Skyscrapers!-The super hero RP

Sean and Alex had already been at the Office; Silva City PD. Sean sat on the desk with his feet up watching the TV while Alex finished up paper work from the night before. Both of them weren't really doing much. Just hanging out waiting for the next trace of criminals.

As he watched the television, the showcase of the person known as D came on. Sean just sat there casually as if it was nothing important, though Alex had stopped his work and started watching it.

As the speech came to a finish, Sean let out a huge sigh. "Damn, looks like tonight's gonna be another epic adventure. You think if we went and tried to arrest him, he would come quietly?"

Alex just laughed, "We can always try."
Jackie had been setting up at Minus Destro, the club she played live music for during the day. It wasn't the greatest place, and it always reeked of alcohol but the pay was good. The TV playing in the background from the bar across the floor was more than distracting as she shocked herself for the fourth time that morning.

As she turned to tell the bartender to chill on the volume, Jackie nearly jumped out of her skin seeing the so-called D making an announcement on the screen. All heroes at midnight, eh? A small smile went over her face as she turned back to her work. This might be worthwhile...after all, who knows how many of 'us' their are. As the last speaker tested out alright for sound, Jackie set to tuning her guitar all while thinking about tonight.
Tonight will be a night like no other! Grimm mused as he set up more buildings for blasting. Last night birthed this Idea... prepared me for what is to come!

Grimm's plan for tonight was to prepare a giant grin, outlined by explosions, surrounding the square as if prepared to devour it.

With that broadcast, D sealed his fate!

As Brian Walker teleported around town, he saw a man down on the road.

{That guy should have some money on him.} Brian thought as he teleported down behind the man.

"Give me all you money, NOW!" Brian yelled at the man before him.
Glace, doing his timely patrols of downtown Silva City, spotted a man (Brian) trying to take money from another man.

Hehehe, Glace thought. He used his ice track to swoop down on the man, dropping between him and the citizen ho was about to be mugged.

"What do you think you're doing?" Glace asked, in his best hero voice. He motioned for the citizen to run which he did, right away,

"You picked the wrong day to commit a crime, my friend." Glace said to the man (Brian) again.
"Who the hell do you think you are! You just ruined my entire day!" Brian replied to the man.

After he replied to the man, Brian teleported back 30 feet.

"Now you are going to pay for that mistake you just made!" Brian yelled as he stared at the opposing man.
Glace sighed.

Another psycho nut-job to deal with.... Dammit!

He readied himself, and shouted in his best hero-voice.

"Whenever you're ready, myterious teleporter!"
Bonnie hadn't even turned on the TV today. Maybe she was still pumped from all of the excitement last night, but she'd been up bright and early today, and eager to get out and do something. After a small breakfast, she hadn't waster anytime in taking to the streets in search of some adventure. She passed the area where all the commotion had been yesterday, lingering a moment just to check out the damage. There had been an explosion, and the building had burned for a while. It was in about as good a shape as she had expected. Then on down the street she continued in her quest for excitement.

The sun was bright and Bonnie could feel its energy showering her and it was almost enough for her to give in to the temptation. She couldn't say that she didn't enjoy using her powers, and especially to cause a commotion that might draw the attention of authorities, those that would try to stop her. Then it became a race against the clock, or a game of chess. She loved the thrill, every minute of it, even when she wasn't sure she would make it out.

Even after she'd managed to steal enough money to not have to worry about it, she'd continued her streak of bank robberies purely for the thrill. It was probably also why she'd become a high fashion model. She almost exclusively did runway, and though it wasn't as thrilling as robbing a bank, it was about the biggest thrill she could find living a life without crime.

She glanced to her side as she walked passed a large building, and as if it were a sign from some celestial force, she stopped in her tracks and took a moment to stare at it. It was a bank, and probably the only one in the city she hadn't hit. She had been doing so well, not committing any crimes, keeping her nose clean, and even helping the city out where she could. But after yesterday, this was all just too tempting, and it would give her a perfect record after all.

First thing was first, she couldn't have people finding out who she was. No doubt they would throw her in the slammer for a long time, and without a second thought, considering how much she'd stolen from the city. It was a little embarrassing to admit that she'd been wearing a black, spandex bodysuit under her clothes, but luckily she didn't have to. She'd come out in search of excitement, hoping to find some thugs or something to get in a scuffle with, and it wouldn't have been hard, so she had come prepared. It was unfortunate that she'd been unable to resist the bank's allure though.

Now, face hidden by a mask, The Bandit was back, and she slipped into the bank before anyone on the streets could notice her. The last thing she wanted was for someone on the outside to ruin her surprise. Once in, she was quick to get everyone's attention. The lights flickered violently as she pulled at the electrical energy, compressing it into a few light bulbs and letting them explode all in a row. The explosions were big enough to get everyone's attention, but small enough that they caused minimal damage, and she made sure to leave enough light to be able to see what was going on. Everyone in the building shielded their heads with their hands, protecting themselves from the pieces of shattered bulbs that fell to the ground.

"I'm back." she announced with a smirk as all eyes turned to her "And I'd like everyone to get down on the ground, hands on your heads. If anybody tries anything, I'll blow this place to hell." she demanded, though her voice remained calm and collected. Some of the people obeyed, and some hesitated, but after another, more violent explosion the hesitant complied as well.
Myriad lights burst before Alya's vision and she jerked into a sitting position, waking up gracelessly and rubbing her eyes furiously. Her back and shoulder was stiff and she grimaced at herself, pushing messy black hair out of her face. She had fallen asleep at the studio, dancing herself to exhaustion in the unlit, mirror-lined room. Hopefully her roommates weren't too worried, she had meant to go home, but it was so much more peaceful in the studio than having to face the streets to make it home again. Her bed was comfortable, but she always spent the night waking up and going back to sleep. In the studio at least she slept solidly, at least until she began to dream. Then she woke up like that.

Feeling gross for not having showered before falling asleep she limped into the locker room and fumbled for her duffel bag, tucked undisturbed in a locker. She pulled out a towel and flip flops, stripped, and made use of the attached showers, shivering in the lukewarm water rather than wait for the old pipes to heat it properly. Drying off and dressing, she tried to remember all that she had to do today as she left the studio, locking the doors behind her. It was late in the morning but the studio didn't open till afternoon, and though Mademoiselle trusted her with a key, it didn't mean the rest of the world was so honorable.

Her bank was right beside the studio. She patted her jeans pocket to see if the check her brother had given her yesterday was there and smiled when it was; she could run over and cash that now. The line was a dozen or so people long and she shrugged unconcernedly before jumping on the tail, keeping her breathing steady and her thoughts on her unfinished algebra. These tactics were her usual means of ignoring the bank data, strings of numbers, the emotions of those around her and other miscellaneous information floating through her brain. Last night was just particularly stressful because of spikes of anger, pain and fear in large numbers close by. Here it was just day to day.

At least until the lights dimmed and then a few of them exploded. Gasping and ducking in fear, Alya spun around to look at the door and the woman standing there in a black catsuit and face-concealing mask, but a pleased smirk visible on her lips. Alya's dark eyes widened; she recognized that body and the pattern of the woman's brain waves, raised in frenetic, adrenaline fueled beta waves that were transmitting chaos into Alya's head, and she grinned maniacally for a moment before catching herself and shaking off the influence.

"No way," she whispered, staring at who she thought was her roommate, even as she obeyed and laid down on the ground, avoiding fragments of glass.
The idiotic noise sounded again, and Cameron opened his eyes…he was already awake a while ago, but decided to lie there for a bit. He sat up, a little too fast for his stomach and grabbed the phone, finally answering it.

“Hello?” He asked, a bit peeved

“Cameron! You think you can come into work early today? We got a hit for where D might be doing the broadcast” the voice on the other line explained, his boss.

“What Broadcast?” He asked

“The one on right now” His boss said, incredulously

Getting onto his feet, he flicked the television on again and heard the end of D’s message.

“Looks like its over.” he noted, uncaring

“Get your ass to that building, Parker’s coming to pick you up…” his boss ordered.

“What about Kathy?” Cameron asked, he wouldn’t usually care about the girl but he thought he’d ask.

“She’s taking care of the meeting” his boss noted.

That Whore, that was his story as far as he was concerned, not that he knew anything about it until this phone call.

Cameron hung up without a good-bye and looked around his practically-empty apartment, all heroes at City square huh? The thought hung in his mind for a moment, as he lit his first cigarette of the morning. Then he was on his way to get ready...

It was half-an-hour later when his door finally opened to Parker, his usual cameraman.

“I’m going to have to go to the bank first” Cameron noted at his long-time co-worker, showing him his empty wallet for emphasis.

“But, weren’t we supposed to be there right away?” Parker asks

“It’s been half an hour, that guy’s probably long gone.” he explained,

With that, Cameron left the house, making sure to bring his keys and his wallet, although empty. Parker followed diligently, all the way to the bank, and when Cameron neared the door he heard something crash to the ground,

“Turn on your Camera, but make it look off” he spoke, not looking at Parker

Parker gave him a questioning look that he did not see, but did as he was told simply covering the lit red light, the camera was filming. Both froze when they entered, surprised at what they saw; everyone was down on the ground and a person in a cat-suit and a weird mask seemed to be the one controlling the little get together.

“Well then, Looks like I should come back later” He noted, jokingly.
::Early in the morning, Leon kicked the coat off himself, and sat upright on the couch, Comrade was still asleep on the side snoring happily away. Carefully, and without waking him, Leon slipped on his shoes, and grabbed his bag::

Leon: "Sorry buddy, it was nice meeting you and all, but I try to make a point of not staying in one place for too long of a time."

::He slung the bag over his shoulder, and stepped out over the open window, and back onto the fire escape::

Leon: {I should stop by a bank sometime today, drop off some of the money I got last night...}
After everyone was on the ground, The Bandit noticed one of her roommates was here, but she didn't react to it. She didn't want to give up her identity, to anyone. And just as she was about to walk over to the tellers, she heard the door open again, the noise from the streets spilling in to the building momentarily, until the door closed behind her two new hostages.

She was quick to confront this problem "You two, get on the floor!" she demanded, then walked passed the people on the floor to get to the tellers. "Who has the key to the doors?" she asked. They were safe behind the bulletproof glass, or so they thought. She could blow the glass right out of the wall, but she decided to play nice for now and try to keep from causing too much damage.

"Do you have one of those panic buttons?" she asked, and the woman behind the glass gave a nervous 'yes' as an answer as she fiddled with a keyring to find the key for the front doors. The Bandit didn't want to waste her time trying to figure out which key was the right one on the ridiculously full key chain "Did you push it?" she questioned further, staring straight into the woman's eyes. Even as the woman denied ever pushing the panic button, obviously because she didn't want to upset The Bandit, she could see that the woman was lying, and she smirked again, all the while keepng an eye on everyone on the floor. The police would show up as soon as they could, which turned this into a race against the clock. She didn't plan to stick around if the police showed up.

The woman found the right key and passed it through the little pass-through deal they had in order to protect the tellers. "Hey," she addressed the last two to enter the bank, the cameraman and the man that was with him, who were also the closest to the door "Lock those doors." she tossed the key toward them. It hit the floor before it got to them, but it had enough momentum to slide the rest of the way. She didn't need, or want, anymore hostages, and she didn't want the police to be able to barge in willy-nilly.

"Let me back there." she told the teller, but she kept her eyes on the front doors to assure that they got locked. She glanced back to see the woman exchanging looks with on of the other tellers "You'd better do it." she suggested "As long as you cooperate, nobody will get hurt, but if you don't, I'm just gong to have to keep blowing holes in this place until I get what I want. And don't forget about all these people out here." she reminded the tellers "You may be safe behind your bulletproof glass, but your customers aren't." It looked like she was going to do what she had been told, and The Bandit turned her attention back to the people on the floor, and the front doors.
::Leon walked down the much brighter ally, and turned into the streets::

Leon: "You know... this place isn't nearly so bad during the daytime... it's almost passable..."

::He cluelessly entered the nearest bank, and saw everyone lying on the floor::

Leon: "The heck? why is everyone..."

::He saw the bandit by the tellers::

Leon: "...Oh poo, not again"
As the masked villain demanded, both Cameron and Parker slowly laid on the ground being careful to make sure the camera was still able to get a good angle. Then Cameron turned towards Parker, who in turn was already passing him a recorder. He watched the bandit talk to the tellers and he spoke lightly into it, knowing he was projecting enough for the recorder

“This is Cameron Mackenzie, and I’m here at the Central bank where a bank robbery is taking place. The Bandit, whoever she is, is demanding access to the back from the tellers as we speak. There is roughly 15 people taken hostage, and it is unknown whether the police have been called or not.” He reported, and then turned off his microphone…


Cameron’s heart jumped to his throat, and he looked up at the woman running the operation. Then as he was told to lock the door, his heart was released and it started settling. He watched as the key slid towards him and grabbed it, getting up to turn towards the door. Paused and contemplated whether he should try to be a hero, but after another guy entered he decided he would listen. He slid the lock into place, and pocketed the key turning back around jiggling the door for effect.

Back to his place on the floor, he watched…
Walking by, Grimm found a crime aside from his own taking place in a bank. The door was just being locked, but that never meant much, so he walked right up to the large glass doors of the bank (I'm assuming they're glass, as that's how all the banks I've seen are), his face contorting into an evil grin.

Drawing the knife from it's place in his pocket, Grimm proceeded to slice his palm wide open and smear his blood all over a wide circle on the door, making a very big show of it, his grin only getting wider.
The Bandit waited anxiously for the teller to let her in. Once behind the bulletproof glass she glanced around and spotted someone's bag. She made her way over to it and knelt down to unzip it and dump everything out of it. Once it was empty, she took a moment to check out everyone that was on the floor and noticed someone outside drawing on the window with what she could only assume was blood.

Normally she wouldn't have thought much of it. There were plenty of psychos and vandals in the city. But this guy just gave her a bad feeling. His crazed grin and the fact that he had chosen this place to vandalize as opposed to anywhere else that she wasn't currently trying to rob. "Stay here." she told the tellers, handing off the bag she'd found and leaving the protection behind the bulletproof glass.

"Everyone, get away from the door!" The demand was urgent as she walked back out among the people on the floor "Quick, get in the back!" she didn't necessarily think anything would happen, but her instincts told her to keep away from the doors and she also didn't want anyone letting that psycho in. She'd never gotten the key back, so if the guy who had it wanted to, he could just take off or let anyone in.

People were hesitant but once they started to get up, they moved quickly. They listened because they were afraid of her, but listened nonetheless. And while everyone was packing themselves into the back, The Bandit found her way to the back of the herd and watched the guy outside, hands on her hips. She glanced back over her shoulder to see if Alya was on her way back. She wasn't sure if she had been recognized by Alya, maybe she would find out later. But right now her instincts told her that something was off with this guy, and she wanted everyone out of the way.
::Leon, who had just entered the bank, was still standing by the door when "The Bandit" came back in the lobby, and was shouting something about running away from the door::

Leon: {The heck? is she trying to escape through the front door now?}

::He turned around slowly, and saw, inches away there was a crazy man who was happily giving the glass doors a new coat of red paint::

Leon: "Oh ****!"
While watching the rest of the people Cameron made slight memos into the recorder and when the thief rushed out of the back, no money in hand, he quirked a brow.

Then after the shouted orders, he helped Parker up and they both rushed to the back, not asking any questions. When they finally got to the back the news reporter saw the marking on the door and wondered what they were for. It gave him a really bad feeling though, so he was glad that this semi-villain was helping them. Idling wondering why but not voicing his question, he stood and waited
"All right, just remember that you asked for it!" Brain said as he vanished from the mans sight.

Appearing behind the man, Brian grabbed a hold of the man's collar.

"you shouldn't have picked a fight with me!" Brian yelled as he teleported himself and the man up into the air.

As the two men arrived 10,000 feet above the ground, Brain kicked the man away from him.

"Now you will fall all the way to the ground. And when you hit it, you shall die!" Brian said as he flew backwards to about 30 feet from Glace.
Glace freaked out a bit, realizing just how screwed he'd have been if he didn't have his powers.

He quickly calmed down, and assesed the situation. Assuming that this guy could only teleport Glace along with him if he was touching Glace, he'd have to get in close once he realized Glace's powers gave him the advantage here in this...... 'Terrain'.

Glace chuckled as he thought the word 'terrain', and then created an ice-track on which to slide down though the sky. He created his ice-track using the clouds surrounding the two of them at 10 000 feet.

He shot straight at the guy, his ice-track disappearing as soon as he got more than about 20 feet away from it.

He coated his fists in ice as he slid at the strange man.
About 15 police cars raced down the street, and behind them by about half a mile was the Camaro. In it was Sean and Alex. Nearly 10 minutes ago a Silence alarm had been triggered and the Police Department went into a frenzy. Swat was notified but they were still nearly 30 minutes away.

Sirens blaring they came rushing up at the Silva City Central Bank. Four cars squealed to a stop in front of the main entrance and the rest of the vehicles completely surrounded the bank. The lights remained on but the sirens stopped. Only a second later the Camaro came racing up and screeched to a stop dead center with the front door.

Alex and Sean stepped out and gazed at the building.

"What do you think? Related to the recent attacks?"

"Maybe, without a doubt not just any coincidence. Plus i remember reading a federal report bout money going missing. Some masked crusader."

"Guess we get to find out."

Sean reached in his car through the window and grabbed the CB responder. As he pushed the button in the microphone on car cracked and now he addressed the criminals inside the bank.

"The bank has been surrounded. You stand no chance of escape by normal means. Give up and come out with your hands up."

"Wow Sean, real original. You know that shit never works."

Sean shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know what else to do. He put the mic back in the car and sat on the hood as Alex leaned up against the door.

All the cops pulled out their weapons and aimed at the building. If anything happened they would be ready to open fire.
"that is nice." Brian said as they fell through the air.

"You do realize that you will never be able to catch me. From here, i can teleport myself to anywhere i want?" Brian said as he vanished from the man's sight.

"I never wanted to harm you, but the more you come at me, i will have to kill you." Brian replied.
Glace sighed. He created a single platform of ice to sit on as he fell closer to the ground.

He sat down, cross legged.

"I'm always ready for a peaceful solution, but I have a feeling that you're not going to want to attone for trying to rob that man." Glace shouted.

He coated up to his elbows in ice, not just his fists.

"Would you come quietly down to the police station so we can sort this out like men?" He yelled out questioningly.
"HAHAHAHA. Me come to the police station." Brian laughed as he flew down towards Glace.

Grabbing a hold of Glace, Brain teleported them down to the ground.

"You know, this once, i will be a good sport." Brian said as he walked away from Glace.

"But know, that this is the only time." Brian said as he looked back at Glace.
Glace stepped forward instictively, and grabbed the man (Brian) by the shoulder as he walked a few steps ahead. The ice on Glace's fist moved with his hand, so it could uncurl from the fist.

"That's commendable of you, well done!" Glace said cheerfully.

"Alright, let's go." He said in a not so excited tone of voice. He never did like going to the polce station.

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