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Fantasy Silver Pack-Werewolves

She bent down, seeing a rock on the floor and picked it up, but it wasn't heavy enough to cover the trap. It obviously had the design of a land mine, but Lupa knows what would happen to her if she took her foot off.
Vincent let out a low, drawn out groan, shifting between his sheets before rolling reluctantly out of his warm haven. His hands fumbled around the nightstand next to his bed, looking for a contact case, being rewarded with a 'clack!' against the floor, "Found them" he thought sarcastically to himself. He bent down and snatched the troublesome thing from the floor, opening it and putting the clear half domes in his eyes. Vincent went on through the steps, cloths, hair, teeth, then made his way outside, noting how late in the day it had become, "I slept in" he scolded himself, "What if something bad happened?"

Vincent stood on his porch and scanned the area for activity, he picked up on the tense feeling of stress and dragged his hand down his face in frustration "Something DID happen" he thought bitterly, "Good job". He saw Candece, Eden and Vedix, deciding that they could catch him up. He strode over to them, and gave a curt nod to them as greeting, deciding not to waste time he looked at the other beta and asked in his low voice that he solemnly used, still gravely from sleep, "Something happened" he said it more as a statement then a question.
Her paws were light on the soft ground, she could barely see where to walk, the stark whiteness of her small paws swam before her amber eyes as she stumbled, she was so hungry... Zaydah Rayne was stumbling into the Silver Pack's territory, there was a small alert in the back of her dying mind that she had passed over a scent marker, but the louder thought was: Find Food. Find Shelter. Find other Wolves. her fur was white with black markings along her shoulders and back, in good times it was thick and beautiful and gleamed in even dim sunlight, but now, it was thin and scraggly, the scar, fresh, along her back glowed in contrast with the black strip of fur, her eyes were drooped and her ribs stuck out painfully, her hips almost seemed to cut the air when she walked. that voice went off in her head again telling her that if the wolves of this territory were to find her trespassing, they may attack, and with her hunger making it to the point that she couldn't even shift to a human, a fight with strong wolves would not benefit her today. So, she lifted her head and let a weak, but traveling howl, it spoke of her distress: I am here, I am dying, please help....
Cadence rolled her eyes at Vedix's remark. "You know what I mean, Vedix," she said with a sigh. She watched as Eden stuffed the bag with melons, and as much as she wanted to agree with Vedix, he did have a point, but she wasn't going to let him take out his anger on poor Eden. He was only sixteen, after all. "Eden, continue collecting the melons. I'll take care of the fridge." From the corner of the eye, she spotted Vincent, walking towards them. She chuckled when he jumped straight to the point. That's Vincent for you, no beating around the bush. His senses were so much more articulate than hers - he'd just woken up and he already knew something was wrong. She admired him for that. "Morning Vincent. Yeah, Eden found some nets in the forest, but we're not sure if they're mean't for us. For now, nobody's allowed to leave the base alone. Hilary left early though, so Violet and Elliot have gone to get her back." She looked across at Eden, hoping she hadn't scared him. "I'm sure they'll be back soon," she added, hoping it would weaken the blow. Saying that, she lead Vedix towards her cabin. "Let's fix you up," she said. "And not just for the sake of the melons."
As he was lead into the cabin, Vedix was about to shoot off another retort when he paused. Thinking he had heard something, the blind man turned towards the border and listened once more.

Being blind had its perks.

"I'm not sure you could've heard it, but there was a howl near the border of our territory with that other pack. Apparently someone from there is dying just on the inside of ours and wants help."
She nodded, as she heard it too. It was faint, but she could catch a few words mixed between the howls. "You're right," she said, turning to look over at the border, hoping to pick up some more howls, but heard nothing. "I'm not sure if going there to check would be the smartest idea, though. Somehow, with the nets and everything, this just seems a bit too suspicious. It could be a trap." On the other hand, if it was a dying wolf, Cadence would feel horrible if she was the cause of it's death. But she had her mind made up. Turning towards Vedix, she said, "Go find Lexie. She'll probably be able to help you. Me and Vincent will go check on the cause of the noise. If we're not back in about half an hour, run." She emphasized the last word, hoping Vedix would understand how it was important it was that he followed her orders. She wasn't sure whether he was capable enough to handle a hunter, and she didn't want to put any lives at risk. What with Violet and Elliot gone, there was no one left to protect them, and from the looks of it, Lexie needed to be trained to fight too.

She ran back to Elliot, and said, panting, "You hear those howls? We should go check on them. It sounds as if the wolf is badly hurt."
Zaydah Swayed on her feet, and took a few more stumbling steps. her form shimmered as she tried to shift into a human and failed, she collapsed onto her hollow belly, her eyes began to drift close, she wished her death would be less painful, that the monster known as hunger would cease clawing at her belly.
Eden stopped working when he heard the howls. "Hmmm..." He watched Cadence, seeing what he course of action would be. He quickly finished up in the garden, doing a surprisingly good job for the rush he was in, and then walked over to her and Vincent. "Hey Vinny, you hear the bad news? I sure hope the traps weren't meant for us." Eden paused remembering the howls. "You guys heard that, right?" He looked between the two.

Vincent nodded in agreement, by the sound of Candece's voice these nets weren't a joke. He tried thinking whether it'd be best to run in guns blazing or try to help whoever was out there, both ways could get the whole pack in trouble. He shook his head, it would be best to assess the situation after they actually got there. He was broken from his thoughts by Eden's remark on the howls, "Kid's way too trusting" he thought, deciding not to respond, he didn't want to lie, but he also didn't want to tell Eden what he really thought.

"Be good" Vincent deadpanned, completely avoiding the question and going off to join Candece and Elliot. He got there just in time to hear Candece deliver the news. "It sounds like bait" he added.
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Elliot smelled her before anything else, speeding up his pace her spotted Hillary standing up ahead but she wasn't moving. "Hillary, are you all right.." once he got nearer his voice drifted away as he got the answer to his question, she was standing on a trap and couldn't move without risking activating it. "Don't worry Hillary, we'll get you out of this" Elliot said reassuringly before turning back to Vi "did you bring a knife with you? We need to cut the net."

@MadamMoon @Codebreaker
Violet ran up behind Elliot. Hilary was in a bad situation and if anyone found them, it would only get worse. She threw her backpack down and pulled put a knife and handed it to Elliot. Vi backed up a bit and looked around to make sure no one was aeound, but she didn't sense or smell anything.

@ShadowSketches @Codebreaker
Elliot took the knife and and crouched down, carefully cutting the net so that it wouldn't be able to trap Hillary. After a while he leaned back and inspected the trap a last time, once he was sure that the net couldn't spring and trap Hillary, he grabbed her and helped her get off the trap carefully. Letting out a sigh in relief as she stepped off, a little part of him worried that the trap would still somehow spring and trap her. "Phew I'm glad that worked out, it would have been a rough time having to climb up and cut you down if I messed up" he joked, trying to calm himself down as the pressure of fiddling with a trap was harder than he expected.

@MadamMoon @Codebreaker
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Violet walked back up to them. She was glad to see that Hilary was okay, but she was getting more concerned. It seemed that there were more of these traps than they had even known about. It made her feel worried about the others being back at the cabins by themselves. If they truly were hunting them, it wouldn't be safe around here until they identified who was placing all the traps. She looked at Elliot. "Do you think that they're hunting us? I don't know with these many traps, and them being along our scout's route, that it's just a coincidence anymore."

@ShadowSketches @Codebreaker
Elliot sighed, he's still hoping that these traps aren't meant for them "I don't know Vi, but for now we have to treat like they are meant for us. Come on let's go back, I don't want to leave the others alone for so long" Patting Vi on the shoulder, he handed the knife back to her and started to walk back, leading the two back to the pack.

@MadamMoon @Codebreaker
Vi followed behind Elliot closely. She was a bit paranoid now, and was constantly searching around to make sure that no one was following her. Her nerves were trying to get the best of her, but she tried to keep her composure the best that she could under the given circumstances. It was kind of impressive the way the Hilary remained calm, not knowing that we were coming or what was going to happen. Once they got back to camp Vi Saw Eden, Vedix, Vincent, and Cadence still there and well. She let out a sigh of relief before she went to her cabin in a hurry to try and hide the fact that she was losing control of herself. That was something she couldn't let the others see.

@MindScape @StoneWolf18
One they arrived back, Vi hurriedly went back to the cabin. He was slightly worried about her, this whole trouble has gotten everyone on edge but as the Alphas they needed to remain calm for the others, they were the ones that the others needed to be able to rely on when shit hit the fan. Still, that's a lot of pressure so it wasn't a surprise to see that even Vi was starting to overload, so once he checked and saw the others were all there with all their limbs, he went and followed her and make sure she was okay.

MadamMoon said:
Vi followed behind Elliot closely. She was a bit paranoid now, and was constantly searching around to make sure that no one was following her. Her nerves were trying to get the best of her, but she tried to keep her composure the best that she could under the given circumstances. It was kind of impressive the way the Hilary remained calm, not knowing that we were coming or what was going to happen. Once they got back to camp Vi Saw Eden, Vedix, Vincent, and Cadence still there and well. She let out a sigh of relief before she went to her cabin in a hurry to try and hide the fact that she was losing control of herself. That was something she couldn't let the others see.
@MindScape @StoneWolf18
Eden turned to see them returning and he was thrilled to see that Hillary had returned, alive and well. "Hillary!!!!" Eden shouted in exitement but mostly relief. He sprinted over to her and tackle hugged her to the ground. "Oh I was so worried! I thought you may have gotten caught in one of those traps!" Eden's eyes gleamed with an outburst of joy. "Thank god you're okay!" Eden suddenly felt guilty. "I should have told you guys about the nets sooner... Im sorry." Things could have ended up quite a bit worse for the groupl, they were lucky, he was lucky. He would not have been able to live with the guilt of getting one of his pack mates seriously hurt or killed. He would be more careful from now one, or at least try. Knowing Eden it would take some time before he started picking up on real danger. "I want to do the training. Please be my mentor Hillary..." Eden said softly as he held her in a loving embrace. "I want to do the training, I want to help the pack..." Eden spoke with passion and emotion, something that was quite rare of Eden. "I want to be a scout." He stated proudly.

@Codebreaker @MadamMoon @ShadowSketches @Felicis
Vi paced back and forth in the cabin. She could feel her eyes glowing. Anger seeped from her, she was supposed to hold her composure in times of stress, but this time she was crumbling under it. A low growl started to come from her, but she shook it away. She wanted to stay quiet so the others, hopefully, wouldn't notice what was happening. Taken over by her anger, and trying to ignore it, she hadn't known that Elliot had followed her back to the cabin.

"It could be," replied Cadence. "But we should go none the less." She glanced at the Alpha's, and noticed how stressed they were. "Maybe...it would be better if we went alone," she whispered into Vincent's ear.
Vincent watched the group come back, instantly feeling the boiling stress from the alphas. It put him on edge just being in the same area as them, he felt like a sponge half the time, just soaking up the emotions around him and it annoyed the hell out of him. He glanced at Candece and replied, "That'd be best."

He crossed his arms below his chest and sighed, "The sooner we leave the better" he mumbled, noticing how talkative he's been since he woke up.
Napsterbox said:
Vincent watched the group come back, instantly feeling the boiling stress from the alphas. It put him on edge just being in the same area as them, he felt like a sponge half the time, just soaking up the emotions around him and it annoyed the hell out of him. He glanced at Candece and replied, "That'd be best."
He crossed his arms below his chest and sighed, "The sooner we leave the better" he mumbled, noticing how talkative he's been since he woke up.
Cadence nodded, and slowly made her way towards the borders of the base, careful not to get spotted by the Alpha's. She crept around the cabins, and walked along the border until she could hear the growls getting louder, until they stopped. Carefully stepping through the undergrowth, she made her way into the forest, but not quite, careful not to lose sight of the peaked roofs of the cabins. She walked farther and farther into the woods, looking back every few steps she took. Just then, she stepped on something soft lying on the ground. She cried out, realizing with horror that what she was about to step on was a wolf, and the possible source of the pleading howls.
Elliot immediately saw how agitated Vi was, she was taking this roughly and starting to lose her composure. He needed to calm her down quickly before the others saw her like this, he slowly walked towards her and putt a hand on her shoulder reassuringly "It's going to be all right Vi, we can't afford to lose our cool in front of the other."

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Vi growled once more, but started to breath in deeply at Elliot's words. All the thoughts that were running to her mind came to a pause and she could feel her eyes go back to their normal color. She nodded her head at Elliot. "You're right. We should probably go check on them and make sure that Eden hasn't set any more fires to people's cabins." Vi rubbed her face slightly, before she started to walk to the door.


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