Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Zack tilted his head at her. "why?" he asked and sat down looking at her. He opened the can and then took a sip setting it down gently while he waited for an answer.
Zack almost laughed. "Oh come need to be sorry for that. It just mak my life interesting." he said and then looked up leaning back on his chair. "I don't mind it's good to have a friend to help you out." he said looking at her.
"Flower." She looked at her. "Wh-what are you talking about?" she shook her headand walked away going through the rest of school then afterwards she went to the store picking up a few boxes of dye buying them and heading home she dyed her hair and fringed it with her sheers. She smiled at her reflection and spun around grabbing the needles and earrings. She pierced the sides of her lips just above then went to get out her clothes for tomorrow and she fell asleep soon after her homework.

hair and piercing.

When she woke up she through on her clothes and styled her hair smiling at herself in her pink black and white long tutu dress. That was her tradition, that whenever she died her hair a new colour she would wear a dress and shoes that matched plus a tiara.

Selene sighed "No. Maybe if I had left you alone I wouldn't be so in...." she trailed off not saying the word she wanted to say. It was 'love' and it was the thing she felt for Zack. But she knew he would never feel that way about her.
Zack tilted his head. "What?" he said and looked at her. He smiled feeling deeply for this girl. Although he kept his feelings hidden because he didn't want to have to go through heart break again.
She pulled out her phone sitting on her bed since she had gotten up waayy to early so she called Selene. She waited while it rang and when she answered Maygen spoke lightly. "Selene. Before you hang up or jump to conclusions i want to say, im sorry for what ever i did to upset you. I just want to be friends again like we were in kindergarten."
Selene bit her lip and pulled out a red sharpie and a piece of paper from the drawer behind her. She uncapped the Sharpie and wrote on the paper 'I Love You' in her pretty old fashioned handwriting.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Selene felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and answered "Maygen. Look, I really can't deal with you right now." she said and hung up.
Zack blind and red it. He looked at her and then smiled brightly taking the pen and writing I love you as well. He got up and handed her the paper looking at her. He smiled.
Maygen stared at her phone blinking back the tears and she thanked the lord she hadn't done her make up yet so she walked to the bathroom and wiped her eyes with a kleenex and put on my elaborate makeup to keep myself distracted by Selene's harshness. Then she painted over the blue on her long acryllics.

Selene smiled and drew a heart around it. She then drew tiny hearts around the large one. She handed it back to him and stood up "I love you." she said quietly.
Anya, listening to them from the hallway, processes this exchange, then wanders back down the hall into Selene's bedroom. For several moments she stands in front of the mirror, looking at herself, as though deciding what it is she's about to do. Then she opens the drawer of her nightstand, taking out the diary inside and paging through it. She reads several pages, then closes the book, returning to her own room.
Zack smiled and cupped her chin. He leaned in and kissed her softly. Once he had pulled back he smiled. "I love you too." he said just as quietly.
Selene smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She looked up at him and giggled softly "I love you more." she said and kissed him.
Zack pulled her alittle closer. He tighten his arms as she deepened the kiss. He was happy and his mind only thought of Selene.
Anya has wondered back towards the hallway, and hearing this, her ears burn. Perfect...PERFECT? She slits open her arm on Selene's bed and five minutes later Selene is laughing and smiling and saying her life is perfect?!

Enraged in spite of herself, she goes back to Selene's room and looks around rapidly, wanting to get her hands on something that means a lot to her...something that would make her hurt, if Anya were to take or destroy it.
Selene smiles at him until she hears the crash. She races upstairs and screams in horror as she sees the picture of her and her birth mother, now dead from cancer, smashed into pieces. She fell to her knees and began to cry. She covered her face with her hands and didn't look up when she heard Anya's giggles from the corner. She utters only three words "You did this."
Zack looks at selene as she said her life was purfect and then followed her. He got angry as she suddenly was crying and glared at anya. "What did you do!" he yelled.
(Anya doesn't giggle...more like a snicker if anything :P )

Anya runs her hand casually over some of the glass shards on the floor, careless of cutting herself as her eyes bore into Selene's. They are narrowed, cold now, her earlier tears gone as she says, "Oops. Slipped. But don't worry, Selene. If your life is so worries at all....then material possessions shouldn't matter."
Selene shook her head and stood up. She grabbed Zack's hand with one of her small hands. With the other she wiped her face "I-it's nothing." she said trying not to look at the smashed frame and ripped photo. It was the last thing she had of her mom and now it was gone.

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