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Fantasy Silver Pack-Werewolves

Elliot grabbed Vi's hand as she walked past "Are you sure your all right? We can always take a small break if you need it, our group of misfits can handle themselves for five minutes." He joked, but he was actually worried about Vi, having all this responsibility was a huge load for anyone to carry on their shoulders. "I just don't want you to overload on me, all right?"

Vi stopped and looked back up at him. She laughed at Elliot's joke. He was always good at that. "Honestly, I'm not sure. A break wouldn't hurt. Though you would go crazy not knowing what everyone was up to." She looked towards the ground trying to avoid his gaze. Her mind started to race again, but she shook away her thoughts. Over thinking was what would drive her over the edge.

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Elliot rubbed his eyes "Well at least let's get something to eat, I haven't had anything since I woke up. We can check on them while we get food" he said, his stomach has been bothering him all morning but his job as the Alpha always came first. Still, starving to death wouldn't help anyone.

Violet nodded. The apple she had eaten hasn't get her going for very long. Especially with everything they'd already done today. It had definitely been quite the eventful day. She looked back up at him. "Well, what would you like? We can have just about anything." She wasn't sure what was in her own fridge, but she knew they could get anything pretty easily.

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"Do we have any meat left? Seeing Vedix's blood being sprayed on the garden ruined my appetite for fruits and veggies..." Elliot grimaced and stuck his tongue out a little as he remembered how the blind man cut his hands open on the weeds earlier, hopefully they managed to clean the garden up.

Vincent followed along with Candece, keeping a steady pace all while listening for any unusual activity. He was so engrossed in keeping watch that when Candece screamed he jumped, yanking her away from the wolf lying in front of them before he even saw it. Realizing his knee jerk reaction he let go of the back of her shirt and apologized, directing his attention to the problem at hand. He instantly saw how thin she was and how fresh the wounds that littered her pelt were. "She looks weak...but still, it could be a trick" he glanced at Candece "I'll check the surrounding woods, you can handle her, right?" he paused again "If it's some kind of ambush we should have smelled it by now and i would find them anyway when i go to look." Vincent thought, trying to kill off the feelings of guilt for leaving Candece alone with a strange wolf in a forest that may be filled with hunter, still, he felt the familiar emotion gnaw at his stomach.
Violet nodded. "Last time I checked we still had some deer and rabbit near left in the freezer. There might be duck, but I doubt it. That usually gets used up pretty fast around here it seems. I can go get it for you of you want me to." Vi liked to cook and she did most of the time for the pack. Sometimes Eden would help her in the kitchen.

Cadence nodded in reply, too stunned to scrape the words out of her throat. She was afraid, that was sure, in the middle of the woods, with an unknown wolf at hand and a recent discovery of hunting traps. These coincidences lined up too perfectly to suit her taste, but she tried her hardest not to let the fear show on her face, reassuring herself that even if she was attacked, she would be able to handle her attackers, albeit not easily. So she distracted herself, ignoring the unnerving silence of the woods, as she busied herself with examining the wolf's body. She was weak, obviously, Cadence could see the ribs jutting out beneath her pelt, which was encrusted with dirt, grime and blood. Cadence bit her lip, wishing she had the water to revive the wolf, perhaps even some meat. But there was nothing she could do. She was helpless.

The wolf was light enough for Cadence to be able to carry her. They would be able to take her back to camp, if they weren't killed first, that is.

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Eden left her to think, she was clearly tired. He hoped she would let him train under her. He had always wanted to be a scout, and what a better way to become one than with Hillary? He walked around, hoping to find some more people to talk to. Everybody was out it seemed, but he had seen Vi and Elliot return. He decided to make his way to Violet's cabin.

@MadamMoon @ShadowSketches
His ears perked up at the prospect of getting to eat deer, he thought that the pack had finished it but they were probably too busy devouring the duck he had caught "We might as well finish off the rest of the deer, need my help with the cooking? You'd get to see me in an apron~" Elliot teased as he smirked slightly, they both knew Vi was the better cook but Elliot could hold his own in the kitchen.

((Sorry it took so long))

Zaydah Rayne blearily opened one dim amber eye and whined: I'm sorry I'm so weak, I'm an Omega from Saturn pack in the mountains... Human hunters wiped my pack out. I'm the last one. Zaydah tried to stand, but flopped back over, I cant shift back to Human form... I'm sorry. She wasnt very big even for a wolf, and her thin-ness made her look hollow.
Violet laughed and shook her head. "I would love for your help Master Chef Elliot." She bowed sarcastically and ran to the freezer before he could do anything. She reached to the bottom of it finding three packages of deer. She grabbed them all and brought then back into the kitchen. She started to cut open the packages and pointed to the cupboards. "You can get a pan out if you'd like. We'll need a pretty big one to fit all of this in it. There's going to be quite a bit here once we're done."

MadameRedWolf said:
((Sorry it took so long))
Zaydah Rayne blearily opened one dim amber eye and whined: I'm sorry I'm so weak, I'm an Omega from Saturn pack in the mountains... Human hunters wiped my pack out. I'm the last one. Zaydah tried to stand, but flopped back over, I cant shift back to Human form... I'm sorry. She wasnt very big even for a wolf, and her thin-ness made her look hollow.
Cadence gulped. Her instincts told her to trust the girl, but somehow, she just couldn't be sure. The day's events had played out in a very...specific way, making it hard for Cadence to trust anybody. "Shh..." she told the wolf, clearly seeing that she was too weak to talk. She gently placed the wolfs head in a comfortable position in the grass, and said as soothingly as possible, "It's okay, we'll take you to safety, you'll be fine in sometime." However, Cadence couldn't hide the nervousness in her voice. She looked around desperately for Vincent, hoping he'd return soon.

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Eden smelled the raw meat and his mouth watered. "Deer... mmm..." He shook his head, it was not his, but he would get satisfaction of preparing it, and sometimes Vi would let him help her out. He knocked on her cabin door and peaked a head in. "Hey Vi, you in here? You need any help in the kitchen? I'd love to help out!" Eden said enthusiastically.

@MadamMoon @ShadowSketches
Zaydah let her eye slide close, and just lay there, the faint rise and fall of her ribs showing that she still breathed.
Elliot swung his arm where Vi was to playfully smack her for teasing him but she ran for the safety of the kitchen before he could land it "Hmphh, I could be a master chef if I wanted to..." He joked, going to the cupboards and grabbing one of the bigger pans they had. As he handed it to Vi he saw Eden poke his head in "You know, most people will wait for someone to answer the door before poking their head into someone else's private living area!" Elliot told Eden, looking sternly at him but with laughter in his eyes, he was only slightly annoyed as he was too busy anticipating the juicy meal he was about have to care that much.

@MadamMoon @Eden Smithe
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Vincent shifted into a large wolf, mostly black and grey with vibrant orange mixed in, he hated it, he hated this body with a passion, but he was aware that t he job needed to be done quickly so he bared with it. Vincent decided to work in a circle and meet Candece when he was done, it didn't take long, but he did notice an over sized bear trap hidden in the foliage. He almost tripped it, but saw the chain peeking out and backed up, "I'd better trip it so nobody gets caught by accident" so, he flicked a sizable rock into the center, triggering a violent snap that definitely would have left any poor wolf's leg a bloody, broken, useless mess. Vincent immediately went to return to Candece, keeping his eyes glued to the ground in front of him as he looked for traps.

The wolf came up behind Candece and began padding along side her, he decided not to shift back, not exactly wanting to walk into camp naked.
Violet laughed but shouted in the direction of the door. "You can come in Eden, it's fine. You'll have to fight Elliot off though, he's helping me as well. There's enough for you to help as well." She laughed more but grabbed some seasoning to put on the sizzling meat.

@ShadowSketches @Eden Smithe
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"Come on Eden, don't you want to challenge me for the position of Kitchen Helper Alpha?" Elliot teased the nervous pup, continuing to help Vi around the kitchen as best he could. "But seriously Eden, you should be more careful about walking into other's home without waiting for permission. What if you ended up prancing in when we were..." Elliot stopped himself, shook his head and looked away, focusing on helping with the cooking "Err.. never mind."

@MadamMoon @Eden Smithe
Eden's mouth continued to water, but he shook it off, controlling his instincts. "No, you guys look pretty busy, I would only just get in the way." He listened to Elliot and nodded. "Yeah, sorry again Elliot, it won't happen again I promise!" He felt as if he needed to make it up to Elliot somehow. "I'll see you guys later!" He ran off exited, thinking of something he could do for the alpha. He was pacing around the camp sight when he got a brilliant idea. He was going to camouflage his cabin! It would fit right into the forrest and nobody would discover him. It could be the perfect hiding place from hunters or enemy wolves! "It's perfect!" Eden ran around collecting supplies he needed. He got about fifty rolls of toilet paper, a bucket full of sap, some tree branches and a bunch of leaves. Eden started by limbing to the top of his cabin. He dumped the sap all over the top of the roof letting it drip down the cabin slowly. "Haha, sticky..." He then started placing the branches all over the house, trying to make it look like a tree. He stuck about a hundred branches all over. Then, he dumped the leaves everywhere, they stuck to the house and branches. To top it off eden started throwing toilet paper rolls ove the house, using them all up. He sat down, observing his masterpiece. It was a gigantic, awful, atrocious mess, but Eden did not realize that. He thought it was cool, and although it was not the best came, it still looked pretty awesome. He thought Elliot was going to love it.

The twins was in their wolf form as they stopped running and walked towards the river. Lucia has finally gave in to her brother, Elijah, as they stopped for a drink. Lucia took a little sip on the water while Elijah drank about ten litres. She shook her head and nudged him in the back, making him fell into the water. She laughed, which came out as a weird growling sound in her wolf form. Elijah took a while to come back to the shore. "Lucia!" Elijah shouted through their mind connection, "you better run while you can dear sister!" Lucia eyes widen as she started running. As soon as Elijah got out of the water, he began chasing his sister, wanting to get revenge on her. They chased each other around, unaware of the fact that there was a pack nearby and they had played way too close to the border.

Elijah was finally able to tackled his sister down and they rolled around a couple of times before coming to a stop. "Get off Elijah," Lucia said, trying to push him off. Elijah shook his wolf head, "not till you apologise." Lucia kept quiet till Elijah put his weight on he. "Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" She shouted through their connection. "Now say I'm handsome and you-" Lucia didn't let Elijah finish the sentence by saying a blunt 'no'. Elijah finally get off of her and she stood up, shaking any water that got on her. "Come on, we gotta keep moving..." she trailed off as she realised that she doesn't recognise this part of the forest at all. She turned to her brother, "Elijah, where are we?" Elijah had the same expression on his face as he took in the surrounding. "Which way is the way home?" He said to himself as a quiet growl left his wolf mouth.

Lucia speaking in human

Lucia speaking in wolf

Elijah speaking in human

Elijah speaking in wolf
Violet blushes lightly at Elliot's comment, but shook it away, focusing on getting the deer done. She was going to call out to Eden again, but he was already gone. She flipped the meat over in the pan. Her own stomach growling at the smell. "It should be done any second now." She said to Elliot. Putting some more seasonings on it, and some fresh greens.

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Cadence breathed a sigh of relief when Vincent returned. She gave the wolf a tight hug before standing up herself. "Woah, for a minute there I thought something happened to you!" But she was glad he was back, so they could finally leave the darned forest. Gently, she scooped up the weak wolf, careful not to apply pressure against her open wounds and started walking back to camp. As she entered the clearing, she walked straight to Violet's house, wasting no time that would perhaps cause the weak wolf to die.

She barged into the cabin, slamming open the door. It wasn't polite of her, she knew that, but desperate times called for desperate measures. "Elliot," she said, panting, her body obviously not made for carrying loads for a long distance. "Help me out with her, please? She's wounded."

@MadamMoon @MadameRedWolf @ShadowSketches
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