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Fantasy Silver Pack-Werewolves

She picked up the net that lay by her feet. It was obviously not a fishing net - there were no loops around the sides in which hooks were usually placed, attached to the fishing boats. She began to say that they were animal net's - but hearing the fear in his voice, and his worried expression, decided not to. The news would probably scare Lexie too, and Cadence couldn't afford scaring her after the way Vedix talked to her. Besides, there was no need for anybody who couldn't do anything about it to know. "Oh, these are fishing nets," she said, trying to sound as convinced as she could. "I'm sure they weren't meant for us." Her heart was pounding rather fast, however. There were people out there. They were coming for them. The realization was making her scared. Images, gruesome images swept past her mind. She shuddered with horror, and gave Elliot a knowing glance before turning back to Eden. "There's no need to worry," she said, her face contorting into a, hopefully, reassuring smile.
Felicis said:
She picked up the net that lay by her feet. It was obviously not a fishing net - there were no loops around the sides in which hooks were usually placed, attached to the fishing boats. She began to say that they were animal net's - but hearing the fear in his voice, and his worried expression, decided not to. The news would probably scare Lexie too, and Cadence couldn't afford scaring her after the way Vedix talked to her. Besides, there was no need for anybody who couldn't do anything about it to know. "Oh, these are fishing nets," she said, trying to sound as convinced as she could. "I'm sure they weren't meant for us." Her heart was pounding rather fast, however. There were people out there. They were coming for them. The realization was making her scared. Images, gruesome images swept past her mind. She shuddered with horror, and gave Elliot a knowing glance before turning back to Eden. "There's no need to worry," she said, her face contorting into a, hopefully, reassuring smile.
"Oh, great..." Eden was relieved. "Thats good to know!" Eden gave Cadance a short hug. "I was really worried for a second." He smiled and picked up the net. "Im gonna do a bit of fishing then!" He began to walk down to the river.
Cadence grabbed his arm, the worry prevalent in her eyes. "No. You can't go," she said, her face dominated by the fear. The blood rushed out of her face, making her white as a sheet. The images were returning to her, but the more she tried to not think of them, the more she thought of them. Beads of sweat were accumulating on her forehead, her palms sweaty. Her imagination had gone wild, and she was unable to control it. "Nobody leaves the base!" She yelled out as loudly as she could. She knew she should have taken the Alpha's permission first, but she had act to act now, before someone got hurt.
Elliot sighed, the nets seemed to be a bigger problem than he anticipated, but he needed to get a handle on things before things got out of control. He walked over to Cadence and Eden, putting a hand on Cadence's shoulder to try and calm her down. "Cadence don't panic, you have to remember we live out here with all kinds of other animals. Perhaps a bear has been giving them trouble and they're trying to get rid of it!" Elliot tried to laugh it off, before leaning in and whispering in Cadence's ear. "Don't lose you cool, show the other's why your the beta! It's going to be all right, we don't know if the nets were meant for us or not" Once he finished whispering reassuringly to Cadence, he raised his voice a bit so everyone could hear him. "While we still don't know a hundred percent why there's traps around here, we should still be careful! Anyone that goes out has to take a partner and stay together in a pair, no one goes alone under any conditions until we figure this out, anyone that breaks this rule faces punishment!" He said, his voice confident and full of authority. "Oh, and Eden and Lexie, you two are not allowed to leave the cabin area at all unless we all go out together, your too inexperienced, understood?"

@Felicis @Eden Smithe @xMellowmint
Eden was disappointed. He really wanted to go fishing today, but it was too dangerous I guess. Of course, he would not go against the orders of a superior so he nodded obediently. "Understood..." He then turned to Cadance with a confused expression and shrugged. He was about to ask her something when his face turned pale, and his heart sank. "G-Guys! Hillary went out! She went out alone!" He started to panic. "E-Elliot we have to go find her! Cadance what if she got caught in one of those traps?!"

@ShadowSketches @Felicis
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Cadence gulped, her fear washing away as Elliot's words started making sense in her mind. He was right, there was no way they could be sure that the nets were meant for them. "Thanks," she whispered back into his ear, with a smile. She needed to be brave. She was the beta, after all.

And they did not make her beta for nothing.

Cadence listened to what Eden said, but even though her fear was returning, she did not let it show on her face. She turned to Elliot instead. "We should both go together, get Hilary back," she stopped, realizing that he was superior than she was. "That is, if you think it's a good idea," she added hastily, rubbing the back of her neck.

Eden tried to cool his head, he was extremely worried about Hillary, but worrying about it was not going to help. He had to step up, show them he could handle these types of situations. He took a deep breath and approached Cadence. "H-Hey C... i was maybe um.. thinkin..." Eden began sweating nervously. "You know um... n-nevermind..." Eden turned around and began to walk to his lean to, but he stopped. He took a deep breath and turned around, walking up to Cadence. "Cadence, you are my Beta and superior and I respect your authority and final discussion," Eden was keeping cool so far, he was doing an okay job. "B-But I would like to assist you and Elliot on the retrieval of Hillary." Eden said, keeping a straight and professional face.





Elliot scratched the back of his neck, Eden's request making it hard for him, on one hand this could help Eden mature a little... on the other hand he could end up messing up and getting, not only him, but others hurt. This was a tough choice but being the Alpha of a pack usually meant tough choices could always be around the corner. "Look guys, we still don't know if she's in danger or not, she just went on a routine scout. That being said I do think it's a good idea to go and make sure she's okay... and I did just make a rule Eden, I can't break it five seconds after I created it. You can only come if all the others come with us." Elliot said decisively, he knew this probably wasn't what Eden wanted to hear but this wasn't the time for him to try and prove himself, not when none of them were sure what threat there was.

@Eden Smithe @Felicis @MadamMoon @xMellowmint @StoneWolf18 @Phantasia
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Violet walked over to see what was going on. She could feel the nervousness and worry that ran through her. The disappointment was also apparent on Eden's face as well. It was time to stop basking in the sun and see what was happening. She walked over near the group and watched as Eden backed away from Cadence and Elliot. Something big was going on here. She also noticed the net they were holding and hesitated. "Is something wrong over here?"

@ShadowSketches @Felicis
Seeing as the others had taken the matter over, Vedix rolled his unseeing eyes as made his way back over to the garden to finish weeding and picking. As he began once more, he thought that they needed to show all newcomers how life really was in the pack. Yet his internal ranting was soon interrupted as he grasped a weed concealed in thorns. Letting out a stunted cry in shock, the blind man suddenly stood and took a step back. Stumbling, he fell into a few melons. Cussing under his breath, feeling disoriented was different when you're blind. Because spots can flash across your vision, it was a swimming, throbbing feeling in his skull.

Well ain't this lovely...
Elliot was glad to see Vi, things were starting to get rocky around here and he could use the support another Alpha could give him. He sighed and explained what has been happening "To make it quick, Eden got a hunting net that he got caught in, apparently there's others just like it out there and we're a little worried that hunters might be trying to get rid of us. It's probably just hunters trying to catch some other animals but to be safe I'm only allowing the pack to go out in pairs, other than Eden or Lexie since they're too inexperienced, just in case this is really a threat."

ShadowSketches said:
Elliot was glad to see Vi, things were starting to get rocky around here and he could use the support another Alpha could give him. He sighed and explained what has been happening "To make it quick, Eden got a hunting net that he got caught in, apparently there's others just like it out there and we're a little worried that hunters might be trying to get rid of us. It's probably just hunters trying to catch some other animals but to be safe I'm only allowing the pack to go out in pairs, other than Eden or Lexie since they're too inexperienced, just in case this is really a threat."
Eden remembered something. "Wait, Uh, Elliot!" Eden ran up to them again. "I can draw you a map to the traps, since i'm not coming." Eden took out a piece of paper and a pen and began scribbling a map down.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f4b179_ScreenShot2016-01-13at8.55.08PM.png.8bfa0a451fa851ee1d812487647f1d0c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c70f4b179_ScreenShot2016-01-13at8.55.08PM.png.8bfa0a451fa851ee1d812487647f1d0c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Eden handed the paper to Elliot and smiled. "This will lead you right to the trees with the traps!" Eden was proud of himself, not aware of how horribly useless the map was.

@xMellowmint @ShadowSketches @StoneWolf18 @MadamMoon @Felicis



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Vi nodded as Elliot spook. She listened intently as he spoke raising a few alarms within her. There has never been hunters around here before. They were miles and miles away from any humans. It wasn't common for them to be out so far. But Elliot was probably right, they were probably just hunting bears or something. "Yeah, I think that's a good rule to have for the time being. Everyone will just have to be alert for anything suspicious." She looked at Eden's map and spun it around trying to decipher it. "Umm, thank you Eden. This will surely be useful to us."

@ShadowSketches @Eden Smithe
Elliot sighed softly as he saw the crushed melons, he tried to be patient with the blind man but internally he was on edge right now. All this talk of hunters is getting him riled up, it wasn't Vedix's fault that he was stuck with the garden but there was not many other jobs that he could be do and he couldn't allow a member of the pack to be a freeloader, they all had to carry their weight. He walked over to Vedix, grabbing his hand and pulling him up "Maybe we should get you some gloves, eh?" Looking at Vi, the bags under his eyes becoming more apparent as things started to get worse, he spoke to Eden "Eden, can you come clean up the crushed melons? I'll let you eat any of the crushed ones you want if you do."

@MadamMoon @Eden Smithe @StoneWolf18
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ShadowSketches said:
Elliot sighed softly as he saw the crushed melons, he tried to be patient with the blind man but internally he was on edge right now. All this talk of hunters is getting him riled up, it wasn't Vedix's fault that he was stuck with the garden but there was not many other jobs that he could be do and he couldn't allow a member of the pack to be a freeloader, they all had to carry their weight. He walked over to Vedix, grabbing his hand and pulling him up "Maybe we should get you some gloves, eh?" Looking at Vi, the bags under his eyes becoming more apparent as things started to get worse, he spoke to Eden "Eden, can you come clean up the crushed melons? I'll let you eat any of the crushed ones you want if you do."
@MadamMoon @Eden Smithe @StoneWolf18
Eden nodded. "Awesome! I love mellons!!!" Eden ran over to the mellons. He grabbed a garbage bag and stuffed it all inside, running to his lean to and throwing the bag inside. Thats dinner for next time we get a bad hunt. Eden thought to himself.He grabbed a couple pieces and returned to the group. "Hey vedix, I'll finish up in the garden! I brought you a mellon too!" Eden handed him a chunk of crushed mellon and walked over to the garden, starting to weed and pick at the unwanted plants.

Vi watched silently as Elliot walked over to Vedix. She want sure what to expect. Her senses were telling her that he was beginning to be frustrated. It could be unpredictable, but she knew he could keep his calm, even if it were a fake calm for the others. A sigh came out of her when he told Eden to clean up the melons that had been crushed in the fall. She walked over to Elliot and put a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you should take some time to relax for yourself. Everyone will be okay for a bit."

@ShadowSketches. @Eden Smithe
Elliot gave a thankful look to Vi but an Alpha's duty is never over."Heh, I don't have time for myself right now, Hilary went out scouting before we knew there were traps out there. She might have gotten herself caught in one, we need to go look and see if she's all right" He closed his eyes and rubbed his face, realizing he hasn't even eaten yet, still he needed to make sure his pack was safe.

@MadamMoon @Codebreaker
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Vi nodded. She knew that he wouldn't stop till everyone was safe, and she admired that. "Well, She probably is on her normal route. It would be best to start with that. We should head out soon though, best not to be stuck out at night." She folded the map Eden had made and put it into her pocket.

Elliot nodded at what Vi was saying, it made sense to head out as soon as possible. "Ya'll stay here and watch out for anything suspicious, we'll be back before dark with Hilary" he said to the others, hoping they don't end up burning the cabins to the ground in the time they're gone.

@MadamMoon @Felicis
Eden stood up. "Alright! Be careful!!" Eden said, worry clear in his voice. He wished he could join them but knew it was for the best to stay. He kneeled back down and began weeding once more.
Vi, nodded and ran back to her cabin to grab a backpack full of supplies. In case anything happened, she wanted to be prepared for it. She picked up on Hilary's scent, and started heading out, waving to the others before they were out of sight. Hilary's scent was still pretty fresh, so she hadn't been out long. It also helped that there wasn't much wind blowing through right now. She stayed on the trail as best she could to avoid any traps that could potentially be out there. "I think we should be nearing where Hilary is."

Cadence watched as Elliot and Vi made their way to rescue Hilary, and she turned around to face the camp now. Over at the garden, Vedix had fallen over as blood laced his hands. She grimaced. She wanted nothing to do with that man, but what choice did she have? She shouldn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her duties.

So she reluctantly walked over to the garden where Eden was busy picking weeds, offered a hand to Vedix, even though she knew he couldn't see it. In an almost bored voice, she said, "Get up Vedix. We'll need to get your hands checked. Wouldn't want your blood all over the melons, now would we?"
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Hilary froze next to a tree, her instincts telling her that something was wrong. She slowly took a step forward and felt her foot applying pressure to a trap, "Damn it."
After taking a few moments to find her hand, Vedix responde to her somewhat forced monotone. "Yeah, because got care so damn much about the melons and not my well being." Standin as Eden put the melons in a bag, he groaned. "Kid. This is what I mean about common sense. You can't store melons without a fridge or ice to keep them cold. Now your little shack is going to be infested with rodents and bugs as they eat the rotting fruit." But apparently he wasn't fast enough due to the teen placing a piece of the melon into his wounded hand.

How stupid was this kid?

Fuck that hurt.

Giving a long, slow blink, the blind man turned his hand and let the now bloody fruit fall to the ground.

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