Skyscrapers!-The super hero RP

::Leon grinned, as if Comrade had just asked him to recite the Greek alphabet backwards-if he know how to-, and took the knife up in his hand::

Leon: "This!"

::He plunged the knife hilt-deep into his stomach, and ripped it lengthwise across his stomach. His inner working puddled to the ground at his feet. Leon closed his eyes in concentration for a second, and the organs suddenly came alive, and twisted up, and over Leon like a coiled snake, casting a eerie shadow over him::

Leon: "I can grow more too... each time I get injured, It gives me more options... and the more I fight, the more guts I end up producing..."

::He willed the guts back into his stomach, and they slid back inside with a wet squelching noise that sent shivers up his own spine. Once his guts were back where they belonged, Leon began healing the long gash that now ran across the front of his stomach::

Leon: "And what can YOU do? something spectacular that keeps the average Joe from smearing your face across the cement I'd bet?"
As the TV said that someone was helping out inside the building Jackie smirked. She wasn't needed after all, but she still could always find something to do. With a sigh, she flicked the TV off and stood, rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck. Setting the guitar she still held on a stand designed for it, she went into a different room in the small apartment.

After a few minutes, Sixx-killer walked out, a clown like appearance with a strange mask attached to her face. A set of blades rested in holders on her lower back. Stepping out onto the fire-escape that was attached to a miss Jackie Johnson's apartment, Sixx-killer climbed up the ladder to the roof, carefully moving along in shadows to avoid being seen by other residents. As she reached the roof, she grinned under the mask looking out over the city. In the distance she could see the flaming building that had been blown up. It looked strangely pretty.
She'd finished her orange juice, and Bonnie had decided to check out the explosion site. It wasn't too far from the apartment, and she could go for some fresh air and sunlight. Alya had left and as far as she knew, Kemp was snoozing. There wasn't anything exciting going on in their small home, but there was certainly some exciting stuff going on outside. Of course, that meant she had to put herself together.

Her room was small and, for the most part, neat. She did tend to pile clutter in a few key locations. Her desk was one of them, but only half of it, she kept the area around the sewing machine that sat on top of it clear. That was her work space, but the other half of the desk and the floor around it were fair game. Her night stand was another problem area, but her closet was always neat a tidy, likely because if she threw her clothes on the floor they ended up behind her door, next to the large trash bag that had been there, full of trash, for a few months now.

Opening the closet door revealed just how much she'd been able to stuff inside, clean and organized. It didn't take her long to find something to wear though, or to get ready to leave, looking presentable to the world. She left without telling her roommate that was still home because she wasn't sure if he was even awake or not and if he wasn't, then she didn't want to disturb his sleep.

Looking good, with bag in tote Bonnie made her way to the sidewalk outside of the apartment building, and began her venture down the street, towards the focus of all of the day's commotion. Her long, wavy brown hair bounced softly on her shoulders and her heels clicked against the concrete as she walked, but she hardly seemed to noticed, and her attention was obviously on the smoke rising from the burning building.

The streets were littered with emergency vehicles in all different shapes and sizes. Paramedics, police officers, fire fighters and everyone else on the scene were running around, trying to get everyone out of the building, put out the flames, taking care of the people who had made it out, basically everything that needed to be done and crowd control. They tried to shove her along, but they had bigger problems than her and it hadn't been difficult to stick around and see what was going on and how well the city's emergency response was serving the citizens.
"Well well..."Grimm chuckled to himself, setting up more explosives in the already burning building.

"It's so easy to pretend these days!" he blathered on to himself, referring to the simple entry into the building...

so many heroes... so much more explosives...
Grimm thought, smiling to himself as he smeared more of his blood onto a support pillar in the basement, only a couple remaining untouched.

"That oughtta do it!" he shouted, rushing back out of the building to an almost safe distance before demolishing the building.

(Just hurrying things along a little, if no one minds ^^')
Comrade watched the little show Leon performed with a grossed-out look on his face.

" That's ... disgusting, but unique and very useful. "

" I can do more than the average human since I'm a trained soldier but other than good aiming, fighting and tactical skills I have little more to offer. "
::Leon traced his finger along the now smooth skin that lined his stomach, admiring the healing job he had just done::

Leon: "You are Sooo... gonna die if you keep this up..."

::He walked over the the dead bodies of the thugs, and began stripping them of their cash, and the gun. He saw jacket he liked on one of them, and decided to take that too, sliding it on, over his now-tattered clothing::

Leon: "well, I'm new to this town anyways, and you're the first friendly face I've seen... do you have any secret superhero base I can crash at?"

::He said this jokingly, with a hint of bitterness, as if he truly believed heroes didn't exist::
Alex sat there on their Camaro, watching Sean with his one good eye. His arms crossed gun and badge on his belt.

"So Sean, what do you think about this attack?" He asked

Sean with black smudges on his face and arms and lightly sooty clothing. He rubbed his chin.

"Dunno, could be that terrorist cell we been lookin' into but something seems off. These can't be run of the mill middle easterners." He sighed after he finished. All this was a bit much, even for him.

Alex nodded in agreement. "And their too clean. Nothing ever gets left behind. These bombs, while destructive, are never made for maximum casualties, they are smaller and condensed. They are definitely targeting specific things or people."

"Damnit! Well guess if it was easy, we wouldn't of been called in."

Both of them chuckled lightly before returning to all seriousness.
Victoria stared with wide eyes as she stepped off the bus and looked around at the city of Silva. She had finally arrived! She was in the city her grandmother had given most of her life to help protect and to serve. Now, she would carry on her grandmother's legend as the new Resarcio. This was so exciting! To use her powers to help people and save lives!
@Sui and Ibi

Brianna got what she wanted and started back towards her place walking through the alley way again hoping the murders weren't there though she had not expected to see a man standing in front of the now living dead guy and the 3 murders now dead. "What the fk just happened here" she couldn't keep herself from saying that in complete shock mostly from the now living dead guy... She hesitated then bolted hoping to get home running a long a different route all through more alleys avoiding the police now... she knew police were the last thing SHE could count on. Her heart racing.
OOC: ((@Ranmyakki, You know it's impossible to talk to you if you disappear before you give us a chance to talk to you. Both times you ran off at the end of your post.))

::Leon saw a figure just outside the ally see them, and run off::

Leon: "Lets get the hell outta here, before anyone else shows face..."
" Let's head back to my ... superhero-base ... than. "

" It's excitingly exotic, lots of insects you'd only find in amazonian jungles! "

" Even in my chinese food-boxes! ... it's like my own little zoo! "
::Leon tucked the night's loot in his pant's pockets, and followed Comrade down the poorly lit streets to his apartment::

Leon: "So... how long have you been in this "superhero business", and does it pay well?"

::Sirens blared from across town, and Leon kicked an empty aluminum can off the litter lined streets, and into the gutter, the can clattered to the inky darkness underneath::

Leon: "Is this city really worth saving?"
" It's worth saving just as much as any other place, how dirty and foul it might looks...there are still decent people living here, they need to be protected. "

" It might sounds idealistic but that's what I honestly believe. "

He said as he lit up a smoke and offered one to his new mate.
::Leon turned down the smoke::

Leon: "I might be quite resilient to the effects of smoking, and if worse comes to worse, I can probably rip out my lungs, and grow a new set, but I would still rather not..."

::the walk, although it wasn't particularly long, was starting to wear on Leon's less then pristine physical condition, and Leon was starting to breathe hard::

Leon: "Are we almost there yet? I'm still tired from the earlier scuffle..."
" It's this building, I'd rather not take the elevator since my neighbours might find it odd seeing 2 bloodied " super-" people going up. "

" So let's take the fire escape instead. "
He said as they moved in the alley next to the building and pulled down the fire escape.

" Ladies first. "
He said with a grin.
::Leon snorted with minor irritation at the lame joke, but climbed the rickety ladder to the fire escape anyways::

Leon: "You know, I still don't know my way around here. What floor are you in?"

::he stopped and waited for Comrade to catch up::
::Leon climbed up two more flights of stairs until he came to a window that was cracked open. Grasping his fingers underneath, he slid it upwards and stepped through into the room beyond::

Leon: "So... this is "the secret base" then? Home sweet home? where's the lights? it's dark in here..."
@No one specific

Brianna made it home, slammed the door shut, and yelled at her AI to lock the place down. "Paranoia's a ***** ain't it" Starr laughed at her "Shutup!!" Brianna wasn't in the mood for any of this crap right now, she had work to do and nearly got herself killed for all she knows. "From now on I'm bringing that that damned suit!!" She took a couple Tylenol then went back to work on the suit to work on giving in a motion detector. "This is probably a bad time to mention that you've also run out of food" The AI laughed again pissing her off even more.



(Note - I just make my characters act as they would in that situation, or at least how I think they'd act. xD

Also the first time She tried escaping and I didn't expect anyone to want to respond to her and didn't give a chance then for a reason... She doesn't try getting involved with other peoples crap, specially when she thinks a person was killed. xD

The 2nd time I thought I added that you could stop her before she actually left... though I expect people to do that anyways sometimes.

Sorry ~_~)
" it ain't much, but it's all mine baby. You're invited to crash here as long as you want. As long as you pay for your share of the food. "

He plopped down on his couch with a beer and lit a smoke before turning on the tv.

" What'cha wnna watch shnuggumz? "
::Leon grabbed a half melted chocolate bar from the basket by the fridge, and ripped it open. He sunk his teeth into the chocolaty-gooey goodness, and washed it down with the mysterious purple liquid in the fridge that tasted strikingly like a very cheep fruit punch::

Leon: "You know? this place isn't too bad... You should have seen where I grew up... white walls... needles... scalpels..."

::he shuddered for a moment::

Leon: "So what made you such a hero? to put on your mask of "justice" defend this pitiful excuse for a civilized city... what do you owe them?"
Comrade briefly looked at Leon when he was talking about his former habitat.

Then he responded on the question of justice and all that.

" I don't like it when people need such reasons to be good. Why is it so hard to understand some people just want to act good for the sole purpose of acting good. "

He hesitated for a moment.

" Although....sometimes i doubth I'm one of those people. I might have become a hero to repent for my former actions. "

Sighing he lifted his beercan and drank it ad fundum.

" Good woman, refill me! "
He said with a light chuckle.
::Leon downed a second chocolate bar, and licked his fingers clean, tucking the wrappers into his pocket, he grabbed the TV remote and flipped idly through the channels. A reality show, some cartoons, a game show,, and the news. Leon stopped as the newsman mentioned about a dealing with OmniCorp and some mysterious science project gone wrong.::

Leon: "No way... that can't..."

::He quickly shut off the TV, and tossed the remote aside::

Leon: "Nothing to see there. I guess it's time to crash, hope you don't mind. "

::he pulled off his shoes, kicked on his feet up on the couch, and was asleep before he could get a response::
((OK This is the start of the next day. I'm sorry for not being on. I was out of town for the past couple days, but now I am back. I will starting the next day with this post sorry for cutting you conversations short but I need to move it along.))

Jones was walking to his job at the law office, the events of last night in his mind still, along with other thoughts. He turned to go down the next block and in to the law office where Fredrick and Katie would sitting at there desk wait for Jones, or for Katie's grandfather who ever got there first

Jones opened the door and walked over to the elevator. He got in and pushed the button to go to the second floor. The doors opened and he walked down the hall several feet and then opened the door to the law office.

"Morning Jones!" Fredrick said as he sat there with the newspaper and coffee. "How was your night last night?" He asked before taking a sip of his drink

"Tiring!" Jones said as he plopped down at his desk.

"You weren't out drinking were you?" he asked as he looked over his newspaper at Jones.

"No, I just had a lot of....stuff to do." He said pulling papers out form his bag. He then looked around the office and notice something was off. "Hey Fred where's Katie?" He asked

"She called off sick to day. She said she had laryngitis." Fred took another sip of his coffee.

"Oh...wait..what!? How can she talk if she ha-" Jones was cut off by what was happening on the TV.

"Greetings to all in Silva City! As you all may know or may not know, I am D!" The voice disuiser still working fine even with through the TV.

"What!?" Jones said shooting up from his chair. Why is D on the TV is he going to turn himself in? No...that wouldn't be like him...what's going on in D's head.... Jones thought this while the broad cast was still going on.

"This is a invitation to all the Heroes in Silva city to meet me at midnight at the City square. There is Evil in this city and I am seeking your help to eviscerate it!"

D went on with his speech as thoughts raced through Jones head. He didn't know if he should go to this meeting or not it was less then 24 hours since they last saw each other. Could D be calling Jones out and wanting to side with him after what he said last night? What is D's plan.

"I would epically like The Paladin to show up at this meeting tonight....there is something I need to talk with him about. Until then farewell"

The screen went black and Jones was still standing there, think of what to do. Alright D I'll go to you meeting tonight and maybe this time I can learn a bit more about the person be hide the mask. Jones sat back down with this thought in his mind getting ready for the busy day of paper work he will have to do since Katie isn't here.


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