Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Zack awoke and then stetched out. He look around stretching out every mesle in his body and then slowly got up. He slowly was dragged himself downstairs he walked up and then set his head on selene's shoulder tired. He yawned and then slowly moved off.
Selene chuckled, a little more awake now that she was drinking her coffee. She finished her cereal and washed the bowl out. She sighed and took another sip from her coffee mug.
Zack grabbed the coffee from her and took a big sip and then gave it back to her sitting down still pretty out of it. He looked at her and then smiled. "That..." he yawned. "some good coffee."
Zack closed his eyes and chuckled. "I soooooo do not care." he chuckled again and set his head on her shoulder. "ugh I am not a morning person." he said crossing his arms.
Zack looked at her and chuckled. "Yeah." he said and then pulled her into a hug. "Well at least I get to spen my tired morning with you. Just um don't say anything about me spend the night at your house, or us being alone together all night....or I'm dead when I get home. I means it's not like my parents don't trust me but still." he said rubbing his head. "Well I guess you go your dog to keep me off of you.0 he chuckled and pulled away. He go himself a cup of coffee and then took a sip.
(Stupid iPhone messing me up!) Zack smiled and looked at the husky and then drank his coffee. He smiled leaning back as he relaxed. He looked up at the ceiling thinking about a few things.
Selene chuckled and picked up her brush "Well, I'm gonna go get dressed." She began climbing the stairs and stopped as she reached the top. She frowned, was that the smell of dried blood? She walked to the adajacent room to hers and opened the door. She screamed as she saw the shirt and blood on the floor. She fell to her knees and shook her head. Now her parents and Anya were gone.
Zack ran up and then stopped. He looked down to see her on the floor, and the blood. He kneeled down and hugged her tightly. He set his head on hers and then sighed deeply "it's alright."
Selene closed her eyes "Why do I have to lose everybody?" she whispered. She looked up at him "Don't let me lose you...please." She lay her head against his chest.
Zack held her tightly. "Don't worry, you won't." he said and kissed her head. He put his chin on her head and rubbed her back in a comforting way. He closed his eyes as he held her.
Selene sighed and pulled back to look at the mess. She spoke softly "Better get that cleaned up." she said and stood up. She picked up the shirt strips and dragged the rug over the blood spots. She threw the strips in the trash can that sat in the corner. She picked up a bottle of Febreeze (Cuz I love that stuff...and it works) and spayed the room.
Zack looked at her and sighed. He went and sat on her bed and thought about his poor girlfriend and then sighed deeply. He didn't know how to help her.
Selene took out the trash and then came back. She sat by Zack "You ought to break up with me seeing as there's so much sh*t in my life. You probably witnissed the worst day of my life yesterday." she said.
Zack looked at her. He put an arm around her. "it's ok." he said and then looked down. "I'm just glad I could be here for you." he said and looked at her.
Zack nodded and then gently grabbed her chin. "Yeah, I'm sorry Selene, I will stay here as long as you need me." he said kissing her gently, he hugged her and then pulled back. "I hope I'm helping you out." he said and stood up.
Zack nodded. "Good." he looked down and then smiled. "how about we go to the moves? Get your mind off things?" he asked and then held out his hand to her.
Zack blushed and then rubbe his head. "oh I guess I didn't notice he said and then walked out. "um..." he went back downstairs rubbing his head.

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