Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

Anya crosses the room to sit on the chair, immediately hugging her elbows against herself, and exhales again, her hair half hiding her face. She doesn't look up at Selene for a while before she speaks, and her voice comes out softly. "Selene...I'm sorry."
Selene frowned as she un-narrowed her eyes and looked at the girl. This wasn't like Anya. Anya didn't say sorry, didn't talk softly. Simething was wrong. She spoke almost softer than Anya "Thank you. But I don't accept your apology."
"I didn't expect you to." Anya looks down again, taking another deep breath, and rubs one hand up and down her arm as though unconsciously before speaking again. "I don''re right, you shouldn't. But I am."
Anya is very quiet for a while, her face still lowered to the floor. She pulls her knees to her chest, and says slowly, "Selene...I do this to you...because it's so much easier for you. People...people /like/ you...your parents like you. They trust you."

She swallows, biting the inside of her cheeks, and her hands are white around her knees as she continues. "I don't have that. My father didn't stick around after my parents divorced...he doesn't know me, and he doesn't care. My mother...she wishes I'd never been born. I heard her say so, one time on the phone. If anything were to happen to you,it would blow people's world...if I died right this minute, no one would care."

There are tears standing in her eyes now that she tries to blink back as she takes in another deep breath, almost whispering. "I'm mean to you sometimes...because I hurt....and you're happy...and it doesn't seem fair. But...that isn't right of me. I know that. I just...don't know how to stop."
Anya goes very still, watching Selene leave with her eyes slowly narrowing, jaw clinching, tears still standing in her eyes. Slowly she stands, breaking Selene's mirror with one swift punch. Picking out one piece of the glass, she rolls up her sleeve, cutting a long but shallow line up her arm from wrist to elbow, though she misses the vein. Leaving the glass littered on the floor, she goes to lie down in Selene's bed, holding her bleeding arm slightly apart from her body, and closes her eyes, waiting for her to return.
Selene had gone around back to get her sketch pencils from the shed. She frowned as she heard the crash and races upstairs "Anya!" she screamed. She wasn't angry, she was worried. She quickly texted Zack 'Can't meet you. Family emergency.' Their parents weren't home yet and she was the only one around. She grabbed Anya's shoulders "Why?" she asked as tears began to well up in her eyes. Though she didn't usually act like it, she loved her sister dearly and would do anything for her.
Anya closes her eyes and tries to turn away from her, pulling the injured arm with her, and doesn't answer. She curls into a ball, head lowered to her knees, and appears to be blocking out what Selene is saying to her.
Selene tugs Anya out of her ball "Stop it." she said as the tears began to spill. She shook her head "Is this why you've been wearing long sleeves? To hide your cuts?" she asked.
Anya shakes her head, still saying nothing; she is in fact telling the truth, this is the first time in quite some time she has cut herself, and previous times had been shallow enough to fade with barely perceptible scars, if there were scars from it at all. When she finally speaks her voice is barely audible. "What the hell do you or anyone. Just go, Selene. It's what you go."
Selene sat on the bed "No. This isn't what I wanted. Even though I don't act like it, I love you like you're my pure blood sister. I acted mean to you because you acted mean to me." she said and looked at her sister, deep caring in her blue eyes.
Anya shakes her head, turning her face away, and pulls down her sleeve, despite the fact that her arm is still bleeding, her voice shaking. "No. You're just saying that now. You don't love me. No one loves me. You don't want to get in trouble, you don't want to feel guilty, that's all. You don't love me."
"No you don't." Tears come to Anya's eyes and then spill over her cheeks, and she pulls away, kneeling to clean the glass with shaking hands from Selene's floor and dresser even as she is crying, her hair hanging over her eyes. She is trying at first to pick up the glass with her fingers, not looking back at Selene.
selene helps her clean the glass and when it is disposed of she got the first aid kit and cleaned Anya up. "Now do you believe I love you?" she asked.
Selene wrapped her arms around the girl in a hug that hadn't ever happen between the two. She patted her back and smiled. She texted Zack 'Come to my hous?'
Anya's eyes shift to the phone, still leaned against you, and she sees that you're texting Zack, but says nothing about it. Instead she pulls away, then stands. "I guess...I'll lay down. If you want private time, or something."

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