[Shards of Immortality] We speak no evil

Part of the goal of getting longer posts is to make us better writers. The other part is a more enjoyable reading experience. Think about it- would you rather read one short wimpy line, or two lines that better describe the poor sot's story as he gets eaten by the dragon? Adding to this, grammar and spelling are also well appreciated things to keep in mind in posts.
Tempest said:
Part of the goal of getting longer posts is to make us better writers. The other part is a more enjoyable reading experience. Think about it- would you rather read one short wimpy line, or two lines that better describe the poor sot's story as he gets eaten by the dragon? Adding to this, grammar and spelling are also well appreciated things to keep in mind in posts.
Did I miss something else? My goodness, I'm not off to a very good start... *discouraged*
Don't mean to poke anybody in the back, but will skits be going up anytime soon? Don't worry about getting them done faster than they have to be, just an honest question.
I smell power-plays are about to occur. If it was anyone's wager, I would bet that that silly elf Vitae and that bear Rygel will try to duo-take on the old crotchety Necromancer Valdraccus.
Oh, the power-plays.

Makes me wish I wasn't buried :[ Nobody had better appoint themselves chief of menial labor while I'm gone.
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]Oh, the power-plays.
Makes me wish I wasn't buried :[ Nobody had better appoint themselves chief of menial labor while I'm gone.

No worries, you shall be the queen of menial labor!!!

Captain Hesperus
I hate to be the one to ask, but are we able to leave the box that is the Great Hall? Can we go out an explore the area surrounding the Tower or will we need to wait until Scene 1? I'm just trying to figure out if we can set out because I'm interested in seeing what is outside and maybe even stumble into digging up the Doctor.
ghoti115 said:
I hate to be the one to ask, but are we able to leave the box that is the Great Hall? Can we go out an explore the area surrounding the Tower or will we need to wait until Scene 1? I'm just trying to figure out if we can set out because I'm interested in seeing what is outside and maybe even stumble into digging up the Doctor.
Not until scene 1 sorry. That is when official storyteller interaction begins and npcs etc.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Not until scene 1 sorry. That is when official storyteller interaction begins and npcs etc.

With most of us are gearing up to get going, we needed to know before attempted to leave.
Ignitedstar said:
Sooo... um... What exactly does the world look like after a thousand years?
Wait, is that question about what the now island that the Overlord's keep sits on looks like, or what the outside world looks like?
I meant the outside world. A world changes a lot in a thousand years... especially when Humans and our fantasy counterparts are involved.
Poor Aurelia and Venore never made it inside :( And Banelun, Freyani, and Lilith didn't even post~ :P

Oh, question. When will the Waitlisted characters be joining us?
Tempest said:
Poor Aurelia and Venore never made it inside :( And Banelun, Freyani, and Lilith didn't even post~ :P
Oh, question. When will the Waitlisted characters be joining us?
Its back up for the moment then.
I think Doctor's character we will encounter in Chapter 1 by the Forest Search Group. He's kind of stuck, and I guess it will be pretty funny to see how you guys interact.
Oh sweet skits are up

EDIT: question for mizzard THE TOTALLY ORIGINAL BUTCHERY OF THE NAMES OF BOTH WIZARD+MIZ: what would be the preferred way to inform you guys when I finish Illya [sOON] and let you guys know that she's ready to be dropped in the round2 (or is it 3 already?) lookat thing?

hoping to finish her tonight/tomorrow now that I FINALLLLLY hammered everything out with the backstory/relationship link friend
Tabby said:
Oh sweet skits are up
EDIT: question for mizzard THE TOTALLY ORIGINAL BUTCHERY OF THE NAMES OF BOTH WIZARD+MIZ: what would be the preferred way to inform you guys when I finish Illya [sOON] and let you guys know that she's ready to be dropped in the round2 (or is it 3 already?) lookat thing?

hoping to finish her tonight/tomorrow now that I FINALLLLLY hammered everything out with the backstory/relationship link friend
I like how you added an extra z.
I have an appropriate monologue skit in mind of Mordechai for this very moment in the prologue.

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