Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Maygen smiled and looked at her little rhinestone watch only to see it was 10:00pm. "Oh shoot i gotta go im sorry." She gathered her things and hugged Logan and rushed out the door into the car and to her house getting on her pajamas and off with her makeup.
Logan looked at Jake who's mouth was open. Logan sighed. "A friend hug you idiot." He sighed and then continued to play.
At home Maygen sat on her bed with her arms wrapped around herself Logan had been warm and soft. She sat there loving the feeling of him.
When she finally drifted to sleep she was dreaming about Logan's face and the feel of his hug and she woke up to the sound of her alarm waking her up so she got ready for school.

Logan slept and then smiled as when he woke up and got on a T-shirt and blue jeans. He got his backpack and then headed for school.
Selene stares at her "That's the last thing I have of my mother. It changes everything. You broke it and you know it." she said, coldness in her ice blue eyes. Her father stood "That's enogh, you two. Time for bed." he said and walked up the stairs. Selene quickly followed not even glancing back at Anya.Next DaySelene drove to school a little sad. She kept an eye on Anya in the backseat. As they pulled in Selen sighed. She smoothEd out her dress. (will post pic of later)
Selene rolled her eyes "I cared more about my mom than I did you. I still do." she said with a shake of her head. "Would you be mad at me if I had ruined a last picture of your mom?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Her Dress-


Her Bag/Backpack-

"Nope," Anya says honestly, slouching in her seat and crossing her arms, her eyes still searing into the back of Selene's head. "Fine...have it your way. I'll be out of your life by the end of the day. Just have to press down harder next time, that's all." She slides her eyes to Selene, measuring her reaction.
This is not the reaction Anya had expected, and she scowls to herself, going through the rest of the day more quietly and normally than usual, thinking. After third period she slips a note into Selene's locker. There is a drawing of a broken heart. On one half she has drawn a detailed sketch of Selene, her parents, and Zack. In the other, is Anya by herself. In the space between, Anya has drawn a watch with the time set to 4 pm.
Selene opens her locker and watches as the paper flutters to the ground. She picks it up and shakes her head. She quickly runs off to find Maygen. She usually wouldn't go to Maygen for help but this was a unique situation.
Zack was sitting dawling Selene with a smile on his face. Some boys were taking notice and even a few girls but it wasn't bothering him.
Selene kept walking but stopped when she saw Zack in the hall. She quickly walked over to him "Come on." she said and grabbed his arm. She thrust the drawing into his hand and sighed, shaking her head.
Zack blinks. "The is set on 4 o-clock..." he said looking it over. It of course quickly hide the picture of her and then looked over the picture. "Call the police...I think since her cutting as increased this might be proof of suicide attempt." he sighed deeply and rubbed the back of his neck.
Zack looked at her and sighed. "I don't know Anya doesn't seem to be thinking correctly. This is serious..." he grabbed her hand back and looked at her in the eyes. "You really want to try and stop her on you're own and fail?"
Maygen drove to school her big sunglasses hiding her make up but she didnt care she got out of the car and waited at the front of school for Logan.

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