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Fantasy Silver Pack-Werewolves

Elliot frowned, annoyed when he heard someone slam the door open to the cabin as he was about to finally be able to eat. Turning around to confront the disturbance he saw Cadence panting as she stood in the cabin, holding an injured wolf in her arms. "Damn, what the hell happened?!" he immediately went straight towards them, thankfully he saw the injured wolf wasn't one of his pack but that still left a question of how Cadence found her. Gently he grabbed the wolf in his hand, she was so frail that he was almost scared that she would crumble into tiny pieces in his arms. He waked over towards the dinner table to lay the wolf gently on it, then began inspecting her wombs to see how severe they were. "Get the new girl, Lexie I think, she's supposed to have medical knowledge right?" he said to Cadence.

@Felicis @MadamMoon @MadameRedWolf @xMellowmint
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Vedix had been sitting on the poor excuse for a porch outside his cabin. He had found an old t-shirt he wrapped around his wounds. Though after some commotion, the sharp scent of blood and death other then his own was quite present. Standing though still keeping his hand concealed, the blind man made his way over, wanting to see who was hurt.

As he neared, the wolf was relieved yet also a bit disappointed it wasn't Eden. But it was another new person, the one who had howled.

Can this day get any better?
"Um...long story short, we heard a noise, we went to the woods, we found her, we came back," she said to Elliot as she followed him to the dining room table. She turned to see Eden standing there. "Could you please go get Lexie?" she asked him. She did not want to be separated from the wolf, maybe she'd tell Cadence something. None the less, she felt like she was abandoning the poor wolf. Cadence spoke to her in the calmest voice she could muster. "It's okay, we're not going to hurt you." She ran back to the kitchen, grabbed the first water pitcher she could find, and ran back to Elliot. Pouring a little into the wolf's throat, she waited for her to indicate any signs of life.

@MadameRedWolf @ShadowSketches
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When the water touched her mouth she felt a surge of adrenaline, and lifted her head fast and dipped her muzzle into the pitcher gulping down the water
Vincent was surprised at the hug and kinda froze, noticing a new scents drift to his nose. He parted from Candece, content with knowing she was with everyone else and followed the smell, still in his shifted form. As it grew stronger he realized there were two, and they were young. He crept into the clearing to see the offenders, standing together. Vincent eased up and padded into the clearing, intentionally being noisy so they would see him right away. Though he knew they weren't a real threat and he could easily take them down the delta decided to keep his distance, as not to startle them to badly.
Cadence was taken aback by the sudden flury of motion coming from the wolf, who only a few moments ago did not have the energy to lift herself up. She took a step back, hoping to give the wolf some space.

As Eden walked through the door with Lexie, she gave a sigh of relief. Finally, some professional care.

Her attention drafted off to Vedix, who had come in just a few moments before Eden and Lexie. Noticing his hands, she asked, "How are they? Your hands, I mean."

Elijah listened closely as he looked around. "Hey, can you hear that?" he asked his sister. "Did you really just asked me that question?" Lucia shook her head and relied on her sense of smell and vision. Elijah was the first one to see and hear a wolf enter the clearing. He stood in front of his sister protectively as he stared at the wolf. Lucia, on the other hand, was able to smell the wolf from a far. She didn't get to see the wolf, since her brother stood in front of her. She leans on one side to take a peak at the wolf. He was bigger than both of them and there was no way that the twins will be able to take him.

Vincent saw the male take a protective stance in front of the female and instantly felt bad. He sat down, trying to look as non-threatening as possible while still not going completely submissive. He was at a bit of a loss, hoping that they'd get the message that he didn't mean to up and
Zaydah whined in slight fear, then looked at the new person, I-I am starving... my old pack never taught me to hunt... I'm too weak to shift to a human...
The twins watches the male wolf sat down and Lucia could feel her brother relaxed just a bit. "I don't think he's going to harm us," Lucia spoke to her brother, "and I don't smell any other wolf with him." Elijah slowly let his guard down and walked up to the wolf. "Stay there," Elijah told her. Lucia did what she was told to and, unlike Elijah, she was ready, if Elijah needed her. Elijah, the younger of the twins, stopped just in front of the bigger wolf. Both of them had left their change of clothes at their 'house', since they didn't think that they would be shifting back. "How exactly are you going to communicate with him?" Lucia asked her brother with amusement in her tone.

Vincent felt a familiar pang in his chest when the male came up to him, glad that he didn't come off as too intimidating. When the other got close enough he lowered his head, coming face to face with him before playfully blowing out a quick jet of air from his nose and then straightening himself up.

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Elijah turned to his sister and motioned for her to come over, seeing that the male wolf didn't mean any harm. Lucia walked over and stood next to her brother, looking at the male wolf with curiosity. Elijah stood up and nudged the wolf softly, as Lucia walked around the male wolf. "I think he's nice," Elijah stated simply. "I think we need to be careful," Lucia told her brother, "why are you so close-" The grumbling sound coming out of their stomach cut her off. If they were in their human form, others would have noticed their cheek turning pink. Lucia stopped walking around the wolf then nudged her brother, making him moved away from the other wolf. Being safe is a lot better than being sorry later on.

Vincent let them do their little inspection of him with out protest, lifting one of his paws to let them walk more freely. Once he heard the female's stomach growl he stood up, "Must've been a while since they've eaten" he thought. He could go against his better judgement and take them to camp, risking getting Elliot angry for dumping two more mouths on the pack, or he could go with his gut and help two kids that might need it. In the end he isn't as tough as he looks and kids just happen to be his kryptonite. The large wolf gestured for them to follow him, then began walking back towards camp, not checking to see if they did end up following, but leaving the decision up to them.

Elijah followed the wolf straight away, where as Lucia, who seems to think first before following her brother. "I'm only coming because I don't want you to cause trouble," Lucia grumbled as she walked next to her brother. Elijah's soft laugh rang through her head, "you're usually the one causing trouble!" At Elijah's statement, Lucia nudged Elijah, making him stumbled a little towards the side. This time, it was Lucia's turn to laugh at her brother. Once Elijah composed himself, he did the same to Lucia, but had no effect since she was expecting him to do that. Both of them kept playing with each other quietly as they followed the male wolf to wherever he's taking them.

Vincent arrived in camp with the pups not far behind, he motioned for them to stop then ran ahead to his cabin, shifting and changing in less than 5 minutes. It only took him a moment to see what cabin the majority of the pack was held up in, easily making his way over. He knocked and opened the door,

"Found two more in the woods" he reported, glancing back at them
As soon as Lexie walked in Elliot prepared things he thought they might need to fix the injured wolf up. He grabbed one of his white t-shirts from the closet and ripped it up for them to use as bandages, a bowl full of water, and alcohol to disinfect the cuts. After he got all these supplies and put them near the table, Vincent walked in and said he found two more "Two more of what?!" Elliot raised his voice, not quite yelling but almost there, having an injured wolf that looked close to death on their table has almost pushed him over the edge. "Ugh, I can't deal with whatever that is right now I have bigger problems on my plate!" He said, standing next to Lexie as they both looked down at the injured wolf.

@xMellowmint @Napsterbox @MadameRedWolf
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Felicia walke through the woods, and stumbled onto a weirdly placed log. Why werew a bunch of logs placed in a circle if this wasn't a nature walk? She looked upand saw abucnh of cabins and...wolves. There were wolves...with people. Notbeing eaten. What teh hell was going on?
"It's still bleeding, damned thing isnt healing like it should." Vedix responded to the question, his voice a boring monotone. Yet that was soon to change as he noticed something else aside from the blood and newer wolves. "Well...if you thought this day couldn't get any worse, it has." Taking a deep breath, pinpointing the origin of the scent and looking right in her direction. "There's a human nearby."
Zaydah Rayne had not slept for long when she opened her eyes, the clawing feeling in her stomach had woken her again. She watched the others mill around her, wondering what they were doing.

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