Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

A third girl comes up to join the other two; from their provocative behavior and dress, as well as their ages, they appear to be strippers. While the first is lecturing Selene, telling her that she can't just avoid her without paying first, the other two are attempting to stop her to interest her in a show.
Zack looked back and then got angry. He walked up and grabbed Selene. "Just stay away from her! She's not interested!" He started to pull selene away. "Good day!"
Selene closed her eyes and let herself be led away. "Zack...I swear I don't know who they were." she said and buried her face in his arm as they walked.
The girls keep following her down the hall, and now one of Selene's teachers, Mrs. Rogers, steps out of her classroom, observing this. Taking this in, she calls Selene's name, stopping her as she looks between the girls and her. "Selene, are those STRIPPERS...did you invite...women such as those into school? What is the meaning of this?"
Zack nodded and then sighed deeply. He patted her head. "I see." He smiled and lightly kissed her cheek. He sighed in relief. "Good." He looked at the teacher. 'No she didn't." He was pretty mad and then sighed deeply looking at the girls. "GET OUT!"
"She didn't pay! You don't order a job and then not PAY!" one of them screeches, and Mrs. Rogers immediately starts moving them towards an exit. Once she returned, she looks extremely angry, taking Selene by the arm and beginning to escort her to the principal's office.

"I don't know if you think this is a funny prank, Selene, or Zack either, but we do not allow any visitors without permission, and certainly not those who are a hired service!"
Mrs. Rogers looks at her, disbelieving, eyebrows raised. "You're telling me that three strippers just walked up to you, in a HIGH SCHOOL, for no reason?"

Just then a fourth girl walks up, purring, "Sorry I'm late, what do you prefer?"
Zack sighed deeply and then looked at the girls. "I really out to hurt you three." He said putting his hands in his pockets. "Stupid!" He yelled out annoyed.
"You're going to have to let the principal sort this out," Mrs. Rogers declared, pulling both of them into his office with her and shutting the door.

Meanwhile, back in her classroom, Anya has seen none of this, but she is going about her work with a faint smile curving the corner of her lips.
Selene sighed and sat in one of the chairs. She watched as Zack did the same. "Sir, honestly. I don't know who they are and I'm not involved with them." she said.
The principal too eyes her, discussing the matter further, then goes out to speak with the woman still standing in the hall. After speaking with her, he comes inside. "She says that you called her on the telephone her. And she knows your full name. If you do not know these women, how do they know your name?"
Sighing, the principal calls Anya out of class and into the office. Once there, and once the situation is explained, Anya protests her innocence with wide eyed incredulity; since there is no proof of her having done anything, the principal is forced to give up and let everyone go. Anya returns to class with her expression still perplexed, but her eyes glint briefly.
Logan saw Maygen and then waved. "Hi." He smiled a bit and then grabbed his back pack looking up at her. "What's up?"
Maygen jumped down landing on one knee with a leg back and her arm up in the air then she stood smiling. "Nothin' much really. How bout' you?"

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