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Fantasy Silver Pack-Werewolves

Eden took off after her, not wanting to be left behind. "Hey wait up!" Speed was one thing that Eden did carry under his belt, and the flight option usually worked out for him. Well...Except for when the occasional rock comes along. Eden caught up to her. "The river huh? Yeah,I was getting that smell too... that river...rivery smell. that rivery danger smell!"
Violet got off the porch and followed after Cadence. She smelled something as well, and wasn't going to leave them by themselves. Once they had reached the river, she scanned the area looking for anything out of the ordinary. The scent was definitely stronger here than back by the cabins, and it surely was another wolf. "Be prepared for anything everyone. Eden, please be careful especially." Vi ran off towards a tree line near the river and saw a cave a short distance away. She motioned for the pack to come by her. "I think the smell's coming from there. I don't want to take any risks so I'm going to shift and Cadence should come with me. I would like if Hilary would stay here with Eden in case anything else happens to be out here." With that, Vi shifted to her true wolf form. An all black wolf, bigger than any normal werewolf. She padded off towards the cave as quietly as she could.
"Yes ma'am!" Eden replied to the leader with a loyal smile. Eden watched them approach the cave. He walked over to the rived and sniffed around. "Yep... real river danger right here..." Eden said, trying to act like he can actually sniff out danger.
Vedix opened his eyes to the same old thing. Darkness. He knew it was morning and that gave the same two options as always. Sleep a bit longer and not doze off in the middle of the day, or get out a bed without having to be dragged out. Both ended with him getting physically harmed one way or another, so it honestly didn’t matter to him. Peeling away the thin sheet whilst swinging his legs over the side of the old, deflated mattress, the blind man made his way over to where the small dresser was. Opening a few drawers, Vedix dressed in a black t-shirt that hugged his somewhat muscular, scared and bruised frame. Wincing slightly as the cloth pressed upon a wounds that were a bit fresher than others. He had fallen asleep during some chores yesterday and that was greeted with a harsh beating with a makeshift whip. Donning a pair of worn denim jeans as well Vedix knew what he was getting due to everything being placed where he wanted and memorization.

Walking over to the door that just barely hung upon its hinges, he gave a light push, seeing as it didn’t have a handle. The blind wolf was told that it had fell off years before and no one bothered caring about fixing it.

As the morning sun beamed down with rays just about as tired as he himself was, it was a helping against the chill night had brought. Walking along the dew coated grass, Vedix started in the direction of voices, preparing himself for whatever punishment he had to face for something he hadn’t done, be a punching bag for someone who wanted to take out their anger on a living being, or just told to fetch this or go to that without a ‘Thanks’ or even a pat to the head. Living like this for a long ass time, he didn’t care any more. It wasn’t like he was gonna get out of it any time soon. Blind from birth, blind for life. Nothing would change that.

Bloody fucking lovely.
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"Hey Hillary Billary, you gettin this? Its uh, kind of you know, like, smelly..." Eden frowned. Smelly?! Are you serious?! Eden thought to himself. Of course its smelly! Eden shook his head.
Pausing mid stride, Vedix closed his eyes and sighed. He had just gotten dressed too. Not wanting to sacrifice yet another set of clothing, he turned and made his way back inside his cabin. Undressing and placing everything where it should, he let himself shift.

This wasn’t the best idea.

As his bones contorted, muscles convoluted, skin contracted, fresh waves of pain swamped him. He had a high tolerance so it wasn’t that much, but he still should’ve considered this a problem when trying to completely alter your physical form and biological form. Gritting his teeth, the blind wolf continued despite his semi-broken ribs screaming in protest.

Once it was finished, which took much longer than expected due to his injuries, the blond wolf nosed open the door and padded his way along the partially beaten trail between cabins. Vedix knew he should hurry or risk the consequences, though he didn’t want to strain himself more than he already had. Arriving over near the others, he casted her a look that obviously meant ‘What do I have to do this time?’
StoneWolf18 said:
Pausing mid stride, Vedix closed his eyes and sighed. He had just gotten dressed too. Not wanting to sacrifice yet another set of clothing, he turned and made his way back inside his cabin. Undressing and placing everything where it should, he let himself shift.
This wasn’t the best idea.

As his bones contorted, muscles convoluted, skin contracted, fresh waves of pain swamped him. He had a high tolerance so it wasn’t that much, but he still should’ve considered this a problem when trying to completely alter your physical form and biological form. Gritting his teeth, the blind wolf continued despite his semi-broken ribs screaming in protest.

Once it was finished, which took much longer than expected due to his injuries, the blond wolf nosed open the door and padded his way along the partially beaten trail between cabins. Vedix knew he should hurry or risk the consequences, though he didn’t want to strain himself more than he already had. Arriving over near the others, he casted her a look that obviously meant ‘What do I have to do this time?’
Eden saw Vedix and smiled. "Hey Vedix! You ready for your joke of the day?!" Eden asked, approaching him slowly, throwing an arm gently over his shoulder. "How does a blind octopus see?"
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]Eden saw Vedix and smiled. "Hey Vedix! You ready for your joke of the day?!" Eden asked, approaching him slowly, throwing an arm gently over his shoulder. "How does a blind octopus see?"

(ignore this, for now lol)
Lexi just ran. Couldn't stop running. She felt lost and heartbroken, felt like she was betraying. "Wait! No sweetie! Come back! We can help! We're not mad at you..." She heard her mother as her voice faded when running farther into the woods. No! I.. I just don't want to hurt you any more! She felt ashamed as she attacked her brother, not even noticing it. "I-I didn't mean to..."

Lexi kept running as she heard a commotion. "How long have I been running...." She stopped, panting. "Oh god..! I can feel my lungs turning inside out..!" She started walking as she looked over at the other humans around her.
Y-You don't want to hurt them too! Just... stay calm and control yourself... She sighed and walked in normally, hoping she'll fit in.

Ian's eyes followed the red head that came running from the forest he had just left about thirty minutes ago. "Who is that?" He whispered to himself, slinking along the sides of the area in which his pack dwelled. He was immensely interested in the girl. But something about how she just strolled in like she owned the place bothered him. Well, everything bothered him anyway. Following behind her he walked in, his posture slumped over and hands in pocket, "Who are you?" He asked gruffly, wanting to at least get a name from the new woman before he began to onslaught her with questions.

You could say he was very protective over the territory that he and the rest of the pack inhabited. He wasn't the lead hunter for nothing. He was vicious and relentless when it came to protecting others.

Phantasia said:

Ian's eyes followed the red head that came running from the forest he had just left about thirty minutes ago. "Who is that?" He whispered to himself, slinking along the sides of the area in which his pack dwelled. He was immensely interested in the girl. But something about how she just strolled in like she owned the place bothered him. Well, everything bothered him anyway. Following behind her he walked in, his posture slumped over and hands in pocket, "Who are you?" He asked gruffly, wanting to at least get a name from the new woman before he began to onslaught her with questions.

You could say he was very protective over the territory that he and the rest of the pack inhabited. He wasn't the lead hunter for nothing. He was vicious and relentless when it came to protecting others.

@xMellowmint[/URL] @Phantasia
As Lexi lurked through the place, she felt someone behind her though she didn't respond to it thinking it was just her imagination until she heard a voice. Lexi turned around as she looked up and found a palish white man in front of her with orangeish red hair. "I'm... I'm Lexi.. Lexi Abigail. I-I'm sorry if I shouldn't be here! I'll leave if you want! I-I don't want to cause trouble!" Lexi walked away backwards as she bumped into someone once again. Turning around, it was a male around her age. "H-Hello Eden! I'm Lexi Abigail," She smiled awkwardly, feeling as if she invaded private property.
Violet followed after Eden and nudged him away from the girl. Eden, knock it off. We know nothing of her yet. Let Ian handle it. She had to talk to him through their connection in the pack bonds since she was still in her wolf form. She stood next to Ian, and let him handle the situation knowing that he was fully capable.
As Vedix waited for a response, he saw Eden run over to someone’s scent he hadn’t ever identified before.. This kid was a fucking idiot. Running over to where he heard the loud, obnoxious noise, Vedix rammed into the teen. Pushing him far from the stranger before turning back towards the unidentified female. Using his blind eyes, he casted her a glare before standing his ground.

He was going to get reprimanded harshly for this but Vedix couldn’t donate I.Q points to the clinically stupid.
StoneWolf18 said:
As Vedix waited for a response, he saw Eden run over to someone’s scent he hadn’t ever identified before.. This kid was a fucking idiot. Running over to where he heard the loud, obnoxious noise, Vedix rammed into the teen. Pushing him far from the stranger before turning back towards the unidentified female. Using his blind eyes, he casted her a glare before standing his ground.
He was going to get reprimanded harshly for this but Vedix couldn’t donate I.Q points to the clinically stupid.
( xD OMG this post was damn hilarious)

Ian nodded slowly, "You're not causing any trouble, Lexi." He mumbled, staring the girl up and down. "I just want to know why you're on our property." He chided, sneering at the girl. He crossed his arms, a nasty glare in his eyes. He didn't understand why people thought it was okay to just pass through here like it was a charity. "I'm not quite sure we're going to harbor you. What's so special about you?" He asked, eyes trained on the girl. He liked the way he made her scared, it was always funny.

He felt a strange sense of energy come from next to him and noticed that somewhere in between his speech Violet had joined him. "She's new, do you think she can provide anything good?" He asked, wanting to get her input. While Ian was strong he wasn't really the brightest of the bunch.

@xMellowmint @MadamMoon
Phantasia said:

Ian nodded slowly, "You're not causing any trouble, Lexi." He mumbled, staring the girl up and down. "I just want to know why you're on our property." He chided, sneering at the girl. He crossed his arms, a nasty glare in his eyes. He didn't understand why people thought it was okay to just pass through here like it was a charity. "I'm not quite sure we're going to harbor you. What's so special about you?" He asked, eyes trained on the girl. He liked the way he made her scared, it was always funny.

He felt a strange sense of energy come from next to him and noticed that somewhere in between his speech Violet had joined him. "She's new, do you think she can provide anything good?" He asked, wanting to get her input. While Ian was strong he wasn't really the brightest of the bunch.

@xMellowmint @MadamMoon
"Hey Ian McGeean, what was so special about me? I say we give her a chance!" Eden shouted, keeping his distance from the others.
Lexi felt all the eyes staring at her. I shouldn't have came here I'm guessing...? She took a deep breath to calm herself. "I didn't mean to just intrude. I was running away from home after I severely injured my brother by accident. My family are medical doctors that are well known for being the best, everyone of my siblings including me are being taught how to take care of others when needed.... I'm not the best at it but it's something..." She looked down at the ground trying to avoid eye contact as she tried her best not to shiver in fear, feeling his cold eyes stare her down with people behind him. Still feeling a bit embarrassed that she just intruded somebody's lane, she continued speaking, "I-If I'm not needed, I will leave if you want...."
Violet nodded her head towards Ian. Lexi's scent was different than that of most werewolves she had encountered. Though she couldn't just let someone walk onto their territory not knowing anything about them. There's something different about her. I can sense it. She is also a new wolf who will be extremely unpredictable for a period of time from now. Her wound is still fresh on her. For now Ian, I would say take her back to the cabins and we can discuss it with the pack if we must. She looked at the girl and flashed her fangs once before she waited patiently for Ian to speak to the girl since she could not.
MadamMoon said:
Violet nodded her head towards Ian. Lexi's scent was different than that of most werewolves she had encountered. Though she couldn't just let someone walk onto their territory not knowing anything about them. There's something different about her. I can sense it. She is also a new wolf who will be extremely unpredictable for a period of time from now. Her wound is still fresh on her. For now Ian, I would say take her back to the cabins and we can discuss it with the pack if we must. She looked at the girl and flashed her fangs once before she waited patiently for Ian to speak to the girl since she could not.
(oooh we should totally have like one of those hearings/ trial things, that would be sweeet)
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[QUOTE="Eden Smithe](oooh we should totally have like one of those hearings/ trial things, that would be sweeet)

(Sorry if this is a bit picky, but coils we try and keep OOC to the designated tab? It's just a pet peeve of mine >.<)

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