[Shards of Immortality] We speak no evil

Should probably clarify my demands: Anybody up for a dual-skit? I'm stuck in the ground until Chapter 1 gets going but I want a piece of the RP pie :[
Tabby said:
Oh sweet skits are up
EDIT: question for mizzard THE TOTALLY ORIGINAL BUTCHERY OF THE NAMES OF BOTH WIZARD+MIZ: what would be the preferred way to inform you guys when I finish Illya [sOON] and let you guys know that she's ready to be dropped in the round2 (or is it 3 already?) lookat thing?

hoping to finish her tonight/tomorrow now that I FINALLLLLY hammered everything out with the backstory/relationship link friend
By replying to your thread when your done :D !
As I said, I'm up for doing a skit with multiple Generals involving us waking up to the modern world... I think it doesn't just have to be 1, 2, or 2 characters.
If anyone wants to do a skit of the General that helped Serene get out of her religious and fanatical kingdom before joining the Overlord's forces, I'd be obliged.

That assumes she gets accepted and/or waitlisted first.

EDIT: Wait, we can't do that?! Awww...
Could make an argument for it being a Dialogue skit. >_> I think it'd work though skit rules seem a touch unnecessarily complex to me honestly.

If I do get accepted on Illya I'd be up for a skit like that - there are some similarities in themes in their backstories so that might be fun to play with. That said, Illya can be charismatic but she's also blunt as hell as a general/General so if you wanted a smooth-talker she's probably not your woman. She's very genuine though!
I thought there was something else than what had been posted in the skit forum...I agree, you could argue that established moments in prior history are fine, because it's been set that they happened already, or at least as far as dialogue goes.

I'd love to do a skit like that, as well. If you're willing to have multiple people involved, you can sign me up.
Skits are designed to also play out past events, yes. The skit system was originally developed by Miz and I for Gemstone.
The Mizzard? It is kind of reminiscent of the spelling for Wizzard that Rincewind uses for his hat.

AHAHAHAHA finally got Illya like 70% finished, but now is sleep, and tomorrow I hammer her into submission!

that wasn't supposed to sound like latent sadomasochistic tendencies, for the record.

just throwing that out there.
I had a few questions about what liberties we are allowed to take as far as posts in both the game and the skits since I am not entirely familiar with the system. How big are we allowed to think? What types of things are we allowed to say existed? As an example (which I do want to use) if Konrad was training Shadow Archers for guerrilla tactics at nights in the woods he would have set up some hunting blinds. They would have been used for equipment storage and as meeting points for the archers during extended traing exercises, and maybe as guard posts too. While I am pretty sure that this part is no problem, would I still be in the clear if I claimed that there were some magical equipment storage lockers in one (or more) which should contain some additional uniforms and weapons, maybe some dried foods too? Is it open enough (I realize with GM perogitive they might be destroyed or just be empty)? Should I be thinking smaller or larger? Could there be a protected weapon cache somewhere as well that Konrad would know about?
ghoti115 said:
I had a few questions about what liberties we are allowed to take as far as posts in both the game and the skits since I am not entirely familiar with the system. How big are we allowed to think? What types of things are we allowed to say existed? As an example (which I do want to use) if Konrad was training Shadow Archers for guerrilla tactics at nights in the woods he would have set up some hunting blinds. They would have been used for equipment storage and as meeting points for the archers during extended traing exercises, and maybe as guard posts too. While I am pretty sure that this part is no problem, would I still be in the clear if I claimed that there were some magical equipment storage lockers in one (or more) which should contain some additional uniforms and weapons, maybe some dried foods too? Is it open enough (I realize with GM perogitive they might be destroyed or just be empty)? Should I be thinking smaller or larger? Could there be a protected weapon cache somewhere as well that Konrad would know about?
I guess it depends upon if you want the event to be considered Canon or not. If you don't really care, than you can pretty much do as you like. If you want it to be Canon you should consider something that would be based around the game and make sense for whenever the skit is, such as before or after losing immortality. If it isn't canon you can have bubble gun powers.
Miz said:
I guess it depends upon if you want the event to be considered Canon or not. If you don't really care, than you can pretty much do as you like. If you want it to be Canon you should consider something that would be based around the game and make sense for whenever the skit is, such as before or after losing immortality. If it isn't canon you can have bubble gun powers.
I read that as bubble gum powers. Best power ever.

I mean, you can kick ass AND chew gum, none of this malarkey about running out of gum!
So the decision on something being canon is based on how much it fits into the setting/system/tech level. So what I got from that is no ICBMs, but firey arrows of death would be ok. No one has yet harvested the rubber plant to give the base for bubble gum or inflatable tires, but we can have candy and wood wheels with steel (or other metal) rims and spokes to strengthen them.

At least if we want to stay in canon.
Go with soft iron rims. Books are probably safe, as long as they are hand-scribed and not printed.

Captain Hesperus
What if they're hand scribed on human flesh

that's cool right

also Gutenberg was 1400s wasn't he? maybe not modern levels of hax but I would think that at least basic printing machines would exist here >_>
Technically, if it was 1000 years, then we would have had to have had Roman technology to not have cars driving around. That's if we want to get really technical though.

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