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Fantasy Silver Pack-Werewolves

Vedix was more than unhappy when Eden came over to pester him with awful jokes. It was a relief when he left to go bother someone else. And when the scent finally reached him, that someone was apparently Elliott. The alpha male of the pack. This could either prove to boost up his day, or let it fall into the deepest, darkest pits of hell.

Well...let the games begin.

Making his way from the outhouse, he paused a little ways from the group, wincing as the little shit blew into his harmonica. That disgusting sound reminded him faintly of a dog whistle, and those things hurt like a bitch.

”She just stumbled onto here from the classic ‘I hurt my family because of my curse, and now I’m seeking refuge, please help me!’” If it wasn’t obvious before, it was now. He was quite the bitter person, and the reason was as clear as day.

Without giving another thought, he started towards his next task. The garden. This was a horrid job considering he was blind and the plants were constantly changing, so he couldn’t pick anything, didn’t know where to watch for thorns, weeds barely have a difference in texture from a tomato leaf…

And one wonders why he constantly gets punished for accidentally falling onto a plant.

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Elliot grimaced slightly at the screeching that came out of the harmonica, it reminded him of the first couple of days when Cadence had just started learning to play the harmonica, somehow Eden managed to make it sound worse than he remembered. "Well...everyone starts somewhere, you'll get better at it....hopefully sooner rather than later" He said that last part quietly so Eden couldn't hear, it didn't take long for him to notice Vedix. He seemed to be in a sour mood, maybe because of the new blood joining in? "Eden, why don't you go help Vedix with the garden?" Hopefully, that'll improve Vedix's mood a bit and keep Eden too busy to play that dreadful harmonica, two birds with one stone!

@StoneWolf18 @Eden Smithe
ShadowSketches said:
Elliot grimaced slightly at the screeching that came out of the harmonica, it reminded him of the first couple of days when Cadence had just started learning to play the harmonica, somehow Eden managed to make it sound worse than he remembered. "Well...everyone starts somewhere, you'll get better at it....hopefully sooner rather than later" He said that last part quietly so Eden couldn't hear, it didn't take long for him to notice Vedix. He seemed to be in a sour mood, maybe because of the new blood joining in? "Eden, why don't you go help Vedix with the garden?" Hopefully, that'll improve Vedix's mood a bit and keep Eden too busy to play that dreadful harmonica, two birds with one stone!
@StoneWolf18 @Eden Smithe
"Uh... I dunno sir, Vedix seems to get in a worse mood when I'm around to be honest. I don't think he likes me very much. Every time I tell him a new joke to try and cheer him up, he tells me that he does not want to hear jokes. Sooo, of course, like any normal person would do, I keep telling him the jokes so he gets in a better mood. Its just not working, but I'll try some more I guess." Eden walked over to Vedix and started to weed out the unwanted plants. "Hey V..." Eden said quietly.

@StoneWolf18 @xMellowmint
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As he kneeled down to try and begin working out the difference between a weed and carrot leaves, Vedix heard Eden working beside him. Readying some nasty retort upon his tongue, he thought it over a bit more being saying ”Eden...look...I don’t...hate you, it’s just the way you act. I would understand if you were ten or twelve, but what are you? Fifteen, sixteen? And still not having enough common sense to not approach someone you don’t know or blow into a harmonica that you don’t know how to play around people with sensitive hearing. What if Lexi had come here looking to hunt wolves instead of looking for shelter?” Pausing his work, the blind man turned and locked his unseeing hazy eyes into the young teens. ”You realize we would currently be digging your grave.” His tone was harsh and unforgiving, but he needed it to be that way so it could be drilled through his thick skull.
Eden sighed and continued to work. "O-Okay V..." Eden said in a hushed tone. "She just... seemed so friendly... a-and she did not seem threatening." Eden pricked his hand and sucked on it for a moment before returning to the weeds, throwing them to the side to be thrown away later. "I'll try to be less annoying... I thought you guys would like the cool thing I found." Eden turned to V. "Hey, uh, you wanna go fishing later?" Eden asked, hope in his voice. "I found this pretty cool spot, trout are always jumping."

Grunting as he yanked a stubborn weed out of the earth, the older man continued in a softer tone.”That’s the point. Gain trust before shooting your brains out or slicing your throat. And the thing you found is...interesting, yet it's also an instrument that requires practice. If you just start banging on a piano without having taken lessons, you sound idiotic and horrible.”

A few moments later, Eden then asked about going fishing. Despite not being able to actually eat the fish he caught, Vedix shrugged. ”Eh, why not. Are we using traditional methods or just going to wait for them to leap into our jaws?” He was only partially kidding about the last option seeing as that's how grizzly bears fished.
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StoneWolf18 said:
Grunting as he yanked a stubborn weed out of the earth, the older man continued in a softer tone.”That’s the point. Gain trust before shooting your brains out or slicing your throat. And the thing you found is...interesting, yet it's also an instrument that requires practice. If you just start banging on a piano without having taken lessons, you sound idiotic and horrible.”
A few moments later, Eden then asked about going fishing. Despite not being able to actually eat the fish he caught, Vedix shrugged. ”Eh, why not. Are we using traditional methods or just going to wait for them to leap into our jaws?” He was only partially kidding about the last option seeing as that's how grizzly bears fished.
"hehe... we're not bears V..." Eden smiled. "hey, you do have a sense of humor!" He laughed a bit. "Hey don't grab that one!" Eden saw Vedix about to mount his hand onto a vine with many thorns, it would have surely hurt. Eden gently pushed his hand away and dug out the plant for Vedix, throwing it to the side. "Yeah, I was thinking we could use nets. I found a couple nets in the woods... well... found is a strange word." Eden scratched his head. "I may or may not have ended up dangling in the net... from a tree." There was a short pause. "B-But who leaves traps like that hanging around the forrest anyway? They deserve to have their net stolen." @StoneWolf18
As Eden mentioned hanging in a net from a tree, all humor in his voice was instantly drained and replaced by a sudden seriousness. Looking back at him once more, Vedix spoke. “Eden. Those are traps set by hunters. And they aren’t hunting game.” Standing, he grabbed the kid by the arm and began pulling him back to where he had seen or rather smelt Elliot. ”You need to explain this to Elliot right now. This would most likely mean that certain individuals know the location of our camp and could be out for our heads.”

Nearing the alpha male, the blind wolf then said ”You need to hear what Eden just told me then explain why this is a big deal.”

@ShadowSketches @Eden Smithe

(Headin' off. Night ya'll)
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StoneWolf18 said:
As Eden mentioned hanging in a net from a tree, all humor in his voice was instantly drained and replaced by a sudden seriousness. Looking back at him once more, Vedix spoke. “Eden. Those are traps set by hunters. And they aren’t hunting game.” Standing, he grabbed the kid by the arm and began pulling him back to where he had seen or rather smelt Elliot. ”You need to explain this to Elliot right now. This would most likely mean that certain individuals know the location of our camp and could be out for our heads.”
Nearing the alpha male, the blind wolf then said ”You need to hear what Eden just told me then explain why this is a big deal.”

@ShadowSketches @Eden Smithe

(Headin' off. Night ya'll)

Lexie went to look for Eden. She scratched her head. "Where is he..... Oh there he is!" Lexie ran over to him and looked up at him. "Why are you up there...?" Lexie raised an eyebrow. "Is the view good up there?!" She wanted to go up there as she climbed up a tree and sat down on the branch. "How'd you get a net...? I want a net...."

@Eden Smithe
Eden was a bit confused. "Hunters? Nah, why would they want..." Eden soon realized why they would want someone of our kind. "Oh... yeah... W-well, you guys don't need to worry, you see the traps were nowhere near the camp. I was on one of my hiking trips I like to take when you guys get really annoyed with me. Haha... yeah, those are fun. And so, I crossed the river, and I was walking, having a pretty good time and all. I was probably a few miles east or the river when all of the sudden... SNAP!" Eden waved his hands for emphasis. "I was dangling from a really tall tree in the middle of the forrest." Eden shook his head. "A-And you know how I am with heights... I wanted to get down from that tree as fast as I possibly could. Luckily, I was carrying my knife!" Eden took it out. A small, worn, clearly homemade knife with a rusted blade. "So, I cut the spot where it held onto the tree, and down I went." Eden frowned. "Wasn't that short of a fall either, thats a good fifteen feet! Really chopped up my ankles! And this really killed the mood of the hike, so I just walked back, with the net of course, and did some fishing with it. The net works great!" Eden was finished with his story, he enjoyed telling stories, especially when he knew others were listening. "If you want I could take you back to where I found it. There were a whole bunch of those traps..."

@StoneWolf18 @ShadowSketches @xMellowmint
xMellowmint said:
Lexie went to look for Eden. She scratched her head. "Where is he..... Oh there he is!" Lexie ran over to him and looked up at him. "Why are you up there...?" Lexie raised an eyebrow. "Is the view good up there?!" She wanted to go up there as she climbed up a tree and sat down on the branch. "How'd you get a net...? I want a net...."

@Eden Smithe
(wait is this a flashback? wait wuuuut?)
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[QUOTE="Eden Smithe](wait is this a flashback? wait wuuuut?)

(I don't know xD I just jumped in. All I saw was net and hunters and I'm like OH OKAY I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING)
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe](Lol xD , nah, that already happened! I was just explaining how Eden found the nets and the traps lol)

(I'll start over then~)

Lexie was looking for Eden. "Where's my buddy...." She frowned as she looked all over the place for him. She finally found him and ran over to him, hugging him from behind with maybe a jumping start. "I finally found you!!!! Hi hi Eden~"
xMellowmint said:
Lexie put her thumbs up. "Y-Yup... totally...." She said sarcastically. She dropped her hands back down. "I don't know how to approach them... they all seem busy..."
"Yeah... its a pretty busy most of the time around here. Everyones got a job... a role." Eden smiled encouragingly. "You just wait till we have one of our campfires, thats a ton of fun! And you can meet everyone."
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]"Yeah... its a pretty busy most of the time around here. Everyones got a job... a role." Eden smiled encouragingly. "You just wait till we have one of our campfires, thats a ton of fun! And you can meet everyone."

"Do you roast marshmallows?" Lexie never really did anything outside the house besides going grocery shopping or heading to school. Other than that, all she really did was stay inside and study to be a doctor. Living out here is a lot different than what's she's used to.
Hilary ran into her house and ran back out, clutching a backpack full of extra clothes, "I'm going to do some scouting. I'll be back soon."
Vedix groaned at how cheerful the damsel was. Though he couldn't see her, the voice was almost as painful as the harmonica. The blind man gave her a blank stare. "Look kid, this isn't some family camp session. If you join, you are most likely going to be taking the Omega Female spot. You have to empty the out house daily, tend to the garden, do all the other chores, wait on the others hand an foot and barely get enough food each night. Honestly I don't know what you came here, cause if you chose not to do what they ask when they ask it..." Vedix lifted his shirt so the various long, ragged scars, bruises, and fresh lashes that littered his body. "They don't care who you are, where you came from, how old you are. In their eyes and my ears, you are nothing but a newly born pup ready to be trained."
She shook her head slightly as Eden ran out, and proceeded to collapse on her bed. The springs bounced underneath her as she grabbed as many strips of jerky as she could and stuffed them in her mouth. Outside, she could hear the voices of the pack members, the walls of her cabin not being the thickest: the light hearted laughing from Eden, the outrageously smart remarks from Elliot, the nervous voice of Lexie, and of course, amid all the cheerful talk, Vedix's snarky remarks in his unmistakable grumpy voice. What he said made her want to run outside and slap him hard and square on the jaw. Instead, the grabbed sheets as tightly as she could, her knuckles turning white, and waited for the anger to pass. She musn't let her words get the best of her. She was the Beta, she had expectations to live up to.

Staring at the peaked ceiling, she contemplated whether it was a good idea to go outside right now. She didn't want to face Vedix again. But she should at least greet the Alpha a good morning. Perhaps even question Eden about the traps. It was her duty. And she wasn't going let a stupid ass hole get the best of her. Besides, she thought to herself as she pulled open the cabin door. I'm the Beta. Vedix should be all up my ass, not the other way around. She padded over to where they where standing, and ignoring Vedix, said to Lexie, "Ignore him. He's always like that." She rolled her eyes for emphasis, and walked over to Eden. "What were you saying about those traps?" She nodded towards Hilary as she announced she was going scouting. Eden was taking these traps way too easily, but he must know that if he wanted to rise in the ranks, he'd have to start taking things more seriously.
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Felicis said:
She shook her head slightly as Eden ran out, and proceeded to collapse on her bed. The springs bounced underneath her as she grabbed as many strips of jerky as she could and stuffed them in her mouth. Outside, she could hear the voices of the pack members, the walls of her cabin not being the thickest: the light hearted laughing from Eden, the outrageously smart remarks from Elliot, the nervous voice of Lexie, and of course, amid all the cheerful talk, Vedix's snarky remarks in his unmistakable grumpy voice. What he said made her want to run outside and slap him hard and square on the jaw. Instead, the grabbed sheets as tightly as she could, her knuckles turning white, and waited for the anger to pass. She musn't let her words get the best of her. She was the Beta, she had expectations to live up to.
Staring at the peaked ceiling, she contemplated whether it was a good idea to go outside right now. She didn't want to face Vedix again. But she should at least greet the Alpha a good morning. Perhaps even question Eden about the traps. It was her duty. And she wasn't going let a stupid ass hole get the best of her. Besides, she thought to herself as she pulled open the cabin door. I'm the Beta. Vedix should be all up my ass, not the other way around. She padded over to where they where standing, and ignoring Vedix, said to Lexie, "Ignore him. He's always like that." She rolled her eyes for emphasis, and walked over to Eden. "What were you saying about those traps?" She nodded towards Hilary as she announced she was going scouting. Eden was taking these traps way too easily, but he must know that if he wanted to rise in the ranks, he'd have to start taking things more seriously.
"Well, sometimes. Depends on what the scouts find in other campouts and things." Eden turned to Cadance and smiled, she was usually nice to Eden and he enjoyed his time around her. "Hey Cadance." She wanted to know more about the traps. HE would gladly tell her. "Well, there were these nets all over the forrest floor, I didn't notice them until I got caught in one myself. I cut myself down, stole one of the nets and made my way back home." Eden said, recalling the story best he could. "Didn't think much of em at the time..."

@xMellowmint @Felicis
@xMellowmint[/URL] @Felicis
Cadence nodded along to what he was saying, wishing he'd paid more attention to them at the time. But nothing could be done about it now. She had a brief knowledge of nets. Her old man had showed her which ones to use for fishing, and which ones to use for hunting. Hopefully, her information could be of some use. "Well, it's a good thing you brought them back. May I see them, please?"
Felicis said:
Cadence nodded along to what he was saying, wishing he'd paid more attention to them at the time. But nothing could be done about it now. She had a brief knowledge of nets. Her old man had showed her which ones to use for fishing, and which ones to use for hunting. Hopefully, her information could be of some use. "Well, it's a good thing you brought them back. May I see them, please?"
Eden nodded. "Sure, I'll be right back!" Eden left and came rather quickly with a large, black roped, rather industrial looking net. "Lucky I had my knife with me, or who knows where I'd be now..." Eden said rather worried. "Y-you think hunters put these up for... for us?" Eden asked dropping the net at her feet.

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