Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Selene started walking towards the car. She unlocked it and climbed in, reluctant to let go of Zack's hand she started the car and smiled. She began driving towards his house. She stopped when they reached it. She sighed "I love you." she said.
Zack smiled and then looked at her. "love you too." he said kissing her quickly before he got out of the car.He walked to his door opening it up and walking inside.
Selene drove home in silence. When she arrived it was late. She walked upstairs and peeked her head in Anya's room. She looked fast asleep.
The next day when she wakes, Anya acts fairly normally, getting herself ready for school and joining Selene in the car without any real problems. But as they walk towards their homerooms, Anya glances down at her watch and gives a faint smile .
Selene dresses plainly today, a Tenth Avenue North t-shirt, skinney jeans, hightops, and a 'I <3 Boobies' bracelet were what made up her outfit. She watched Anya out of the corner of her eye as she drove.




As Selene approaches her first class, a young woman comes up to her. She is very scantily dressed in a bikini top and see through tights, heavily made up, and she takes hold of her, pulling her close and breathing in her face. "Selene, right? Are you the one I'm here"
Logan was tired walking to school. He had a peice of bacon in his hand. He was walking rather slowly. Looking around quickly he speeds up a bit. "Man.....I'm tired."
(I'm back! shhhhh I snuck on here. ;) )

Zack walked and then saw Selene with another girl. The smile on his face turned into a frown. He looked at the ground and walked off before she tugged off the girl. He went off somewhere alone.
(Ooooo, Eagle! I'm soooo telling!!)

Selene glanced at the girl and over to Zack. She frowned and ran over "Please tell me you didn't see that." she said.
"Hey! You never paid me!" the girl yells, starting to follow her; from another direction, a second, similarly barely clad girl with heavy makeup approaches. Both appear at least 21, and the other girl seconds her, "Selene?"

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