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Fantasy Silver Pack-Werewolves

Ian flashed a sinister glare at Eden, "Nothing, we just needed an errand boy." He explained, his eyes dancing with flames before he returned his gaze to Lexie. Listening closely to what Violet said he nodded slowly. He knew she had quite outstanding judgement. "I'm going to be taking you to our main shelter, there you can rest and relax. It's obvious that you've been injured." He explained, get straight to the point. "Follow me please." He instructed, walking off briskly, not waiting for a response.

"We're not cutting any slack because you're a medic or new. You've got to prove that you're worth being here, I don't hunt for the useless." Ian grunted, arms crossed as he shot a deadly look at Lexie from over his shoulder.

@xMellowmint @MadamMoon
Phantasia said:

Ian flashed a sinister glare at Eden, "Nothing, we just needed an errand boy." He explained, his eyes dancing with flames before he returned his gaze to Lexie. Listening closely to what Violet said he nodded slowly. He knew she had quite outstanding judgement. "I'm going to be taking you to our main shelter, there you can rest and relax. It's obvious that you've been injured." He explained, get straight to the point. "Follow me please." He instructed, walking off briskly, not waiting for a response.

"We're not cutting any slack because you're a medic or new. You've got to prove that you're worth being here, I don't hunt for the useless." Ian grunted, arms crossed as he shot a deadly look at Lexie from over his shoulder.

@xMellowmint @MadamMoon
Lexi didn't know how to respond to that. She just nodded. God... I have to prove myself that I'm worth being here? Ugh. What happens if I fail.... Lexi sighed and just felt intimidated once again ad the man looks at her. She kept trying to avoid making eye contact but she couldn't help it. She just walked inside the shelter and took a seat, trying her best to keep her posture and crossed her legs, not trying to look snooty but it's a habit of crossing her legs. She moved her head to examine the place. This place is actually beautiful.... I think... I don't know.. It's not ugly...
Violet followed behind Ian, content with the way he had handled the situation. She ran ahead and back into her cabin to shift back and change into some clothes before she headed back outside to where the rest of the pack was. The woods were silent around them as far as she could tell, meaning Lexi didn't seem like she was any form of trap set up by a rival of theirs. They would eventually need to find a place to house Lexi if she truly were to remain here with them. She wouldn't be allowed her own cabin till it was made sure that she checked out.

"Listen!" Ian announced, voice reaching up to an unbelievably high volume to get Lexie's attention. "For the time being, you do not have your own cabin. You'll sleep in mine until the pack has come up with a consensus as to what we're going to do with you. I'm not in my cabin at night as its usually my hunting time so I'm entrusting you with it." Ian explained slowly, touching each point so she understood him. He's never let anybody alone in his cabin, but he's got his possessions double locked. "Some one must be in the cabin with you at all times unless you are asleep." He added, just to make himself more comfortable.

"Eden, I swear to god play that thing one more and you're sleeping outside!" Ian shouted, turning to face Ian before looking back at Lexie. "You should get acquainted with everybody here, as you're going to be seeing them a lot. We're a very strong and independent. I don't help you if you don't help me. Got it?" He asked, making sure that Lexie understood his rules to the T. "Any questions, comments and concerns ask anybody here, except Eden... He's a bit of an airhead." He teased, snickering a bit.

@xMellowmint @Eden Smithe @MadamMoon
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Phantasia said:

"Listen!" Ian announced, voice reaching up to an unbelievably high volume to get Lexie's attention. "For the time being, you do not have your own cabin. You'll sleep in mine until the pack has come up with a consensus as to what we're going to do with you. I'm not in my cabin at night as its usually my hunting time so I'm entrusting you with it." Ian explained slowly, touching each point so she understood him. He's never let anybody alone in his cabin, but he's got his possessions double locked. "Some one must be in the cabin with you at all times unless you are asleep." He added, just to make himself more comfortable.

"Eden, I swear to god play that thing one more and you're sleeping outside!" Ian shouted, turning to face Ian before looking back at Lexie. "You should get acquainted with everybody here, as you're going to be seeing them a lot. We're a very strong and independent. I don't help you if you don't help me. Got it?" He asked, making sure that Lexie understood his rules to the T. "Any questions, comments and concerns ask anybody here, except Eden... He's a bit of an airhead." He teased, snickering a bit.

@xMellowmint @Eden Smithe @MadamMoon
"Ya forgot one thing Ian! I'm already sleeping outside! You seen my lean to?!" Eden responded. "Hey, Is it okay to introduce myself now Ian?" Eden said, slowly approaching. "O-Or should I back off?" As much as Eden wanted to introduce himself, he would't dare go against authority. He waited for the okay. @Phantasia
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Phantasia said:

"Listen!" Ian announced, voice reaching up to an unbelievably high volume to get Lexie's attention. "For the time being, you do not have your own cabin. You'll sleep in mine until the pack has come up with a consensus as to what we're going to do with you. I'm not in my cabin at night as its usually my hunting time so I'm entrusting you with it." Ian explained slowly, touching each point so she understood him. He's never let anybody alone in his cabin, but he's got his possessions double locked. "Some one must be in the cabin with you at all times unless you are asleep." He added, just to make himself more comfortable.

"Eden, I swear to god play that thing one more and you're sleeping outside!" Ian shouted, turning to face Ian before looking back at Lexie. "You should get acquainted with everybody here, as you're going to be seeing them a lot. We're a very strong and independent. I don't help you if you don't help me. Got it?" He asked, making sure that Lexie understood his rules to the T. "Any questions, comments and concerns ask anybody here, except Eden... He's a bit of an airhead." He teased, snickering a bit.

@xMellowmint @Eden Smithe @MadamMoon
Lexie lost her track of thought as a loud voice buzzed through her ear. "G-Got it!" Lexie tried her best not to flinch as she heard a loud voice go through one ear and a bad beginner learning how to play a harmonica in the other. "I-I'll try my best to talk to most people here!!...?" She just was scared of making mistakes from now on. She hoped she would be useful later on and would be able to help but she didn't know at the moment.
And this is why he hated kids. The nicknames, lack of common sense, all of it. It made him want to slam his head into the earth. Vedix headed back towards his cabin, not to shift and go see the newcomer, but for his stash of whiskey. He needed a glass.

Or two.

Hell just give him the whole bottle so he could bash it over Eden’s head when he was done.

(Heading off for the night. Don’t get too far ahead!)

"Good luck, I'm in cabin number five. Don't touch anything when you go in there. Ever." He hissed, staring at the red head up and down to confirm that she got everything. "And don't bring that idiot into their. I let him in once and he set my bed on fire." Ian explained, already tired of talking to her.

Ian scowled at Eden, "Go right ahead. I'll be letting myself out." Ian mumbled, pushing past Eden and out of the main home. "For the love of God, I have to train a kid. Great." He whispered, walking across the grass quickly, heading towards his cabin to make sure that everything valuable was hidden. He had some pretty major trust issues, especially towards newcomers. He was honestly still surprised that he said that Lexie could stay in his own cabin.

@Eden Smithe @xMellowmint
"Aw, come on, that was one time! How was I supposed to know your sheets were flammable?" Eden turned to the girl. "Don't mind him, hes just jelly of my harmonica." Eden showed it to her and then put it back into his pocket. "They might seem all tough and angry at first, but well..." Eden scratched his neck. "Well they are pretty tough and angry, b-but don't mind that, they'll warm up to you in no time!" Eden stuck out his hand to the girl. "The names Eden, Eden Smithe! B-But my friends call me... well Eden I guess, but I wouldn't know, no real time for friends around here anyway haha." Eden smiled. "I-I mean unless you would... maybe... wanna be friends... maybe?" @xMellowmint @Phantasia
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@xMellowmint[/URL] @Phantasia
Lexie chuckled at Eden's adorableness. She shook his hand proudly. "My name is Lexie, Lexie Abigail and I would love to be your friend Eden." Smiling brightly, "I hope we'll get along just fine. Even though the others are tough and angry, we can fight through it together!" Lexie was glad there was one she could feel comfortable with. Someone who can make her smile and laugh instead of scared... and.... frightened.
xMellowmint said:
Lexie chuckled at Eden's adorableness. She shook his hand proudly. "My name is Lexie, Lexie Abigail and I would love to be your friend Eden." Smiling brightly, "I hope we'll get along just fine. Even though the others are tough and angry, we can fight through it together!" Lexie was glad there was one she could feel comfortable with. Someone who can make her smile and laugh instead of scared... and.... frightened.
"R-Really?! Oh man, thats awesome!" He shook it rapidly and then retracted. "Ooh, we're gonna have a great time, and we can go hunting, a-and uh... do errands together maybe?" Eden looked to the alpha female for a moment and then back to her. "You'll be just fine here." Eden gleamed happily. "You wanna know how I know this Lexie?" Eden pointed to himself. "They could have eaten me thats why. I was alone, starving, injured. But they took me in. Must have seen somthin in me... that I don't even see." He frowned for a moment. "B-But the point is if I made it in, so will you! Just do what they say..."
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]"R-Really?! Oh man, thats awesome!" He shook it rapidly and then retracted. "Ooh, we're gonna have a great time, and we can go hunting, a-and uh... do errands together maybe?" Eden looked to the alpha female for a moment and then back to her. "You'll be just fine here." Eden gleamed happily. "You wanna know how I know this Lexie?" Eden pointed to himself. "They could have eaten me thats why. I was alone, starving, injured. But they took me in. Must have seen somthin in me... that I don't even see." He frowned for a moment. "B-But the point is if I made it in, so will you! Just do what they say..."

Lexie thought about that. "I mean.... depends on the errands.... I'll try my best to listen to them." Lexie laughed awkwardly. "But hopefully it's simple, and don't say you don't see something in you, you'll find it one day!" She tilted her head and smiled sweetly. "So, what errand did you do for them that made you make it in?"
xMellowmint said:
Lexie thought about that. "I mean.... depends on the errands.... I'll try my best to listen to them." Lexie laughed awkwardly. "But hopefully it's simple, and don't say you don't see something in you, you'll find it one day!" She tilted her head and smiled sweetly. "So, what errand did you do for them that made you make it in?"
"Well... there's to many to count I think. I do everything none of the others want to have anything to do with." He turned to her. "You probably wouldn't be interested in things like cleaning out the outhouse or picking up scraps. Well, I actually like that one, since scraps are all I eat really. Scraps and the last dibs on the day's hunt... which is scraps pretty much, hehe." Eden chuckled. "But hey, they offered me a home, shelter... well that ones arguable, but im not complaining! I love it here!"
Violet walked over to where Lexie and Eden were talking. She was sure by now Eden had already asked her to be his friend as he did everyone around here. I almost feel bad for the poor girl. "I don't mean to interrupt, but figured I should introduce myself to you properly. I am Violet Ashford. I am the Alpha female of this pack. I wanted to welcome you for now. I understand that Ian has made the rules pretty known to you, so I won't repeat them. Just know that it is in your last interest to do harm to our pack. It will not end well. But enough of that. I am interested to learn of your medical abilities in the coming time in your stay."
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]"Well... there's to many to count I think. I do everything none of the others want to have anything to do with." He turned to her. "You probably wouldn't be interested in things like cleaning out the outhouse or picking up scraps. Well, I actually like that one, since scraps are all I eat really. Scraps and the last dibs on the day's hunt... which is scraps pretty much, hehe." Eden chuckled. "But hey, they offered me a home, shelter... well that ones arguable, but im not complaining! I love it here!"

Lexie hoped she'll start enjoying this place like Eden did. Turning her attention towards the Alpha female. She smiled. "I-I will never try to hurt the pack! If I did it would be a complete accident!" Lexie waved her hands no quickly. "A-And I would love to show you some of my medic skills when needed. B-But I'm not exactly the best but good enough that it will actually do something." She rubbed the back of her neck and then looked down to the ground, twiddling her thumbs.
MadamMoon said:
Violet walked over to where Lexie and Eden were talking. She was sure by now Eden had already asked her to be his friend as he did everyone around here. I almost feel bad for the poor girl. "I don't mean to interrupt, but figured I should introduce myself to you properly. I am Violet Ashford. I am the Alpha female of this pack. I wanted to welcome you for now. I understand that Ian has made the rules pretty known to you, so I won't repeat them. Just know that it is in your last interest to do harm to our pack. It will not end well. But enough of that. I am interested to learn of your medical abilities in the coming time in your stay."
Eden through his arm around the Alpha's shoulder. "Yep, we stick out for each other here, don't we Vi?" Eden asked smiling.
Violet laughed. "Of course we do. Also, there's no reason to be so nervous. None of us bite too hard, especially Eden. If you ever need anything, you can always ask. I would avoid early in the morning though. Most here are not morning people and get very snippy. Anyways, I ramble. I will see you around." She shook her head at Eden having his arm around her but just laughed it off. She waved goodbye and headed back to her cabin to sit and just relax to enjoy the beautiful day that it was.
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Lexie felt herself ease up up as she heard her laughter. She waved goodbye as she watched her walk out. She turned her head back towards Eden and chuckled.
xMellowmint said:
Lexie felt herself ease up up as she heard her laughter. She waved goodbye as she watched her walk out. She turned her head back towards Eden and chuckled.
MadamMoon said:
Violet laughed. "Of course we do. Also, there's no reason to be so nervous. None of us bite too hard, especially Eden. If you ever need anything, you can always ask. I would avoid early in the morning though. Most here are not morning people and get very snippy. Anyways, I ramble. I will see you around." She shook her head at Eden having his arm around her but just laughed it off. She waved goodbye and headed back to her cabin to sit and just relax the beautiful day that it was.
"Oh, see you Vi, and I can bite pretty hard! Don't you remember when Vedix tried to give me cough syrup? Haha, thats probably why he hates me so much..." Eden laughed. "Yeah, she's pretty nice... most of the time. You don't wanna see her bad side. She would do anything to protect this group. And yes, astonishingly enough she's risked her life to save my skin a few times."
"Oh shoot, that reminds me, I gotta ask her something. I'll be back, dont wander off!" Eden ran off after Vi in such a hurry that he dropped his harmonica at the feet of Lexie. Eden caught up to her. "Violet, I have a great Idea! It might seem a bit off but... just hear me out on this one!" Eden was exited, he had thought of this the night before and had gotten little sleep; he just couldn't get it out of his head. @MadamMoon
Vi laughed when she heard Eden running after her. She stopped on her porch and motioned to a chair for Eden to sit in. "I'm sure it's a wonderful idea Eden. Just like when you wanted to try and trap a wild boar to make him your pet. I will listen though. As long as it doesn't involve fire at all, or any wild animals." She rocked back and forth as she took in a deep breath of the air around them. It was nice to just be in the woods.
MadamMoon said:
Vi laughed when she heard Eden running after her. She stopped on her porch and motioned to a chair for Eden to sit in. "I'm sure it's a wonderful idea Eden. Just like when you wanted to try and trap a wild boar to make him your pet. I will listen though. As long as it doesn't involve fire at all, or any wild animals." She rocked back and forth as she took in a deep breath of the air around them. It was nice to just be in the woods.
"H-Hey, that boar had a name! His name was... uh... w-well thats not the point! I can't believe you guys made me get rid of hi-" Eden shook his head. "Getting off track, the Idea! Wait what was it again...?" Eden thought for a moment. "Oh yes! Hear me out on this. We've got a whole bunch of cabins right now right? A-And I figured, it would be safer if we were all closer to each other and all..." Eden rubbed his toe in the dirt. "So... we put all the cabins together to make one like, mega cabin! It would be great, we'd all be together all the time and we'd have fun and I could prove to you that I can handle being in a cabin without burning it down! That lean to gets cold at night... b-but im not complaining!" Eden was getting off track again. "Oh right, mega cabin, so, I was thinking we could start now. We could put your cabin right in the middle and Ian's over there and..." Eden kept blabbering like this for a while, describing his idea to her. @MadamMoon
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Vi Laughed as he want on about his idea. It was nothing that had been brought up to her before, but she had thought about it. It would be nice to have everyone in the same area and it would be easier to keep track of everyone and what was happening. Also, if there were a threat everyone would be right there if needed. "Hmm, it's not a horrible idea. I would like to have everyone close together in the same area. I doubt Ian would like being that close to everyone else. If we do this, you will have a place in it. Even if we don't I would be willing to help you build up a cabin sometime. How would you suggest we move all the cabins together though?It does not seem that cabins are the most easily moved from where they're at."

@Eden Smithe
MadamMoon said:
Vi Laughed as he want on about his idea. It was nothing that had been brought up to her before, but she had thought about it. It would be nice to have everyone in the same area and it would be easier to keep track of everyone and what was happening. Also, if there were a threat everyone would be right there if needed. "Hmm, it's not a horrible idea. I would like to have everyone close together in the same area. I doubt Ian would like being that close to everyone else. If we do this, you will have a place in it. Even if we don't I would be willing to help you build up a cabin sometime. How would you suggest we move all the cabins together though?It does not seem that cabins are the most easily moved from where they're at."
@Eden Smithe
Eden was shocked. This was great news, she had said he might have his own cabin! Did she trust him? Clearly, Eden thought, for why else would she say something like that. "W-What?! Really?!" Eden laughed. "Well... I didn't get that far in the plan... to be honest I did not think you would have even considered it!" Eden looked around. "Okay, I'll get right to work, I'll have this done in a jiffy!" Eden sprinted towards Ian's cabin, tripping on a rock and hitting his head on a stump, knocking him out cold. He was going to be asleep for a while. @MadamMoon

(gonna get some rest, cya later)

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