the way." Given direction the woman nodded and began herding the dozen people out. The lights dimmed again, more than before and nearly everyone screamed when there was an explosion, the ceiling cracked and then crashed down to meet the floor. The teller yelled at them not to look back, but Alya did, stopping to make sure Bonnie was still okay.

She was standing, but so was the maniac, but it seemed he didn't want to fight as he ran towards the door. One of the other bank goers grabbed Bonnie and dragged her into the back, towards the door. "Wait!" she only had a second and shoved her duffel bag into Bonnie's hands. "Change," she hissed but the man dragged her on by and out the door.

Alya froze when SWAT burst in through the windows and a handful charged through the door. There weren't many people left, but those who did screeched their fear and fell to their face even before the law enforcers could order it. She began to tremble when she realized she had several guns aimed straight at her and put her hands out, slowly crouching down on her knees with a ballerina's grace and then laying down carefully.

At least the man had gotten Bonnie out the back with the others, hopefully she could get into her spare clothes fast enough. She closed her eyes and shivered as commotion continued around her.
{{so apparently i fail with where everyone is. All cops are officially aimed at a random dude covered in blood who probably just wet himself.}}
[[Kagupon gave permishuns xP]]

The Bandit had merely been standing, leaning against the wall, and watching the blood on the floor, waiting for it to explode. Everyone was shoving out the back door. She was glad the crazy guy was gone at least, but now she had the police to deal with, and probably SWAT as well. She was still figuring a way out, remaining in the building to allow everyone else out first. Then she was unexpectedly tugged away from the blood by someone, and then picked up and carried towards the exit.

She wasn't going to complain, she did want out of there. On the way out she heard Alya's voice telling them to wait. With one arm hooked around the waist of the guy carrying her, she used the other to take the duffel that Alya was shoving into her hands "Thanks..." she thanked with a small smirk. She still wasn't totally sure that Alya knew it was her, but she had a feeling that she'd been found out by her roommate. And if she hadn't already, then she would find out when Bonnie got home wearing her clothes.

Now she just needed an escape route, some way to get out of here. "Give me your phone." she told the guy that was carrying her as he set her down outside of the building. She shouldered Alya's duffel as the guy said something to her "Yeah yeah, just give me your phone, quick!" she told him urgently, and he handed her his phone. She flipped it open, and thank goodness it was a camera phone.

The Bandit started the camera and quickly snapped a photo of the area and sent it in a picture message to an old friend. She hadn't had time to send it with any text, so she just had to hope that he understood, and that he would get her out of this mess. But there just hadn't been enough time before the cops around the back of the building had there guns on her. She handed the phone back to the man that had carried her out of the building and thanked him quietly, and looked at him for the first time. He looked familiar, but she wasn't going to spend her energy trying to figure it out right now.

The cops assumed she was the thief, probably because of the mask, maybe remembering her from years ago even. Whatever the reason, they were right. She was the thief, but she hadn't been able to steal anything, and had ended up protecting almost everyone in the bank. But that didn't exactly make up for all of the money she'd stolen in the past. She put her hands in the air, hoping they wouldn't shoot at her if she cooperated. Using one of these people as a hostage to get away was always an option, and now that she was out in the sunlight she could blow everything to pieces, but she wasn't a murderer, and she was still hoping her old friend would show up and get her out of here.

[[Edit: So I'm confused now to. A couple posts back Kaine said the bank was surrounded so I went with that, but I'll edit if I need to xP

PS: The bank is supposed to blow up, but I'll let Kaine take care of that since his characters are inside.]]
Cameron’s quick steps were interrupted by a girl, she had specifically gotten in their way to pass the bandit a duffel bag. After the twos exchange he continued on his way, planting her down on pavement outside. Briefly hearing that she wanted his cell phone, he contemplated that and came up with a fair exchange.

“Only if you give me an interview” he noted.

After her agreement, he passed her his cell phone and watched as she took pictures of the area. In the blink of an eye, the Swat had their guns on them and she quickly handed him back his phone; with a quiet thanks and a bit of a look. He gave the same look back at her, but then put his hands up in the air…

“Officers, you’ve got it all wrong here…the real criminal is inside or he was…”

{{Once again, leaving the floor explosion to Kaine, who by the way doesn’t fail (Midnight, Sui, and stragglers are left in the building, Heart ran out; I’m guessing you guys bursting in stopped him though)}}
Glace knew it was only a matter of time before he lost. Ice was useless here, so that left him with water, but he was in a desert!

His over-bearing sense of justice wouldn't let him just give, however.

He recognized the range that the man was at as being the limit for his own range. He used his powers over water to make all the H2O around him for about 15 feet (which wasn't a lot...) into a jet stream, soaking the teleporter bandit. He froze a bit of water left over onto his fist, and ran at the teleporter guy while he was a little distracted with the water.
"I see you do not want to talk about this." Brian said as he looked at the man.

As the man shot a stream at him, he stepped out of the way, only to be cut on his left shoulder.

"Damn, I thought i was able to dodge that one." Brian said aloud as he looked over at his shoulder.

As he glanced at his shoulder and seen the blood, he felt a vibration in his pocket. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed out his cell phone.

"I love my 3g network. It works everywhere. And who can this be?" Brian said aloud.

Looking back at the man, Brian flipped the phone up, thought about the image in the phone for a minute then realized who sent him the image.

"Shit!! I need to get out of here!" Brian said aloud as he ran at the man.

Reaching his hand out and dodging the incoming attack, Brain placed his palm on the mans chest.

"Take a deep breath!" Brian said as they teleported to the alley way behind the building.
Glace fell to the ground, breathing heavy. Thank god for Silva City's cool climate.... He thought.

"Why.... Why did you help me? I would have died if you left me...." Glace asked the guy while getting up, and dusting himself off.
Jackie took a sip out of the black coffee she had just bought from a small little cafe that was probably going to go out of business soon if it kept getting broken into. Not that it mattered much. Walking down the pavement, the sounds of the one commotion was getting she had heard earlier perked up her interest again. She wasn't in a hurry, was she? No, not at all.

With another sip she turned down an ally to cut streets looking for the source of all the sound. Coming out of the other end of the ally, Jackie found police mobbed around a bank about three buildings down. She gave an amused smile of sorts and headed towards it. Stopping just outside the police 'line' as she would call it, Jackie raised an eyebrow. Just drinking her coffee and watching, debating whether or not if she should ask one of the officers about what had happened. Just to be a pest. That, and to see if she could possibly end up with a new addition to a list of bad people to get rid off.
As the floor lit up, a few swat jumped out of the way as did Alex and Sean. Sadly the man covered in blood already was not so lucky. As the floor exploded, it sent shrapnel flying, dicing the man into a hundred pieces. His body easy broke apart and blood splattered all over the inside of the bank; The windows, the teller booths, and some body pieces even went outside.

Alex stood up long enough to see a few people make it out back door.

"Sean, Back Door."


Sean signaled the Swat team to disband and take care of the civilians. Alex and Sean charged outside, slightly covered in blood. They each took a different direction around the outside, attempting to cut off the bandit who had robbed the bank. As they came around back. Somehow they missed the guy who had sprayed all the blood. But mistakes did happen and everything was happening fast. Both of them came around to to back of the builds, some local police saw the two men covered in blood and pulled their guns out and screamed at them.



Sean and Alex screamed back at the two men.



The cops yelled back. Not believing the blood covered men.



Finally one of the cops panicked when Sean took another step closer and pulled the trigger. The shot rang out and nailed Sean right in the throat. It severed his artery and blood sprayed out against the wall. Sean grabbed his neck and Alex remained dead aimed on the Officer, though he took his aim and fired two shots through the crowds without hitting anyone. Breaking both the officers guns and knocking them from both their hands. The officers looked startled and put their hands up. Most the civilians freaked out from the fire and panicked and either got on the ground and tried to run. Sean locked his eyes on "the bandit".

He went to yell at her to stop with his gun pointed but the bullet pierced his throat and no words came out. Blood seeped profusely through his hand as he held his throat but action wise, he seemed unaffected. He and Alex both knew it was only a minor wound. Alex now aimed at the Bandit also.

"NO ONE MOVE!" He shouted again trying to get everyone to calm down incase he needed to shoot again.

{{TO CLARIFY. Andrew teleported there before they came around back. They only know the bandit is a main bad person. and are not focused on anyone else. They also wont open fire without a good reason. Feel free to do as you please now and ill act accordingly}}
(OOC: This post affects all characters who are wanting to become EVIL if you're not wanting to become evil then your character will not notice.)

From across the city there came a resonating feeling, a strong powerful presence. Only a few could feel it pressing against them like a vice grip that pulled and called to them. This presence revealed itself only to the wicked, those who were outcasts from society and those who did despicable acts and though despicable things.

This presence was drawing all those it touched towards one particular building, while hiding itself from those who would wish to stop this evil that seemed to span across the city like a cloak.
Come to me all you who wish for limitless power and the conquering of this city... Then everything before us. The Magistrate thought as he stood within a large warehouse, hidden in the shadows where no one could see him.

((Tomorrow I will have a time skip to the meeting with D at midnight so try and finish your side "projects" you have going on with other RPers. I will not push this back so i don't want anyone complaining.))

Jones had left the office to go get some lunch. Fredrick had already left the office to get something to eat. He already knew where he wanted to eat it was the same place he ate everyday. He stop and picked up his food but instead of eating on the outdoor tables the place offered Jones was making his way to small shop not to far form the food place.

"Hello?" Jones said as he opened the door. A small bell rang that was hung over the door.

"Ah, Jones-san so nice of you to stop by." An old Asian man came out from the back of the store.

"Just stopping bye, I did bring something for us to eat though!' He said raising the bags of food.

"Ah, yes come to the back of the store will eat in the back room." The old man said as he shuffled his way to the back again.


"So...what brings you here today Jones-san..." The man said as he took a bite of rice.

"What do you mean." He said with a fake smile. "Can't a come by and share a meal with one of my grandpa's old friends?"

"Jones-san, your just like your grandfather. I can tell when you troubled." The old man said as he put his chop sticks on his plate.

Jones sighed as did the same. "Well, it's this D thing...I don't know if I should go to this "meeting" tonight." Jones was looking at his plate, lost in thought again.

The old man leaned back into his chair and stroked his long mustache. "Hmmm, If I recall I believe your grandfather had a smiler problem with The Rogue."

"W-what did grandpa do?" Jones said leaning jolting forward in his chair.

"He trusted what he knew was right...." The old man just sat there stroking his mustache still.

"He....he trusted what he knew was right...." Jones looked back down to the table then back at the old man. "Thank you! I can see why they called you The Monk!" Jones stood and and head to the front of the shop and out the door. Now I know how to handle D. He thought as he went racing down the street.

"Hmmmm it seems Jones-san did not finish is lunch...." The old man exclaimed to himself. "More for me then!" He said with a smile on his face as he reached across the table picking up a piece of chicken.


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