Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Zack looked at her and grabbed her hand with both of his. He sat down and then tugged her into a hug. "what do you mean by that?" he asked keeping her close.
Selene swallowed "I got a call this morning from the hospital. They told me my parents had been in a crash and..." she swallowed, "They got the worst of it and were injured pretty bad. Before they could get to them they were gone." She chocked on the last word and let the tears spill down her cheeks.
Zack hugged her tighter and then closed his eyes sighing deeply. "I'm sorry Selene." he said his hold on her tightening still. He moved his head into her hair and then rubbed her back slightly. "I'm here I won't leave unless you want me to."
Selene just nodded and lay her head on his shoulder. Her tears running uncontrolably, she pulled back and wiped her eyes "I just cant believe that my mom's gone...and now Dad too." She looked across the room to her desk where the picture of her, her dad, and her mom sat.

The Picture(before Selene dyed her hair white)-

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Zack sighed deeply and then held her tight. He looked at her and then lightly kisses her wet cheek. "Shhh...." he said trying to calm her down. It was terrible what had happened. He sighed and then pulled her closer so that she was sitting on his lap. "I know...I know." he said and then snuggled as he tried to comfort her. "I won't be going anywhere anytime soon I'm guessing?" he said jokingly as he smiled at her trying to make her laugh.
Zack smiled a bit and kept his hold on her. He stayed quiet though and then sighed a bit. He put a hand on the back of selene's head. He gently stroked her hair as he just comforted her.
Selene closed her eyes and smiled a bit as he stroked her hair, just as her mother had done when she was young. Thinking of her mom made her cry a bit more. She sniffed "I'm getting your shirt all wet." she said.
Zack chuckled and slightly wiped her eyes. "don't worry about it." he said chuckling and then closed his eyes enjoying having her close, yet keeping in mind she was in pain of this new development. He still relaxed.
Selene chuckled as well and looked up at him "You don't have to do this for me, you know." she said. She played with a strand of long white hair and thought of how her dad had taken sick days from work to care for her after her mom died. This brought more tears to her eyes, but she fought to keep them from falling.
Zack shook his head and then looked at her. "of course I do." he smiled. "you are my girlfriend. I want to make sure you're ok." he said looking at her.
Selene smiled and nodded "Yeah, but you probably don't like seeing me this way. Just be glad I'm not a total mess or you probably wouldn't want to be my boyfriend anymore." she said.
Zack chuckled. "I don't like seeing you this way because I care about you. My feelings will never change for you." he cupped her cheek and then leaned her head back given her a quick kiss.
Selene closed her eyes as she felt his lips lightly meet hers. When he pulled back she sighed "How do you know your feelings will never change? I'm not perfect, there's surely some other girl out there better than me." she said.
Zack shrugs and then sighed deeply. "Well Selene I love you." he smiled and then looked down. He lost his balance and fell off the bed and onto the floor. "ouch." he look at Selene who was now ontop of him. "sorry...."
Selene reached the kitchen and took out a bag of ice. She handed it to him and took a little container of vanilla ice cream. She grabbed two Dr. Peppers and handed one to Zack.
Zack smiled and then put the ice on his head and then set the dr. Pepper on the counter and then opened it taking a sip. He smiled and looked at her. "Thanks."

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