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Fantasy Silver Pack-Werewolves

Cadence hadn't approached the newbie yet, for the fear of bewildering her even more than she already was. She was surprised Ian had let her use his cabin, but didn't say anything. She approached her carefully and stuck out her hand. "Hey there!" she said with a big smile. "I am Cadence, Beta female. Pleased to meet you!"
Vedix had changed his mind (though was eyeing the alcohol in case someone did something stupid) and decided to shift back and go meet this newcomer. A brief flutter of hope rose within him, seeing as most who join would have to climb the ranks just like everyone else. And he may finally get out of this hell hole.

A raspy chuckle escaped his throat, whilst painfully shifting back. A pampered princess to this? Oh boy, that'd be fun to watch. Yet as this thought crossed his mind, the blind man let loose a sigh. He didn't want to seem like an asshole, but being bitter was kinda in the job description.

Dressing in the same manner as before, he walked towards where he heard the newcomer was being held. Entering the structure, he introduced himself. "Vedix Sahqo, Omega male."
Cadence's heart skipped a beat. For some reason, she always got nervous around Vedix. She knew it was wrong, but she just couldn't help it. She gulped quickly, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice. "H...hey Vedix," she said as she managed a friendly smile. "Morning." She took a step back, her instincts on high alert.

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Eden woke up, clutching his head. "Ughh... oh man... " He sat up slowly, forgetting everything he had just talked about with Violet. Eden shook off the sharp pain in his head and stood up, hid legs a bit wobbly. He stumbled forward a few feet and noticed Candace talking to someone. It was Vedix, who was taking to...Lexi, the new girl. Eden walked up to them but kept his distance, not wanting to piss anyone off. He just wanted to be around the others. He sat down a few feet away from Candace and continued whittling his stick. @Felicis @StoneWolf18 @xMellowmint
The harsh sounds of bark being sloppily scrapped from a stick weren't all that pleasant to his ears. Yes his race made him more aware with hearing and scent, but remember that the young man is blind. Making everything much more sharp.

Vedix couldn't see the smile that appeared upon the beta female's face but her voice betrayed many emotions. A sense of pride that was dwarfed by the wavering strains nervousness. Never knowing what he himself looked like, it was unknown whether he was intimidating, handsome, ugly and of the like. But other than that, aside from a mutual attraction, there was nothing else the beta could be nervous about considering her rank.

Dear lord that would screw things up.

"Hello Cadence." his gruff voice in the same, old, Vedix-ish tone. The tone being a bit soft and gentle but concealed extremely bitter and distant."A bit anxious are we? I'm sure this newcomer isn't going to be much of a fuss considering where she came from. A damsel in destress more or less." He said this in an extreme nonchalant voice, because he didn't care and see how quick she was to anger. And when pups get pissed, they loose control.
Cadence bit her lip nervously and frowned. His presence was so intimidating, so...unnatural. It made her shudder. She knew it was wrong; she wanted to slap herself for being such a bitch to a blind man, but she just couldn't help it. He was always so distant, so cold.

The hair on the back of her neck were rising as she listened to him speak. It was funny the way he talked - from the looks of it, there was no way anybody would take her for a beta under his presence. Just then, she heard a rough noise coming from the ground, loud enough to stray her away from her string of thoughts. She watched with amusement as Eden sat on the ground, hastily whittling his stick, but ignored him as Vedix's remark caught her off guard.

"Hey," she said, her temper rising quickly. "You don't need to be so mean to her. She's only been here for a few minutes, and I bet she is more useful than you will ever be," she spat out, immediately regretting the words as they slipped through her lips. She gasped, as she realized what she'd said. "I...I'm sorry," was all she could stutter out, shakily.
StoneWolf18 said:
The harsh sounds of bark being sloppily scrapped from a stick weren't all that pleasant to his ears. Yes his race made him more aware with hearing and scent, but remember that the young man is blind. Making everything much more sharp.
Vedix couldn't see the smile that appeared upon the beta female's face but her voice betrayed many emotions. A sense of pride that was dwarfed by the wavering strains nervousness. Never knowing what he himself looked like, it was unknown whether he was intimidating, handsome, ugly and of the like. But other than that, aside from a mutual attraction, there was nothing else the beta could be nervous about considering her rank.

Dear lord that would screw things up.

"Hello Cadence." his gruff voice in the same, old, Vedix-ish tone. The tone being a bit soft and gentle but concealed extremely bitter and distant."A bit anxious are we? I'm sure this newcomer isn't going to be much of a fuss considering where she came from. A damsel in destress more or less." He said this in an extreme nonchalant voice, because he didn't care and see how quick she was to anger. And when pups get pissed, they loose control.
Felicis said:
Cadence bit her lip nervously and frowned. His presence was so intimidating, so...unnatural. It made her shudder. She knew it was wrong; she wanted to slap herself for being such a bitch to a blind man, but she just couldn't help it. He was always so distant, so cold.
The hair on the back of her neck were rising as she listened to him speak. It was funny the way he talked - from the looks of it, there was no way anybody would take her for a beta under his presence. Just then, she heard a rough noise coming from the ground, loud enough to stray her away from her string of thoughts. She watched with amusement as Eden sat on the ground, hastily whittling his stick, but ignored him as Vedix's remark caught her off guard.

"Hey," she said, her temper rising quickly. "You don't need to be so mean to her. She's only been here for a few minutes, and I bet she is more useful than you will ever be," she spat out, immediately regretting the words as they slipped through her lips. She gasped, as she realized what she'd said. "I...I'm sorry," was all she could stutter out, shakily.
Eden continued to cut. He was not exactly sure what he was doing, it was more or less a way to pass time. Eden sat and enjoyed nature to its fullest. He wanted to tell Vedix the brilliant joke he had come up with but he did not want to get in the way of him and Cadance as they seemed to be having a...

"She's only been here for a few minutes, and I bet she is more useful than you will ever be,"

Or not... Things had gotten pretty tense pretty fast. Maybe his joke would ease this tension... and maybe even make him another friend or two! Eden smiled thinking of his brilliant idea, but remembered how harsh Vedix could be. He decided to wait it out and see what happens. He continued to whittle, pretending he couldn't hear the conversation.

@StoneWolf18 @Felicis
As the beta apologized, Vedix let out a rough chuckle. ”Why are you apologizing? That's what I'm here for. To be a punching bag.” He asked in a wondering tone. ”You’re right. The blind omega is completely and utterly useless when at the same time, is told to do just about everything in this God forsaken hell hole. So next time you ask me to fetch you a drink or go repair the out house, just think...if the disabled man is doing all this work and I’m sitting on my arse eating bonbons all day, who’s really the useless one?” He wasn’t angry or upset, hell, no emotion could be gotten other than a strong sense of calm.

Turning, Vedix started out the door calling behind him ”If you would like to punish me for my choice of words, be my guest. I’ll go do all your chores in the meantime so I have a chance at a meal tonight.” The wolf made his words loud and clear, knowing that the newcomer had heard him.
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His words were making him angry. Or perhaps it was the fact that he was right. Whatever, she though to herself. "I'm perfectly capable of doing them myself, thank you very much." She was unable to hide the anger in his voice, she needed to get away from him.

On her way out, she shoved past Vedix's shoulder, grabbed Eden's collar and using her strength, lifted him up. "Come on Eden," she told him, her voice more bitter than she intended it to be, as she dragged him towards her cabin. "I'm going to teach you how to play the harmonica."

You need to be careful about how you speak, she scolded herself. That is no way for a beta to talk to. You need to learn how to control your anger. Besides, you worked so hard to get here. You wouldn't want to lose your ranking over some know-it-all asshole, now would you?

@Eden Smithe
Felicis said:
His words were making him angry. Or perhaps it was the fact that he was right. Whatever, she though to herself. "I'm perfectly capable of doing them myself, thank you very much." She was unable to hide the anger in his voice, she needed to get away from him.
On her way out, she shoved past Vedix's shoulder, grabbed Eden's collar and using her strength, lifted him up. "Come on Eden," she told him, her voice more bitter than she intended it to be, as she dragged him towards her cabin. "I'm going to teach you how to play the harmonica."

You need to be careful about how you speak, she scolded herself. That is no way for a beta to talk to. You need to learn how to control your anger. Besides, you worked so hard to get here. You wouldn't want to lose your ranking over some know-it-all asshole, now would you?

@Eden Smithe
Eden was a bit nervous that he was going to get a beating... but this did not make sense since he had not done anything wrong this time. Eden turned pale for a moment. Did she find out about the ducks?! Oh god... I thought I cleaned everything up! I mussed have left something... Just play it cool... play it cool... Eden thought to himself. "awh, whats the matter with the way I play now? Its not like I quack or anything." Eden put his hands over his mouth, deciding he would stop talking before it was to late. @Felicis
She looked at Eden, a mixture of confusion and amusement dwarfed on her face, but decided to disregard his question. "I'm not going to answer that, because it made zero sense." She pulled open the door to her cabin, and shoved him inside. Flopping down on her messy bed, which she couldn't be bothered to make, she took deep breaths, her hands on her head. "I cannot believe that idiot! He's such a jerk!" She said those words with so much hatred, she wouldn't be surprised if steam started spewing out of her ears. "What the hell is his problem, huh? What the hell is his problem? Why's he gotta be such a jerk?" She sat up, and grabbed the nearest pencil she could find, which were usually littered over her nightstand. "I could just..." she said through her gritted teeth. Clenching her fist, she shot the pencil towards Eden, aimed straight for his face.

@Eden Smithe
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Felicis said:
She looked at Eden, a mixture of confusion and amusement dwarfed on her face, but decided to disregard his question. "I'm not going to answer that, because it made zero sense." She pulled open the door to her cabin, and shoved him inside. Flopping down on her messy bed, which she couldn't be bothered to make, she took deep breaths, her hands on her head. "I cannot believe that idiot! He's such a jerk!" She said those words with so much hatred, she wouldn't be surprised if steam started spewing out of her ears. "What the hell is his problem, huh? What the hell is his problem? Why's he gotta be such a jerk?" She sat up, and grabbed the nearest pencil she could find, which were usually littered over her nightstand. "I could just..." she said through her gritted teeth. Clenching her fist, she shot the pencil towards Eden, aimed straight for his face.
@Eden Smithe
"Hey, its okay, don't let him get to you. He's just a bit stressed out, I know what it feels like to be under pressure like tha- Hey what are you, Gah!" Eden saw the pencil flying at his face and made an awful attempt to duck. It hit him in the forehead and bounced away. "Ouch..." He rubbed his forehead. "What was that for?" Eden asked looking around her room. "Hey, you have a nice room!" Eden said, already forgetting about the incident. "Why don't I get invited to people's cabins more often?" Eden asked. "Oh yeah... the whole Ian fire thing." Eden spun around to look at Cadance. "I'll have you know, that was not entirely my fault. You see, I asked him if he wanted to see a magic trick and he said no! So, like any regular person, I showed him anyway and-" Something shiny in her hair caught Eden's attention and he forgot about what he was saying. He flicked it out, being a wet leaf and the reflection of the sun coming in brightly through the window. "Wait what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Vedix. Well, if you want to talk about it more I will. I love talking to people, most of the time I think they tune me out though." Eden smiled sincerely.

She laughed at his feeble attempts to stay on one topic. The kid couldn't control himself at all - she was sure she was more collected than he was at his age. Watching him talk was entertaining, and somehow, it was making her feel better. "Nah, I'm good," she said, smiling back at him. "Let's not talk about that anymore." Just then, she remembered the sack of jerky Hilary had given her earlier. What with Vedix and the newbie, she'd completely forgotten about it. "Hold on, I'll be right back," she said skipping out the door, as the warm sunshine hit her face. "Make yourself comfortable!" she called over her shoulder as the door slammed shut behind her and she made her way to Violet's doorstep.

@Eden Smithe
Felicis said:
She laughed at his feeble attempts to stay on one topic. The kid couldn't control himself at all - she was sure she was more collected than he was at his age. Watching him talk was entertaining, and somehow, it was making her feel better. "Nah, I'm good," she said, smiling back at him. "Let's not talk about that anymore." Just then, she remembered the sack of jerky Hilary had given her earlier. What with Vedix and the newbie, she'd completely forgotten about it. "Hold on, I'll be right back," she said skipping out the door, as the warm sunshine hit her face. "Make yourself comfortable!" she called over her shoulder as the door slammed shut behind her and she made her way to Violet's doorstep.
@Eden Smithe
"Okay! Come back soon..." Eden himself was not sure he could be trusted alone in a cabin. He searched his pockets to make sure he was not carrying any matches. Lucky enough, he wasn't. They were gone from last time Violet had searched his Lean To. "Well, thats good... not like I can burn this place down without any matches..." Eden thought for a moment. What if he was alone in the woods with no matches? Would he be able to make a fire? He had to try, just to make sure! He quickly ran outside, grabbing a bunch of sticks and firewood, placing them in a tipi formation on the floor of her room. He began to rub two sticks together in an attempt to start a fire. He quickly realized what he was doing and how stupid it was, but not before the sticks had sparked, setting the logs on fire! "Shit!" Eden took off his shirt and started to pat down the fire, luckily putting it out. His shirt was ruined however, and the room was very smoky. Eden opened a window to let in fresh air and to dispose of the evidence. He then sat down, realizing he had no shirt on. He ran to his pack in his lean to, putting on a fresh shirt and running back inside. Most of the smoke was gone and she hoped she would not notice his change of clothes. "man... did that really just? Wow..." Eden shook his head and sat down on her bed, legs crossed. He began to whittle his stick again. @Felicis
Cadence returned quickly, sack in hand. The house smelt of smoke, but there was no sign of there being a fire. "What happened, Eden..." she said, stepping cautiously over the clothes strewn around the floor. "And why are you wearing a different shirt...?" To be honest, she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer, but she asked anyways. You could never be too careful around Eden.

(Gonna crash for the night, don't get too far ahead without me :)
After years of verbal and physical abuse, Vedix had grown quite a thick skin. Some sad he was cold hearted, he just thought himself to be resilient. There had been omegas along side him that let every single thing get to them on a personal, in turn making them go quite insane.

Vedix had easily made his way over to the out house based upon the stench, and the door wasn't even open. Making his way inside, trying not to slip on the piss coated floor, the blind man easily grasped the large pale.

Who the fuck just ate Mexican food?

The spices mingled with the stench of assorted bodily wastes in an unpleasant way. Not to mention how filled the damned thing was with shit. Holding his breath, Vedix turned and exited the shack, now heading towards the edge of the woods.

After a hole had been dug and refilled, the blind wolf returned the large container before slamming the door a bit to hard. Leaning on the side of the building, he felt sick. Despite having cleaned it countless times before, it was getting out of hand. Dry heaving a few times due to their being nothing in his stomach to rid himself of, Vedix closed his eyes for a moment as he recalled his next task.
Felicis said:
Cadence returned quickly, sack in hand. The house smelt of smoke, but there was no sign of there being a fire. "What happened, Eden..." she said, stepping cautiously over the clothes strewn around the floor. "And why are you wearing a different shirt...?" To be honest, she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer, but she asked anyways. You could never be too careful around Eden.
(Gonna crash for the night, don't get too far ahead without me :)
"Oh... uh...n-no reason. Just wanted to uh, you know, redecorate... a-and when i finished i was a bit sweaty... so I changed!" Eden said laughing, hoping she bought it. "Look its been good talking to you, I better get going now, bye!" Eden practically sprinted out of her cabin and saw Vedix by the outhouse. He walked over slowly. "Hey big V, hows it going? You need any help with the chores?" Eden smiled but he knew he couldn't see, so he made his voice sound as friendly as possible. Oh, and I have an awesome joke to tell you!!" Eden tried to contain his laughter thinking of the joke. "How does an eye octo... wait no... wait what was it?" Eden scratched his head. "why does a... no... what do they?" Eden thought hard. "oh yeah! I got it now! How does an octopus see?" Eden waited a few seconds. "With its Octopeyes!" Eden laughed. "You get it, because octopi sounds like eye... no... yeah?" Eden waited to see his reaction to the joke.

Lexie woke up and found herself in someone's cabin. She rubbed her eyes. So it wasn't all a dream.... She was in that ginger's cabin.. what was his name again...? She shook her head and got up, stretching and yawning. She scratched her head and walked outside as she saw the other people outside. Lexie doesn't really know anyone besides Eden and Violet.... And that ginger.... She doesn't know what to do but just stand there.
Elliot slowly opened his eyes, the sun piercing through his cabin's window made it hard to get more shut eye. After some tossing and turning later he decided it was time to get up, he had a bad habit of sleeping in and decided that probably didn't look too good to the rest of the pack. He deserved the rest though, being Alpha in this pack could wear a guy down. Digging through his clothes, he found a clean black shirt and grey jeans to wear, quickly changing before heading out and seeing what his pack has been up to since he was out of cold.

When he stepped outside, he immediately saw (and smelled) someone new. It was young a red headed girl, at first glance she just seemed lost and non-threatening, almost innocent. He decided to play it safe and see what she was doing here, she could just be a hiker that lost her way and needed directions. "Hey! What brings you to this stretch of the woods, you lost?"

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Eden could tell he was not liking the joke very much. He was disappointed, he thought it was pretty good himself. "Well... uh... see you around then!" Eden turned around and saw the Alpha male of the pack, Elliot. He really enjoyed his time around Elliot, he usually appreciated his jokes... or at least he thought. He had been feeling under the weather recently so Eden had been helping him with some of his errands. "Elliot!" Eden shouted, exited. He sprinted to them. "How are you feeling?! I got all the firewood you asked, and then some!" Eden pointed to a gigantic stack of logs, the size of the outhouse, over by the fire pit. "I just kept stackng and stacking, and I figured, why stop? So I just kept piling it on... don't even ask how I got to that top row." Eden leaned in. "I used a ladder..." Eden saw the confused look of Lexie. "Oh, Elliot this is Lexie!" He said happily.

@xMellowmint @ShadowSketches
Elliot smirked and raised his eyebrow as he saw the giant pile of firewood, Eden definitely liked to go overboard. "Nice job kiddo, thanks for helping me out with that. Now we have enough firewood to last us a couple winters!" Elliot joked, containing his laughter at the eager pup. Eden tried his best to help out the pack, and Elliot appreciated that from him, maybe when he also learns to act a bit more mature he could be a good asset to the pack. "Maybe you and Lexie should explain what she's doing in our home, I don't remember having any cabins for rent." He said with a slight edge to his voice, he didn't want to be mean so early after he woke up but he wanted to make sure the new girl saw him as the authority figure, she was standing in his pack's home after all and it was his job to keep it safe for everyone.

@xMellowmint @Eden Smithe
"So we got a new member, that's good and all that Ian gave her permission but I think we all need to remember I'm the head of this pack, I do have a say in matters around here and ultimately, I'd like everyone to ask my permission before making big decision like that!" Elliot was slightly annoyed that he only barely found out about the girl that was supposed to be a new member for the pack, he didn't like to have to throw his weight around so much but he was the Alpha and he needed to be treated as such. "Did you at least get Vi's permission?" He said slightly softer, not wanting to scare Lexie... or Eden for that matter.

@Eden Smithe @xMellowmint @MadamMoon
ShadowSketches said:
"So we got a new member, that's good and all that Ian gave her permission but I think we all need to remember I'm the head of this pack, I do have a say in matters around here and ultimately, I'd like everyone to ask my permission before making big decision like that!" Elliot was slightly annoyed that he only barely found out about the girl that was supposed to be a new member for the pack, he didn't like to have to throw his weight around so much but he was the Alpha and he needed to be treated as such. "Did you at least get Vi's permission?" He said slightly softer, not wanting to scare Lexie... or Eden for that matter.
@Eden Smithe @xMellowmint @MadamMoon
"okay okay okay... I maybe kind of lied a little..." Eden played with his thumbs. "Vi said that she could stay for a little while until we make a final decision. A-And... Ian said she could stay in his cabin until that decision came." Eden looked up at Elliot. "Sorry, just that I wanted you to think that she was a valuable member and to maybe... say that she can stay..." Eden leaned in a bit. "some of the others don't seem too happy about a newbie... b-but I figured you guys let me in so... why not let in a nice doctor girl?" Eden whispered. "A-And also I found a harmonica in the woods!!" Eden added at the end. "Want me to show you? Here let me..." Eden dug around in his pockets trying to find it. He found it on the floor where he must have dropped it talking to Lexi earlier. Eden picked it up, dusted it off and gave it a couple blows. "Pretty neat huh?" Eden had already forgotten about conversation they had just had.


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