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Fantasy /Simple] The Gilded Vessel


good times™ ahead
[border]Roleplay Thread[/border]

Opening Scene

Criminals: You have just been addressed by the Queen and given the mission to save her son, the Prince. The royal guards have just dropped you off outside of the city with instruction to head to Labarge Lake, which will take you about a day to reach on foot. You are officially unshackled, however, no matter how much you try, you cannot remove the pendant around your neck.

Aliens: Another day sitting on your hands. The engineer is stewing away below deck, trying to get the OV Andromeda flight-ready into space once again. So far, you've learnt that the ship can fly within Earth's atmosphere, however, leaving proves more difficult than anticipated. You've collected a few humans and have been trying to use your translation devices on them, but the novelty of their language leaves more research to be done before you can understand them. The day is yours to do whatever you wish until the Captain decides whether or not it's safe to leave or not.​
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Arlinda Walls

Praise the gods, Arri thought. She was finally free, though a bit worse for wear. The shackles had been removed and only a pinkish mark was left around her wrists to remind her of the months she'd spent wearing those forsaken things, but finally they were off. Arri was filled with utter relief. At least, until she remembered that something else had replaced those shackles, something she didn't completely understand.

She lifted her hand to touch the pendant that had been placed around her neck earlier that day. Once the guards had left, Arri had tried her damnedest to take off the piece of innocent-looking jewellery, to little effect. The effort had only resulted in aching palms and a slightly bruised neck, much to Arri's chagrin. The pendant probably explained the lack of surveillance on the present company, including herself, but she wasn't quite sure what it did, exactly, if it did anything at all.

Well, I won't be the one giving it a try. Arri lowered her hand to her side, eyeing the rest of the group. But maybe one of these scoundrels would...

"So, what, they expecting us to just walk up to the Gods' ship and confront the Gods themselves?" she scoffed aloud. "That's gotta be a sure way of dying."
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Location: Outside of the City

Interaction: The Criminals - specifically Arri (

Alexandrie could not quite decide what she was feeling as she stared after the leaving guards, quite frankly, rendered speechless by the whole ordeal. She hadn't known Her Majesty was serious about the quest. Even when they were being marched out of the Stonewall, Alexandrie had thought it was just a ploy - maybe the Lehane patriarch paid the queen to get rid of her faster, but apparently...

Rubbing her wrists, the brunette stared down at her hands momentarily before her head snapped up towards the group when one of them spoke. It took a moment before Alexandrie realised that it was the tall woman with the black hair who spoke. Her green eyes raked over her appearance, narrowing when the brunette saw the beginning of a few bruises on her neck outlining the necklace given to them.

A frown pulled at Alexandrie's lips as she contemplated the woman's words while she fiddled with the pendant on her neck. It didn't feel any different from any of her jewelry from before. She considered tugging on it, but she didn't want a sore neck.

It took her a few seconds before she offered her two cents,
"Her Majesty & her generals most likely wanted to check the Gods' defenses before they send out knights to actually retrieve the Prince." She glanced to the side before turning her gaze back to the group, fists clenching. "After all, why waste trained men for a suicide mission?" It's what she would have done.

"I think the reason is more religious than that. Why force good men to damn themselves? I mean, we're already on our way to receiving the god's wrath so I guess it can't get any worse." Tammy finally spoke up, drawing attention to herself for the first time since she was released from her binds. The girl had been listening intently to everything, staying silent up untill this point. She had tried to keep a low profile around these people. They were liars and thieves like herself after all. Tammy had initially But perhaps the brown haired woman was right, it was a good idea. One Tammy cou planned to escape and leave these delinquents behind but the brown haired girl was right, she could always use a few human shields. Anything to help her get inside and get the prince out before any of these fools.

Tammy moved closer to the other woman, offering them both a warm smile. "But if we're clever I'm sure we'll be fine. I'm GoldenRod by the way, I don't think I caught either of your names before."
Wick's eyes were still closed, listening to the ramblings of the criminals around him. When he'd first stepped foot into the sunlight, it had been more blinding than he possibly could have considered. The warm, gentle sun that he'd once known seemed to have changed into a burning ball of pure hatred. The burning hot rays made his skin feel even more burnt than it already was, and the bright light was still far too much for his eyes to handle. Of course, that wasn't an issue. Twenty years in the depths of darkness may have rendered him unaccustomed to the light, but he'd grown used to forced blindness. Feeling out his fellow rescuers based on his other senses was proving simple enough.

"The pendant is a work of the Tower," Wick uttered his second set of words in the past three years after he noticed that two of the women seemed rather perturbed by it. The first had been, "A scarf," when he'd been asked if he would need anything for the mission. Of course, they'd surely meant if he needed any alchemical supplies, but he no longer trusted those provided by The Tower. He would find his own, and not be killed by intentionally flawed ingredients. "Don't mess with it, I'll take a closer look later." His voice was hoarse, not only from the long period of silence he'd endured, not only the thirst that wracked him, but from the severe damage that hid beneath his scarf. He could feel how the flesh within his throat strained and cried at the force of speech, much of it little more than scar tissue now.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I see no reason to remain standing in this contemptible heat, chattering like bells at a ball. There are several stops we must make on our way to the lake, and I'd rather be on with it." There, he'd gotten everything out. He squeezed his fingers into a tight fist and tried to keep the grimace off his face. That had hurt much more than he'd expected. He would have to choose his words sparingly.

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