[Shards of Immortality] We speak no evil

I suppose it depends on the technological advancements of the lands. If they had something of a Dark Age after the fall of the Tower, there's a potential for a regression in the knowledge of the kingdoms.

Or the people all just gained a huge dose of stupid after the Overlord vanished.

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]I suppose it depends on the technological advancements of the lands. If they had something of a Dark Age after the fall of the Tower, there's a potential for a regression in the knowledge of the kingdoms.
Or the people all just gained a huge dose of stupid after the Overlord vanished.

Captain Hesperus

I would honestly have to say the Dark Ages is the best bet.

You guys forget that when you guys vanished, there was a power vacuum created causing Anarchy and power squabbles to spread. However there is also another key factor. You guys were actively fighting the Nether, and prevented their beings from invading the Material Plane. So the past 1,000 years hasn't been a pretty place. Death, Pestilence, Wars and Famines were pretty much all that happened during your 1,000 years. There has been some advancements but not much.

The Overlord's Armies were also more sophisticated than most Kingdoms, so if anything they probably have only caught up, no more than narrowly passed your guys technologies if they have any advancements.

This is also discounting Magic and its effects on Technological Development. (As there is not as much of a necessity for Technology with Magic in existence).
Cirno said:
x_x I can no longer resist the pull. *applies*
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]You should post since your a PC now :) !

I am! Got the skit with Aurelia started, hoping Akampi finishes her character asap since we were hoping to wake up together what with having died together and all. If she hasn't gotten done+accepted in the next day or two I'll post regardless though haha, don't worry.
*is determined to get this thing really rolling* We'll get it there, Wiz. Even if I have to post after each response. Plus, I think people have healed their injuries. ;)


weird question of the day for you two

can I just post in a chap1 topic and update in the prologue later? Was hoping to sync awakening with Nar'Tae, what with them being impaled together and all, but I do want to get started ASAP and she might not be done until tomorrah.
Think I'm done with Muusab. She's rather reptilian and her motivation may be awkward, so I understand if she's not accepted.

She died a distance from the Tower, so she can be introduced late. Or I can have her remains float down the river into the forest.
Tabby said:

weird question of the day for you two

can I just post in a chap1 topic and update in the prologue later? Was hoping to sync awakening with Nar'Tae, what with them being impaled together and all, but I do want to get started ASAP and she might not be done until tomorrah.
I think that is fine...
I should've posted a week ago >.> Lazy Tempest! Bad Tempest! Bad Tempest! Bad Tempest!

Anyway, I'll be caught up... by 6 am, or so help me I'll have to hide from TeamSpeak.
blah sorry I got behind guys, this summer quarter math thing is beating my ass like a red-headed stepchild. I'll get a post up sometime tomorrow!

and Calgori I'll respond to the skit too HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT IT

now if only akampi would finish so we could get started blah OH WELL last I heard she was about done? let's hope so anyways. headin to bed now though so I can get up early and spend another hour and a half doing homework yaaaaaaay

I posted yesterday to say I was going to post tomorrow, then went and posted?

man I can't even estimate my posts RIGHT BEFORE I WRITE THEM


I am not good at computernetweb

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