[Shards of Immortality] We speak no evil

Tempest said:
And I can't believe I haven't posted yet, despite having been the one to bump...
Just think! We could have a glorious pity party for each other about having been dead while Konrad is off wrasslin' with the beastie!

or catfight, idk
Tabby said:
Just think! We could have a glorious pity party for each other about having been dead while Konrad is off wrasslin' with the beastie!
or catfight, idk
Which one? Both sound interesting.
that depends on whether or not we can find a good pit of mud - or jello! - to do the deed in. Unless you have like six hundred packages of instant jello on you somewhere we might be up mud creek, but slowly licking the jello off each other after a proper fight would be a good end.

alternatively I mean we could go fight godzilla or whatever that thing is and make fun of Illya tromping along because FUCK STEALTH.

(seriously though are we waiting for Miz to say what it is whenever we find it or just making things up as we go?)
I think we make things up as we go.

Course, with my speed of posting, it should more appropriately be "making things up as you go."


that said honestly I'll probably leave it to other folks mostly to describe the nasty when we run into it, I just popped in so I don't want to be like oh btw I'm new BUT HERE'S HOW SHIT IS, DEAL WIT IT.
You know though it does amuse me that it seems like a lot of the absurdly skilled writers I know are a bit touch-and-go on consistency. Which is not to say that "great writer" and "inconsistent updates" are inherently linked, or that you need one to have the other, but in this game in particular, and many other RPs I've been in in the past, there is some level of connection. Might just be that putting so much work into posts taxes creativity more heavily, or a relentless search for perfection that can make posts take forever, or... something. Probably varies between individuals and even within groups based on degree, I doubt there's a single conclusion to be drawn.

Fact: The internet is full of interesting people.

Tempest we can probably make something happen for you to jump on in on these shenanigans. If you and Tabby don't figure anything out you're always welcome to sit with me and grumble about everything ever.
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]Tempest we can probably make something happen for you to jump on in on these shenanigans. If you and Tabby don't figure anything out you're always welcome to sit with me and grumble about everything ever.

Yeah, I'll second that - I'd be more than happy for a bit of IC conversation if you like, or maybe whatsherface can TAKE UMBRAGE at Illya's arrival/lack of saying hi to her, or comment on something, or vice versa! Nothing wrong with a bit of back-and-forth conversation as they walk, since Illya isn't even going to make a token attempt at stealth anyways.
...My head is full of confusion.

Besides, I feel like just staring at the night stars instead~ orz I'm so lazy...
Tabby said:
seriously though are we waiting for Miz to say what it is whenever we find it or just making things up as we go?
I'm not sure. Miz, should we describe our on hoofed beast that is out here for us to slay or do youhave something in mind? Something with great big tusks or horns or a barbed tail? Maybe a dire wolf-boar or a giant aardvark-bull?
Tabby said:
You know though it does amuse me that it seems like a lot of the absurdly skilled writers I know are a bit touch-and-go on consistency. Which is not to say that "great writer" and "inconsistent updates" are inherently linked, or that you need one to have the other, but in this game in particular, and many other RPs I've been in in the past, there is some level of connection. Might just be that putting so much work into posts taxes creativity more heavily, or a relentless search for perfection that can make posts take forever, or... something. Probably varies between individuals and even within groups based on degree, I doubt there's a single conclusion to be drawn.
Proof that I'm not that great-a-writer. Ah well. :D
WlfSamurai said:
Proof that I'm not that great-a-writer. Ah well. :D
Which is not to say that "great writer" and "inconsistent updates" are inherently linked' date=' or that you need one to have the other[/size']
Chillaaaaaax broskies. I didn't mean to insinuate anything of the sort, and you shouldn't think like that - brevity is an amazing quality to have! One that I'm a bit jelly of. So jelly I'm almost peanut butter and jelly, in fact. It's just fun thinking about all these possible correlations and accepting the things that prove them to not be universal/true at all.

Shards in general is just full of amazing people, simple as that.

I'm posting, but I think some of the corrido have been snatched off into the shadows...

Captain Hesperus
Since Miz has yet to say anything, I think you guys are free to imagine the beast as you please. Of course, try to keep it consistent. >_>
inb4 he's a spider cyclops scorpion orc harpie succubus octopus demon.

And also the Overlord

...'s big sister

"So, you guys found a giant, 6'3", tiny antelopewildebeestbearlionwolfsheep with reddish-green, black-orange straight-curly furwool. It lashed out at Konrad-Illya-Nar'Tae with its sharply curving hoof-claw-talons. Fortunately, it was shot-stabbed-frozen where it stood and you skinned-incinerated it to get the meat-teeth and a new fun hat...

Edit: damn, ninja'd

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]
"So, you guys found a giant, 6'3", tiny antelopewildebeestbearlionwolfsheep with reddish-green, black-orange straight-curly furwool. It lashed out at Konrad-Illya-Nar'Tae with its sharply curving hoof-claw-talons. Fortunately, it was shot-stabbed-frozen where it stood and you skinned-incinerated it to get the meat-teeth and a new fun hat...

Edit: damn, ninja'd

Captain Hesperus

It's possible that Illya may use something similar to that if forced to explain the situation to someone she dislikes, and I may steal that last line.

Mostly because the idea of her actually saying "fun hat" with a straight face is absolutely gigglicious.
Tabby said:
It's possible that Illya may use something similar to that if forced to explain the situation to someone she dislikes, and I may steal that last line.
Mostly because the idea of her actually saying "fun hat" with a straight face is absolutely gigglicious.
Konrad would have to ask if he could have the "fun hat".
How is it that "fun hat" sounds dirty, hilarious, and derogatory all at the same time? And yet, taken word for word, it is really none of those things...

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