Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Selene stood up "No. You didn't. And it wasn't an accident and you know it!" she yelled the last bit. She walked over to anya "That was the last thing I had of my mom and you ruined it." she said
Name: Jordan Derrick (no last name really)

Nickname: Jordie

Age: 16

Gender: male






close to his everyday outfits
Maygen giggled and followed Logan waving shyly at the boy looking at her so intently and introduced herself. "Hi i-uhm- i'm Maygen."
Logan rolled his eyes. "Exucse him...he probably means harm." He glared and looked at Maygen smiling. Jake got up and held out his hand to shake. "Jake...nice to meet you Maygen." He winked and chuckled before logan hit him in the head.
Logan rubbed the back of his head. "Hopfully only in his dreams." Zack laughed. "Yep in my dreams for sure..." He chuckled and went back to the game. He started playing it on one player.
Logan looks at her. "Soooo....what now?" He asked leaning on the kitchen table. "Um thirsty or anything?" He asked looking at Jake. "Never gonna beat my high score!" He chuckled.
Logan looks at the game. "Um...Black Opps. I counted how many kills I got. Or he is play zombies and won't get to my level." He chuckles.
Logan laughed. "Let's see how good you are." He smiled and nodded. "I won't just say you lost a bet if Jake asks." He chuckled and walked into his room.
Logan picked up his third controler. He smiled and looked at Maygen. "You pick the map and might want to make another class." He smiled and then hit Jake as he started to snicker.
Logan nodded. "I bet she'll kick your butt Jake." He laughed and then looked at Maygen. "Just how good are you?" He asked starting the game.
Logan nodded. "Don't dout it." He smiled and started to look for the other players. Jake snickered. "You sure Logan? I might kick her pretty little butt." Logan rolled his eyes. "Please you couldn't kick my mom's butt." Jake jerked back. "Hey she's different."
When the game started Maygen automatically moved into position waiting for Jake to turn the corner and when he did she shot him once, twice killing him. "So Jake looks like it's your butt that got "Kicked"'
Logan started laughing and set up a sniper waiting for jake and shot him. Jake sighed. "Taking her side?" Logan laughed and nodded. "Of course...." Jake sighed. "Of course take the cute girl and not your best friend." They both laughed.
"I'm not getting in the middle of this," Anya's mother shook her head, exasperated, and stood up to leave the room. Anya looks at Selene and continues to lie for as long as her father is there. "Selene, I am really sorry. I am...but you said yourself, your life is perfect. One ripped photo isn't going to change that...not if other things can't."
Maygen smiled and blushed at them caling her pretty. "Well i don't know if i would call it taking side." She let her bright blue eyes wander.

Logan looked at her and stared at her eyes for a while then went back to playing the game killing Jake again. "You're to easy to find jake." He laughed.

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