Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

"Your life is perfect, Selene. Even though your mother is dead and your father married my mother and stuck you with me, the crazy evil ***** that you really dont' care if lives or dies. Your life is perfect," Anya repeated, then held up one bleeding palm where Selene could clearly see before standing, turning towards the door. "I hope you enjoy how perfect it is when Zack dumps you for some guy who weighs less than you do."
Selene's bottom lip quivered "I love you." she whispered to Anya as she passed. She let go of Zack's hand began picking up the black and clear pieces of glass that lay on the floor.
Zack grabbed anya's arm and then sighed deeply. "I'm not gay for the last time." he sighed. "you need to see a doctor." he sighed and then glared. "You're messed up yes but not evil." he said and then let go of her arm. "Were's the first aid kit?" he asked and held out his hand to Selene.
Selene looked up at him, glass in her hand. She pointed to the white box on her nightstand and bent back over to finish picking up the glass. Once both hands were full she dumped them in the trash can in her bathroom. She came back in her room and picked up the two tornmpieces of the photo and closed her eyes tight. She wouldn't let the tears fall. Not for the third time in front of Zack. It wouldn't happen.
"Let go of me, Zack-Selene's-Snack," she snapped, yanking her arm away, and she walked out the door, slamming it behind her and heading outside. However, she doesn't go far, but rather just outside Selene's bedroom window, hiding in a tree nearby and pulling her legs up so she won't be seen. She still wants to listen to what they're going to say in her absence.
Zack sighs and looks at Selene. "I'm sure some tape will fix that." he said sighing deeply. "You know maybe I should just leave...Anya isn't going to listen to me and it seems things got worse." he said and sat down on her bed. "I wish I could say I could help...but I think you and her just need to keep trying to make things better." he said holding his head. "Ugh I got a headache."
Selene just nodded and opened her eyes "Go." she whispered. She sat there for a long time and just stared at the picture of her mother and herself at the carnival. They were riding the faris wheel. Tape couldn't fix it. The photo would never be the same.
Zack go up and kneeled down hugging her. "Alright see you around?" he kissed her cheek and then got up walking outside starting to head back to his house.
Selene sighed and looked at the clock. She needed to start dinner. She ran downstairs and into the kitchen. She got out everything to make...She stopped and put all of it back. She picked up the phone off it's receiver. When she was done ordering pizzas she sat on the bottom step and sighed.
From the tree Anya sees Selene come outside to sit on the front porch step. Earlier she had watched as Zack left and smiled to herself grimly; now she slips out of the tree, careful to move slowly and quietly so Selene will not notice, and goes around the back of the house to let herself in from a back door. Returning to her room, she again closes the door behind herself.

Selene's father and Anya's mother come home shortly after; when Anya emerges from her room, she is wearing long sleeves and has bandaged her hand in such a way that it's not noticeable. She greets them both as though nothing has happened.
Selene smiles at her father as he comes inside. She stands and follows behind him. He smiles and ruffles her hair even though she can see the tiredness in his eyes. She takes two slices of pizza and prepares a salad. They all sit at the table and begin to eat after they pray. When Selene finished she goes upstairs to her room. She takes a shower and looks under the cabinet to find the blue hair color she had bought last week. She opened the package and colored her hair blue.

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Maygen sighed knowing she had a while till school started so she went to the little corner market near her house and bought a little salad, a low carb monster, and a mini size bag of cheetos. Then finally slowly driving to school.
Anya watches how Selene interacts with their parents, finding it somewhat unbelievable that she hasn't said a word about anything that happened. In the middle of dinner she says casually, "You know Selene, I'm not sure it's a good idea to have guys over when Mom and Mike aren't here. You never know what could end up happening." She slides her eyes to Selene's father to see his reaction.
When Maygen glanced at her car clock she saw the little p.m indicator was on and realized some one had set all of her house clocks to 7:00 a.m and her cell too. Frustrated she flipped a u-turn and headed home. When she got inside she put her salad in the fridge and plopped on the couch with a take out box of cold Chinese food and a fork and munched on it watching t.v then she decided to call Logan. She waited and waited while it rung.
Logan answer. "Hello?" He looked at his clock in his room. He blinked and then laied on his bed playing a video game. He smiled beating his friend.
"Hey," Maygen smiled to herself hoping it wasn't too late. "Wanna hang out? She queastioned putting him on speaker to change into jeans and a t-shirt wiping off her make up and redoing it simpler and removing her tiara replacing it with a tiara.

Logan nodded. "Sure...but my friends here visiting you think you can meet me at my house?" He asked and then laughed. "Jake you suck at this game." He said holding the phone between his shoulder and ear.
"Sure." She got down a pen and jotted down his adress when he told it to her and she smirked. "Okay be there in a little." She hung up and was out the door her small white leather purse at her side she hopped in her car and sped off to Logans house and knocked on his door when she arrived.
Logan paused the game and then walked to the door opening it. "Hey." He smiled and stepped to the side. "Please come in." He chuckled and looked as his friend stared. Almost droling at Maygen. He glared at the boy.
Selene frowned "Anya, really?" she turned to her father "I mean, Dad, do you really think that I'd do something like that?" she asked in an innocent voice. She had returned to the kitchen not too long ago. Her father looked as though he was thinking about it before he said "No. Not really."
"That's funny. Because I was there." Anya looks straight at Selene's father. She shows no sign of resentment or anger towards Selene, her voice perfectly factual.
"Well, I don't know. I wasn't there a lot of the time, I was alone in my room," Anya says pointedly. "But you did just say he was there."
Selene shrugged "It's not like we did anything. We talked and had something to drink. That's all." she sais and titled her head to the side. "That is until you decided to break my precious picture of my mom and me." tears filled her eyes at the thought of this but she swallowed them back.

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